Apple Hates Cryptocurrencies


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Apple has changed its developer guidelines to specifically point out that cryptocurrency mining is a no-go from now on. Given the stresses that these types of programs could put on mobile devices is certainly understandable given that many of these devices are not in any way designed to handle these usage scenarios. Apple has also tightened up rules around what can be done with crypto ICOs and payments involving cryptocurrency, but will still let you use your crypto wallet on iOS devices.

Apps, including any third party advertisements displayed within them, may not run unrelated background processes, such as cryptocurrency mining.

Mining: Apps may not mine for cryptocurrencies unless the processing is performed off device (e.g. cloud-based mining).

Cryptocurrency apps may not offer currency for completing tasks, such as downloading other apps, encouraging other users to download, posting to social networks, etc.
Ya know, if people want to destroy their $700+ device/burn down their shit for $0.00001 in crypto, have at it. If some worthless fuck thinks it ok to background mine on grandma's iPhone 4, they deserve to die in a crypto powered fire for eternity.
This is easy, switch to Android. Apple maybe more worried that no one will use their Apple Pay, now who actually does anyways???
This makes sense for Apple as I doubt Apple gains anything from Crypto mining. Plus the mining is going to make their devices look bad in performance and battery life. Something Google needs to think about with their Play store.
I rather be the one to decide if an app is run or not vice Apple saying what apps I can run or not. Besides Apple will probably come out with their own Crypto Currency when it can benefit them, not having competition on their platform would only be a plus.
This makes sense if you consider that APPL's worth is based on the USD dollar. They are known for being an extremely wealthy company. They are being foresighted. If anything challenges the dollar, even far off in the future, it challenges APPL's value.
Decentralize... Only way to solve this problem.

Apple can't keep telling us what we can an cannot do.

Apple is not your fucking mommy! Stop thinking this is reasonable.
Good. The thing is, a lot of people would have no clue their phone was being used in the mining process. They would just complain their battery sucks or the phone was slow.
Decentralize... Only way to solve this problem.

Apple can't keep telling us what we can an cannot do.

Apple is not your fucking mommy! Stop
thinking this is reasonable.

From my perspective I can see this as a CYA.

If you’ve ever been in the customer service field you’d know damn well there are idiots out there who’ve probably done things like this. Probably ended up destroying their stuff, tried to get an RMA and Apple turning them down makes them (not the consumer) look like the bad guy. One bad Apple spoils the bunch (no pun intended).

I mean yeah, it’s a little heavy handed, but at the same time stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
no real reason to try mining on a phone in the first place. although its kinda stupid to regulate what someone can do on there device there is basically nothing that can be gained by actuall mining on a phone (this is coming from a avid miner) however that is where i would draw the line, regulating apps that pay in crypto is stupid.
no real reason to try mining on a phone in the first place. although its kinda stupid to regulate what someone can do on there device there is basically nothing that can be gained by actuall mining on a phone (this is coming from a avid miner) however that is where i would draw the line, regulating apps that pay in crypto is stupid.

You can already do this today on Android. It is already happening.

From my perspective I can see this as a CYA.

If you’ve ever been in the customer service field you’d know damn well there are idiots out there who’ve probably done things like this. Probably ended up destroying their stuff, tried to get an RMA and Apple turning them down makes them (not the consumer) look like the bad guy. One bad Apple spoils the bunch (no pun intended).

I mean yeah, it’s a little heavy handed, but at the same time stupidity never ceases to amaze me.

The load is really no different than someone who plays games all day or using the GPS a lot.
You can already do this today on Android. It is already happening.

The load is really no different than someone who plays games all day or using the GPS a lot.

i havent had a iphone for many years ;) . my most recent phones have been a zenfone2 and a cat s60. as far as load that is completly false. mining does a good job of peging a device under the most load it possible can (as it should) gps and gaming do their best to peg the system under the least load possible, not saying they arn't as intencive but a well done mining program will use more. take a look at gaming on your computer vs prime95 or mining. you will notice a large differance in temps
Apple Hates people using their phones how they want, determine what apps they can use and the developers how they will write their programs - SOLVED. Buy Samsung S9, download mining app - make money :D. Surprised that my iPhone 7 was allowed to take image of my new Samsung S9.

hardly, one of my phi servers does 12000h/s (250x more) on etn and now there are asics for etn that do 250+kh/s (5200x more)
I also mine ETN on Vega's, now 12000h/s is nice! Anyways the phone will bring in about $3/month if one cashes out - if the coin ever makes it then value will be something more if kept for safe keepings. Since the app is in the background and is more a paid to train how to use Crypto app with wallet etc. it does not cost anything to run in the background. Some say it is a fake mining app, well I say it is mining for folks and teaching them how utterly easy Crypto can be apt.