Anyone taking advantage of the Steam sale under Linux?


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3D and VR both create the sense of depth by using two images at different perspectives and health issues like nausea, headaches and motion sickness have been reported for both.

Nope, with only 3D you still see things on a screen. With VR you're immersed in virtual reality where you only see the virtual images and it follows your movements to an extent. With VR the effect is multiplied.

Oh and by the way: My stance on Windows nowadays has grown from loving it to loathing it.

I think of Windows like my little kitty. I love having fun with the kitty but in order to have him I have to do the disgusting deed of cleaning up his kitty box. In order to play I sometimes must use Windows.
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Nope, with only 3D you still see things on a screen. With VR you're immersed in virtual reality where you only see the virtual images and it follows your movements to an extent. With VR the effect is multiplied.

Two different perspectives for each eye creating the sense of depth, that's an underlying principle of both and it's at the core of many of the health issues with both like nausea. Of course VR like the Vive adds motion tracking with controllers. In any case I'm using both now, 3D mostly for movies. Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered actually works very well with 3D and looks great with it. It's a pretty great game.

Oh and by the way: My stance on Windows nowadays has grown from loving it to loathing it.

I think of Windows like my little kitty. I love having fun with the kitty but in order to have him I have to do the disgusting deed of cleaning up his kitty box. In order to play I sometimes must use Windows.

People should use whatever supports what they want to do, I'm not arguing against this or Linux. But for gaming, nope, Linux just isn't there for the majority of games, it just literally isn't supported. Sure there's things like Wine but that's something that most people aren't going to bother with because there's no need, unless you just feel you have to avoid Windows at all costs.
So the addition of a platform that was previously not represented on Steam couldn't result in growth? I guess if that's what you want to believe I don't care to convince you otherwise, as personally I find your outlook....Odd.

Steam has supported Linux for years now. And unless the Steam Hardware Survey is totally wrong, there's now way that there are enough Linux users to drive this kind of growth. I know you don't really believe in that Survey but it's the best measure for this kind of information. Valve HAS to know by virtue of how Steam works with clients are getting downloaded and played. If this Survey were showing numbers that were inconsistent with the client downloads by version, I don't know why Valve would publish something monthly it knows is wrong and misleading.

So this must mean Windows is blanket statement better for everyone, right?

For people that want to be able to play virtually all PC games, yes, Windows is a better choice.

Gaming under Linux has grown in literal leaps and bounds since it's support on the Steam platform yet you believe that Linux is as behind as ever!

If you think that's logical and factual great! Move on and lay your bias on thick and fast in a Windows thread.

Relative to where gaming has been in the past for Linux and Windows, fair enough. Windows has long been a big gaming platform and yes there is now a catalog of games for Linux that work through a delivery service. But Windows gaming has grown as well. Most AAA titles still aren't available and many that do come out come out months later after Windows. There are plenty of gaps in Linux gaming still and maybe they'll get narrowed of closed in the future.

Once again, you are making the bulk of Windows users look bad.

Sure, by simply pointing out that Windows is a superior gaming platform to desktop Linux because like very game that comes out for the PC comes out for Windows. Where as that's just not the case for Linux.
The games can be built for linux. Even the super eye candy AAA blockbuster ones. They don't for the same reason many devs don't make hardware drivers for Linux. I would bet if Microsofts monopoly on OEM's was broken and PC's had to be sold with no OS Linux would explode that very year.

Don't get me wrong, Microsoft does some things very right. You just have to be aware that when you are using their stuff you are almost literally dealing with the proverbial devil. The people most comfortable with it are completely ignorant of it. But the more you look at it the more uncomfortable you tend to get and so I limit my exposure as much as possible.

I like Kaspersky's products too, but I will not support that company and so I do not use them just the same.
The games can be built for linux. Even the super eye candy AAA blockbuster ones. They don't for the same reason many devs don't make hardware drivers for Linux. I would bet if Microsofts monopoly on OEM's was broken and PC's had to be sold with no OS Linux would explode that very year.

OEMs are completely free to sell computers with Linux or no OS on them, this was settled years ago. Indeed, look at Steam Machines. A lot of folks where praising those things as way to get away from Windows gaming dependence. And it looks like they flopped. Had they done well we'd have seen a lot more of them. There are market forces at work here. If there were a demand for Linux gaming than there is there'd be more support. Most people simply do not care about the OS. They just want to do the things they want to do.

