Asus P5B Premium Vista Edition RAID Question

Raid or not to RAID with this board...?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 2 40.0%

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Feb 18, 2007
I want to use a RAID 0 with 2 Raptor 74 GB drives for boot and use a RAID 0 with 4 WD 250 GB SATA II 16 MB cache for storage... Can I do this on the Southbrdge RAID chipset...? I have the E6600 CPU with 4 GB Kinston Hyper X RAM, ASUS GTS 8800 640 MB PCIx video card and I am not planning on using SLI at this time... Can I make this work...?
The built in raid for our boards suck, Im thinking of getting a card instead.... as for your question, I dont see why you cant, I use 2x raptors in raid 0 and 250G external storage....
I just built a "draft" PC using this board. I expect to rebuild it soon after I learn how to set it up correctly and how I want to set it up. I have a E6600 CPU with 2 GB RAM and am using VISTA 64 bit Ultimate. Not sure what I will do about storage so curious to learn what you do. Right now I have one 150 GB Raptor set up in IDE mode. I am thinking about RAID thus I will need to start from scratch. I have a bunch of drives I could put in this - Two 150 Raptors and five 250 GB WD drives. Not sure I want to risk using RAID on the OS. So I might just use one Raptor for OS and apps and another for image backup. Just not sure there. The five WD drives I am thinking of setting up a RAID 5. I think I am limited to only using 4 of them so that means 750 GB of storage. Still need to think thru backing this up though. I could put the OS image on this RAID but would rather be safe.

Would be curious to hear people's experience with Southbridge RAID. Might invest in a controller to be safe.
I am currently running 3 x 74gb Raptors gig raid 0(OS) and a seagate 750 for storage on this board with Vista 64 Ultimate , so far no problems.
South Bridge Intel ICH8R

yes you can, easy.

I always enjoy the excitement of a new and buggy OS installed on a drive configuration that doubles the chance of data loss due to drive failure, now OC the piss out of it , weeeeeee :p

Oh and storing you data on a 4 drive raid 0 is a good idea too ! :cool:

/sacrasm off.

when building the machine keep track of what drive get plugged into what port. Write it down. Raptors in 0 and 1 WD in 3 4 5 6
during boot look for the the key sequence that gets you into the raid bios.
Assign your drives like you want. its very simple.
be sure to install the raid driver during windows install.

I would suggest you put the 4WD's on a raid 5.

check intels website for latest version of Intel matrix storage manager and drivers vs what came on CD, update if needed.