ASUS 7970 DirectCU II available now

After a month of research, I finally found the solution to not being able to change the core voltage on my asus 7970-dc2:

The solution is to use ver of gpu tweak (can be found in the comments section at the end of the review). For some reason, none of the other (newer or older) versions of gpu tweak allow voltage control. I had also tried several version of msi afterburner & sapphire trixx, none of which worked.

This issue was driving me nuts for over a month. I tried several versions of the aforementioned software, different drivers, etc etc. Hope this info helps someone else out!
Hi all, I'n new on this forum. Hope to get great hint's from here. Also nice to look at great setups here. :)

don't get this card! ever since i got this card, never ending black screen crashing with audio stuttering issues!!! don't believe me, said i had overclock and newb with driver setups? go it!!
I also bougt this 7970 DC2(nonTOP) card few months back. It have been quite prone to crash, and when I installed the new 3DMark the test crashes every time in the Fire Strike Demo, mostly with a black screen and sometimes with a color screen with stripes. It seem'd to crash on really intense graphic load. I had my card overclocked to 1325/1650 and I drop down the clocks to stock 925/1375 and it still crashes with black screen in 3DMark. I was already thinkin of RMA the card...

But I tried to downclock the memory 1250MHz and tadaa, the Fire Strike test finished without problems. Then I tried to test with stock memory clocks and set the "Power Target" to +20% in GPUTweak, and again the test was a success, but with Power Target on 0% it crashes. Seems also that I can only overclock the memory to 1400MHz to maintain 100% stability. All these works also with the core clocks set to my max. 1325-1340MHz(@1,225V) so the core isn't the problem here.

I think the "black screen" issue would be too low memory voltage on these cards. The TOP model seems to suffer more of this issue, propably beacause higher stock memory clocks. Propably the memory voltage is the same on nonTOP and the TOP cards..? I'm going to test a Vmem mod on the solder points of the card and then we see if the issue is the memory voltages.
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Given the defects, should this card be avoided?

The ROG version seems to have the screw loosening problems too:

i would avoid it! from my experience with it. I'm going to kinda summarize cause after all I've been threw i could probably write a book lol jk. anyways i got the gpu last march 2012. As soon as i installed the gpu and started bf3 i was met with black screen of death. it happened every now and then. I figured just crappy drivers. Time went on and i didn't get to do any gaming. Now forward to Dec 2012 and gpu is black screening every time i start any game. i had to reboot at least 3 times to get it to launch any games, but after a while it would eventually black screen in the middle of game. so around Dec 5, 2012 i rma the gpu. i get it back around Jan 8th, 2013. gpu still not repaired and they damaged it. So i set up another rma and tell them i want the damaged parts replaced and gpu fixed so i don't have to rma again. long story short they give me wrong rma, gpu gets lost, i finally got it back on march 8th, 2013 (shipped January 18th, 2013!!!). when i received the gpu i was furious. Screws were in the bottom of the shipping box from the pci-e bracket and screws were close to falling completely out of the back plate of the card. i called customer service told them and now they are supposed to send me prepaid shipping to cross ship gpu's but I've been waiting a little over 2 weeks from today for them to receive stock check results. As i was talking to the customer service he said they probably wouldnt of replaced my card instill the 4th or 5th rma. If even that cause i have read about others with faulty cards sending it in more then that. On side note i have tested my hardware every way you can test it other than put it in another computer. everything tested good (no overclocks ever on cpu or gpu). I too have been eyeing the matrix platinum since it came out and looks to be a great card from what ive read. hope this helps shed some light.
I too have been eyeing the matrix platinum since it came out and looks to be a great card from what ive read. hope this helps shed some light.

Did you read the link I provided on the previous page? The ROG version suffers from the same problem.
Did you read the link I provided on the previous page? The ROG version suffers from the same problem.
no offense but did you read what i wrote? my screws coming out was not an issue with the card but the customer service tech that worked on the card. other then that i had no issues with screws being loose the 10 months i had it in till i received it from the second rma. i did read the part about the screws on the matrix but that did not apply to me since the card had been taken apart twice already and it obviously wasnt checked by the tech that worked on it before it was shipped out. id take the screw issue on the matrix over the faulty dcuii. Atleast you could put some thread locker to keep the screws in. i cant do a damn thing with my dcuii but look at it and wait for rma. ;)
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no offense but did you read what i wrote?

I did. I was not referring to your particular experience but these cards as a whole.

Let me repeat what I said earlier. This generation of cards, the 7950s and the 7970 Direct CU II versions both seem to be suffering a high defect rate. Looking at the ROG forums, they seem to be experiencing a host of problems with these cards.