Are you satisfied with your PS3 purchase?

PS3 is the Best Gaming Console Ever!!!!!!! PERIOD! Haha. Mines in rocking! I have a 60GB model and that thing is a beast! To all HDTV owners, BUY A PS3! Okay. :p
PS3 is the Best Gaming Console Ever!!!!!!! PERIOD! Haha. Mines in rocking! I have a 60GB model and that thing is a beast! To all HDTV owners, BUY A PS3! Okay. :p

You've convinced me, where so many others have failed.
Right now I'm not, but I knew I was investing for the future when I bought it.
The interface is dated, the online service is so-so at best, and the games are mostly ho-hum. Even the almighty "Resistance" is only average when put against other shooters like HL2 or Gears of War.
At the same time, Tekken 5: DR should be out in a month with US only features, Blu-Ray IS nice for a Netflix account where I'm not investing in anything permanently, and there WILL be some good games for it within the next year.
Right now I'm not, but I knew I was investing for the future when I bought it.
The interface is dated, the online service is so-so at best, and the games are mostly ho-hum. Even the almighty "Resistance" is only average when put against other shooters like HL2 or Gears of War.
At the same time, Tekken 5: DR should be out in a month with US only features, Blu-Ray IS nice for a Netflix account where I'm not investing in anything permanently, and there WILL be some good games for it within the next year.

Yea, the ps2 launch started off very slowly as well, but who knows how the ps3 will turn out, I might pick a ps3 up when I can find one for cheap (300$), sofar the only game that interests me is Assasin's Creed and that title is coming to the 360 and PC.
Actually Sony have been denying licences to people wanting to put adult content on blu ray. Can't speak for Japan but there's plenty of news about it for America.

Oh, and I'll say this about the release list... average joe wont know about it. Whilst this makes a difference to the informed making purchasing decisions I'd say that normal buyers probably wont even realise that certain films are only coming out on blu ray / hd dvd. That aside, neither of these formats are going to win until players drop into the $200 range.

No Sony hasn't confirmed or denied anything on the subject. It is the replication houses that have told the porn companies that Sony told them they would lose their license to produce Blu-ray products. It is all circumstantial right now. It could very well be true, but Sony has not spoken on the matter.

As for the release list, the average joe will know about it. They know when they go to their local Best Buy and see that Blu-ray has 3 times the number of movies available compared to HD DVD. But like you said, the average joe isn't going to matter for awhile anyway. These formats aren't for him yet.
As for the release list, the average joe will know about it. They know when they go to their local Best Buy and see that Blu-ray has 3 times the number of movies available compared to HD DVD.
Right now you can buy around 170 of each format... you think he's going to notice the difference between say 350 and 450 titles in a store? It's not going to end up as 3x simply because there's not that many EXCLUSIVE studios that are only doing blu-ray. So, short of the customer counting I can't see that happening, it's just going to look like a whole bunch of each!. =)

What they may notice is that their fave titles aren't on one or the other though, I'll give it that.

Just checked into the blu-ray porn thing and you're right that there's no confirmation... but even so - why would the manufacturers say it if Sony hadn't said it to them. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to take the cash. I don't think Sony will ever come out and confirm one way or another on this though.
For one thing, Sony never said anything. Second, there already is porn on Blu-ray. Just check out the Japan releases. Third, Blu-ray will be here for a long time.

Japan supports tentacle rape and child porn (intill just recently, they still do animated kiddie shit), as well as bestiality on public broadcast TV and that kind of stuff. , so their porn industry is something we REALLY shouldn't talk about.
Japan supports tentacle rape and child porn (intill just recently, they still do animated kiddie shit), as well as bestiality on public broadcast TV and that kind of stuff. , so their porn industry is something we REALLY shouldn't talk about.

You seem to know a little too much about this subject :D
Sony said Blu-ray will not have pr0n movies... so the adult movie industry is supporting HD-DVD... good bye Blu-ray it was fun while it lastest.
"Washington, D.C. (January 12, 2007) -- Vivid Entertainment will release its first adult film on Blu-ray and HD-DVD in late March or early April, has learned.

