Assassin's Creed 2...WOW...what an improvement!

I should clairfy, I say no to games with DRM as intrusive as Ubisoft's DRM

I won't be buying Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3 because they are released by Activision Blizzard

they released MW 2 and i didn't buy it because of a long list of reasons

and with that, I wont' be buying any Activision Blizzard products untill Bobby kotick is gone

Activision Blizzard is just a name. The two are pretty much different companies. Blizzard has their own publishing studio and they're entire self-sufficient. They have the power to tell Kotik to kiss off if they need to, seeing as they make upwards of a billion dollars a year for the company.
yeah well, i'm just one person, but I have no intention of lining that fat bastard's pocket with my money

did you know that Activision relies on revenue from just 3 franchises for most of it's profits? Guitar Hero, WoW, and Call of Duty

once WoW goes kaput, there goes a lot of Activision profits lol

i just hate Michael Morhaine for making the merger
I don't think there's anything wrong with having three strong franchises as the majority of a business's profit. Not sure what's bad about that.

WoW won't last forever, but it's not like Blizzard won't make any new games. Blizzard was doing fine before WoW.
yeah well, i'm just one person, but I have no intention of lining that fat bastard's pocket with my money

did you know that Activision relies on revenue from just 3 franchises for most of it's profits? Guitar Hero, WoW, and Call of Duty

once WoW goes kaput, there goes a lot of Activision profits lol

i just hate Michael Morhaine for making the merger

It wasn't a merger. Activision bought every Viviendi Interactive studio and property. Blizzard has been owned by Viviendi since they bought Sierra many years ago.
I'm not buying the games because they put money in Activision's pocket, it's that simple.

Bobby Kotick runs Activision and he's the guy forcing shit like IWnet and nickel and dime DLC and all other kinds of crazy shit, like $10 more for the PC version of MW2 and having it all stripped down.

Next he wants a subscription based Call of Duty game.

he's probably the guy who told Blizzard to try to split Starcraft into 3 parts.

It won't surprise me if in Diablo 3, you have to buy DLC which adds extra classes, maybe even extra spells.

I can see that kind of shit going on in the future.

I will not be supporting that, I'm one man, with a vote, and my vote is cast when I choose to spend out of my wallet or have my money remain in it.

If you guys want to support Activision and their business model, then by all means, go join the rest of the crowd, they're already lapping it up with no idea what their money is going towards behind the scenes.
I'm not buying the games because they put money in Activision's pocket, it's that simple.

Bobby Kotick runs Activision and he's the guy forcing shit like IWnet and nickel and dime DLC and all other kinds of crazy shit, like $10 more for the PC version of MW2 and having it all stripped down.

Next he wants a subscription based Call of Duty game.

he's probably the guy who told Blizzard to try to split Starcraft into 3 parts.

It won't surprise me if in Diablo 3, you have to buy DLC which adds extra classes, maybe even extra spells.

I can see that kind of shit going on in the future.

I will not be supporting that, I'm one man, with a vote, and my vote is cast when I choose to spend out of my wallet or have my money remain in it.

If you guys want to support Activision and their business model, then by all means, go join the rest of the crowd, they're already lapping it up with no idea what their money is going towards behind the scenes.

You've never bought a Blizzard title before, have you? They like expansions, that is all the other two parts are. If you have proof that they are more than that feel free to provide it. Anything else is asinine rambling.

I'll buy games I like and want to play as long as they don't have shit DRM like AC2 or aren't gimped to shit like MW2 or piss poor ports in general.

You don't want to support them? Fine and dandy. Enjoy that. There are plenty of other titles I'm sure you'll enjoy.
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No shit, I already have a backlog of games, I'm just simply choosing not to support a company that has bad business practices, which is in this case, Activision Blizzard.

If this shit came from Blizzard and if Activision wouldn't get a dime from it, I'd buy all their games, but since that's not the case, I'm not buying them.

This expansion shit is another way of milking the population, they already know people will buy the expansions from past experience.

Given the company it's coming from, I wouldn't be surprised to see a $60 price tag attached to the game
No shit, I already have a backlog of games, I'm just simply choosing not to support a company that has bad business practices, which is in this case, Activision Blizzard.

If this shit came from Blizzard and if Activision wouldn't get a dime from it, I'd buy all their games, but since that's not the case, I'm not buying them.

This expansion shit is another way of milking the population, they already know people will buy the expansions from past experience.

Given the company it's coming from, I wouldn't be surprised to see a $60 price tag attached to the game

At least its expansions over $10 five minute DLC packs. Blizzard is one of the few companies that still do them.
You can simply vote with your wallet not to support $10 5 min DLC packs
You've never bought a Blizzard title before, have you? They like expansions, that is all the other two parts are. If you have proof that they are more than that feel free to provide it. Anything else is asinine rambling.
To be fair it is being split up in three parts, one for each race. While somewhat different I have heard that each campaign is like a single epic game and not just an hour or two. if that is the case I don't see anything wrong with that.

However, I can see why Fail doesn't want to support Bobby Kotick. The man is a schmuck and as for what is wrong with relying on three main IP's? You get stagnate and fail to diversify and before you know it the competition has passed you by. Gaming requires innovation and that means taking a chance and letting your studios do what they do best and that is make games.
Eh, I felt that AC2 was less repetitive, but lost a lot of the atmosphere that made the first one great. The whole desert grittiness combined with beautiful vistas had a unique feel to it, despite the repetition. Also the towns were genuinely different and had personality.

