ATI 3D Eyefinity Spotted?


[H]F Junkie
Apr 26, 2009

Once we got past the “Eyefinity “ setups we took a look at ATI’s 3D technology. There was both a tethered and non tethered solution that used polarized lens.

ATI 3D Glasses

Wrap around monitors

And you thought they were 1up'd.....;)
Maybe Kyle gets his wish for 3D to be an open solution but Nvidia may still disable 3D in their drivers.
We just have to wait until both versions hit the market.

Catalyst innovations on their way!
Posted on 05/01/2010 at 11:56 by Marc
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AMD has supplied us with a document giving information on the improvements that will be implemented over the course of the next months in Catalyst drivers:

- CrossFire X profiles per application will now be in a separate XML file that it will be possible to update independently of the driver itself
- ATI CrossFire X with PowerPlay for the Radeon 5x00s: reduced energy consumption of additional cards
-AMD Dual Graphics: Possibility of combining performances of the IGP of the RS880 with the forthcoming entry level GPUs from the Cedar and Park ranges.
- 3D Stereoscopics: Update of the D3D driver so as to allow third party firms such as IZ3D to use their 3D solution with 120 Hz screens. Support for Bit Cauldron glasses.
- Eyefinity: Bezel Management
- Better GPU acceleration in Windows 7 Video Converter
- Support for DisplayPort Audio (already in the 9.12 hotfix)
- If laptop manufacturers allow it, possibility of installing the Catalysts on a laptop in Vista and 7
- Improvement of 2D performance in Linux
- Support for Ubuntu 9.10 and OpenSUSE 11.2

Quite an interesting list then!
Them 3D glasses look like the standard 3D glasses you get at the cinema for viewing 3D films.

-AMD Dual Graphics: Possibility of combining performances of the IGP of the RS880 with the forthcoming entry level GPUs from the Cedar and Park ranges.

That interests me since I have a Gigabyte GA-MA785G-UD3H although I'm not expecting much. As previous generations have shown, a mainstream card tends to outperform the hybrid crossfire setups.
Them 3D glasses look like the standard 3D glasses you get at the cinema for viewing 3D films.

Compared to the tiny Nvidia frames, these are not too bad but needs to be improved.
Wearing any type of special glasses to play a game seem excessive to me.
screw 3d those monitors are sick wish i could have one of those damn :p btw new catalyst improvements sound great
What I'm excited about the new Catalyst releases below in Kinesis' post above:

Catalyst innovations on their way!
Posted on 05/01/2010 at 11:56 by Marc
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AMD has supplied us with a document giving information on the improvements that will be implemented over the course of the next months in Catalyst drivers:
- CrossFire X profiles per application will now be in a separate XML file that it will be possible to update independently of the driver itself

I can't wait for that. Gives me a better reason to get a CrossFireX solution in my next upgrade. No more fiddling with Catalyst Control Center anymore? I hope so.

- ATI CrossFire X with PowerPlay for the Radeon 5x00s: reduced energy consumption of additional cards

Now that is nice to have. Two or more video cards with better power management and consumption is always a win-win situation for me. This would be a godsend for my electric bill.

-AMD Dual Graphics: Possibility of combining performances of the IGP of the RS880 with the forthcoming entry level GPUs from the Cedar and Park ranges.
- 3D Stereoscopics: Update of the D3D driver so as to allow third party firms such as IZ3D to use their 3D solution with 120 Hz
screens. Support for Bit Cauldron glasses.

Now this seems very favorable. No proprietary glasses from ATI. It looks like third-party 3D glasses and ATI adding support to existing video cards. No added costs except for the glasses. No silly requirements asking for dual-GPU only solution from the looks of it. It seems you can just use one card for 3D support. And, it's implemented from D3D with added support directly from the Catalyst drivers!

- Eyefinity: Bezel Management

Come on, say it with me: "FINALLY!" I bet everyone here that is using Eyefinity is happy to see this.

- Better GPU acceleration in Windows 7 Video Converter
- Support for DisplayPort Audio (already in the 9.12 hotfix)

- If laptop manufacturers allow it, possibility of installing the Catalysts on a laptop in Vista and 7

I always thought this was ATI's fault in not providing mobile GPU drivers. From the sounds of it, looks like it's actually laptop manufacturer's fault. Here's the problem: after two or three years, the laptop manufacturers in my experience stop providing updated drivers for their laptops, including the mobile graphics card. I remember the days of trying to wrangle Nvidia desktop drivers and install them on laptops. There was a similar thing by a third-party that you could do that for ATI drivers, but never usually worked.

I'm happy to see this finally, but now it's up to laptop manufacturers to comply. I could never understand why there has to be two different driver packages. It would make upgrading drivers so much easier by combining them in one driver package or have the mobile driver a separate download like Nvidia does, available on ATI's website.

- Improvement of 2D performance in Linux
- Support for Ubuntu 9.10 and OpenSUSE 11.2

So they're using the $6000 rear-projection wrap around monitors for their 3D? Wow, so tempting.. :rolleyes:

I'd be more excited if they supported 2D 120Hz.
So they're using the $6000 rear-projection wrap around monitors for their 3D? Wow, so tempting.. :rolleyes:

I'd be more excited if they supported 2D 120Hz.

read the fucking article.
Once we got past the “Eyefinity “ setups we took a look at ATI’s 3D technology. There was both a tethered and non tethered solution that used polarized lens.

here lemme make it easier for you...
Once we got past the “Eyefinity “ setups

get it?
They're still outrageously expensive and have very limited vertical resolution. Furthermore, games still expect a flat screen, making your display curved adds distortion. Maybe in a few years we'll see curved OLED monitors and games that render onto a three-dimensional screenspace but until then I wouldn't buy that kind of setup even if money was no object.

Other catalyst changes look great :)