Are Let's Play Videos Illegal?

Only illegal if money ain't going into the right pockets ;)
Is this guy an idiot?

Lots of people have asked the question, they just weren't willing to go far enough to set a precedence one way or another, because they fear it might go against what they want.
why is this like 13 minutes? why is this guy wearing frames with no glasses in them?
Hah!, I wasn't really watching it, and leaving it in another tab to listen to, and you're right, wtf is up with people and glasses without lens?

He does bring up a lot of things though.
why is this like 13 minutes? why is this guy wearing frames with no glasses in them?

Holy crap -- that's all I noticed -- and this shit pisses me off to no end. You can tell he's well lit from the reflections off his frames, but magically there's zero reflection or refraction of his so called glasses.

I've had glasses since I was probably 7 years old - and growing up in the 80s/90s it wasn't exactly fun. Hipster frames with no lenses as a fashion statement? You instantly lose all credibility.

I see this on sitcoms and TV -- but that's somewhat understandable. (not the hipster frames) but just a lack of lenses in a characters glasses in general to make for quality filming? I give a free pass on this.
There is a whole new economy rising up from streaming gaming on Twitch. From advertising and from direct subscribers. So how this all pans out will be interesting.

I have a bunch of friends who stream Magic the Gathering, and it is a valuable tool for lots of players, and they make some cash on it. Stuff like League of Legends and Call of Duty get into really big bucks.

If you streamed Bowling, would you have to compensate the guy who invented the bowling ball? :eek:
It's the new hipster trend. As someone who had to grow up with glasses when they weren't cool, I hate it. ;)

Same here, I grew up with glasses so I just want to punch these schmucks in the face.

Thanks to the above I can avoid giving this douche views. That all said, in most cases they aren't but it depends on the publisher/game dev. Riot for example encourages players to make this type of content and they are ok with them monetizing it with rules of course. Some other companies we won't mention by name coughactivisioncough are assholes who go out of their way to shit on their customers.
I was a nerd with glasses. Not the ones with my chemistry set, either. Big, god awful glasses that insurance covered. Now, being nerdy is 'cool' and wearing glasses is cool. Of course, it's fake glasses, and watching Big Bang Theory makes you a 'nerd'.

Man, if that shit was cool in the late 80's, early 90's, I'd be the most popular kid in school.
Is anyone else annoyed by the over exaggerated body and hand movements of this guy in the video? Too many wannabe celebrities on YouTube now.
All they have to do is provide news worthy commentary, no lawyer needed :-P Good luck tho.
Apparently that guy can't talk for 10 seconds without having to cut and restart again... that or he thinks all that jumping jerkiness to where he's placed on the screen is "cool"

And yeah fuck that guy for wearing eyeglass frames because he thinks they give him "street credit"
Is anyone else annoyed by the over exaggerated body and hand movements of this guy in the video? Too many wannabe celebrities on YouTube now.

He's using all the filming techniques that popular youtubers use. Exaggerated movements, jump cuts, fast pop ins, etc. He also has a decent intro, nearly 100,000 subscribers, and was posted in the news section of this site, so while he's "just another youtuber", he's doing a lot of the right things.
It's the new hipster trend. As someone who had to grow up with glasses when they weren't cool, I hate it. ;)

So you are claiming that you used to do something that is now cool way before it ever became cool... I wonder if there is a term for someone like that :D
Companies that own the titles will want it to be illegal thinking they'll get money. All forms of revenue are good to them.

There could be a couple of arguments and backfires from a layman's pov, though. Fair use comes to mind, as well as the use of pop culture in art.

Also, it could be argued that the owner/creator's of the video game would owe the let's play crowd money for advertising/promoting that resulted in sales. Hard to quantify but 500k affidavits that one of these videos was the reason someone made the purchase should be more than enough to prove the point.

Personally, if the game labels had half a brain they'd stay away from the subject with relation to the let's play stars. Let them do what they want as it's free advertising/publicity that results in sales they'd never see otherwise (eg goat simulator...). What they should do, instead, is go after a portion of the ad revenue stream from google...
If you post a video on youtube or do streams on twitch and get revenue sharing income from it, do youtube and twitch report it to the government as taxable income?
If you post a video on youtube or do streams on twitch and get revenue sharing income from it, do youtube and twitch report it to the government as taxable income?

