Are you satisfied with your PS3 purchase?

thanx guys will do tonight, I just bought lemmings as well cool puzzle game :)
Anybody try a usb wheel yet? I wonder if my logitech would work on this thing ?
jacuzz1 said:
Anybody try a usb wheel yet? I wonder if my logitech would work on this thing ?
I have heard that they do. I actually just read this earlier. I am not sure if it was on [H] or another message board, but yes I have definitely heard that they do.
WCES Ryan said:
I have heard that they do. I actually just read this earlier. I am not sure if it was on [H] or another message board, but yes I have definitely heard that they do.

Well i am just going to have to find out, going to hook it up with the pedals tonight , God willing............. :p
jacuzz1 said:
Anybody try a usb wheel yet? I wonder if my logitech would work on this thing ?

In the settings for the GTHD demo it allows you to setup a number of different USB gaming wheels (most or all of which are Logitech) and it seems to support force feedback too.
ellover009 said:
I know how you feel, specially with all the people bitching about all the flaws of the system makes it seem like it's the wost thing in the world, it's called buyers remorse. I had pretty good luck with mine so far, No disconnection problems, not playback problems since I have a receiver than upconverts. Resistance looks freaking awesome in a big screen, anything at around 34inch is a wash, you get to 40inches and up and you can pick up quite a bit of detail. Just wait till Q2 of 2007 till the 1080p become even cheaper. Whats tough is some of the people in this thread don't even own ps3's, they go online, read about someones problems and they call it a bad product, well I have not heard of many ps3's dying like the 360's ring of death, they are updating this system constantly. I am not afraid that the 360 will do better because it is doing better, hell i'm going to also pick one up once a game I want comes out aka gta4, fable 2, Banjo Kazooie. In japan the ps3 already outsold the 360 by a large margin, this leads me to believe that ps3 game support is not going to die. Hopefully they release motorstorm soon, that game is so much fun.

It's not "buyers remorse" I haven't had buyers remorse for anything I've bought this year, except some bad chinese, and that includes a truck, a new house, and a PS3. It's called being irritated that some things that were promised, were not delivered. I paid for certain things, and they're not there. BC is broken, etc, and I especially bought the thing for backwards compat.

What reciever do you have?
hkhawk said:
In the settings for the GTHD demo it allows you to setup a number of different USB gaming wheels (most or all of which are Logitech) and it seems to support force feedback too.
Yep! , my logitech wingforce works flawlessly. What a difference a wheel makes. I am having a blast. The F1 demo is off the hook. My poor pc is feeling neglected these days, I am even posting this from my ps 3 using my MS wireless desktop hardware that i had laying around. Woot! I really enjoy the versatility of the ps3
I'm satisfied with mine. I only have one game thus far, Resistance, which I haven't opened yet. I pretty much purchased it because they released the GT HD demo. I went out and bought the memory card adaptor today so I could transfer my GT4 saves onto it. I'll play some GT4 for the time being. I bought my PS2 for GT3 and GT4 and only have two other games for it. I bought the PS3 for GT5, so that's what I'm waiting on. I changed some of my netflix queue movies to bluray, so we'll see how they look when I get them in.
how does this work as a Blu-ray player, i have my doubts since the early PS2's (well, most of them) sucked at playing DVD's, so i was just it actually viable as a Blu-Ray player?
anybody have "non-buyer's remorse"?

...sorry they didn't buy a PS3?


miskari said:
how does this work as a Blu-ray player, i have my doubts since the early PS2's (well, most of them) sucked at playing DVD's, so i was just it actually viable as a Blu-Ray player?
Indeed it is. Check the user reviews over at AVS forums in the blu-ray hardware section. The majority of people respect the ps3 as a very viable blu-ray player that holds it's own to standalone players. That said, it does have some minor faults (for example, non IR remote for one, though theres a remote you can buy), but overall it definately isnt like the PS2 DVD player.
miskari said:
how does this work as a Blu-ray player, i have my doubts since the early PS2's (well, most of them) sucked at playing DVD's, so i was just it actually viable as a Blu-Ray player?

VERY solid playback. This is something sony nailed dead-on
Am I happy with my PS3? Of course I am. It's a great system, top of the line, and can only get better with time. I got resistance going and the GT HD demo as of now. While I'm sure xbox 360 currently has games with better graphics and I bet Gears of War is more fun than Resistance, I'm still happy with my purchase. I'd say I bought this system way early and could have easily waited until the end of 2007 to buy it. But it is a system I would end up buying either way because of the games on it that I know I'm going to have to play at some point.

