Asus P4P800


Nov 7, 2004
Hi everyone,

I can't find anywhere a valid link to download the Asus P4P800 driver. If anyone knows a valid link, or has it in his computer, can you please let me know.

Thank you,
Maybe I'm unaware, but i tried this page, but all the drivers I've found were like :

- SoundMAX Audio Driver version WHQL driver
- SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio Driver V5.12.01.3581. for Windows 98SE/2000/XP
- Promise SATA378 Driver V1.00.0.26 (ATA Mode)

again and again...

My problem is that I can't install the drivers for the video card. It's the VGASave service that runs instead of the nVidia driver (

If someone knows the solution to install the nVidia driver with this two components ( Asus P4P800 and Geforce4 MX 440). It would be very appreciate.

mat087 said:
Maybe I'm unaware, but i tried this page, but all the drivers I've found were like :

- SoundMAX Audio Driver version WHQL driver
- SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio Driver V5.12.01.3581. for Windows 98SE/2000/XP
- Promise SATA378 Driver V1.00.0.26 (ATA Mode)

again and again...

My problem is that I can't install the drivers for the video card. It's the VGASave service that runs instead of the nVidia driver (

If someone knows the solution to install the nVidia driver with this two components ( Asus P4P800 and Geforce4 MX 440). It would be very appreciate.


Unless I am missing something (and after owning 2 p4p800 deluxe's in the past) but that motherboard does not have video card onboard. The drivers for the mainboard will be chipset, sound, network etc. For video you will need to know what video card you have. If you ahve a gf 4 440mx.. then head over to and get the drivers there.

Sorry if this is not what you are asking, I may be confused.
Ok, I think I didn't make myself clear. Here is the entire problem.

I have a computer, which has WinXP Pro SP2, Asus P4P800 and a GeForce4 MX 440.

Presently, the CRT monitor runs at a refresh rate of 60 Hz, which is too lower for eyes.

The problem is that I can't put it higher, because my video card isn't installed. Currently, I've tried installing the video card driver (from I've tried 3 different versions. I don't have it in front of me, but I think I tried the most recent, a 7x.xx version and a 66.xx version. None of them worked. For the most recent and the 7x.xx version, I've received a critical error during the installation. And for the 66.xx version, I installed it, I rebooted but it's always the VGASave service that runs.

I've search on the web for a few hours and I've found that I must install the driver of the motherboard in order to install after the video card driver and finally to put my monitor at a refresh rate higher than 60 Hz.

That is why I'm asking the Asus P4P800 driver, which I can't find anywhere.

You might try installing the Intel chipset driver before the unified nVidia driver. That should be avaliable on the Asus page linked. Is it possible that the video card or monitor simply doesn't support higher refresh rates maybe?
enlightenedby42 said:
You might try installing the Intel chipset driver before the unified nVidia driver. That should be avaliable on the Asus page linked. Is it possible that the video card or monitor simply doesn't support higher refresh rates maybe?

This is what I was thinking, or even get the the chipset driver from intel.
Definitely install the Intel chipset driver since it has the GART AGP driver package. Then try again.