Apple allows Windows XP to be run on intel macs - Wall Street Journal

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Aug 28, 2004
The article is currently "Breaking News", when the full article comes out ill copy/past or link to it.
Apple knows this will be a good thing for them and help sell a few extra Mac's.

Nice to see them provide some help with this! :cool:

My Dell Inspiron is getting a bit on the old side, so now that I can run XP on a MacBook Pro I'd seriously consider one for my next laptop purchase as I have a legit need to dual boot.
Well, I guess the folks over at Project OSX 86 will have something new to talk about.

This will undoubtedly increase market share for Apple, and people who have been thinking of making "the switch" now have one more incentive to do so.
Scroatdog said:
Well, I guess the folks over at Project OSX 86 will have something new to talk about.

This will undoubtedly increase market share for Apple, and people who have been thinking of making "the switch" now have one more incentive to do so.
Sir I beleive that this will change apple forever. Maybe not this version of "boot camp" but this is the first step. When 10.5 comes out, I do beleive that most users will be dual booting.

However sir, there is 1 problem i see with this. Now, there will be vitrually no professional devolpment for apple games....

Im exccited to get this going tonight! I miss counter strike <3
Black Morty Rackham said:
Unlike now, you mean? :rolleyes:
No, however.... I did think for a time with the transition to x86 that some developers would start to make games for the mac. Now it seems pointless.
Anyone try this yet?

Please report back if you can, if this works as advertised, including cooling control, then I will be buying some apples for my staff. :D
i wonder if this will compel developers to write mac based drivers. in a desktop machine that can boot both operating systems, i see a graphics card being an obvious upgrade (to play windows games). when you want to switch back to osx, will there be support? here's hoping that nvidia and ati write universal drivers for all their cards for osx
Now if only they'd have 2 buttons on their laptops...I'd be interested.

But! I do like where this is going...I'm really not looking forward to Vista...and I'm looking at moving on to something else...Linux is my first choice, but now this makes OSX as viable an option...
USMC2Hard4U said:
Sir I beleive that this will change apple forever. Maybe not this version of "boot camp" but this is the first step. When 10.5 comes out, I do beleive that most users will be dual booting.

However sir, there is 1 problem i see with this. Now, there will be vitrually no professional devolpment for apple games....

Im exccited to get this going tonight! I miss counter strike <3

I don't think Apple games have had a huge following to begin with. Most people's view is that you get a Mac for video and audio creation/production, and you get Windows for your games.

I think Apple's move closes that loop for alot of people. Now people can enjoy a slick, elegant computer design and do everything they need to do on one machine.

I think when the Powermac's go Intel, I will be selling off my H20 Windows box, and setting up a dual-boot on a loaded Powermac. I think by the time the Intel Apple Powermacs come out, many of the bugs with the "Universal" applications will have been dealt with.
USMC2Hard4U said:
However sir, there is 1 problem i see with this. Now, there will be vitrually no professional devolpment for apple games....

And I couldn't care less... I hate to admit it but DirectX is better than OpenGL.

I expect to gain at least 5 fps across the board in WoW (using the stats from my old PC and making adjustments for hardware) under my XP iMac over what I'm currently getting in OS X.

This computer should run WoW a lot better than it does right now in OS X. My old PC ran it almost as well as my iMac with an outdated card (ti4600), less RAM (768 vs. 1 gig) and the processors don't even compare (1.8 P4 vs. 1.83 Core Duo).
I don't worry about mac games. Anybody read about 10.5? The whole OS is OpenGL, meaning some major revamping...
i've installed it on all our demos, no problem, about one hour to install each, im very impressed with the ease.

esr2 said:
i've installed it on all our demos, no problem, about one hour to install each, im very impressed with the ease.


How's the performance?
They should include in the next version of bootcamp the ability to boot OSX on a bios machine.

They mind find Dell wants to offer OSX on their desktop, lol
definately makes me interested, though the resolution on the 17" leaves a bit to be desired for me. im sure that would change in the future. I would really want to try one of these things out. Definately a good idea.
This makes getting a Mini very tempting....

And from what I have seen Apple likes this too because their stock price went straight up after the announcement (last i heard it was $3+ up).
dualblade said:
i wonder if this will compel developers to write mac based drivers. in a desktop machine that can boot both operating systems, i see a graphics card being an obvious upgrade (to play windows games). when you want to switch back to osx, will there be support? here's hoping that nvidia and ati write universal drivers for all their cards for osx

That's what I was thinking too. Would there have to be more drivers (or at least extra patches) or would there be unified drivers?
I'm eagerly waiting for performance benchmarks with games. Specifically:

1) World of warcraft Native OSX vs WinXP -
2) Battlefield 2 - Can it run now in Winxp on the mac


I guess that depends if you think an x1600 is enough for bf2... =)

at least on an imac- on a mini- forget about it... :D
Well i had to put in an x300 into my gaming rig (replacing my 7800 GT) as I am stepping up to the evga 7900 GT. It still got 90fps at 800x600 at low detail.