Actually Sony have been denying licences to people wanting to put adult content on blu ray. Can't speak for Japan but there's plenty of news about it for America.
... :confused:
"Ars contacted the Blu-ray Disc Association for comment on Joone's allegations. "There is not a prohibition against adult content," said Marty Gordon, vicechair of the BDA US Promotions Committee and vice president of the Philips Electronics Hollywood Office. "The BDA welcomes the participation of all companies interested in using and supporting the format, particularly those from the content industry. We look forward to working with any content providers interested in providing their audience with [the] best possible high definition home entertainment experience."
The former link could easily be explained by stating that while vivid are planning to release they haven't gone and spoken to manufacturers yet to get the bad news. The latter link could just as easily be explained by one hand not knowing what the other is doing.

Either way, Sony could easily clear this up don't you think?
Both links are pretty up to date & recent (only 2 days ago); they are pretty much updates on the situation and recent news that there is no support on blu-ray. They came after, not before.
Both links are pretty up to date & recent (only 2 days ago); they are pretty much updates on the situation and recent news that there is no support on blu-ray. They came after, not before.

Vivid, which generates $100 million in sales annually, told last November that it would release its debut HDTV DVD on Blu-ray first and HD-DVD later.

It was just an update to say that now they're releasing them at the same time. There's still no guarantee they will and my point still stands. If the adult video industry believes this is the case (as demonstrated at the trade show) and the manufacturers still believe it too then they need to clear it up... quick.
It was just an update to say that now they're releasing them at the same time. There's still no guarantee they will and my point still stands. If the adult video industry believes this is the case (as demonstrated at the trade show) and the manufacturers still believe it too then they need to clear it up... quick.

I'm not sure what your point is? They are saying they plan on releasing content on both formats. The 2nd link I posted earlier states the BDA does not really have a problem with it dispite what people might be saying. These updated statements came after the CES tradeshow. It's not like there isnt already released content in other regions, it's only a matter of time before it hits in NA.

Anyways, this is getting pretty off topic.
And straight from Vivid's mouth (video), they already have a place for replication for Debbie on Blu-ray. You can tell that Vivid really wants to stick with Blu-ray, and while he doesn't it flat out, you can tell it is because of the PS3. Besides, if Sony is only trying to keep the plants available to be able to replicate more movies, I have no problem with them blocking porn from using their main facilities. Once more plants are opened or converted it will be much easier for the little man to get quality replication.

But I agree, this has gotten off-topic.

Still satisfied with my PS3. :p
Um...I do not mean to crap the thread....but....I did post on something else on topic but basically this thread is going way off topic..... if you have a PS3, post your comments about it.....if you don't....don't post anything!

Basically this thread was made to answer the question "Are you satisfied with your PS3 purchase?" That means that if you purchased a PS3, do you like it or not! How hard can that be.

I guess everyone is right. All PS3 thread turns into a crap fest.
It's not getting off topic.

It has been proven that there is a high correlation between 'satisfaction' and 'pr0n'. So the ps3 pr0n discussion is perfectly relevant.
"the interface is dated"
I don't fiollow you

The whole operating system you use to navigate everything from games, to movies, to the online store. It's nowhere close to as easy to use as it should be. The text inputting is a pain, the menus cascade and moving forward in menus doesn't always work like it should, and it's futuristic, but kind of ugly. It's not unusable, but compared to how easy and fast it is to set up a 360 or Wii, it's a pain in the ass. It's minor gripe, but why not let the analogs control the OS, too? I just don't care for the layout. It's not intuitive.
One thing, I will say - the online store filing system is EASIER than the 360's, though. It's very easy and quick to find downloads, which is nice. The 360's is easy to use after a month or two of learning where things are, but the PS3's is easier right away.
It's not getting off topic.

It has been proven that there is a high correlation between 'satisfaction' and 'pr0n'. So the ps3 pr0n discussion is perfectly relevant.

It is off topic, because the OP asks, are "YOU" satisfied with your PS3 purchase. There are plenty of non-owners here putting in their two cents because they cant resist.
"the interface is dated"
I don't fiollow you

The whole operating system you use to navigate everything from games, to movies, to the online store. It's nowhere close to as easy to use as it should be. The text inputting is a pain, the menus cascade and moving forward in menus doesn't always work like it should, and it's futuristic, but kind of ugly. It's not unusable, but compared to how easy and fast it is to set up a 360 or Wii, it's a pain in the ass. It's minor gripe, but why not let the analogs control the OS, too? I just don't care for the layout. It's not intuitive.
One thing, I will say - the online store filing system is EASIER than the 360's, though. It's very easy and quick to find downloads, which is nice. The 360's is easy to use after a month or two of learning where things are, but the PS3's is easier right away.