Yes, in order to be paid from Twitch and Youtube you have to pay taxes.
pewdiepie is annoying jerk off. Also Let's play's are my game demo's. Since companies rather I waste 60 bucks on a possible bad game. I rather see some real game play instead of a 30 second trailer that lies.
I think the argument that commentary over gameplay is what makes this legal is pretty thin.

We could all just talk over a movie like an annoying friend and upload it and sell ads on it right? Maybe even pause the movie and make a comment about it occasionally. We could all be MST3K!

I think people feel safe with this argument, but may not actually be.

I feel let's plays are better game demonstrations than an article written about them. If there's a game I'm interested in I'll go jump in the middle of some random lets play video and see if it looks like something I'd be interested in, and hope whoever is doing the let's play isn't annoying as pew.
I doubt there is many game developers are willing to test the legal waters of lets play videos or live streams. The details of the case would spread like wild fire over the net and put the company in a bad light to people considering buying their games. there are some games or platforms that are building in streaming support cause it is a selling point for the game or games.
Old Media upset that Amateur media is stealing their future viewers.

TV and probably Movies are headed for collapse in about 10=15 years because of the Youtube / Youtube like viewing habits of young people which primarily is based on gaming.
It really doesn't matter that much. Video games are pretty boring to begin with and are a lot worse if you're watching a video or stream of someone else playing. I don't understand why someone willingly does that, but I'm guessing that there's so little of it going on that the publishers don't really care about having their rights to the game content violated. It can't possibly be worth the litigation cost to get a bunch of people who probably don't even have any money to begin with to pay even triple damages for whatever tiny bit of money they make from other people watching them.
Holy crap -- that's all I noticed -- and this shit pisses me off to no end. You can tell he's well lit from the reflections off his frames, but magically there's zero reflection or refraction of his so called glasses.

Thats why he's not wearing lenses in them, because the glare looks bad on camera. :rolleyes:
Let's Play Videos just became "big enough" to register on their radar so this is why you are seeing publishers moving to control the way their IP is portrayed because poor reviews = lost sales.
Even though I'm a long time gamer, I'm surprised by the popularity of let's play videos. it simultaneously doesn't seem interesting and takes up a lot of time. I guess I do watch the occasional Street fighter tournament clip on YouTube, but after a few minutes I'm ready to start playing myself, trying things out, etc.

I'm curious to know the appeal? Is it mostly related to the techniques or to the commentary?
Even though I'm a long time gamer, I'm surprised by the popularity of let's play videos. it simultaneously doesn't seem interesting and takes up a lot of time. I guess I do watch the occasional Street fighter tournament clip on YouTube, but after a few minutes I'm ready to start playing myself, trying things out, etc.

I'm curious to know the appeal? Is it mostly related to the techniques or to the commentary?

Maybe someone just doesnt have the money to buy a game but it looks interesting enough to watch. It's like watching a movie, do you have to actually be IN the film to enjoy it? No, it's a visual performance, games can be like that too.
Even though I'm a long time gamer, I'm surprised by the popularity of let's play videos. it simultaneously doesn't seem interesting and takes up a lot of time. I guess I do watch the occasional Street fighter tournament clip on YouTube, but after a few minutes I'm ready to start playing myself, trying things out, etc.

I'm curious to know the appeal? Is it mostly related to the techniques or to the commentary?

For me it's had commentary and he enjoyment of watching the goofy things they do, personally I love the rooster teeth guys and their let's play channel. Big bunch of goofs that make me laugh with commentary and just sheer stupidity ingame
Even though I'm a long time gamer, I'm surprised by the popularity of let's play videos. it simultaneously doesn't seem interesting and takes up a lot of time. I guess I do watch the occasional Street fighter tournament clip on YouTube, but after a few minutes I'm ready to start playing myself, trying things out, etc.

I'm curious to know the appeal? Is it mostly related to the techniques or to the commentary?

I find it to be an effective way to demo games since demos are so rare anymore. I've bought several games after having watched let's play videos and reviews. I'm still not a big fan of esports but over the last two years I've gotten into watching pro starcraft2 matches fairly often.
pewdiepie is annoying jerk off. Also Let's play's are my game demo's. Since companies rather I waste 60 bucks on a possible bad game. I rather see some real game play instead of a 30 second trailer that lies.

Yes, Cartmanbrah is much cooler :)