ASUS X99 Motherboard Series - Official Support Thread

AE code refers to RAM or CPU cache, usually when you got that error means that your CPU isn't able to handle the RAM frequency/latency or cache frequency.

Do you have OC on cpu cache? What is your current RAM frequency/latency?
Are you using XMP?

If your overclock isn't too high, you could try highering VCSSA a bit, 0.005V to start.

I have done a basic OC through the BIOS. Bclk speed at 100mhz and sync all core to 43, other setting (Vcore, cache ration cache speed... etc) leave in auto (from intel XTU showing cache speed in 3000mhz). Running the ram in XMP at 2400mhz, no custom latency change.

I have done several stress test and there no BSOD, so I think the overclock is stable and succeed.....
I have done a basic OC through the BIOS. Bclk speed at 100mhz and sync all core to 43, other setting (Vcore, cache ration cache speed... etc) leave in auto (from intel XTU showing cache speed in 3000mhz). Running the ram in XMP at 2400mhz, no custom latency change.

I have done several stress test and there no BSOD, so I think the overclock is stable and succeed.....

if it hangs on cold boot the OC is not stable.
I have done a basic OC through the BIOS. Bclk speed at 100mhz and sync all core to 43, other setting (Vcore, cache ration cache speed... etc) leave in auto (from intel XTU showing cache speed in 3000mhz). Running the ram in XMP at 2400mhz, no custom latency change.

I have done several stress test and there no BSOD, so I think the overclock is stable and succeed.....

You may need to set slightly higher voltages for voltage rails associated with DRAM to help get past POST~BOOT and/or try toggling "Attempt FAST BOOT" and "Attempt Cold Fast BOOT" in the DRAM timing menu. The latter two settings, load previous DRAM training values from NVRAM instead of re-training the DIMMs at each warm system restart or cold power on. Toggling these settings successfully can take a few attempts if the training is drifting - which it evidently is on your CPU/DRAM.

The training values stored in NVRAM to use these settings successfully need to be "stable". Best option is always to attempt dialling out the instability with system agent voltage, DRAM voltage and cache voltage first (assuming CPU Vcore is correct for the OC). Then fall back to the Fast BOOT settings in order to try and circumvent stability issues during POST~BOOT.
Just checking to see if the Latest Rampage V Exteme Bios is ok to update to?
You may need to set slightly higher voltages for voltage rails associated with DRAM to help get past POST~BOOT and/or try toggling "Attempt FAST BOOT" and "Attempt Cold Fast BOOT" in the DRAM timing menu. The latter two settings, load previous DRAM training values from NVRAM instead of re-training the DIMMs at each warm system restart or cold power on. Toggling these settings successfully can take a few attempts if the training is drifting - which it evidently is on your CPU/DRAM.

The training values stored in NVRAM to use these settings successfully need to be "stable". Best option is always to attempt dialling out the instability with system agent voltage, DRAM voltage and cache voltage first (assuming CPU Vcore is correct for the OC). Then fall back to the Fast BOOT settings in order to try and circumvent stability issues during POST~BOOT.

After updating to latest BIOS, the system seems gettting stable. I still didn't do anything to OC (stay at x43 and all other AUTO). I could see now the BIOS USB setting omitted EHCI Legacy Support option. Now the machine seem pass the POST smoothly, sometime it will hold in the cyan Windows logo for around 5 sec without the loading ring appear (AE code display at this moment) and then the loading ring will appear and go into window smoothly. Will keep report to this post.

if it hangs on cold boot the OC is not stable.

It hangs but not always hang, just 1 out of 10 or 20 of boot.....
Follow previous advice on how to help cure instability.

I'm curious because the OC setting now I have is create by the AiSuite CPU Optimization. I can see the CPU running at max Vcore 1.293V and most stress test looks pretty stable, except that AE code sometime shows right after POST. Is that really a OC fail issue or something else? (I always doubt that was related to USB something).....

That should mean if I roll back to stock setting no OC, the AE suppose will not occur anymore, right?
I assume memory is now at 2133?

Try removing some of your USB devices as some don't work well with xHCI. Would start with joystick etc. If that helps, then the device that is causing issues will need a firmware update from the the vendor or you will need to disable xHCI (which will force all ports to run USB 2.0).