Don't get me wrong, Microsoft does some things very right. You just have to be aware that when you are using their stuff you are almost literally dealing with the proverbial devil. The people most comfortable with it are completely ignorant of it. But the more you look at it the more uncomfortable you tend to get and so I limit my exposure as much as possible.

So, if a person wanted to get a VR headset, made by companies not Microsoft, they're dealing with the devil? There'd have been NO reason for me to spend what I spent on PC gaming this year if I weren't using Windows. So nVidia, HTC, Asus, Intel would have all gotten nothing from me this year if all there was to drive gaming was what's on Linux right now.
Sure, by simply pointing out that Windows is a superior gaming platform to desktop Linux because like very game that comes out for the PC comes out for Windows. Where as that's just not the case for Linux.

Why do you insist on deliberately missing the point?

I'm like most people around here, I'd played with Linux on the desktop a few times but never really found it completely 'there.' Hardware compatibility was a crapshoot and gaming was a joke. That has completely changed in the past year. All my hardware just works. All of my favorite games are on Linux. 1/3 of my Steam library and 1/4 of all games in the Steam store are Linux native. Windows has been a mess since 8 and updates for 7 and 8 are slow and break compatibility with older games.

Market share is hard to estimate, but Desktop Linux seems to have surpassed Windows Vista in 2015 and doubled again this year. I expect this trend to continue.
Market share is hard to estimate, but Desktop Linux seems to have surpassed Windows Vista in 2015 and doubled again this year. I expect this trend to continue.


I don't give a good god damn about VR at the moment, it's not a technology that is ready for mainstream and the average user isn't even a gamer anyway. There is nothing, with very limited exception, that the average user (or even power user) can do on windows that cannot be done just as easily on any of the top 5 Linux distro's. I know this because I have used windows and Linux for years with Linux on my primary desktop. The funny thing is Linux is even more stable than any of the desktop windows probably including 7 depending on your setup and usage.

The simple truth is I choose not to use Windows because Microsoft might as well have the moral compass of a company from North Korea. They have pushed in a direction that doesn't give two shits for your interests or safety. Your own desktop OS should not be working against you, it should be working FOR you. I will never understand why educated people will be against SOPA and such, but be perfectly ok with Microsoft selling all this data they are collecting.
Why do you insist on deliberately missing the point?

I'm like most people around here, I'd played with Linux on the desktop a few times but never really found it completely 'there.' Hardware compatibility was a crapshoot and gaming was a joke. That has completely changed in the past year. All my hardware just works. All of my favorite games are on Linux. 1/3 of my Steam library and 1/4 of all games in the Steam store are Linux native. Windows has been a mess since 8 and updates for 7 and 8 are slow and break compatibility with older games.

Market share is hard to estimate, but Desktop Linux seems to have surpassed Windows Vista in 2015 and doubled again this year. I expect this trend to continue.

I actually use Linux on servers at work and have Ubuntu and Mint VMs running. I've been using Linux for the better part of 20 years in some fashion. I'm by no means a Linux expert but I don't have any problem using it for a reason, I simply don't have an agenda and don't care about OSes as long as they do the job I need or expect of them.

Plenty of people on this forum build gaming PCs and spend a lot of money in the process, that's find of what this site is about at it's core. Who in these forums builds expensive gaming PCs only to be able to run 1/4th of PC games and with so few of that subset requiring powerful PCs to run well? If Linux was the OS that supported this stuff, that's what people that build these kinds of systems would be using.
I actually use Linux on servers at work and have Ubuntu and Mint VMs running. I've been using Linux for the better part of 20 years in some fashion. I'm by no means a Linux expert but I don't have any problem using it for a reason, I simply don't have an agenda and don't care about OSes as long as they do the job I need or expect of them.

Plenty of people on this forum build gaming PCs and spend a lot of money in the process, that's find of what this site is about at it's core. Who in these forums builds expensive gaming PCs only to be able to run 1/4th of PC games and with so few of that subset requiring powerful PCs to run well? If Linux was the OS that supported this stuff, that's what people that build these kinds of systems would be using.

This site has many discussion topics based primarily around hardware, not gaming - I just love the fact you honestly believe the primary use of a PC is to play games, specifically AAA titles, if it doesn't play AAA titles it must be running an inferior OS that in your twisted opinion isn't ready for mainstream.

The evidence is everywhere that Linux usage is growing, gaming titles under Linux are growing - And yet you refuse to acknowledge it because you want to play the latest COD.

