Arctic Silencers in @ new egg.

Jan 26, 2004
They are salty too..

However the x800 model does offer intrinsic ram cooling.

I ordered one......I got the feeling they are gouging anything cool and in tight supply... :mad:


one way to lose a customer on the stuff that is easy to find.
theelviscerator said:
They are salty too..

However the x800 model does offer intrinsic ram cooling.

I ordered one......I got the feeling they are gouging anything cool and it tight supply... :mad:


I know what you mean. Newegg's the best online store I've used but the gouging is ridiculous. :rolleyes:
ok this is so gay. the price went up 3$ in 5 hours. i checked the price during school at 1:00 EST and they were 38.99$, now at 4:45EST theyre 42.99 , newegg has a bad habit of gouging new products
Dillusion said:
ok this is so gay. the price went up 3$ in 5 hours. i checked the price during school at 1:00 EST and they were 38.99$, now at 4:45EST theyre 42.99 , newegg has a bad habit of gouging new products

shipping went up a dollar too :rolleyes:
nova[11] said:
what sucks is no memory cooling for 6800 series

How important would it be, though?

Also, what does the 6 year warrenty cover? Just the HSF or both the HSF and the Video card?
nova[11] said:
what sucks is no memory cooling for 6800 series

that's what it says on the page but i've heard from others that it actually does cover all the memory. i don't know why it wouldn't.
Damn that sucks.

Now the total to me in CA is over $52. That is horrible.

I wanted one for $20, maybe $30.
Wait 3 months.

MAYBE, then there will be a large stock of cards & aftermarket stuff for them. Once we reach that point (your guess is as good as mine) prices will drop and you will be able to get them a bit cheaper.
it(the nv silencer 5) has mem cooling, dont wory. if you look at the baseplate you can see it spreads out to cover the mem. now, 50 GOD DANMED BUCKS FOR IT??? thats obseen. hell, the venrable REV. 3's debuted at only 22.99. ill just wait untill it drops a little(say, 30 bucks, TOPS)

*edit* and the goddanmed 1 series(nv and ati silencer 1's) or 30 fucking dollers... THAT my freinds is gougeing. if i didnt live on an island(IE: no best buy or compusa) that might make me consider droping them for a while... i meen danm... 30 bucks for somthing that doesnt work as well as a rev 3???
Scheizekopf said:
Damn that sucks.

Now the total to me in CA is over $52. That is horrible.

I wanted one for $20, maybe $30.

The price went up AGAIN!!!

It's $55 for me now. I used to want one so bad. . .now I have to wait.
up to $51 shippid already. i wonder how many they actually have.. :rolleyes:
i was planning on getting one for my ti4200 and one for my 9800pro, but those prices are INSANE. :mad:
i have wondered if newegg has some sorta of equationl. like if a product sells more then 3 in 1 hr price goes up ..2%

cuz everything always does it even when its a hot comodity or when its late at night
It only makes sense, if it sells well make them pay through the nose for it. I just wish that there were more etailers that could even it out a bit.

usually gets them a little later but usually sells for much more reasonable price for little things.

i just wish nvidia would charge 10$ more and actually ship with a good cooler or if like bfg or evga would ship with the cooler, they would dominate the enthusiast community.

but anyhow i gave up on stock coolers long ago and started watercooling. much faster much quiter.
I was going to get a 6800gt from newegg, I had $411 left over, they raised it from $409 to $424. Gameve got the $400, oops.
i like that. they show pics of the nv5, one of the baseplate that OBVIOSLY has ramsinks on it, and say it has no ram cooling :rolleyes:
Thanks for the info: I just ordered mine.

