ATI Catalyst 8.8 released

LOL, Literally 30 minutes before you posted this I installed the 8.8 Beta driver. Are there any official changes from the beta?
Lol. I got my 4870 yesterday and installed the 8.7 drivers from the official site. Only learned about 8.8 drivers this evening (UK) so spent an hour or so looking for them to no avail. Even came on the forum - but didn't click the VC category, went straight to search. The only place I didn't go was ati website - as it turns out, they have them lol.
how come it downclocks my 4870x2, but doesn't seem to upclock it when I play a game...?
I just received my 4870x2, and saw this ad before software installation. Card seemed to work fine, however I'm really worried because it seems that the 8.8s have hung up on the "Hey, your screen is totally and completely blank" stage of installation. I've got it sitting in the other room right now, as it has been for about 10min.

This does not bode well. I don't know if I should turn it off and back on again, for fear of screwing things up even more.

Should I go find the 8.8 betas? 8.7s?
Excellent! Another release that doesn't detect my 4850's!

8.7 & 8.8 just suck ass for me so its back to 8.6
Anyone suffering from atimkdag - has this solved the issues - or helped them?
Okay, so eventually I just had to turn the thing off. Turned it back on, ran driver cleaner etc... now I'm trying to reinstall. When it gets to the point of installing the graphics driver it gives me an error "no INF found". So what the hell is that all about now?
i just uninstalled the old ones, rebooted, installed the new ones, rebooted

installing over top of old ones, or not rebooting when prompted to save a reboot can cause all sorts of headaches since files were slated for deletion on the reboot, its going to delete the newer files on you
i uninstalled, rebooted, ran driver sweeper, rebooted, installed new ones, then rebooted. worked after that
Anyone suffering from atimkdag - has this solved the issues - or helped them?

I got my first one of those in the form of a BSOD lastnight when playing fsx. Not sure if it was shitty fsx code or the drivers that caused it but either way it flubbed my raid5 array and i had to reinitialize it afterwards which took 6 hours. I have noticed worse stability with 8.7 than the 8.6HF drivers. Hopefully 8.8 will cure those issues. Hey at least they are releasing drivers regularly. That's a far sight more than nvidia does. You are lucky to get a new certified driver from them every 3 or 4 months.
These fixed the water corruption I was getting in Vantage since 8.6 including 8.8 betas.
Okay, so eventually I just had to turn the thing off. Turned it back on, ran driver cleaner etc... now I'm trying to reinstall. When it gets to the point of installing the graphics driver it gives me an error "no INF found". So what the hell is that all about now?

The driver doesnt support your gfx card.
You may get away with use the inf from an older driver or there might be a modded inf floating around the web thats suitable.
It's late but I think I may give them a go. Currently I can guarantee an atimkdag error if I play ET:QW demo for a little bit. Terrible news about your array going funky. I'm "fairly" stable on 8.7 but I'd like to get it 100%. Suppose I can always roll back to 8.7.
The driver doesnt support your gfx card.
You may get away with use the inf from an older driver or there might be a modded inf floating around the web thats suitable.

Seriously? The 8.8s off the website don't support the 4870x2? Can anyone else confirm this?
Seriously? The 8.8s off the website don't support the 4870x2? Can anyone else confirm this?

Each card reports an ID back to the driver installer.
If the ID doesnt match one of those in the INF, the driver wont install.
Its not necessarily that it doesnt support a 4870x2 card, its just that the ID on your card may be different to those in the INF.
These things get ironed out so dont worry for the future.
Anyone else having trouble getting CCC to load in XP32?
I watch the app start in Taskmanager than kill itself..
Each card reports an ID back to the driver installer.
If the ID doesnt match one of those in the INF, the driver wont install.
Its not necessarily that it doesnt support a 4870x2 card, its just that the ID on your card may be different to those in the INF.
These things get ironed out so dont worry for the future.

Thanks. Its probably worth it to mention it didn't give me this message the very first time I tried the install, but instead got to the "flicker the screen" state and then went dark for 20+ minutes until I had to power off out of necessity. The INF message persists even after running DriverCleaner.NET in safe mode, and uninstalling everything else. I've tried both the bundled x64 drivers, and the driver by itself etc...

I guess for the time being I'll try to install the drivers that came on my (visiontek) CD instead? Anything else I should be aware of? I've never had this issue before.

EDIT: Installing from the CD that came with the card does NOT produce the same error. Its taking forever on the "shutting down" screen now, but the installation completed successfully to the "reboot now" point. Hope I don't have to kill the power again and risk a screwup.
Someone else will have to chime in, I'm still running an 8800GT :)
I hope to get a 4870 in the next few weeks.
These finally detect my onboard 3300 on the new 790GX board. Before I had to use the drivers from my Gigabyte CD or betas.
Hotfix? WTF......

