Assassin's Creed 2...WOW...what an improvement!


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2005
Let me first by saying that I thought the first Assassins Creed, although fun, was one of those games that I played for a while but wasn't really "fulfilling" game play wise...what others have said is true, it did get quite repetitive and that "same ole stuff different day" feeling. Not only that but there wasn't really a lot to sub-missions, no character development...just over all kinda bland once you got into it.

Assassins Creed 2 I went into think much of it would be the same...but wow...its like a complete 180 in game play, graphics, and really, everything in that matter. The world seems a lot more "alive" as theres more bystanders, the city seems a lot more realistic and not made specifically for your character. Graphics I would say are not entirely better per se, but the draw distance seems better and there are a lot more people walking around...basically, as far as graphics go, Assassins Creed 1 gave me that "this is the maximum extent of what a console is capable of"...AC2 seems to push that envelope. Granted this is the PC version, but Ive played the console version and the characters onscreen don't differ.

Game play is awesome! Customizable weapons, armor, non-regenerating health, more side quests, better fights, and and and YOU CAN SWIM! An actual assassin that isnt afraid of the water LOL...the list just goes on and on! Also, character interactions are much improved as are the feelings you have for the longer are you a nameless soulless assassin (and yes I know you werent quite that in the first AC, but it felt like it) but you (at least I do) feel more attatched to the main character and those involved in his quests. I feel like I really care and want to keep playing just to see how it turns out.

DRM...which I know a lot of you are pissed off about, as was I (and still am to an extent), is a pain in the ass...only reason I got the game was because I got a new ISP who has rock solid internet as opposed to my AT&T internet that constantly went down. Even then, to play the game you have to create a UBI account...which is just lame...and yes, you do have to be connected to the internet at all times, which is a bitch and not needed for this game, but considering my net is much improved I decided to give it a go. Game works, and it plays...I guess thats all that matters in the long run.

In either case, the game and environments are awesome! If you can get past the DRM, I would personally say that this is a can-not miss game...100% better than most of the recycled rehashed trash thats out today...a definite recommendation!
one thing that stopped me from getting AC1 was people telling me it gets really repetitive. you go into a town, run around to collect info/intel then you just kill the guy and rinse and repeat. Is it the same for AC2?
one thing that stopped me from getting AC1 was people telling me it gets really repetitive. you go into a town, run around to collect info/intel then you just kill the guy and rinse and repeat. Is it the same for AC2?

There's 14 memory sequences... every sequence is a separate part of the plot and have you doing something different although it'll probably involve assassinating someone (duh).

The side missions / 'stuff to do' in each town are there and could be 'repetitive'... but you don't ever have to do them if you don't want to. I personally did everything I came across.

Overall, AC2 keeps the great things about AC1 and improves on a lot of the not so strong points as well as welcome new additions.
one thing that stopped me from getting AC1 was people telling me it gets really repetitive. you go into a town, run around to collect info/intel then you just kill the guy and rinse and repeat. Is it the same for AC2? least I feel so. The missions, and there are a lot, are still there...but they vary greatly in what you have to do...AC1 was too much "kill this guy"..."kill this guy"..."kill this guy"..."kill this guy" get the I said, AC2 is a complete 180...everything wrong with the first is has been make great in the second!
One thing I enjoyed very muchly was poisoning a guard and watching him flail about and kill his buddies.
one thing that stopped me from getting AC1 was people telling me it gets really repetitive. you go into a town, run around to collect info/intel then you just kill the guy and rinse and repeat. Is it the same for AC2?

Yes and No.. Yes they're still there.. But they're optional now. unlike 1.
LOL...well just had a AC2 binge...played for roughly 6 hours just problems with DRM at all thank goodness! And even with 6 hours under my belt I feel like Ive just scratched the surface of the game...havent even been to any other cities yet or unlocked any other locations within the single city Ive been much much more game to go around!

So much about this game is awesome! Like I could seriously write a 2000 word essay on how this game is better than the truly is unbelievable! I would honestly say that this is the best sequel to any game Ive ever played...well, this and Mass Effect 2, but thats a different kinda, you get the point.

There nothing in this game that hasnt gone unchanged from the first one that isnt better or enhanced some way...I honestly cant find a single thing thus far that I would want to see different or change in any way...everything is so seemless and smooth!
The game is still just running, climbing and stabbing.

The fact the game improves on the original is causing this massive illusion that AC2 is some sort of awesome game.
The game is still just running, climbing and stabbing.

The fact the game improves on the original is causing this massive illusion that AC2 is some sort of awesome game.

