Ati HDTV Experience and Screen Shots


Apr 14, 2002
I had to use the latest drivers in order to get the DTV to function at all. The drivers can be located HERE . So, far I am very happy with it. I am able to get great signals on all the major networks. Here are a few screen shots I took today on a couple 1080i stations. I have reduced the size of the pics by 50%.

Here is the full size of the below pic.






Very nice looking. <3 HDTV 1080i. I have a standalone Samsung tuner though.
That is very nice. What are you using to output this to your television? I really like the HDTV from the Olympics, expecially the Greece helecopter tour you have a screenshot of.

Are you using the PVR function? If so, how is it...
Do you have some sort of sharpness control enabled? It looks like there is some edge enhancement artifacts for HD in those shots, especially the first and last. (The halo effect around objects) Might have been part of the broadcast tho.
wow, whose house is that?

anyone notice the mustach on the one chick?
Put on AA and see if it fixes the edges for the first down line in the 1st pic =P
Thats that Abbey in Greece where they filmed that one James Bond movie right?

Its cool, the only way to get into it is a gondola, or by foot.
That looks great, but I know very little about HDTV... How much does that card go for?
I'm thinking about getting one. $200 though is high. I guess I would have to get a HD cable box as well I'm not sure.
ThisMonsterLives said:
I'm thinking about getting one. $200 though is high. I guess I would have to get a HD cable box as well I'm not sure.
All you need is this card which is $180 at amazon or $185 at newegg. No extra "HD cable box is needed". I receive every single local station in HD for free with the provided antenna.
tranCendenZ said:
Do you have some sort of sharpness control enabled? It looks like there is some edge enhancement artifacts for HD in those shots, especially the first and last. (The halo effect around objects) Might have been part of the broadcast tho.

R1ckCa1n said:
That is very nice. What are you using to output this to your television? I really like the HDTV from the Olympics, expecially the Greece helecopter tour you have a screenshot of.

Are you using the PVR function? If so, how is it...

I am watching this on my 23" Gateway Widescreen LCD and it looks GREAT. I am able to rewind/pause and everything, I am very pleased with my purchase. I definitely recommend the HDTV wonder for those in big cities with several HD stations. I also need to say that the screen shots do not represent the true quality of the HDTV wonder.
ThisMonsterLives said:
I'm thinking about getting one. $200 though is high. I guess I would have to get a HD cable box as well I'm not sure.

I was reading this does not accept HD cable or sat boxes. Only does "OTA" (over the air).

CSI looks very good in HD as does Law and Order
OrionNT said:
I am very pleased with my purchase. I definitely recommend the HDTV wonder for those in big cities with several HD stations. I also need to say that the screen shots do not represent the true quality of the HDTV wonder.

BIG QUESTION: Does this work with Windows Media Center?
What is HD? (I mean on PC) what is the difference? Can't a normal ATI AIW card output HD "quality" on PC monitor?

awesome looking.

I tried a standard ATI pc capture card, and it was a horrible experience. The drivers and applications where absolute garbage....ended up with a generic Stuido PCTV card, but even that had horrible apps and drivers. I use showshifter for the recording and PVR.

Is it true these ATI cards do only OTA? No HD-Cable?
conscript said:
thanks, you can clearly see the benefit of hdtv doing a compare and contrast between the pictures above and yours.
Yeah mine arent HD because I dont have a "special" 6800 GT. :rolleyes:

My screen shots dont truely show how nice the picture is because of jpg compression and resizing for the forum, but HERE IS ANOTHER IN FULL RES.
Hey, OrionNT.

I have a 17 LCD Apple Studio Monitor and I was thinking about getting this HDTV tuner card because I love the way it looks. Do you think it would still be worth it for me to get it even though my monitor on supports a native resolution of 1280x1024? Would I still see a big difference than from my regulear tv or is it not worth it for me.
I gota quick question. I really want to get this, ive been watching some of the microsoft wmv stuff and looks great. I would be going from my RCA driectv satellite receiver to my computer. Now RCA makes HDTV receivers, would i have to get the HDTV receiver to view HDTV on my computer, or will every channel already be HDTV with just this one card?
This version of the HDTV wonder will not decode digital cable or satellite signals. It also does not have a standard YPrPb input so you can't just hookup a satellite box to it (unless you want to use a S-video cable and lose all the HDTV quality.)

Its really only designed for OTA free HDTV, regular analog coax, composite and S-video in (no component)

There may be a future version that can decode digital cable (ATSC) but there will probably never be a version that can decode satellite signals. Its not that ATi could not do it physically, there is a legal ramification to putting a satellite decoder inside a computer (Satellite companies will not allow it)
ZenOps said:
This version of the HDTV wonder will not decode digital cable or satellite signals. It also does not have a standard YPrPb input so you can't just hookup a satellite box to it (unless you want to use a S-video cable and lose all the HDTV quality.)

Its really only designed for OTA free HDTV, regular analog coax, composite and S-video in (no component)

There may be a future version that can decode digital cable (ATSC) but there will probably never be a version that can decode satellite signals. Its not that ATi could not do it physically, there is a legal ramification to putting a satellite decoder inside a computer (Satellite companies will not allow it)
so i only can do my local channels:( . do i have to use that weird lookin antenna it comes with, or can i just hook up my regular antenna thats on my roof?
kleptophobiac said:
You're making me want to finish my home theater project...

Me too! I actually went to Frys today to see if I might be able to pick one up, and only found the ATI display and NO CARDS......
Locally only ABC and NBC are in HD here. With an HD box I can get HBO, Showtime, and a number of other HD channels.

Maybe it's not worth it for me.
can i just hook up my regular antenna thats on my roof?

Yes, but I'd try using the included antenna first as it will work fine for people in larger metro areas and is omnidirectional. Like all antennae, try to place it a little higher for best reception.

OTA HDTV uses the same frequencies as the old fuzzy analog channels (VHF), so your old directional roof antenna will work as long as its not too badly rusted out.

BTW: It can be hard to find the cards, just like the X800 and 6800 they are in short supply. A lot of TV enthusiasts are drawn in by free HDTV with no monthly charge and I can't really blame them.
how do i find out wich channels are HDTV in my local area, i live in orange county, so it all the LA channels i guess
EnderW said:
I guess the DTV ones are the ones that broadcast in HDTV?


The Colts game tonight isnt on HD so I had to come to the game. LOL. I love my samsung i700. :)
Good stuff Orion. An HDTV Wonder is in the mail on its way to me right now. Do you know if the remote is version 2 of the Remote Wonder? Also, is this true hardware decoding for MPEG2 or is it still ATI's pseudo hardware decoding?

Also Orion, if you have a full size pic of that house I'd love to download it from you. Might make a cool desktop.