Plugging up a KB to the PS3 made setting up my stuff very quick. I only wish the 360 had let me do that. Live signup took 20 minutes.
Yes inputting is a doddle on the ps3 with my small piano black laptop keyboard!
Same here with the keyboard. I originally plugged in my saitek and it didn't work. I plugged in my gyration wireless and it worked without any problems. The gyro mouse worked as well (and can be used in a similar way to the wiimote I might add, for FPS that can use a mouse).

After getting the keyboard up, using the browser and anything that takes input is so much easier.

Now they just have to improve the actual browser.
The only USB keyboard I have is the Saitek Eclipse, so it didn't work for me. Hence why it seemed to take me forever to set everything up. It's like text messaging on a cellphone, but slower. Hopefully they'll release a work around for this keyboard eventually...although I guess now I don't need it for much.
The only USB keyboard I have is the Saitek Eclipse, so it didn't work for me.
Glad I wasn't the only one with the Saitek problem. What is it about the keyboard that makes it unrecognisable to the PS3? It is the most basic that you can get. Perhaps the powered backlight? After trying that keyboard, I was really surprised the wireless gyro worked since on the PC you need to install a bunch of software to get it to work correctly.
By plugging it in. The 360 allows text entry via keyboard.

Nice, i never actually did try it, i dont know why i was under the assumption it wouldnt work. Good to know though.
It is off topic, because the OP asks, are "YOU" satisfied with your PS3 purchase. There are plenty of non-owners here putting in their two cents because they cant resist.

Bah, rubbish.
You can't plead ignorance.
If you open up the PS3-Topic jar, then you know damn well what's coming out.
So far I am as satisfied with it as much as I was with my xbox 360 when it first came out. Both were hard to get and impulse buys. The 360 was only used to play Halo 2 since most of its release games were sub par. Same with the PS3 most of the games are sub par but hopefully in a couple of months this will change.

I still love my xbox 360 first but I don't think it will last if developer can harness the ps3's power (not the developer's fault but sony's)
So far I am as satisfied with it as much as I was with my xbox 360 when it first came out. Both were hard to get and impulse buys. The 360 was only used to play Halo 2 since most of its release games were sub par. Same with the PS3 most of the games are sub par but hopefully in a couple of months this will change.

I still love my xbox 360 first but I don't think it will last if developer can harness the ps3's power (not the developer's fault but sony's)

you are correct but the problem is they need to sell more consoles so the developers know they will get there money back on sales.
"the interface is dated"
I don't fiollow you

The whole operating system you use to navigate everything from games, to movies, to the online store. It's nowhere close to as easy to use as it should be. The text inputting is a pain, the menus cascade and moving forward in menus doesn't always work like it should, and it's futuristic, but kind of ugly. It's not unusable, but compared to how easy and fast it is to set up a 360 or Wii, it's a pain in the ass. It's minor gripe, but why not let the analogs control the OS, too? I just don't care for the layout. It's not intuitive.
One thing, I will say - the online store filing system is EASIER than the 360's, though. It's very easy and quick to find downloads, which is nice. The 360's is easy to use after a month or two of learning where things are, but the PS3's is easier right away.

So you realize the difference between "dated" and "opinion" now right? I think it's pretty sweet and have yet to have any navigation problems.
No, I do think it feels dated. It's like comparing an older Mac OS with the scrolling menus to something newer like Vista. The menus on the Xbox are colorful, customizable, and all link together seamlessly to the various programs and online functions. The PS3's has a bunch of cascading menus...and that's it. In fact, most of the functions aren't even detailed in the manuals at all. You actually have to use the online manual just to figure out what some things do, when a simple pop-up description would've made it easier.
The whole thing feels like someone made an interface 3 years ago and just stuck with it.
Well I pretty much think the gui for vista is crappy. I could go into detail, but meh. I don't see what needs to be explained about "user" "system information" "game" etc. are pretty self- explanatory. The name is like it's own description. I've seen bits and pieces of the 360 interface and looking at something like that would probably make me vomit uncontrollably. I guess ps3 isn't really for the "average" user.
Well I pretty much think the gui for vista is crappy. I could go into detail, but meh. I don't see what needs to be explained about "user" "system information" "game" etc. are pretty self- explanatory. The name is like it's own description. I've seen bits and pieces of the 360 interface and looking at something like that would probably make me vomit uncontrollably. I guess ps3 isn't really for the "average" user.