No. The game is genuinely fantastic. There is no illusion. Do you even have the game?

And saying it is just running, climbing and stabbing is stupid. Where does that leave games like Modern Warfare and Battlefield? Those games are just running and shooting :p
No. The game is genuinely fantastic. There is no illusion. Do you even have the game?

And saying it is just running, climbing and stabbing is stupid. Where does that leave games like Modern Warfare and Battlefield? Those games are just running and shooting :p

I have finished the PS3 version. If you want to delude yourself that the game is some great thing because the game has some inconsequential new toys, you're just a fanboy.

Ubisoft is a one trick pony and has been nothing more for years now.
The game is still just running, climbing and stabbing.

The fact the game improves on the original is causing this massive illusion that AC2 is some sort of awesome game.

Um...So? Its still fun as shit. I loved AC2 when i played it on 360, couldn't put it down. The story this time is fantastic.
I have finished the PS3 version. If you want to delude yourself that the game is some great thing because the game has some inconsequential new toys, you're just a fanboy.

Ubisoft is a one trick pony and has been nothing more for years now.

Let us know which company isn't these days.
If you loved the first game you'll like the second even more. If you didn't like AC1 there's nothing for you in part 2 and there won't be in part 3, either.

I loved AC1 despite some of the repetitiveness. It really was such an overall good package to me that I didn't care. When the times comes that I get AC2 in some form or another I know I'll love it even more because the overwhelming consensus is that they improved on just about every aspect from part 1 which means AC2 will be a GOTY candidate for me.

The game is still just running, climbing and stabbing.

The fact the game improves on the original is causing this massive illusion that AC2 is some sort of awesome game.

But that's what makes Assassin's Creed 1/2 great: The running, climbing, and stabbing. Obviously if you don't like that then you won't like AC2... I think that's a no brainer? I'm not not sure what exactly you were looking for... Ezio to pull out an assault rifle and headshot a guard? (oh wait, he has a pistol now)

The core... running, climbing, and stabbing are maintained while a lot of the small nuances are changed. The plot and characters are much better this time around in my opinion. The cities really feel great. The plethora of new fatalities and weapon choices make for genuinely interesting fights.
The game is still just running, climbing and stabbing.

The fact the game improves on the original is causing this massive illusion that AC2 is some sort of awesome game.

I found this post quite does any other game veer from its own A,B,C structure? You could say a racing game is still just driving and running laps, a shooter is still just a gun and killing, etc...completely flawed logic and a completely worthless post!

Either the server is down or the application Ubisoft uses is flawed...but just now trying to play the game and the launcher tells me my password is incorrect...WHAT THE FUCK! So I try to go to the "Forgot Password" site and the site is down!

I found this post quite does any other game veer from its own A,B,C structure? You could say a racing game is still just driving and running laps, a shooter is still just a gun and killing, etc...completely flawed logic and a completely worthless post!

I once played a game called Super Mario Bros. 99% of the game consisted of just JUMPING! I can't believe that people actually enjoy this game. :p
yes the game is so improved that they added DRM that prevents players from playing the game they bought and paid for

it's so improved that I can't afford to pay for the improvements they've made to the game
yes the game is so improved that they added DRM that prevents players from playing the game they bought and paid for

it's so improved that I can't afford to pay for the improvements they've made to the game

Hey man the DRM sucks yes but the game is still bomb...reserve your useless comments until you have played the game!

Am I pissed? Yes. Do comments like yours piss me off more? Definitely! Does this DRM change how awesome the actual game is? Not at all!
I just voted with my wallet, I say no to games with DRM, the actual game doesn't matter

I won't be buying Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3
I approve this message.

Thanks for letting us know.

Encouraging the use and implementation of restrictive and constrictive measures as an impediment to the enjoyment of something you've paid for is disabled and the people that do so are contributing as much to all the problems with the PC game industry as the pirates are.

Hey man the DRM sucks yes but the game is still bomb...reserve your useless comments until you have played the game!

Am I pissed? Yes. Do comments like yours piss me off more? Definitely! Does this DRM change how awesome the actual game is? Not at all!

The DRM is part of the game though, don't you get it? The same kinds of statements could be made for MW2. At its core the gameplay is pretty fun and tight but that doesn't matter. Too much other bullshit gets in the way, and you cannot simply ignore it and say "well, if all of this wasn't here, the game is pretty good!"
If you didn't like AC1 there's nothing for you in part 2 and there won't be in part 3, either.

I wouldn't necessarily say that. AC2 could be a redemption for people who were turned off by the repetition in AC1 (read: lots of people).

