ASUS Announces Vento Foldable Chassis

Mountain Mods already has done this with "hyper modular" design. Not folding, but collapses and ships flat.
You don't get what I mean. I meant as in Antec's skeleton was something new to people of the PC world with an open chasis. And this is Asus's answer by making a case that is foldable. Two different things yet related due to innovative ideas. Well thats my opinion, view it as you like.

I sort of get your point, but it's a pretty big stretch. I personally don't agree that this case is any sort of "answer" to the Skeleton.
It'll be great for reducing shipping fees, getting the box sizes down (less packaging waste), maximizing warehouse and distribution space, and for the consumer taking the thing home if they buy it from Fry's or something. Obviously it has no practical applications once the computer is actually built.

I'm more interested in the post-consumer application: disposing, recycling. Once you've taken out all of your heavy-metal-laced components, the chassis won't take up much space (and won't need any crushing) for storage, landfill, or recycling purposes.
I definitely see the potential of something like this, but the only way it actually helps with storage is if all or nearly all cases fold flat. Right now, all it means is that stores and warehouses can store a lot more of this particular model of case.