ATI 9.2 is up

I uninstalled 9.1, reboot, installed 9.2 and I can't load widows, get a BSOD and the computer restarts before windows finishes loading. Safe mode doesn't work either. Windows tells me to repair my OS, so I put in my install disk, but it can't find the install of windows, it says that it is missing a driver. Is there a fix or do I need a clean install?

edit: I got it fixed. There was a problem with the driver. I redownloaded and installed using onboard graphics adapter. Everything is working fine now.
gonna install this new driver on my fresh install windows by tomorrow...Windows vista x64bit...lets see.
i was having some issues with ati 9.2 and my happaguage card. the video was stuttering and jerky pretty badly. when i played back the recorded video it was fine, so there is an option in the ati ccc center to choose weave instead of bob interlacing, which fix it. but i had another problem: the computer would lock up and reboot. i used driver cleaner 1.5 to remove all the ati drivers (before i had a 2400pro and uninstalled the drivers before using 9.2 drivers with a x600 pro) and reinstalled. so far so good, i'm crossing my fingers. yes its overclocked to 3.2 ghz (Q9450) but the happauge card worked great no issues before i swapped in teh x600 instead of the 2400pro that was in it.
When I used CCC 9.1, I got many crashes in FEAR 2. After I installed the CCC 9.2, I don't have a single crash since. I got more than a 100 point better in 3DMark06. I am using 2 4850 in crossfire.