You may be exposed to Linux servers at work, but I highly doubt you've really had a great deal of experience with desktop Linux under a modern distribution at all.
I don't give a good god damn about VR at the moment, it's not a technology that is ready for mainstream and the average user isn't even a gamer anyway. There is nothing, with very limited exception, that the average user (or even power user) can do on windows that cannot be done just as easily on any of the top 5 Linux distro's.

The ironic thing about this statement is that Kyle and company have for months been reviewing VR and giving it a lot of interest and praise along with many of the members. You don't care about VR but the guy who owns this site does and that had a lot to do with why I got into it.

I know this because I have used windows and Linux for years with Linux on my primary desktop. The funny thing is Linux is even more stable than any of the desktop windows probably including 7 depending on your setup and usage.

I'd have to see Linux run all of the things I use to be able to guess at this. And most of it just isn't supported under Linux.

The simple truth is I choose not to use Windows because Microsoft might as well have the moral compass of a company from North Korea.

Ok. You have a political agenda. So in order to be compliant with your moral standards I'd have to clear everything I do my PCs by you.

They have pushed in a direction that doesn't give two shits for your interests or safety.

Ok, but it seems like plenty of Linux folks don't care about this either, at least not interests. I've mentioned many things I use constantly and Linux folks discount it, like you just did with VR.
This site has many discussion topics based primarily around hardware, not gaming - I just love the fact you honestly believe the primary use of a PC is to play games, specifically AAA titles, if it doesn't play AAA titles it must be running an inferior OS that in your twisted opinion isn't ready for mainstream.

This site is PC gaming hardware enthusiasts site. I've never said that gaming was the primary use of PCs. I've made a living and have for decades with PCs for purposes that have nothing to do with gaming which has provided me the ability to buy PCs for gaming purposes. PC gaming is a big hobby for many, that's why there are sites like this.

The evidence is everywhere that Linux usage is growing, gaming titles under Linux are growing - And yet you refuse to acknowledge it because you want to play the latest COD.

I never said that general purpose Linux usage wasn't growing. Linux is very capable of being a PC OS for a lot of people that aren't interested in the latest and greatest in hardware and software.

You may be exposed to Linux servers at work, but I highly doubt you've really had a great deal with desktop Linux under a modern distribution at all.

So what Linux distro would you recommended that would power my sig rig better than Windows 10?
Based around the fact that you keep bringing Kyle and his reviewing of VR into any discussion you attempt to dominate with Windows propaganda, I don't find it the slightest bit surprising you're so comfortable using Windows - It's evidenced in the fact that you're easily manipulated, you're a follower.

I see no one discounting your needs out of a PC, nor do I see anywhere anyone necessarily singling you out as a result of your bias towards Windows. What I see is yourself claiming that Windows is the OS that must be used by everyone because you like AA gaming titles - Do you see the stupidity i such a claim?
This site is PC gaming hardware enthusiasts site. I've never said that gaming was the primary use of PCs. I've made a living and have for decades with PCs for purposes that have nothing to do with gaming which has provided me the ability to buy PCs for gaming purposes. PC gaming is a big hobby for many, that's why there are sites like this.

Woah! I think you're jumping the gun on generalisations there!

I see a hardware enthusiasts site, with gaming being but one of the topics of discussion. No where do I see any evidence that this is in any way a site biased predominantly towards gaming.

I never said that general purpose Linux usage wasn't growing. Linux is very capable of being a PC OS for a lot of people that aren't interested in the latest and greatest in hardware and software.

And this is based purely on the fact that the AAA titles you demand to play aren't available under Linux as yet....That's the point you keep making.

So what Linux distro would you recommended that would power my sig rig better than Windows 10?

I'm in no position to throw around blanket statements and tell everyone what OS they should use, furthermore I couldn't care less about your PC or your PC requirements. Use whatever you deem necessary in relation to your own PC.
Based around the fact that you keep bringing Kyle and his reviewing of VR into any discussion you attempt to dominate with Windows propaganda, I don't find it the slightest bit surprising you're so comfortable using Windows - It's evidenced in the fact that you're easily manipulated, you're a follower.

LOL! I'm easily manipulated because I read up on VR for months and heard many positive things about it and wanted to try it for myself? That's called curious about computing gaming that I've been interest in for close to 40 years.

I see no one discounting your needs out of a PC, nor do I see anywhere anyone necessarily singling you out as a result of your bias towards Windows. What I see is yourself claiming that Windows is the OS that must be used by everyone because you like AA gaming titles - Do you see the stupidity i such a claim?