This is my first post. :)

Just purchased the x99-a mobo
i7-5930k (noctua nh-u14s)
corsair hx1050
samsung evo 850 pro
evga gtx 980 ftw
g.skill ripjaws 4 16gb 3000hz. 4x4gb F4-3000c15q-16grr

I have a fresh install of win 8.1 and installed all of the appropriate drivers from the asus website for win 8.1 x64. Along with the latest nvidia drivers for the 980. At stock, the machine seems to be running fine, it boots up with no issues and I haven't seen anything that would make me think this is unstable. (As my tests further down may indicate this is not the case)

To tune the memory to 3000mhz I enabled XMP which seems to be setting the memory timings and voltages appropriately. However, after gaming for a bit I will experience a black screen, the keyboard will freeze, and my audio will get choppy and then cut out. Once I reboot my screen will remain black even though the mobo is showing an AA code. (sometimes it will show the code for failed overclock) If I hold the power button turn the pc off and on I will get the post "Overclock failed" message and be prompted to change the settings.

Event viewer shows Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding. And another error that the game is being blocked from accessing the video card (something along those lines).

The only other error that I can see in event viewer is driver\wudfrd failed to load device acpi\pnp0a0a\2&daba3ff&2. I don't believe that error is related but providing it anyways.

From reading around the web, I believe the source of the issue is most likely around the XMP settings and trying to achieve the appropriate memory mhz and timings. XMP also changes the bclock from 100 to 125*

I noticed that XMP doesn't seem to set the voltages to 1.35 even though that's roughly what its running at with XMP enabled. I've gone ahead and set these to a static 1.35 from the auto settings to see if this makes any difference.
RESULTS=Still experiencing the issue. Going to revert bios to default and attempt the same test with everything default.
RESULTS2=Still experiencing the issue with defaults. I do not see the nvlddmkm event in the logs this time. Verified cpu-z is showing default timings within the OS and testing again. (All of these tests are trying to play a game)
RESULTS3=Even at defaults and verified with a few tools that I was running at defaults. I'm getting the crash along with the "Overclock failed". Does that indicate a deeper issue if I'm not overclocking at all and its saying I am?

Any idea what my problem could be? The mobo definitely should be able to support this set of memory per the manual at least. I haven't fully eliminated the thought that I could be having something faulty since this is a brand new machine.

Thanks in advance!
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1) Overclocking failed will be displayed any time the power button was held for 4 seconds to force the motherboard off. Or if POST was interrupted. This is actually a feature that forces the board to POST in safe mode so that any offending UEFI setting can be changed.

2) If the issue is occurring at defaults (memory at 2133) with the processor also at stock, then it may be a driver issue. If it's only happening with XMP applied then you may need to tune System Agent voltage and cache voltage.

3) Would make sure the board is running the latest UEFI version as well.

Raja, multiple users have reported the fast boot bug in this thread, I see it is still not fixed in 1502 (for Deluxe), is Asus looking into this, or going to look into it?
FAST BOOT issues usually stem from one of the user attached devices not supporting it. Any other AE code display is down to instability during POST~BOOT. So nothing is being looked at right now.
Thanks for the response Raja.

Do you have any recommendations on where to start? I've made sure to only use the drivers from the asus 99-a mobo page. Other then the nvidia event logs, I'm not seeing anything else that would narrow my search.

For kicks I just finished running memtest86+ for 12 hours and 0 errors. (when I hit exit it seems to have froze halting, not sure if that's normal..)

I'm thinking I'll start with Nvidia since my issues stem from graphic intensive programs. Maybe roll back a few versions etc.
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Are you at complete defaults now - 2133 on memory? If the issue is occurring there as well, then I'd look towards GPU drivers and the GPU itself. Maybe test a variety of games. If they all freeze, then remove two of the memory modules and try again. That will help narrow things down.
I am running completely stock and still having the issues.

However! I believe I've identified the issue. Did some additional research specifically with my model of video card and found that others have experienced similar issues.

I went ahead and down-clocked the card by 300mhz from its manufacturer OC clocks and the issue seems to have disappeared.

I'm swapping out the video card and will see if that resolves the issue completely while running at its stated speeds.

Thanks for all your help! I'll report back once its swapped with the final results :)
I've been having odd issues with my Asus X99-A board. Problem is either the machine will hang with a flashing _ cursor in the upper left OR when booting Windows 8.1 hang at the blue Windows logo right before the spinning balls. The LED code here is AE. It will boot maybe 50% of the time. I've found that if I unplug my USB 2.0 hub the problem RESOLVED itself.

SO... I went and bought a new USB 3.0 hub from Amazon ( thinking this would resolve the issue. Now with this new hub connected to any USB 3.0 port on the back of the machine, it will HANG at the American Megatrends logo with NO txt displayed. Note that I have NO devices plugged into the hub.. Just an empty powered 3.0 hub. The machine will not boot unless the hub is unplugged OR plugged into a USB 2.0 hub... The LED code displayed at the hang is A2 (IDE detect). I have NO IDE drives in my system, only SATA,

Looking for ideas. I tried disabling FAST BOOT in the BIOS, nope... Tried changing the USB Handoff settings..nope. I'm lost here at what the problem could be other than a BIOS bug. I'm running rev 1401. I would be happy to supply any logs as well.

