ATI Catalyst 9.1

If Ati holds true to their driver releases it will be tomorrow. That's when 99% of their drivers come out, on a weds...
it will be nice if they resolve that issue with source games and the flickering textures that can only be resolved by restarting the machine if it's gone to sleep
My stock clocked 4870 runs 500/900 @ 1.203, but with ATT I can change that to 200/200 @ 1.083v no problem.

How'd you pull that off? I have a 4850 X2 and ATT won't let me underclock below the CCC limits, which are about the same as the 4870 X2.
How'd you pull that off? I have a 4850 X2 and ATT won't let me underclock below the CCC limits, which are about the same as the 4870 X2.

I think I had the same problem once with ATT. I lowered it as far as I could, but it would stop at 500MHz or something. I applied that change, then suddenly the slider moved and I was able to go lower after that.
it will be nice if they resolve that issue with source games and the flickering textures that can only be resolved by restarting the machine if it's gone to sleep

never heard of this or had it... 4850 and all i do is play tf2 and cs:s all night long.
How'd you pull that off? I have a 4850 X2 and ATT won't let me underclock below the CCC limits, which are about the same as the 4870 X2.
Goto Tools & Options -> General Options -> Advanced. Then just uncheck Use overclocking limits.

I normally run 550/200 @ 1.083v. Going from a core clock of 550 -> 200 only save a extra watt so it's not really useful. Downclocking the memory to 200 though is very useful. It cuts down on power consumption and reduced the idle temp a lot.
the flickering occurs with my 4870x2. turning off catalyst A.I. or rebooting the machine will take care of it. however I wasn't interested in gimping the card by turning CAI off
Goto Tools & Options -> General Options -> Advanced. Then just uncheck Use overclocking limits.

I normally run 550/200 @ 1.083v. Going from a core clock of 550 -> 200 only save a extra watt so it's not really useful. Downclocking the memory to 200 though is very useful. It cuts down on power consumption and reduced the idle temp a lot.

Thanks, that helps. Unfortunately, 200/200 and lower voltage on my 4850 X2 results in screen corruption, so I'm settling for about 350/350 with stock voltage.
Goto Tools & Options -> General Options -> Advanced. Then just uncheck Use overclocking limits.

I normally run 550/200 @ 1.083v. Going from a core clock of 550 -> 200 only save a extra watt so it's not really useful. Downclocking the memory to 200 though is very useful. It cuts down on power consumption and reduced the idle temp a lot.

I couldn't really down clock my X2, at 400/400 1.0 or 1.05 it BSOD after a few hours. And the voltage in my asus bios are in 0.05V steps.
Thanks, that helps. Unfortunately, 200/200 and lower voltage on my 4850 X2 results in screen corruption, so I'm settling for about 350/350 with stock voltage.

I couldn't really down clock my X2, at 400/400 1.0 or 1.05 it BSOD after a few hours. And the voltage in my asus bios are in 0.05V steps.
Sucks that the X2 cards don't downclock that low. Here's a screenshot of my 4870 1GB at the 200/200 @1.083v.
I've decided to scrap the downlocking; setting an underclocked profile for the desktop and an overclocked profile for 3D apps gave me hell with playing GTA4. The game would start up then crash thanks to the low clocks: ATT wasn't switching profiles at the right times.

Reset the clocks to default, removed ATT, everything's fine again.
I'm still using 550/200.

Which specific card are you running? Reference design?
Powercolor 4870 1GB
Reference design

550/200 is all you need. As I said before anything under 550 on the core is useless as far as powersaving goes. I only posted the 200/200 as proof that I can go that low on the core and memory. 550/200 is still my stock idle and 2D speeds.

No problem here with game profiles option in ATT. I set the speeds I want loading the game and the speeds I want when it exits and I'm done. What great is you don't even need to make new shortcuts as ATT picks up the exe launching on it's own. ATT is great!

No problem here with game profiles option in ATT. I set the speeds I want loading the game and the speeds I want when it exits and I'm done. What great is you don't even need to make new shortcuts as ATT picks up the exe launching on it's own. ATT is great!

How did you set that up? I created a profile in ATT for GTA4 and set it to use my auto 2D/3D clock settings, with the game profile set at stock temperatures and the desktop profile obviously using underclocked settings. Am I doing it wrong?
How did you set that up? I created a profile in ATT for GTA4 and set it to use my auto 2D/3D clock settings, with the game profile set at stock temperatures and the desktop profile obviously using underclocked settings. Am I doing it wrong?
I use "Auto Overclocking" (Under the Hardware menu).
Specify two different profiles for 2D and 3D. I don't use game-specific profiles.
I use "Auto Overclocking" (Under the Hardware menu).
Specify two different profiles for 2D and 3D. I don't use game-specific profiles.

Unfortunately, ATT (at least the version I'm using, beta) seems to be incompatible with the 4850 X2 for clocking purposes. Core speeds seem fine, but it appears to not be setting memory clocks correctly, resulting in game crashes.

Maybe I missed something, I don't know. I'm not an ATT expert. But something is screwy.
I'm also eagerly anticipating the 9.1's.
I switched to a GTX 280 a few days ago, but have since put my 4870 back into my system. What a loud, hot piece of crap the 280 is, eh?
Lets hope so. It seems that there are many fixes and optimizations coming in the new drivers, if to look at all the beta's and fixes that has been "released". Multicore support in the 8.563, fixes for 4850CF, performance profiles and more. 8.57 looks like a Mirrors Edge support is coming as well. Spyre confirmed that there will be a ME profile in 9.1. Here's the results with a renaming and 8.57:
It seems that sapphire have newer drivers on their site as well, but I haven't tried them:

I must add that I've had no issues at all with the 8.12's on my 4870x2. The only ingame issue I've had have been HDR issues with Fallout 3. Otherwise its been a pleasure with that driver set! :D
Here's the results with a renaming and 8.57:

So close to the 9.1s, yet so far. At least the INF file reconfirms the 9.1s will support the 4850 X2.

It seems that sapphire have newer drivers on their site as well, but I haven't tried them:

For which card? Looks like their drivers still use the 8.12s, without the hotfix. (Is it possible to apply the hotfix to Sapphire drivers?)
Why use sapphire drivers? Do they have some special optimizations on them or something?
it would be funny if they just vaporize 9.1, but instead comes out with 9.2....
I just hope it fixed the issue I have with powerdvd 7 playing HD quality movies. Had to go back to the 8.9 drivers to get everything to work again unfortionately it also hurts my Left 4 Dead performance.
For which card? Looks like their drivers still use the 8.12s, without the hotfix. (Is it possible to apply the hotfix to Sapphire drivers?)

Any 4800 driver set can be used. They are unified covering a wide range of cards. The dates as shown in another post above is 12th of jan. Basically, its latest beta I think with all the hotfixes. Sapphire often releases the drivers faster then anyone else. :)

Mystic-Micro: Stuttering issues is not an ATI driver problem, but Farcry 2 problem. It happens on DX10 cards as well. Here's an example (with one workaround):
Yeah this is the latest I've seen Ati release drivers. Maybe their skipping this month and going straight to 9.2 for feb :-(
Yeah this is the latest I've seen Ati release drivers. Maybe their skipping this month and going straight to 9.2 for feb :-(

They would have told us in advance.

What we're seeing is the effect of the Christmas season on software development. Hopefully we get the 9.1s tomorrow, in time for the weekend.
They would have told us in advance.

What we're seeing is the effect of the Christmas season on software development. Hopefully we get the 9.1s tomorrow, in time for the weekend.
So far its not looking like it....