You've never acknowledged the many times I've said that I don't care about the OS and simply want to be able to do the things I want to do. Instead you call it manipulation.
You've never acknowledged the many times I've said that I don't care about the OS and simply want to be able to do the things I want to do. Instead you call it manipulation.

Yes I have, the issue is that you appear to believe that because Windows is the OS that allows you to do what you want to achieve out of a PC it's somehow a superior OS that should be used by everyone - Especially the users on [H]OCP.
Woah! I think you're jumping the gun on generalisations there!

I see a hardware enthusiasts site, with gaming being but one of the topics of discussion. No where do I see any evidence that this is in any way a site biased predominantly towards gaming.

This site, HardOCP, is without question focused on gaming hardware. People in the forums obviously discuss any number of topics. But the content on HardOCP is about gaming hardware. Of course gaming hardware has many other purposes. Top PC gaming hardware is great for many purposes.

And this is based purely on the fact that the AAA titles you demand to play aren't available under Linux as yet....That's the point you keep making.

But that's a HUGE deal. And it's not like all of the non-AAA titles aren't Windows compatible.

I'm in no position to throw around blanket statements and tell everyone what OS they should use, furthermore I couldn't care less about your PC or your PC requirements. Use whatever you deem necessary in relation to your own PC.

I never made such a blanket statement. I simply said that Windows is a far superior OS for PC gaming for the simple fact that ALL PC games and experiences currently are Windows compatible.
Yes I have, the issue is that you appear to believe that because Windows is the OS that allows you to do what you want to achieve out of a PC it's somehow a superior OS that should be used by everyone - Especially the users on [H]OCP.

Never said this. Indeed it makes no sense since I USE Linux. But not for PC gaming as reasons to this date I've ever heard anywhere for decades are all about "Microshaft being the proverbial devil." Not so much about actual gaming experiences.
I never said that general purpose Linux usage wasn't growing. Linux is very capable of being a PC OS for a lot of people that aren't interested in the latest and greatest in hardware and software.

So what Linux distro would you recommended that would power my sig rig better than Windows 10?

Dude I am on a 6800k with a Nvidia 1070 and 2 4k monitors. I don't think "latest and greatest" is the problem, I think rare and obscure is what you mean.

As far as your sig rig, what do you do with it? Just 100% Adobe and Microsoft office? I hope you fold with that thing!
Dude I am on a 6800k with a Nvidia 1070 and 2 4k monitors. I don't think "latest and greatest" is the problem, I think rare and obscure is what you mean.

As far as your sig rig, what do you do with it? Just 100% Adobe and Microsoft office? I hope you fold with that thing!

He describes his sig rig as a "Workstation/Gaming Rig". Hope this helps.
I'm looking forward to when Linux OS is side choice to have when games are made in the future, hate having just the once option to pick and Windows needs a competitor.
Dude I am on a 6800k with a Nvidia 1070 and 2 4k monitors. I don't think "latest and greatest" is the problem, I think rare and obscure is what you mean.

As far as your sig rig, what do you do with it? Just 100% Adobe and Microsoft office? I hope you fold with that thing!

Good point on the folding, haven't done it in a while and should get back into, there have been issues with NVidia drivers recently with Pascal but I think they've been resolved now.

As Chuklr said, this was meant to be "Workstation/Gaming Rig". I make my living in IT so being able to do whatever is one of the factors I use when I can put together this kind hardware. The hardware you have can't be as fully utilized under Linux for gaming anymore than mine. I get that you think that Microsoft is the proverbial devil, but geez, The CPU and GPUs in my sig rig cost me over $3k when I bought them about six months ago. Bullet is always complaining the cost of Windows and Office. Well damn, I could have saved myself at least $2k and just built something that would have not needed this kind of hardware. And a lot more than that if I throw in all of the other stuff that's Windows only that doesn't come from Microsoft.

Whatever beef I'm having with some here, trust me, my money isn't going to Microsoft, not the overwhelming majority not even if I throw in the Surface devices. But yeah, Windows is required to make it go to it's fullest capacity.
I'm looking forward to when Linux OS is side choice to have when games are made in the future, hate having just the once option to pick and Windows needs a competitor.

So I am. I'm looking forward to the day that I can use an OS approved by folks around here that does all that I want it to do instead of them telling me so what, evil empire. Because that's no better than Microsoft.

