Arrow Lake 2024 (and beyond)

Is there any scenario where this new CPU would not be good for like 5 years of gaming? I can’t imagine next gen consoles sporting something faster.
depends what one mean by good, someone buying a cpu july of 2019 say a 3700x day one, it is still good, not not necessarily match it with an 7900xtx good... anymore, a 3600 had issue in Baldur Gates 3 city part at least the launch version or StarField would run at half the FPS than 13900k on a 3700x.

And the consoles does not have faster CPU, they do not match it with that fast of a GPU and does not try to do as much as very high details pc gamers do and tend to run more optimized for them title a bit.

Maybe the 2028 PS6 will have some new stacked X2-3D AMD cpu with a 4,000 Tops of 2 bits inference NPU cores that can use that giant new stack amount of really fast memory and a 2024 ArrowLake 2 will leave a lot of performance on that table versus a DDR-6, PCI express 6 Geforce 7800x.... and a 24 GB/s ssd.

3700x CPU should be able to do 30-40 fps for console game at their level of details, because a weaker console CPU with less access to watts does it, but pc gamers tend to want to do more and CPU development has been relatively fast the previous 5 and could be in the next 5 years.

A 9900x could be quite faster than a 3900x.
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