ASUS EAH6970 issue with maximum resolution on 30"


Dec 13, 2008
I am having an issue with my new ASUS EAH6970 and my Dell 3007WFP-HC monitor. When I connect it to the bottom DVI port, the maximum reported resolution is 1920x1080 and Windows will not let me go above 1280x800 resolution due to my monitor not having a built-in scaler. If I connect it to the top DVI port, it will go to 2560x1600 resolution.

The issue is when I have my 30" monitor connected to the top DVI port and I go to plug my 20" portrait mode monitor into the other port. Windows detects the 20" monitor as display ID #1. I've tried uninstalling the drivers, running Driver Sweeper and then reinstalling the drivers with only my 30" monitor connected. I also applied the registry fix listed under Method #4 at when doing a clean install of the drivers, but neither of those things worked. As soon as I connect my 20" monitor, Windows detects it as #1.

The CATALYST Control Center correctly identifies my 30" monitor as #1 and my 20" monitor as #2, but in Windows they're the opposite. I have my 30" monitor set as my main display in Windows, but shouldn't it go up to the maximum resolution of 2560x1600 regardless of which DVI port it is plugged into? If I upgrade my second monitor to something bigger, I might not be able to use the full resolution.

Does anyone know of a fix for this? I've included a couple of screenshots below. Thanks!
6970s have one dual link DVI port and one single link DVI port. The one next to the vent is single link. You will have to use the one next to the HDMI to get 2560x1600. That is the same across all manufacturers.

It shouldn't too big of a difference what number Windows assigns to the display as they can be manipulated however you want and you can select which is the primary.
Ah, okay. Thanks. I was unaware that only one of the two DVI ports on this card was dual link. This is my first ATi card. My GTX470 that this card is replacing has two dual link DVI ports.

If I want to connect another monitor above 1920x1200 I should be able to just buy an adapter. Most new monitors would probably have a HDMI or DisplayPort input anyways. I wouldn't need an adapter unless I bought another 3007WFP-HC that only has the one DVI port.

Outside of Windows everything during boot is displayed on both monitors. This is a nice addition over my NVIDIA card which would occasionally incorrectly display blue screens on the wrong monitor. I don't think there will be any issues since everything I've tried so far has appeared on the correct monitor.

Very happy with this card so far. I will be RMAing my GTX470 due to an artifacting issue and selling the replacement to a friend.
It's worth mentioning that the HDMI port and the display ports should be able to handle dual link just fine, so you can always use an adapter.