Just running bf2 on a mac is enough for me to smile.


wpd7 said:
I gues that depends if you think an x1600 is enough for bf2... =)
Unfortunately I have a PPC iMac, so I cannot test this out. Does anyone have this installed and able to tell us what performace is like?
i wonder if this will end up hurting osx. if anyone with a mac can use xp, then almost 100% of the market can and developers may not bother to code apps for osx. to develop for a second platform that has such a small market share when that platform has access to the largest marketshare os may not make smart financial sense. since the mac is now a pc in apple clothing (nothing wrong with that), there won't be hardware issues either - it'll just be another x86 machine running windows xp from the point of view of the developers

either way, this news is huge. if you traveled back in time a few years and told people that by 2006, apple machines would share hardware with pc's and run xp with apple's help, you'd be laughed out of whatever forum you posted in. in my mind, having apple enabled winxp is no less of a shock then the intel switch. perhaps more, because users don't directly interact with the hardware, so it matters less what's in the box. suddenly being able to run native xp without all the problems of virtual machines/emulation will change the way people work with their macs
This makes Apple a whole lot more appealing, and I think they're (wisely) seeing the benefits of many who will now get an IntelMac for running OSX for its superb general use (email, typing, general web use), but have the option of rebooting to Windows for running games or one of the many programs they need to use, but isn't supported on OSX.

Now if only they could make a Macbook Pro (still a funky name) with a Tablet and 2 mouse buttons, then I'ds be sold (if it was at its current price of course :D) + games runnng great FTW.
Why would you install what is clearly an inferior Operating system on a Mac?! I'll never understand the appeal to doing so.
AppaYipYip said:
Why would you install what is clearly an inferior Operating system on a Mac?! I'll never understand the appeal to doing so.
If Mac's are so superior...why do you have the system that is in your sig?
AppaYipYip said:
Why would you install what is clearly an inferior Operating system on a Mac?! I'll never understand the appeal to doing so.

Perhaps because you want to play games (most of which haven't been ported over) or need it for work for things like AutoCAD?
In a lot of ways, OSX is superior to Windows. In the realm of software (and hardware) availability, Windows wins, no contest. Apple is definately changing, and it really needs to decide if it wants to be 'The iPod Company (but we make Macs too!)' or something else.
Wow. Wow. WOW.

I've been into the computer thing for going on 20 years now... and... this is FUCKING AMAZING. (Pardon the profanity please, and apologize to your mother for me if she's reading over your shoulder.)

I'd buy a Mac. I wanted a Mac laptop as a secondary PC, so I could, you know... Learn MacOS, and check it out. If I can dual boot Windows on it? Jesus. Sold.

I dig building my own machines and all, but I've always done it in the past for component preference, because PC OEM's put complete garbage into their systems, and for gaming performance. Now, I don't play games so much, and via experience, I've grown to have a lot of respect for Mac hardware, it is very well built (Excluding the iBook...) and I'm growing tired of friggin' in the riggin' inside my PC(s) for whatever reason. I've got Macs from the 80s that still turn on and run like it's 1987. I've got an AppleII GS in the basement, that you can plug in and turn on, too. (In defense of PCs, there's a plethora of 286s/386s/486s about as well that all function. On the other hand, those are all frankensteins of working parts from defunct PCs.)

I'd switch to Mac hardware for my laptop, any day of the week.

For that matter, my HTPC may become an IntelMac Mini at this point... Wow wow wow.

If they sell enough of these to bring down pricing, and maintain the Apple 'halo effect' they've had going on for a few years here, we could be seeing a lot more Macs out there. A lot more. It's a pretty serious bet for Apple, though, this sort of thing could really undermine their software. They have a lot of confidence that X is a strong enough product to make sure people boot into it, especially against the Creature from Redmond... On the other hand, if they start aggressively pursuing interoperable XP/X applications... MS will really have to make sure they have their shit together and produce an outstanding OS in Vista, and Apple really needs to make sure they're ready for widespread adoptation, because if they aren't security problems are going to come up, and malware will be written, once there's "enough" X users out there to make them a real target.

If every PC enthusiast (as most of us own more than 1 PC... There's two on this desk here now, and I'll wager most of this forum has at least two) bought a Mac as a secondary machine...

//sure this isn't a late April fools?
///too blown away to even care about benchmarks
As excited as I am about this announcement, and it does confirm that I will soon be switching to a Mac for good, one issue remains that keeps me from rushing out to buy a MacBookPro:

Merom. I'm hoping that as soon as Merom is officially released, that Apple will switch over to using Merom for the Pros. The downside is, that could be as early as June, or much, much later. And waiting that long really does suck. :/
Menelmarar said:
If Mac's are so superior...why do you have the system that is in your sig?
I believe he was being sarcastic. He just forgot the :rolleyes: emoticon.

Anyways, this kicks mucho butt. Now, if Nvidia or ATI started releasing newer GPU's for MAC DuoCore on a regular basis and people can buy them in a retail store, well then its going to be a bit more robust for Apple's MAC sales than the "Switch" campaign.

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