Happy New Year!
So I am. I'm looking forward to the day that I can use an OS approved by folks around here that does all that I want it to do instead of them telling me so what, evil empire. Because that's no better than Microsoft.

Happy New Year!

Heatlesssun, what are you hoping to achieve by participating in this thread?
Heatlesssun, what are you hoping to achieve by participating in this thread?

Because everyone has their biases and I love hearing from a different perspectives. And because I see the strengths of Linux. And its weaknesses as I do Windows in spite of my bias because I've been in this game so long. Gaming, that's just a big weakness in desktop Linux and from my perspective it's no better than at anytime I've been seeing this argument. Yes, Linux gaming is as good as it's been, but so is Windows in gaming.

And yeah, I think Linux folks can be just as tone deaf as Microsoft. I'll mention something I think is useful and a comment Linux community response is "Well I never heard of it or saw anyone else doing that so it can't matter." I find it amazing that a community that supposedly prides itself in choice loves to say this.
Linux folks as tone deaf as Microsoft? I don't know about that, nor do I think Microsoft is tone deaf, whatever that means?

The fact that gaming under Linux is growing at an exceptional rate is undesputable. Naturally Windows has more AAA titles, but to say that gaming under Linux from your perspective "is no better than at anytime I've been seeing this argument" is simply flat out incorrect - The addition of ~1000 gaming titles this year on Steam under Linux is evidence of that.
The addition of ~1000 gaming titles this year on Steam under Linux is evidence of that.

Ok, and how many titles were added on Steam for Windows this year? Over 400 titles for VR alone. And yes, volume isn't quality but then that goes across the board. How many QUALITY titles were added for Linux vs. Windows. How ever that goes, EVERY quality title came to Windows on Steam. Every single one. Everything that's available to PC gaming is on Windows. Everything. When people spend a ton money on a gaming PC, the point is to run everything, not just 25%. If stuff came to Linux only and I needed to run it, I pop in a another SSD, boot Linux from there to do it. Done. Not problem. The point of high end hardware. To do whatever. Again, OS, don't care. So what? I use it all the time anyway.

I've said time and time and time and time and time again I don't care about the OS and that why the hell would I care if I had to run a free OS to do what I wanted on thousands of dollars of hardware. Then political agendas, Microshaft, proverbial devil, Microsoft doing this bad thing or that. It would simply be at least interesting from a gaming perspective that Linux did something new and interesting and wasn't just dismissed by Linux folks.
If this thread had anything to do with the number of titles added under Windows you may well have a point, the issue is that this thread has nothing to do with Windows.

If you've got an issue with indi titles, there's most likely more indi titles under Windows than Linux re: Steam. In fact most AAA developers these days seem to be opting for their own distribution platforms as opposed to Steam - Sure, you can get COD, but the latest COD is rubbish anyway, I'd only buy it for MW4 remastered, which I refuse to do as they want ~$130.00 for both games and I don't want the new COD with people running up walls and crap.

I've never claimed that I don't want to pay for Windows, I paid full retail for Windows 10 on release. I claim that I can no longer justify the price of Windows or Office, in my opinion full versions of Windows and Office are worth $80.00 each tops.

Do you believe it's wrong for users to support gaming under Linux? Do you think they shouldn't bother as Windows exists so we may as well just use that?

I'm looking forward to when Linux OS is side choice to have when games are made in the future, hate having just the once option to pick and Windows needs a competitor.

The transition is already underway. The faster people abandon Windows 10 the better.

Microsoft has stated that Windows 10 is 'the last Windows.' Between that and it's slow/declining growth developers have fewer and fewer reasons to develop primarily for Windows.
If you've got an issue with indi titles, there's most likely more indi titles under Windows than Linux re: Steam. In fact most AAA developers these days seem to be opting for their own distribution platforms as opposed to Steam - Sure, you can get COD, but the latest COD is rubbish anyway, I'd only buy it for MW4 remastered, which I refuse to do as they want ~$130.00 for both games and I don't want the new COD with people running up walls and crap.

The hilarious thing in all of this is that I was the FIRST person in this thread to actually mention Black Mesa which you asked about because I bought it in the Steam Winter Sale. Most of the games I bought in this sale were indie VR titles.

I've never claimed that I don't want to pay for Windows, I paid full retail for Windows 10 on release. I claim that I can no longer justify the price of Windows or Office, in my opinion full versions of Windows and Office are worth $80.00 each tops.

