Asus P5E-VM HDMI vs Gigabyte GA-G33M-DS2R

Which µATX board would you recommend?

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Oct 23, 2008
Hi there!

I'm thinking about upgrading my current AMD rig. I think I know which CPU to go for but I still need a solid board for it.

What do I have?

Seasonic S12-II 430W
Radeon HD4850
2x G.Skill 4GB PC2-8000U (F2-8000CL5D-4GBPQ)
Thermalright SI-128SE
HDD, DVD, ...

What do I buy?

I'm going to buy an E7300 (since it's considerably cheaper than say an E8400 while just being ~10% slower due to less cache - and apparently it's a good OC candidate).

What do I want?

- a µATX board (small case) to OC the E7300 to 3.6Ghz (more if possible but that's my goal for now)
- FSB >= 400Mhz (one can never know how far the E7300 will go exactly :D)
- 4 x DDR2@1000+@$increasedFSB (I doubt the board (or the cpu for that matter) will do 500Mhz which means the ram won't run at 1000Mhz as it could. Having a range of dividers will make things easier)
- since I've already got 4 sticks of ram the board needs to be able to cope with that
- the ability to set low voltages via RMClock/? (best case: idle=low voltage=lower electricty bill=low/no cooling noise ;))

What do I need from you?

I'd like to know if there are still unresolved problems with these 2 boards
I'd like to know why you would recommend one above the other (or another board)

Thanks a ton!
The question seems kind of pointless since the GA-G33M-DS2R isn't being produced anymore. So unless you can find one used on Ebay (Used Motherboards = Not a Chance to me) you'd have to get the P5E-VM by default.

Frankly, I'd rather invest in a P45 mATX instead.
G33M-DS2R doesn't exist anymore, so my vote goes to the P5E-VM HDMI
I just got my P5E-VM HDMI and system specs below assembled today. This marks my 5th Asus board i've used in my builds and needless to say, their rep was really on the lline as this was my first time installing/using Vista 64 bit on brand spanking new hardware so I was really nervous how everything was gonna work and how much time I would spent troubleshooting. :eek:

I originally really wanted to get the P5Q-EM but the amount of problems I've heard with peeps and add on videocards not working scared me away from getting the "newest" chipset and mobo and I went to the P5E which had a much better track record for the past year and mature drivers/BIOS.

Amazingly, the setup and Vista install went without a hitch. Had the newest BIOS already flashed and saw everything no problem and now I'm installing the last of my programs with no hiccups or strange errors. It pays to get quality products and once again, Asus hasn't dissapointed me and I soon look forward to OCing on this sucker. Thanks again Asus! :cool:
I'm about to purchase the P5E-VM-HDMI but I don;t know whether it will support some basic and maybe a intermediate level of overclocking in the BIOS and whether it will support a C2D E8600 and a QX6950 perfectly? Does it? And will it support a PCI-E 2.0 gfx card perfectly without any compatibility issues?
Get the Asus P5Q-VM, its got the G45 chipset which is the new replacement for the G35. You get a better chipset that goes perfect with that proc and PCI express 2.0 for your HD4850. It also supports up to 16GB of memory. Not to mention that its cheaper @ Newegg going for $119 vs. $125 for the old P5E-VM.

The DFI LP JR P45-T2RS that other people have recommended isn't worth it IMO unless you need uATX crossfire and enthusiast OCability. It sells for $160 @ Newegg.
Get the Asus P5Q-VM, its got the G45 chipset which is the new replacement for the G35. You get a better chipset that goes perfect with that proc and PCI express 2.0 for your HD4850. It also supports up to 16GB of memory. Not to mention that its cheaper @ Newegg going for $119 vs. $125 for the old P5E-VM.

The DFI LP JR P45-T2RS that other people have recommended isn't worth it IMO unless you need uATX crossfire and enthusiast OCability. It sells for $160 @ Newegg.
i think your better off getting the p5q-em instead of the vm, has a little more features, and is only a few bucks more.
wow...just had a look at the DFI board....and I'm thinking of opting for that board..since its got 2 PCI-E capability....would it work for both SLi and Crossfire? And good and stable oc options?
wow...just had a look at the DFI board....and I'm thinking of opting for that board..since its got 2 PCI-E capability....would it work for both SLi and Crossfire? And good and stable oc options?
i think its only xfire, and not sli.
i think your better off getting the p5q-em instead of the vm, has a little more features, and is only a few bucks more.

Doesn't seem worth it to me since the only difference is HDMI and Optical out which OP never mentioned needing.

you talking about the ingame chat program xfire? lol jkes I know what you'd be really great if it had support for SLi!:D

SLi is only supported on Nvidia chipsets for core 2 duo's other then Skulltrail which is stupid.
Doesn't seem worth it to me since the only difference is HDMI and Optical out which OP never mentioned needing.

SLi is only supported on Nvidia chipsets for core 2 duo's other then Skulltrail which is stupid.
southbridge is different as well, if he wanted to raid he wouldnt be able to, at least software wise.

em = ich10r
vm = ich10
i own a G33M-DS2R for my E1200 and 6x400gb RE2 drives for my backup fileserver... awesome board...

only 1 issue, a 800mhz cpu only uses memory ratio of 1.33 so... hmm...
Memory dividers were different depending on the bios used. For the longest time I used the F4a because it was the only one that had the divider I wanted with 800mhz CPUs.
southbridge is different as well, if he wanted to raid he wouldnt be able to, at least software wise.

em = ich10r
vm = ich10

This is true, however it still isn't something the OP mentioned needing, I would still recommend the P5Q-VM since it has everything OP needs at a great price.
I currently own the Asus P5E-VM HDMI.. All I can say is WOW! It is an overclocking mo-fo!

Easily hit 3.6ghz on my Q6600:


Outstanding FSB headroom on this motherboard:

Nice...I'm impressed how such a little board can give you simply an outstanding oc that is comparable to those expensive atx motherboards!

But one thing I like to question is why CPU-Z detected the your motherboard as a 965 series chipset motherboard when its a G35 based one??:confused:
Nice...I'm impressed how such a little board can give you simply an outstanding oc that is comparable to those expensive atx motherboards!

But one thing I like to question is why CPU-Z detected the your motherboard as a 965 series chipset motherboard when its a G35 based one??:confused:
im thinking its because its based on that chipset, considering g35 is just the graphics. cpu z thinks my g45 board is a p45.
Nice...I'm impressed how such a little board can give you simply an outstanding oc that is comparable to those expensive atx motherboards!

But one thing I like to question is why CPU-Z detected the your motherboard as a 965 series chipset motherboard when its a G35 based one??:confused:

Like the guy above mentioned.. However, can anyone else take a CPU-Z screen shot of their setup and confirm my info. It is interesting to see it pop up as a 965 based chipset.
im thinking its because its based on that chipset, considering g35 is just the graphics. cpu z thinks my g45 board is a p45.

Like the guy above mentioned.. However, can anyone else take a CPU-Z screen shot of their setup and confirm my info. It is interesting to see it pop up as a 965 based chipset.

Actually the G35 has nothing to do with the P965/Q965/G965. The G35 is EXACTLY the P35 with the addition of the Intel GMA X3500 graphics. My guess as to why CPU-z is wrong is maybe its an old version or something, I'm not sure what the latest is.

Here is a screen of my G33 which is yet the same except with Intel GMA 3100 graphics.
I.48.1 is the latest I think...not really sure other then that >>

But its quite odd for cpu-z to translate a G,P35 based mob into a 965 series one....weird