ATi Admits Defeat

You have to admit that ati and nvidia have been up-stepping each other for a bit now.. Nvidia is currently on the next "step" up with their latest gpu but im sure that ATi will come up with something that will be one step up from that.. then Nvidia will come out with a faster version etc etc etc etc..
From what I read there they're saying that Nvidia are winning at the moment but their upcoming cards will put them ahead again. Whether this pans out to be true can only mean more competitive products for us to choose from. Competition is good.
robberbaron said:
By saying that they need to reclaim this "leadership," they are, by default, saying nVidia won. Discuss with dignity and fraternity.
No nVidia wins when ATi quits the high-performance GPU market or goes bankrupt, I very much doubt that you'll find two companies developing different products to do the same job will be exactly in-sync with each other at every step. If ATi can't identify that they haven't got the most powerful chip on the market they are in real trouble.
robberbaron said:
By saying that they need to reclaim this "leadership," they are, by default, saying nVidia won. Discuss with dignity and fraternity.

I'm not sure why this statement is significant.

They're not saying, "well everyone... we effed up. Game over. Let's start designing women apparel!"

No, things have always been going back and forth. They're down this quarter; so what? Who hasn't been?
Just because you have fastest card doesn't mean you "the leader". You really have to factor in sales, customer satisfaction, availibility, pricerange etc.. Look at the bang for the buck factor..

Frankly, im an ati !!!!!!. I have tried both brands of cards and will never buy another nvidia card again. I dont care how many pipelines the 7800 series has or how fast the clocks are.. to me nvidia doesnt even exist which puts ATI as "the leader" in my head.. Dont get me wrong, im not bashing Nvidia, I just think that the race to the fastest card is neverending and a shallow thing to aruge about.
robberbaron said:
By saying that they need to reclaim this "leadership," they are, by default, saying nVidia won. Discuss with dignity and fraternity.

Yes, ATI would have to be delusional to think the X850XT PE is faster than the 7800GTX. So what is your point exactly?
lloose said:
Just because you have fastest card doesn't mean you "the leader". You really have to factor in sales, customer satisfaction, availibility, pricerange etc.. Look at the bang for the buck factor..

Bottom line is that Nvidia leads in all those points for some time now.
Fastest products, newest features/technology, higher sales, revenues, margins and profits.
So they are the true leader from a media, market and customer perspective.
ATI right now is only second plase - plain and simple.
Richthofen said:
Bottom line is that Nvidia leads in all those points for some time now.
Fastest products, newest features/technology, higher sales, revenues, margins and profits.
So they are the true leader from a media, market and customer perspective.
ATI right now is only second plase - plain and simple.

Im going to dissagree with you there.
Its a tight race and nvidia has the upper hand in my opinion due to their agressive advertising in games. BUT, look at retail prices. I think its safe to say that at least 75% of the "general" public don't shop from websites for their hardware needs. I know that stores like Compusa, Circuit city and Bestbuy make a killing on hardware sales and looking at their general prices, Ati always seems to have the better deals or better bang for you buck. Example, I reciently purchased my x850 pro on sale for $250. I always keep an open mind and wanted to see how much their 6800gt's were and I was supprised to see them for $350 (no joke
The non-sale price of the x850pro was $299 but in almost every benchmark I have seen, it is more powerful and is a little more comprable to the much more powerful 6800GTU. Now im not going to argue or be a part of the ATI vs Nvidia flamewar, but am just making an observation from personal experiences.
pigpen said:
Yes, ATI would have to be delusional to think the X850XT PE is faster than the 7800GTX. So what is your point exactly?

His point is to start something, again? The press release is a few weeks old, and the quote has been used before. Nobody thinks the X850XT/PE is faster than the 7800GTX.
StoneNewt said:
No nVidia wins when ATi quits the high-performance GPU market or goes bankrupt, .

And US, the buyers, get shafted because now we get to pay more $$$ for less performance...if NV was the only game in town, then they become complacent and can basically charge whatever they want...

Face it folks, we NEED NV and aTI battling, just like we need AMD and Intel going for the jugular.
lloose said:
Frankly, im an ati !!!!!!. I have tried both brands of cards and will never buy another nvidia card again. I dont care how many pipelines the 7800 series has or how fast the clocks are.. to me nvidia doesnt even exist .

Too bad, fan-XXX-ism is sad, and you get to miss out on some great products. I have switched back and forth to whichever company offered what I needed/wanted. Last 2 cycles, it was aTI with the 9800 Pro and then the X800 series...but I went NV this round, for obvious reasons. Next year, if ATI has a monster out that whoops the GTX...I might go back....
TheRapture said:
Too bad, fan-XXX-ism is sad, and you get to miss out on some great products. I have switched back and forth to whichever company offered what I needed/wanted. Last 2 cycles, it was aTI with the 9800 Pro and then the X800 series...but I went NV this round, for obvious reasons. Next year, if ATI has a monster out that whoops the GTX...I might go back....

I have my reasons though. Im not a hardcore "fanman" like some of the annoying kiddies who post in other forums. I just go off of my own experiences and chances are, dispite what I said, I will probably end up purchasing another nvidia card too. It all depends on price and what I need. I said that I purchased a new ATi card the other day, if I saw a 6800gt for $10 less, I would have purchased that instead. I just hope the next card will wipe my mouth clean of the bad taste left from the other ones.. who knows, maybe my current ATi card will have issues :p
honestly Whos cares. This has to got to be one of the most pointless threads on these forums. WHO CARES.
lloose said:
Im going to dissagree with you there.
Its a tight race and nvidia has the upper hand in my opinion due to their agressive advertising in games. BUT, look at retail prices. I think its safe to say that at least 75% of the "general" public don't shop from websites for their hardware needs. I know that stores like Compusa, Circuit city and Bestbuy make a killing on hardware sales and looking at their general prices, Ati always seems to have the better deals or better bang for you buck. Example, I reciently purchased my x850 pro on sale for $250. I always keep an open mind and wanted to see how much their 6800gt's were and I was supprised to see them for $350 (no joke
The non-sale price of the x850pro was $299 but in almost every benchmark I have seen, it is more powerful and is a little more comprable to the much more powerful 6800GTU. Now im not going to argue or be a part of the ATI vs Nvidia flamewar, but am just making an observation from personal experiences.