I think even though AC2 has less repetition, it also got more linear and less dynamic as a result. Even though AC1 lasted less time before becoming boring, it had more flavor for me. Well, I didn't think either one even remotely lived up to the hype. The AI is still horrific.
It doesn't matter how much Ubisoft has improved the game, as long as it has that stillbirth of an abomination of DRM attached to it I'll never buy it. Treat me like a criminal? FU. You do not pass go. You do not collect my $60. Straight to the bargain bin you go.
I loved the side quest of killing 10 brutes in under a minute. The 1st time I tried going toe to toe with them but ran out of time. The 2nd time I used poison which when one brute was poisoned the others gathered around which was perfect for a quick stab in the back. I actually ended up with time to spare.
I loved the side quest of killing 10 brutes in under a minute. The 1st time I tried going toe to toe with them but ran out of time. The 2nd time I used poison which when one brute was poisoned the others gathered around which was perfect for a quick stab in the back. I actually ended up with time to spare.

Yea I failed that at first as well. The 2nd time I just waited for the moving patrol to move to the far side of the bridge and took out the stationary guys from behind, none of them noticed me murdering their buddies... Did the same for the moving patrol as soon as their back was turned to me.
I still need to play my copy got it for xmas with a ton of other crap played the first 4hours of it or so was fun so far but i havent had time to continue. im almost done w/ bayoneta and i was playing CoD4 a lot and now im in Starcraft 2 beta soooo no time!
I've really been enjoying AC2, though should admit that I quite enjoyed AC1 (despite its repetitiveness). AC2 is much more fleshed out in terms of gameplay, so much so that it makes the first one almost feel like a very well fleshed out tech demo.

There are still some rough edges, mostly in regards to the AI and present-day voice actors (the ones in italy are all fantastic, but your present-day buddies are fucking horrible).

My biggest issue with the game is un/fortunately not with the game at all, but with the DRM, and not because I'm against such restrictive copy protection (which I am, but pushing that aside). I have on a few occasions been prevented from playing my game despite having the same working internet connection I did an hour beforehand (presumably due to Ubi's servers), have had the game pause a number of times mid-play (again, despite my connection still functioning, as tested with an alt-tab to my browser), and also have had the game tell me that it failed to synchronize the saved games with the Ubi servers. Boo, fucking boo.

Again though, if you can grin and bear that copy protection (or whenever they patch it out), you will experience a really amazing game.
Sure they improved some stuff , but why the heck does an assassin walks like a pimp?
Sure they improved some stuff , but why the heck does an assassin walks like a pimp?

I liked that, it really made the character unique. Ever play games like Grand Theft Auto, Darksiders, Uncharted, Zelda, etc?

Notice how all those characters have the same basic walking motion and stuff? It's very boring and repetitive.

Altiar? He moves in pretty interesting manners, although I may have been a little harsh by throwing Uncharted in there, Drake has his moments.
I own it on PS3 (have good PC but didn't want to wait)... unless a game is a FPS or has modding capability/PC exclusive, I generally do console because they don't have DRM.

I really wish the pirates would have just pirated (they cracked Ubisoft's DRM like, what, under 24 hours I think?) AC2, showed clips of them playing the it and sent a cashier's check or something to Activision stating, "Look, make a quality game and people WILL actually buy it." Nothing makes someone purchase a product that something that is so good it endears people to itself...

The gameplay was much better, although it seemed a bit too easy but that really didn't diminish entertainment value - but the story is what REALLY brought it home...solving those glyphs that were just oozing with as much tension as blood is in the game...I haven't played the game since I beat it but I still want to own it and keep it as a collection because of the story...
I own it on PS3 (have good PC but didn't want to wait)... unless a game is a FPS or has modding capability/PC exclusive, I generally do console because they don't have DRM.

I really wish the pirates would have just pirated (they cracked Ubisoft's DRM like, what, under 24 hours I think?) AC2, showed clips of them playing the it and sent a cashier's check or something to Activision stating, "Look, make a quality game and people WILL actually buy it." Nothing makes someone purchase a product that something that is so good it endears people to itself...

The gameplay was much better, although it seemed a bit too easy but that really didn't diminish entertainment value - but the story is what REALLY brought it home...solving those glyphs that were just oozing with as much tension as blood is in the game...I haven't played the game since I beat it but I still want to own it and keep it as a collection because of the story...

Console games have DRM. You're not allowed to fully install the game on the console meaning you are required to have the disc in the drive. PS3 games don't, but all Wii games and most 360 games have the worst type of DRM called region coding. You also have no real freedom either. While its never happened Sony, MS, or Nintendo could release an update that disables your ability to play specific games. The PS3 game outage proved that some of the games are tied to something specific with the console that allows it to play and without that connection they simply won't play online or off.
I loved the side quest of killing 10 brutes in under a minute. The 1st time I tried going toe to toe with them but ran out of time. The 2nd time I used poison which when one brute was poisoned the others gathered around which was perfect for a quick stab in the back. I actually ended up with time to spare.
I screwed that one up the first time too. I'd been having a rough time with brutes and had no idea how I'd kill that many so fast. I wound up using smoke bombs plus double assassinations when they were all bunched up.

I played it on 360, but ACII was awesome. It was a striking improvement over the first. I'd love to see the PC graphics, but I'll pass on the DRM scheme on this one (on top of the fact I already bought it of course)