AndroidVageta said:

Either the server is down or the application Ubisoft uses is flawed...but just now trying to play the game and the launcher tells me my password is incorrect...WHAT THE FUCK! So I try to go to the "Forgot Password" site and the site is down!


And due to posts like this, I will most likely not be buying AC2 unless/until the DRM is patched out of the game.

Q-BZ said:
If it gets in the way and interferes in any way, shape, or form in enjoyment and function of said awesome game then yes it does. may not change the content and mechanics of the game, so the game itself isn't any less awesome but enjoyment while playing it is reduced for damn sure.
I just voted with my wallet, I say no to games with DRM, the actual game doesn't matter

I won't be buying Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3

That's okay, millions more are ready to pay, and this is where the whole market is headed.
I loved AC1. I really loved it, even tho it was very repetitive. When I got AC2 it was love at first sight. To me they fixed everything that was repetitive and added new features that took it to a whole new level.
That's okay, millions more are ready to pay, and this is where the whole market is headed.

Millions? Come on.

If this really is the way the "whole market" is headed and there really are THAT many completely clueless and stupid people...which I guess wouldn't surprise me...then that's the beginning of the end.
one thing that stopped me from getting AC1 was people telling me it gets really repetitive. you go into a town, run around to collect info/intel then you just kill the guy and rinse and repeat. Is it the same for AC2?

If you look at it that way every game is repetitive.
Millions? Come on.

If this really is the way the "whole market" is headed and there really are THAT many completely clueless and stupid people...which I guess wouldn't surprise me...then that's the beginning of the end.
People who play the game are clueless and stupid eh?

You've just endeared yourself to alot of gamers :p
People who play the game are clueless and stupid eh?

You've just endeared yourself to alot of gamers :p

I was referring to the DRM scheme, not the game.

The game is awesome. I want it badly. I want to stay legit. I'm not going to buy it or any other game that has this kind of crap DRM on it. Other people will do what they want and we'll see what comes out in the wash. :)
That's okay, millions more are ready to pay, and this is where the whole market is headed.

Remember all the people weren't going to buy MW2 at all but ended up buying it anyway? Good job sticking to your principles.


Either the server is down or the application Ubisoft uses is flawed...but just now trying to play the game and the launcher tells me my password is incorrect...WHAT THE FUCK! So I try to go to the "Forgot Password" site and the site is down!


This is turning into the largest reason I'm buying more console games.
I have finished the PS3 version. If you want to delude yourself that the game is some great thing because the game has some inconsequential new toys, you're just a fanboy.

Or it could just be that... *gasp* someone has a different opinion than you?

I feel the same way, OP. The first one I couldn't finish because I got the same impression but AC2 was enough of a improvement for me. It was enjoyable... I really liked the historical accuracies especially since i've personally traveled Italy... it was cool to see and experience.
Glad you like it OP. Even though I have a solid ISP my issue is still the horrible DRM. You see I'm very slow when it comes to playing my games. I have so many that I'm years behind. I still have many games from the 90s I keep telling myself I'll play one day. So reliance on an online server to play a single player game is out of the question. I cannot support it and unless they remove it I will not be buying AC2 even though I'd like to. :( eh, I still haven't played AC1 yet ;)
I just voted with my wallet, I say no to games with DRM, the actual game doesn't matter

I won't be buying Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3

I looked up the proposed DRM on upcoming Blizzard games - the expectation is that they will require an online activation and a account, yes? Is there more to that I haven't heard about? Is that different from current Steamworks games? Do you not buy any of those either?
I should clairfy, I say no to games with DRM as intrusive as Ubisoft's DRM

I won't be buying Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3 because they are released by Activision Blizzard

they released MW 2 and i didn't buy it because of a long list of reasons

and with that, I wont' be buying any Activision Blizzard products untill Bobby kotick is gone
I should clairfy, I say no to games with DRM as intrusive as Ubisoft's DRM

I won't be buying Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3 because they are released by Activision Blizzard

they released MW 2 and i didn't buy it because of a long list of reasons

and with that, I wont' be buying any Activision Blizzard products untill Bobby kotick is gone

Oh man... that's a little much isn't it? You can probably tell by my forum name that you'll have to castrate me before I refuse to buy SC2.
yeah well, i'm just one person, but I have no intention of lining that fat bastard's pocket with my money

did you know that Activision relies on revenue from just 3 franchises for most of it's profits? Guitar Hero, WoW, and Call of Duty

once WoW goes kaput, there goes a lot of Activision profits lol

i just hate Michael Morhaine for making the merger