Thank you!!
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I just put together my new comp /w Asus X99 Deluxe and no matter what boot configurations/priorities I try I cannot get the system to boot up unless I force boot. I have force booted from CD-ROM and initiated windows 7 install. I then force booted from my Crucial MX100 SSD and completed setup. MY boot device light is on.

Now when I try to boot it just continues to take me to setup. Could it be the SATA ports I'm plugged into??? I find the labeling of the ports in the manual confusing.
Check the hard drive BBS priorities and make sure the Windows BOOT loader drive is the priority drive. Then set that drive as the first BOOT device in the priority list.

Also update your board to the latest EFI (BIOS) if you have not done so already.
OK I have successfully updated BIOS and set my SSD as boot option #1 I assume this is what you meant by Windows boot loader drive.

I still cannot get past setup. I have tried setting the CD-ROM as the first boot device as well. With Win7 Home 64bit OEM in drive and it will not boot off the CD.
OK I have successfully updated BIOS and set my SSD as boot option #1 I assume this is what you meant by Windows boot loader drive.

I still cannot get past setup. I have tried setting the CD-ROM as the first boot device as well. With Win7 Home 64bit OEM in drive and it will not boot off the CD.

this is a known problem on my deluxe, put your boot drive on the first sata port and the problem will be workarounded.
zero quality assurance from asus
this is a known problem on my deluxe, put your boot drive on the first sata port and the problem will be workarounded.
zero quality assurance from asus

Thanks I'm going to try this. I also realized I didn't attach the motherboard stand-off screws when securing it to the case. I'm afraid I could be shorting the board out against the case because of this. Once I'm done doing these things I'll report back the results.
well, I took mobo off and lo and behold I had attached the stand off screws. So that wasn't the issue. I took that time to reseat everything and remove unwanted peripherals like case USB, reset button. I also placed the SSD drive in the SATA 1 connection and the optical drive in SATA 2. BIOS confirms their locations.

Still getting boot device light on motherboard unable to boot normally without forcing. I'm thinking I may have a defective board and need an RMA?
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Might be worth saving screen shots of the UEFI BOOT pages (include HDD the BOOT priority list as well). Press F12 in UEFI to save the screenshots to a FAT32 formatted flash drive and then convert to JPG and upload them. Also list all BOOTable/storage devices you have plugged in to the board.
Raja@ASUS: is there going to be a fix for ASMedia USB boot issue anytime soon ?

What happens is if i have my monitor USB3 hub connected to USB3 connector provided by ASMedia controller, then system starts booting Windows 8.1, turns the hub off and freezes on first try. Boots without issues on subsequent tries.
If i do the same with the USB3 hub connected to the Intel USB3 connector, the system starts booting, turns off the hub (thus keyboard), but immediately turns it back and finishes booting fine.
Raja@ASUS: is there going to be a fix for ASMedia USB boot issue anytime soon ?

What happens is if i have my monitor USB3 hub connected to USB3 connector provided by ASMedia controller, then system starts booting Windows 8.1, turns the hub off and freezes on first try. Boots without issues on subsequent tries.
If i do the same with the USB3 hub connected to the Intel USB3 connector, the system starts booting, turns off the hub (thus keyboard), but immediately turns it back and finishes booting fine.

There are other problems on USB and deluxe.
Most motherboard has problem using two USB port since windows does not see them. Still no fix from Asus.
Raja@ASUS: is there going to be a fix for ASMedia USB boot issue anytime soon ?

What happens is if i have my monitor USB3 hub connected to USB3 connector provided by ASMedia controller, then system starts booting Windows 8.1, turns the hub off and freezes on first try. Boots without issues on subsequent tries.
If i do the same with the USB3 hub connected to the Intel USB3 connector, the system starts booting, turns off the hub (thus keyboard), but immediately turns it back and finishes booting fine.

If you didn't submit a support ticket for the issue, chances are it isn't even logged. You would need to include the monitor make/model etc for HQ to stand a chance of replicating it (HQ would possibly need the same monitor as well - if they don't have it, then chances of a replication/fix are lower).
X99-E WS trouble with bios 1003. With Windows 7 (Bitlocker enabled) setup as MBR and Trusted Computing enabled (tpm) the board boot loops to the bios setup screen (ez-mode). In ez-mode the Samsung 840 pro is seen as a sata device but is absent in the boot priority portion of ez-mode. Within boot priority in advanced mode, boot priority is grayed out. No problems with Win7 when Trusted Computing disabled.