A few things to point out is all the online stuff is free. Games in the market place work the same way if not better than xbox's. In xbox's market place you have to buy points then buy the game with the points. There is a minimum amount of points you can buy so if you have like 40 left over you actually have paid microsoft extra money until you spend all of those points.

I'm sure xbox 360 is a little bit more user friendly as of right now(downloading while playing games, etc), but in time ps3 will catch up with xbox. With all of these firmware updates and more OS changes to come I don't even consider this an issue anymore. And on top of this, I have the option of putting a whole other OS on ps3 if I am not satisfied with this one.

I've played some xbox games and never really got into Halo or any games that required me to buy an Xbox. Until that day comes or until microsoft has some features that the xbox has that sony can't compete with I'm going to stay happy with my purchase.

Games to look forward too: Metal Gear, FF13, God of War 3, and Gran Turismo to just name a few. Everything else will come out on both systems regardless except for a few exclusive xbox games. The only one I can think of currently would be Halo that I've ever had any interest in. But as I said before, even after playing halo 1 and 2(i think halo 2 online as well) it wasn't enough for me to switch to microsoft.
ND40oz said:
I'm satisfied with mine. I only have one game thus far, Resistance, which I haven't opened yet. I pretty much purchased it because they released the GT HD demo. I went out and bought the memory card adaptor today so I could transfer my GT4 saves onto it. I'll play some GT4 for the time being. I bought my PS2 for GT3 and GT4 and only have two other games for it. I bought the PS3 for GT5, so that's what I'm waiting on. I changed some of my netflix queue movies to bluray, so we'll see how they look when I get them in.

Ehhh....You only have 1 game, which you have not played...and your satisfied? What am I missing here? Did you play that demo or something?
lopoetve said:
It's not "buyers remorse" I haven't had buyers remorse for anything I've bought this year, except some bad chinese, and that includes a truck, a new house, and a PS3. It's called being irritated that some things that were promised, were not delivered. I paid for certain things, and they're not there. BC is broken, etc, and I especially bought the thing for backwards compat.

But all those thing were well known, and could have been verified if you'd waited a week to buy the ps3 after release...
Very happy with my PS3

I own a 360, Wii and high end PC too. I'm happy with each for what they all offer
Just as an update to my initial post in this thread: I ended up returning my PS3. I wasn't satisfied with it for a number of reasons so I felt right now wasn't the best time to own one. MAYBE if Sony gets their act together in a year from now I may consider purchasing it again. Until then my 360 and PC will do just fine.
2Fresh said:
Ehhh....You only have 1 game, which you have not played...and your satisfied? What am I missing here? Did you play that demo or something?

Yeah, the GT HD demo is awesome, I can't wait until GT5 is released, it's the only reason I purchased the PS3, well that and to try and get folding working on it as well. I told myself I wouldn't purchase it until a GT game or PS3 exclusive game came out that I really wanted and then they had to go release the GT HD demo, so I bit.

Resistance is pretty damn good too, I cracked it open this evening to give it a wirl. I have Gears of War as well and resistance looks as good as gears does to me on my LCD at 720P. I have it hooked up with the monster component cables right now (unplugged the PS2 and just plugged the PS3 in), HDMI cables are on the way from Monoprice. Only thing I can't get working is GT4, video cuts out every 5 seconds or so and it only defaults to 480p no matter what resolution you choose in game. Hopefully a firmware update fixes it or I figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Technoob said:
But all those thing were well known, and could have been verified if you'd waited a week to buy the ps3 after release...

Doesn't change my satisfaction about it. I knew about it, I got mine over a month after release, but I'm still irritated that they didn't get things working. I needed a blu-ray player and I wanted to play R:FOM, so I got one. I also wanted a PS2, etc... stuff I didn't manage to get.
heres a question for the 20gig PS3 users: as far as i know the 20g has no wifi, i have one of those usb plug in things that came with my router that allows a Pc to have WiFi, so is it possible to do the same with the Ps3? i.e just plug it in and it'll work? i guess its a long shot. or would i have to have linux running or something XD
I too just got the PS3. From an hardware standpoint, it is a great deal. It costs less then some standalone Blue Ray players... Although I think Sony is losing money on each unit they sell. They will make it up by using the PS3 as the weapon to win the Blue Ray vs. HD DVD.

Heh. There's a better chance that neither Blu-Ray nor HD-DVD will win the war.

LG is now making a dual-format player and someone just developed a dual-format disc. If anything, those will "win the war", except they'll win it for the customers instead of the moronic corporations that couldn't agree on a format.
Heh. There's a better chance that neither Blu-Ray nor HD-DVD will win the war.