ATI had to do something if they wanted to survive the slump. Of course price slashing is always attractive. It's just another tactic in an attempt to retake the market and scare and/or upset the other team.Or in ATI's case, survival in the meanwhile. My younger brother just started in real estate, and they have not only pissed off the others but also have taken over a larger part of the area market by low balling it. And naturally, agents working for other companies are bashing them to deter people from listing with them, much like nVidia's "The Power of 3" campaign.

Name recognition plays a part. But as for your every day BB, CC, CUSA etc. buyers, they don't know anything about video cards except what a neighbor or somebody might have said. They are there looking for the bagain. And when you got some 256MB cards sitting on the shelf and enquire about them, you would most likely go for the cheaper card since you really cant see much of a difference. Plus packaging sometimes influences non techie buyers. I think ATI retail box graphics are quite sharp.

Not to mention budget gamers. I ended up going nvidia since I only paid $210 shipped for my card. I was looking at some of the X800's and 850's but what turned me off was all the different levels of them. Nobody likes to be confused.

But the bottom line is, consumers want deals. More bang for your buck. Then you have techies who want performance and know what the cards can do. So they are going to go with the upper hand. So I'm sure there is still some kind of balance between nVidia and ATI as far as revenues reguardless of who has the most powerful card, just as there always seems to be a good balance of respective fans here on the forums.

If I remember correctly, Intel is the leader when it comes to graphics and market shares. I believe they hold more than 50%, nVidia 25% and ATI 19%, or something like that. Also, those high end graphic monster are hold by less than 5%, if not even less, users.. What they call "enthusiasts", ie, people on this board. Matrox only has less than 2% and they are still in business. Saying ATI will go under if they do not hold the fastest card is illusionnary. Look at Intel, they have hotter processors, that performs less, that eat up much more wattage and almost requires a dedicated power station, etc etc. You know what, they still holds more than 80% of the processor market. Draw your conclusion.

lloose said:
Im going to dissagree with you there.
Its a tight race and nvidia has the upper hand in my opinion due to their agressive advertising in games. BUT, look at retail prices. I think its safe to say that at least 75% of the "general" public don't shop from websites for their hardware needs. I know that stores like Compusa, Circuit city and Bestbuy make a killing on hardware sales and looking at their general prices, Ati always seems to have the better deals or better bang for you buck.

I can't disagree with this, people and suppliers rarely buy online, they'd rather go to the nearest PC hardware store and buy whatever's on the shelf or package they have. However, i have yet to find a cybercafe with an ATI product, they're all nVidia. All PC packages i've seen locally from any PC store also only contain nVidia boards or video cards. The closest thing i've had to an ATI card is from someone who bought my old ti4200 and he was upgrading from his ATI card, the only other ATI i've encountered is on a laptop.
gotkilled said:
Competition makes the world go round :p

Indeed it does... If they wren't fighting we would be suck with Nvidia's Series 5 with 3dmark scores under 2000..... :p
Most people don't buy the 7800GTX, and ATI has a comparable product for every othe nVidia card, so whats the big deal? I'm not in any hurry to buy a $800 graphics card anyways, no matter who makes it.
lloose said:
You have to admit that ati and nvidia have been up-stepping each other for a bit now.. Nvidia is currently on the next "step" up with their latest gpu but im sure that ATi will come up with something that will be one step up from that.. then Nvidia will come out with a faster version etc etc etc etc..
Well said. This is a good thing, because in the end it's the customer who wins. :)
its good that they accepted it took nV an entire generation to accept that the fx line was inferior, but then again they didn't have much of a choice its all marketing.
robberbaron said:
By saying that they need to reclaim this "leadership," they are, by default, saying nVidia won. Discuss with dignity and fraternity.
lol owned
Yeah that's it, ATI has lost and will no longer make video cards. Nvidia is free to charge 900 dollars for an FX 5200 pos.

That's what we all want.
I dont know what all the hus and fuss is about.. My onboard intel EXTREME graphics cards kick both of their asses... Look at raw sales (almost every single dell computer has it).. It plays solitare on the highest settings and I can watch dvds with it.

Lets start an arugement about which is better (Kmart vs Walmart).. I mean they both have sales and good prices. I mean OMG, it has like 10 more isles than walmart and you can unlock like 5 more of them if you sweet talk the customer service desk. BUT Kmart owns walmart cuz I read it in a forum from a 10 year old.

who cares...
if ATI " died ", the U.S government would move in and either create a company to rival Nvidia, or they'd force Nvidia to split into 2 companies.
dagon11985 said:
if ATI " died ", the U.S government would move in and either create a company to rival Nvidia, or they'd force Nvidia to split into 2 companies.

Intel can buy ATI and compete with Nvidia :eek:
V99 said:
Indeed it does... If they wren't fighting we would be suck with Nvidia's Series 5 with 3dmark scores under 2000..... :p

Yea,and we wouldn't have all these worthless bullshit threads in the Forums.
Yoshiyuki Blade said:
Seconded :D

But anyway yeah, most of us can agree that we need at least 2 rivaling companies to make us better stuff.
We would still have Matrox and Nvidia.