Apple allows Windows XP to be run on intel macs - Wall Street Journal

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lesman said:
Hey, everyone has their opinions, and you should respect them. I myself love Mac OS X.
Of course I respect other people's opinions, but this whole "now Macs are just PCs" is not so much an opinion as a delusion.
they are, hardware wise. you disagree? you think just because it looks pretty its better? why dont you isolate your elitest mac bullshit attitude and come back down to the real world for a min. ;)
Jason711 said:
they are, hardware wise. you disagree? you think just because it looks pretty its better? why dont you isolate your elitest mac bullshit attitude and come back down to the real world for a min. ;)
Again, it boils down to how we define "PC." As I said before, they've always been personal computers (one might even argue that the original Mac was much more of a PC than the original PC, what with it being much easier to use). If it means they're IBM-PC compatible, that's somewhat of a stretch, since it actually requires additional software to, you know, boot Windows and whatnot.

But the key thing to remember is that while Macs now can boot Windows, it doesn't take away whatever made them "special" in the past. It's still a Mac. All the world's GameCubes didn't suddenly stop being gaming consoles just because someone managed to get Linux running on them. They're still gaming consoles, and they're still GameCubes. The fact that you can boot some OS or other means precisely dick in this regard.

Also, I seem to recall hearing that you could get Windows NT running natively on PPC Macs back when they had a PPC version of NT. If running Windows on Macs ten years ago didn't make them "just another Dell," why would it be different now?
Jason711 said:
they are, hardware wise. you disagree? you think just because it looks pretty its better? why dont you isolate your elitest mac bullshit attitude and come back down to the real world for a min. ;)

I don't think he's saying that. Anyone that does is stupid, just get a Mac skin for XP and whatever case you want for your PC. I'm sure that stuff is out there.
Apparantly M$ doesn't want us reading this. Musta had some windows update to do this... My computer BSOD'd looking at page 5.. Stupid Dell Laptops.. :eek:

I like this. It's not going to kill apple, it's a help for sure. I wwould've been all over this when i had to get a laptop for my program at school.
what made them different was the fact they used a completely different style of processor. now they are a pretty x86 machine.
Jason711 said:
what made them different was the fact they used a completely different style of processor. now they are a pretty x86 machine.
Are Macs pretty x86 machines? Yes. Does it matter? No. x86 is just a processor ISA. It's no big deal. If Macs ever were special, it sure as hell wasn't because of PowerPC (or 68k).

Binary incompatibility with IBM-PCs is not what makes a Mac a Mac.
then our perceptions differ. i certainly do not see anything special about mac in the first place.
It's really simple: If you don't think Macs were special before the switch to x86, they were PCs then, too. If you think there was something special about Macs before the switch to x86, that hasn't changed and they're still special.
its not the fact that i thought they may have ever been special (which of course they never were nor are). its the fact that some ppl just seem to think they are special just because they are macs... makes no sense. esp. when you factor how little you get for the price you pay.
Anyone seen a fix yet for the BSOD issue?

I'm getting prepared to sell my inspiron 700 but dont want to unless I know I can at least run windows stably (at least until I understand much more how os-x works) I am a newly acquainted MCSE/MCSA and all I want to do is get rid of my windows box :p
Jason711 said:
its not the fact that i thought they may have ever been special (which of course they never were nor are). its the fact that some ppl just seem to think they are special just because they are macs... makes no sense. esp. when you factor how little you get for the price you pay.
Perhaps Macs are special, or perhaps they're not. I'm not saying anything in this regard. Feel free to think they're "just another PC" or whatever. But the thing that decides if a Mac is different from a Dell is not the CPU's instruction set architecture. If (key word: if) a Mac was different from a Dell when Macs had PowerPCs and Dells x86s, the Mac is still different when both run x86s.

Do you disagree with this?

let's end this argument here.
I'd say this discussion is highly on-topic. If you disagree with this and want me to just shut the hell up instead, just say so and I'll oblige. ;)
i honestly cannot see how they are different now. they are all platforms that are capable of running multiple O/S's. they are only cosmetically different.
You guys are arguing a difference of opinion.

You aren't going to change either of your opinions on the matter.
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