ATI Catalyst 8.8 released

After my install, I got a message saying the drivers weren't installed, yadda yadda. Went to device manager, told it to look for new drivers, pointed it at the ATI directory the installer made, it told me those drivers were already installed. I rebooted the computer, everything came up fine the 2nd time.
lol am i the only one noticing the only people having problems with it is the ones that flashed there BIOS just for a fan fix......might be screwed for future catalysts as well
thats not true. i never flash it , but have huge problems all the time.
lol am i the only one noticing the only people having problems with it is the ones that flashed there BIOS just for a fan fix......might be screwed for future catalysts as well

Probably coincidence. The BIOS fan hack (it's not a fix because nothing is broken) doesn't modify the ID of the card and if you flash with the MSI BIOS, you get a MSI card, which should still work with any Catalyst driver.

Well since it turned out the old leaked "Catalyst 8.8 beta" was in fact a Catalyst 8.9 beta, I went back to it (build 8.54). It fixes the flashing white dots in DX10 games and an X-Plane crash bug that I experienced both with Cat 8.7 and Cat 8.8 but not 8.6 or this "8.9" beta.
Probably coincidence. The BIOS fan hack (it's not a fix because nothing is broken) doesn't modify the ID of the card and if you flash with the MSI BIOS, you get a MSI card, which should still work with any Catalyst driver.

Well since it turned out the old leaked "Catalyst 8.8 beta" was in fact a Catalyst 8.9 beta, I went back to it (build 8.54). It fixes the flashing white dots in DX10 games and an X-Plane crash bug that I experienced both with Cat 8.7 and Cat 8.8 but not 8.6 or this "8.9" beta.

Wow, well no wonder the 8.8 betas always worked best for me. Where did you learn that it was really the 8.9 beta?
If the BIOS hack for the fan fix has a modified private key, it won't work with Catalyst unless you force install the drivers. I don't see how modifying the fan profile could modify the key (ATi's signature), but at least that doesn't happen using RBE. I recommend instead of using a BIOS around the web, try to modify the original BIOS from the card using RBE since the Key.
I'm using my origional bios modified and the drivers install, they just dont install right lol. Windows goes black after reboot and I have to do a system restore to get rolling again. Tried 3 times already.
I installed the 8.8s over the weekend and havent had any issues. But i also did a clean vista 64 install due to buggering it up friday night trying to get my dual boot working again.
I would think so since they're official stance is the card can handle it, just not your cardboard box
only bug i have is that CCC crashes when switching users in vista
Just installed 8.8 (without uninstalling 8.7) and rebooted. Ran Lost Coast stress test 3 times and got consistent results at about 169 fps, which is pretty much the same as before. Looks good so far. We'll see how stable it is.
lol am i the only one noticing the only people having problems with it is the ones that flashed there BIOS just for a fan fix......might be screwed for future catalysts as well

I flashed my bios and the driver installed just fine.
I heard modded bios doesnt work well with catalyst 8.8.. you'll get a blank screen when entering windows and stuck there. maybe not all modded bios ..
I heard modded bios doesnt work well with catalyst 8.8.. you'll get a blank screen when entering windows and stuck there. maybe not all modded bios ..

WOW no freaking wonder............. i spent 3 hours trying to get back to the desktop no go. installed 8.7 and finally it worked...............thought the driver was fucked up.