Any hotfixes from old drivers is rolled into future releases...

... ATi releases hotfix versions of the Catalyst drivers for AGP versions, such as the AGP HD3850. You DID see that big thread devoted to the card in question, right?

So, for those who have a clue: is the hotfix version available?
Is it me or the Vista driver for 32 Bit is not working? When I opened the CCC installer, it would not detect my card, and the driver folder is empty, while the 8.7 version have files on it and would detect my card fine. I downloaded the driver only and then it detected my card fine and install with no issues along with the CCC, could someone enlight me?

I changed my DeviceID with other BIOS, so I could use the official drivers, (8.7 worked like a charm), but this one doesn't, I just downloaded the driver only and will reboot to see how it performs.

I just rebooted and everything is normal, except that I cannot select multi sampling or supersampling in Adaptive Anti Aliasing tab and I could do it before, I hate when Ati remove useful features. Nope, the AGP Hotfix still 8.7 as today at 2:00am Atlantic Time.
Is it me or the Vista driver for 32 Bit is not working? When I opened the CCC installer, it would not detect my card, and the driver folder is empty, while the 8.7 version have files on it and would detect my card fine. I downloaded the driver only and then it detected my card fine and install with no issues along with the CCC, could someone enlight me?

I changed my DeviceID with other BIOS, so I could use the official drivers, (8.7 worked like a charm), but this one doesn't, I just downloaded the driver only and will reboot to see how it performs.

I just rebooted and everything is normal, except that I cannot select multi sampling or supersampling in Adaptive Anti Aliasing tab and I could do it before, I hate when Ati remove useful features. Nope, the AGP Hotfix still 8.7 as today at 2:00am Atlantic Time.

That was never a "feature" in the first place. The ATI drivers have always decided when supersampling or multisampling is used, and quite effectively at that. The choice of choosing multisampling or supersampling is only changing the settings on each, which is superfluous actually. You haven't lost any functionality, be assured.
That was never a "feature" in the first place. The ATI drivers have always decided when supersampling or multisampling is used, and quite effectively at that. The choice of choosing multisampling or supersampling is only changing the settings on each, which is superfluous actually. You haven't lost any functionality, be assured.

But it was great, specially in older games which multi sampling ADAA wouldn't work because of weird artifacts, MSADAA cause some square patterns in trees in games like Call of Juarez, Serious Sam 2, while Super Sampling won't, but the performance hit would be great in some games, now if the driver think that Super Sampling ADAA is the best option for a certain game, it may choose wrong and the performance hit would be great and then I will have to turn it off (Like in Far Cry). Freedom to choose is the best option and no one should take it away.
Hotfix? WTF......

Any hotfixes from old drivers is rolled into future releases...
I think he meant a hotfix to fix the hotfixes that were supposed to be fixed in this driver release. I am still on Cat 8.6 with Hotfix.

ALSO, Does anyone know if this resolves the Powerplay bug? I would like my card not to idle at a higher speed of 500mhz.
ALSO, Does anyone know if this resolves the Powerplay bug? I would like my card not to idle at a higher speed of 500mhz.

I had heard that it was supposed to have working PowerPlay, but my card still idles @ 500mhz just like it did before... :(
Has anyone run any benchmarks or found any on a website? Since the 4800 series is a new architecture, I would not be surprised to see some performance gains. I am not sure if NVIDIA still can do it but they used to be able to improve performance in the first few months of the card's life.
Drivers are working OK for me as far as I can tell. I didn't have that much luck with the ones that came with the CD. hopefully these are an improvement.

I'm on vista 64
But it was great, specially in older games which multi sampling ADAA wouldn't work because of weird artifacts, MSADAA cause some square patterns in trees in games like Call of Juarez, Serious Sam 2, while Super Sampling won't, but the performance hit would be great in some games, now if the driver think that Super Sampling ADAA is the best option for a certain game, it may choose wrong and the performance hit would be great and then I will have to turn it off (Like in Far Cry). Freedom to choose is the best option and no one should take it away.

Yeah, I know perfectly well what you mean, but the freedom hasn't been taken away, it was never there in the first place, which may be worse, but I'm just letting you know that the choice wasn't there to begin with.
Anyone try these yet with a 4850 on Vista x64? I already went through the hassle once of completely reinstalling Vista because of wonky drivers which made my screen flash black (I blamed Asus's SmartDoctor). This gave me huge performance gains, and I'm reluctant to mess with the drivers now that I've had it stable for a while (knock on wood).
Well, I'm still on the fence on whether to keep the beta's or run the risk of receiving crappy results from the official release.

since "canada" reported seeing no difference, I may hold off on being an "early adopter"