LG is now making a dual-format player and someone just developed a dual-format disc. If anything, those will "win the war", except they'll win it for the customers instead of the moronic corporations that couldn't agree on a format.

Quoted for truth.
Heh. There's a better chance that neither Blu-Ray nor HD-DVD will win the war.

LG is now making a dual-format player and someone just developed a dual-format disc. If anything, those will "win the war", except they'll win it for the customers instead of the moronic corporations that couldn't agree on a format.

Heh. There's a better chance that neither Blu-Ray nor HD-DVD will win the war.

LG is now making a dual-format player and someone just developed a dual-format disc. If anything, those will "win the war", except they'll win it for the customers instead of the moronic corporations that couldn't agree on a format.

Heh. There's a better chance that neither Blu-Ray nor HD-DVD will win the war.

LG is now making a dual-format player and someone just developed a dual-format disc. If anything, those will "win the war", except they'll win it for the customers instead of the moronic corporations that couldn't agree on a format.
i love you
Heh. There's a better chance that neither Blu-Ray nor HD-DVD will win the war.

LG is now making a dual-format player and someone just developed a dual-format disc. If anything, those will "win the war", except they'll win it for the customers instead of the moronic corporations that couldn't agree on a format.
Given that LG couldn't make a working model nor has is being accepted by the HD DVD Forum since it can't play HDi titles correctly, they are making a fully functional BD player and a haphazard HD DVD player all for $1200. If they don't get the certification from HD DVD, they can never claim that it plays HD DVD's nor use their logo. There's a good chance that it now won't even make it to market. Besides, at that price it is pointless and with all the momentum Blu-ray got from this years CES, chances are we won't need a combo player by next year.

That said, I just got my PS3 last monday. Hardwarewise, it is just one sexy machine. Best looking console I've ever owned. PS2 looked like ass (but I never owned it), Xbox (owned) wasn't too bad and with skins could look good, and the 360 once again looks like ass.(don't own)

I bought it mainly for Blu-ray playback, and with that it truely succeeds. Movies load up in seconds compared to the 40sec lag on Toshiba's players. Haven't had any problems with picture quality or playback and the console is dead silent. I got the $20gig version.

I'm also very pleased that the PS3 can playback raw HDV files shot with my Canon XL-H1. They look great on it. All my companies HD shortfilms are saved on the harddrive and play at full 25Mbps. I do wish Sony would increase the types of files it does play though. Basic wmv support would be nice.

The PS Store and web browsing need work. They are functional but lots of improvement can be had, especially with the browser before it is something I can use everyday.

Lots of tweaks and customizations for the XMB are needed but overall it works very well. It is more like 'additional features' vs something actually being wrong with it.

Now gaming.
I haven't purchased any games and most likely won't unless they are must haves with lots of replayability. So I'm only renting through I spent way too much money on the xbox only to play through a game once and forget it. I also have a 1080i only tv that won't accept 720p. So until Sony fixes their scaling, or lack there of, issue any titles I do purchase will be 1080p since they play at 1080i just fine.

Now I've always hated the PS controller. It just never felt right. I loved the original Duke on the xbox and then they scred that up by making the small controller standard. Never cared for the rumble feature in controllers either. I have buttkickers bolted to the couch, so there is no need for cheap plastic rattling in my hands. I'm getting used to the sixaxis and while it is still not my favorite it will work. I love the motion sensing more than I thought I would. When games fully support it and take advantage it is going to be great. Lair is going to rock with this controller. I haven't had any problems with the bluetooth connectivity either.

Besides all the demos available on the PS Store, I have RFoM. On my set it only renders out at 480p, but it still looks pretty darn good. (gritting teeth at the 720p/1080i issue again)
The sound on this game is amazing though.

Overall I'm quite satisfied just because of the Blu-ray playback. Sony really needs to get some killer titles out though and from looking at the lineup through June, it looks like there could be a couple. Until then, I'll sift through the crap and not be bothered since I'm not dropping $50-$60 on a title. There are still many items that can be improved upon and it is nice to know that Sony is working on them judging by the updates we have received so far. I do plan on getting a new 1080p tv this year, but that still doesn't excuse Sony for the retarded move of not including proper scaling in the PS3 at launch. That should be numero uno on their list of items to fix.

I got a sneak peak at the 360 a couple months before it launched as I reported here, and it left me unimpressed. Only a couple titles looked good and the system itself seemed rushed and they made some crucial errors such as no standard hard drive. But they have come a long way this past year and I have a feeling the PS3 will be in a similar boat. The hardware is there, and it is a very solid machine overall. Now they just need to finetune the software. I highly recommend the 20gig over the 60gig model unless you must have wireless built-in to keep things clean.