I've tied 1003 two other ways. Win7 (mbr boot) without bitlocker enable and Trusted Computing enabled with the same result. And with Win 10 technical preview (uefi boot)(no bitlocker) Trusted Computing enabled, here everything works as expected.

Not panicking, I've backed down to bios 0902 and will wait it out. But believe I must be missing something in the bios settings, Mr Raja ?
Raja@ASUS: is there going to be a fix for ASMedia USB boot issue anytime soon ?

What happens is if i have my monitor USB3 hub connected to USB3 connector provided by ASMedia controller, then system starts booting Windows 8.1, turns the hub off and freezes on first try. Boots without issues on subsequent tries.
If i do the same with the USB3 hub connected to the Intel USB3 connector, the system starts booting, turns off the hub (thus keyboard), but immediately turns it back and finishes booting fine.

do you have a maxwell video card connected with display port?
do you have a maxwell video card connected with display port?

Yeah, two Displayport monitors on GTX980 Strix. Also one DVI on GT720. But once i switched to Intel USB3 port, system boots without issues on first try. Only when my USB3 hub in the display is connected to ASMedia USB3, then system freezes at W8.1 boot.

Right now the USB cable for hub in my Acer B326HK is connected to one of the USB3 ports of LAN2_USB3_E910, where system boots fine. When it was connected to one of the USB3_E12, it was freezing at boot (and if i remember correctly, those are the ASMedia ports?).
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Can I make a suggestion to those suffering from boot issues if a USB device / hub is plugged in? Go into the BIOS and select 'Boot Logo Display' ENABLE. Also set Post Delay time to 5 seconds. I've found that my X99-A will boot with this config when I have my USB3 hub plugged in. Sounds stupid - but this is working for me.... BUG? :rolleyes:
Yeah, two Displayport monitors on GTX980 Strix. Also one DVI on GT720. But once i switched to Intel USB3 port, system boots without issues on first try. Only when my USB3 hub in the display is connected to ASMedia USB3, then system freezes at W8.1 boot.

Right now the USB cable for hub in my Acer B326HK is connected to one of the USB3 ports of LAN2_USB3_E910, where system boots fine. When it was connected to one of the USB3_E12, it was freezing at boot (and if i remember correctly, those are the ASMedia ports?).

In this case your problem could not depend on the motherboard but on the graphics card.
Try to connect the monitor using HDMI and you'll get the problem solved.

I had the same problem before and thank to EVGA I solved with a BIOS update.

There are lot of discussion about the displayport issue on GTX980 on the net.
Try HDMI if you can.
Is there any plan from Asus to fix the ASMedia XHCI 1.0 Controller randomly not recognized?
We have two USB ports that works randomly, please fix it.
Can I make a suggestion to those suffering from boot issues if a USB device / hub is plugged in? Go into the BIOS and select 'Boot Logo Display' ENABLE. Also set Post Delay time to 5 seconds. I've found that my X99-A will boot with this config when I have my USB3 hub plugged in. Sounds stupid - but this is working for me.... BUG? :rolleyes:

This must be a systemic problem with asus, because i've had usb boot problems across 3 chipset generations of asus motherboards now and it drives me insane. I was looking at going with the x99-deluxe this time around but the continued usb problems have completely turned me off!
Scratch my earlier post. USB is totally messed up on my X99A.. Can't boot with a hub plugged in. I ended up buying a switch to disable ports so at least I can boot into Windows ( Once in Windows I can enable my USB with this switch and everything functions just fine.

What is going on ASUS? My RAM and CPU are on the QVL list.
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If you have one of these hubs let me know

TekRepublic TUH300
SIIG JU-H40512-S2
********** W8PH4

If you have one of these hubs let me know

TekRepublic TUH300
SIIG JU-H40512-S2
********** W8PH4


I'm using a new Amazon Basics hub ( I can crack it open to see what chipset it uses if that helps? It works fine under Windows 8.1 with my X99A, but I simply cannot boot my system with it plugged in - either a flashing _ cursor in the top left of the screen or a hang before the Windows 8.1 'balls spinning' prompt. If I disable the 'ASUS boot logo display' and have the hub plugged in my X99A system will hang showing the American Megatrends logo with no other info displayed. Its like it cannot initialize it for some reason. My BIOS is flashed to rev 1402.
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Those hubs I listed above are on our QVL for the X99-A, those we we have in HQ so can be easily patched - I usually steer people towards products we can get in Taiwan or already have in the labs. If your hub won't work with xHCI enabled, it may need a firmware update from the device vendor.