AT&T Releases Specifications for White Box Cell Site Gateway 5G Routers


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
AT&T has submitted detailed specifications to the Open Compute Project for a white box cell site gateway router. "This “white box” blueprint is a reference design that any hardware maker can use as a guide to build these routers." Tens of thousands of these routers will be deployed at cell towers and will be part of the infrastructure for AT&T's mobile 5G network.

The design decouples hardware from software, so providers have the freedom of choice in choosing the best software solution for their needs. It is highly versatile as it can handle legacy speeds from 100M to next generation 5G Baseband Unit Systems operating at 100G speeds. It has a BMC for monitoring health and recovery. The forward thinking design incorporates timing circuitry that can support the evolving timing requirements and implementations of 5G technology. AT&T's choice of NOS for the white box router is a version of Linux developed by AT&T's acquisition of Vyatta.

"This transformation is about meeting the surging data demands of our customers as we head into this 5G world," said Chris Rice, senior vice president, Network Cloud and Infrastructure at AT&T. "Data traffic on our wireless network has grown 360,000% since 2007. We now carry more than 222 petabytes of data on an average business day. The old hardware model simply can't keep up, and we need to get faster and more efficient. We believe this white box approach helps us meet that demand while allowing us and others now to innovate faster than ever before."
"...“white box” blueprint is a reference design that any hardware maker can use"

SuperMicro will be bidding low with some suddenly excess inventory.
Surprised that ATT did the right thing, maybe Google should stop being evil for a change.

Apple, probably no hope for them. A good start would be to admit the Supermicro espionage was real.