After all the Sony bias hate dies down, I think most people will pick it up and realize that it is a solid gaming platform and a good value for what you are getting. I don't see it surpassing the 360 it total units sold this year, or even next year. But most likely by the 3rd year and after a couple price drops it will be the system to have.

Lastly, the best addicting game on the 360 when it launched was Geometry Wars. With the PS3, it is Blast Factor. Love that game. :D
Besides, at that price it is pointless and with all the momentum Blu-ray got from this years CES, chances are we won't need a combo player by next year.

I'm not arguing, but what momentum? I haven't heard anything interesting from the Blu-Ray camp for a while.
The plethora of titles announced with actual dates. That pretty much got the ball rolling. Player announcements were about even on both sides but with Blu-ray still being the king with support from the major CE companies. No budget players announced though to compete with the low end Toshiba players besides the PS3.

The real momentum is the content. No use in having a bunch of players out there if you don't have anything to play on them right? All we got out of the HD DVD camp was a vague "300 titles coming out this year" with most of those being from format neutral companies releasing on both formats. HD DVD's lone exclusive, Universal surprisingly was quiet. That's why most HD DVD supporters went nuts with the announcement of a couple porn studios going HD DVD. That's all they had going for them, but this isn't the 80's. HD porn isn't enough to win a format. The porn industry is about quantity, not quality and that quantity is all on SD.

So that's basically it, the content that's coming.

To give you an idea of what's coming -

HD DVD is releasing 20 titles from now through April 24th. (that's what they have announced with dates)
Blu-ray is releasing 72 titles from now through April 24th. (again, only titles announced with dates)

That's over a 3:1 ratio of Blu-ray to HD DVD titles being released.
Sony said Blu-ray will not have pr0n movies... so the adult movie industry is supporting HD-DVD... good bye Blu-ray it was fun while it lastest.
Sony said Blu-ray will not have pr0n movies... so the adult movie industry is supporting HD-DVD... good bye Blu-ray it was fun while it lastest.
For one thing, Sony never said anything. Second, there already is porn on Blu-ray. Just check out the Japan releases. Third, Blu-ray will be here for a long time.
For one thing, Sony never said anything.
Actually Sony have been denying licences to people wanting to put adult content on blu ray. Can't speak for Japan but there's plenty of news about it for America.

Oh, and I'll say this about the release list... average joe wont know about it. Whilst this makes a difference to the informed making purchasing decisions I'd say that normal buyers probably wont even realise that certain films are only coming out on blu ray / hd dvd. That aside, neither of these formats are going to win until players drop into the $200 range.
you guys are proving that the ps3 is proving itself is more of a bluray player then a gaming machine. it is a good thing for blueray but the game sales are awful so far. maybe this will be a turning point for them. they seem to be more worried about the success of there movie format then the games.
alot of profit in selling movies and the games will come. I think this thing is a killer value
you guys are proving that the ps3 is proving itself is more of a bluray player then a gaming machine. it is a good thing for blueray but the game sales are awful so far. maybe this will be a turning point for them. they seem to be more worried about the success of there movie format then the games.

uh..that's plays a lot due to many games not released yet. Not exactly the most exciting launch list.
Not happy now, still hopeful. Once they get the OS to let you download in the background, and que downloads while you game or watch a movie, I'll be happier. Also, need better emulation for PS2 games. Just because the game "runs" doesn't make backward compatibility. I tossed in God of War and it looks HORRIBLE. Also, the download service is SO SLOW. I have a solid 6mbit cable connection, and it takes the PS3 all of 4 hours to download a ~500 Meg game. Why the gigabit if the bandwidth is not even remotely used?
blueray is a tough competitor to take down, a lot more companies that invested good money in it, they are certainly not going to let this technology easily after pumping so much money on it.
a lot more than on hd-dvd, I feel like hd-dvd is a little half baked, if they added a little more storage it would have kicked. One of the major players in blueray is apple wich are some of the trend setters, Disney, samsung makes some of the best lcds, they have a lot of support.
This is for HD-DVD

Like I mentioned before, blueray is supported by the big players in the industry one of the largest is Samsung and Apple, I don't think they are going to stand around and let this format slide after investing so much money. Personally I think blueray will emerge as the winner but not as this moment. By 2009 they plan to cut analog signals and everyone will be forced to shift to hdtv, As time goes by the need for more media space grows, back in 2000 40gb used to be a lot, the standar on all computers, if you look now we got hard drives that go beyond 1terabyte. Eventually blue ray will become more affordable, and there is even talk about beyond 1080p resolutions the need will grow for a blue ray in the future, just not now.