$50.00 bucks is high... but I am damn tired of listening to the fan on the 6800GT OC. Other then that fan (the stock 6800 GT OC), my system is damn near silent. I cannot wait to get the Actic Silencer mounted!
I won't really consider buying one until i see some reviews with some overclocking stats. Did you see the one for the 9800 pro? the damn heatsink is small neough to be a F*ing ramsink!
If the NV5 allows good OCing, i would get it, but not till it ocmes down in price. Sheeeesh, i paid less than $20 shipped for the one i put on my old 9800pro.
Yes, the HS for the 9800Pro version is a bit small, but it was either that or the Giant III for me and I thought the latter was a little overkill for minor overclocking sometime in the near future. I wish everyone good luck the the 6800GT version! :)
I plan to get the ati silencer rev 3 for my 9800pro 256meg once the price goes does. Are these better/same then the older artic cooler 9800pro setups? Design looks different, but says same rev3 as older one.
JAW said:
I plan to get the ati silencer rev 3 for my 9800pro 256meg once the price goes does. Are these better/same then the older artic cooler 9800pro setups? Design looks different, but says same rev3 as older one.
SVC has them on sale now for $9.99. Better huury expires in two days. Use coupon code $9.99 w/ coupon code "vga3" Expires August 22, 2004
JAW said:
do they install easily on a 9800pro 256meg? r350 core
I installed one on a 9800 Pro / 128 mb / R360 with no problem. Just follow the instructions, don't overtighten the screws. It should not be necessary to remove the shim around the core.
Have one my Hercules 9800pro. Love it to death. The dream of having a GPU cooler that blows the hot air directly out of the case has come true.

Mother fucker...$50?? I just ordered my eVGA G800GT from zipzoom. I think i'll wait and play with the card before I shell out money for a cooler or wait for frozen CPU to get them in stock.
I want to see how these stack up to the original Arctic Coolers.

I like my Arctic Silencer and would only buy the new one if the results are a lot better.

So please once you get them, tell me and compare :D
ATI Silencer 1 $29.99
ATI Silencer 2 $35.49
ATI Silencer 3 $36.59
ATI Silencer 4 $36.59
NV Silencer 1 $29.99
NV Silencer 2 $35.49
NV Silencer 3 $30.99
NV Silencer 4 $31.99 + s/h :rolleyes:
Circuitbreaker8 said: :(

*shrug* Add memory heatsinks and put a fan nearby blowing on it. Not that big of a deal. My Herc 9800pro ran 370/450 stable with a 120mm fan cooling the memory.

IceWind My Herc 9800pro ran 370/450 stable with a 120mm fan cooling the memory. [/QUOTE said:
holy crap, i thought u meant 450 on the memory :eek: , i about had a heart attack.

my core only went up to 430, but i had my memory running at 390 and 400 at times (OCZ BGA Copper ramsinks), that shite was sweet.
doomed!!! said:
ATI Silencer 1 $29.99
ATI Silencer 2 $35.49
ATI Silencer 3 $36.59
ATI Silencer 4 $36.59
NV Silencer 1 $29.99
NV Silencer 2 $35.49
NV Silencer 3 $30.99
NV Silencer 4 $31.99 + s/h :rolleyes:

btw, thanks for the headsup on prices, thats alot better than that $50 poop. I just want some peeps opinions on this. I have the BFG 6800GT with the custom cooler (all copper, 2 fans) and i was thinking that perhaps this VGA Silencer revision wouldn't be that much of an improvement for OCing. The heatsinks are both copper, i have 2 fans on my card to help offset the fact that they are smaller than the Silencer's Fan, and the mounting bracket is similar. So how would it make much sense that this card would increase my OC?
well, it will help your temps, thats for shure, and it will be quieter, but depending on your curent temps you may be headroom limited(just reached as high as the card will go)

go to the GPU coolers section, they have all of them. I noticed newegg didnt have the NV Silencer 4, which is what I need for my 5900....glad frozencpu had it. Not sure what others the egg didnt have. The only prices I compared were the NV Silencer 3, which was $10 cheaper at fcpu.

EDIT: Ahhh poo, didnt read all the posts, someone else beat me to it. I like the fact that some of the coolers (such as the 5900 one) have a surface that extends to the memory....which is what I 256MB 5900 is flashed to a 5950U, and while the core can get a bit higher than stock 5950, the mem is about 20mhz under...ordering this now. I am so close to a true 5950 I can feel it.