And I never claimed that I did want to pay for Windows. I said that the cost of Windows is meaningless compared to the cost of everything else I use that needs Windows for full capability. Like all of those indie VE tittles I bought.

Do you believe it's wrong for users to support gaming under Linux?

Nope. But it is apparently wrong to for users to support Windows for gaming.

Do you think they shouldn't bother as Windows exists so we may as well just use that?

As all PC games pretty much come to Windows there is no reason to bother beyond political ones.
The transition is already underway.

The "transition" has been underway for 20 years. Hell, I got the original Max Payne running perfectly under Windows 10. 10 has it's problems, for me personally, 10 is feeking amazing. The array of what I have running smoothly under 10, off the damned charts.
The hilarious thing in all of this is that I was the FIRST person in this thread to actually mention Black Mesa which you asked about because I bought it in the Steam Winter Sale. Most of the games I bought in this sale were indie VR titles.

I know, you basically claimed you were fairly unimpressed with it and proceeded to inform all us poor unfortunate Linux users just what we were missing out on under Windows.

And I never claimed that I did want to pay for Windows. I said that the cost of Windows is meaningless compared to the cost of everything else I use that needs Windows for full capability. Like all of those indie VE tittles I bought.

Of course what you really should say is that you need Windows to play your AAA games under VR, because we all know that high end hardware and multiple GPU's can be used to their full capacity under Linux for more purposeful uses than just gaming. Your hardware is not going to waste under Linux.

Nope. But it is apparently wrong to for users to support Windows for gaming.

It's wrong to keep shoving your opinion down people's throats when it's obvious they aren't interested and it's obvious you believe there's little use in anyone running Linux.

As all PC games pretty much come to Windows there is no reason to bother beyond political ones.

So you think we should all just use Windows, because it exists? Even though it's obvious that Microsoft are only really interested in harvesting personal information and stripping the user of the finer side of controlling their own PC? Not interested in discussing mobile platforms, we never had a choice re: mobile, our choice re: desktop PC's is upon us now.

The "transition" has been underway for 20 years. Hell, I got the original Max Payne running perfectly under Windows 10. 10 has it's problems, for me personally, 10 is feeking amazing. The array of what I have running smoothly under 10, off the damned charts

Sigh...Who cares? Does anyone here look like they're interested in what you can do under Windows? I can get Amiga games running under Linux, is that off the charts?
I wanna try Doom, I'm just so anti WINE.

Have you tried it yet Frobozz?
I know, you basically claimed you were fairly unimpressed with it and proceeded to inform all us poor unfortunate Linux users just what we were missing out on under Windows.

What I said originally was how I thought Valve hadn't done anything with the once great Half-Life franchise. I said nothing about Windows. You actually mentioned Windows by name before I did.

Of course what you really should say is that you need Windows to play your AAA games under VR, because we all know that high end hardware and multiple GPU's can be used to their full capacity under Linux for more purposeful uses than just gaming. Your hardware is not going to waste under Linux.

Or OneNote. Acrobat. PowerDVD for 3D and supposedly upcoming 4k BD. And what "more purposeful" uses would Linux support for this kind of hardware that Windows doesn't? If you're going to berate someone on this you could at least mention something specific.

It's wrong to keep shoving your opinion down people's throats when it's obvious they aren't interested and it's obvious you believe there's little use in anyone running Linux.

I'm not though. I've never said anything like "Microshaft" or "Proverbial Devil". Use what works for you. I'm not telling people what OS to use. You are.

So you think we should all just use Windows, because it exists? Even though it's obvious that Microsoft are only really interested in harvesting personal information and stripping the user of the finer side of controlling their own PC? Not interested in discussing mobile platforms, we never had a choice re: mobile, our choice re: desktop PC's is upon us now.

And again, PC is gaming for all practical purposes is WINDOWS gaming. Yes, Windows is far superior to Linux in the regard. All the counter arguments have been how you and others don't care about anything beyond what Linux supports natively. Hell, people have been arguing here over buying Doom 2016, a great FPS, because not on Linux.

Sigh...Who cares? Does anyone here look like they're interested in what you can do under Windows? I can get Amiga games running under Linux, is that off the charts?

I am very much interested though in what you can do with Linux in gaming. I don't discount your experiences especially in gaming. If can read about experiences that would make be buy a $700 VR set, of course I care about what a free OS that I'm perfectly comfortable with and use can do in my main hobby. Again, it's the OS that matters to me no matter how much you and other want to make it about that.
I wanna try Doom, I'm just so anti WINE.

Have you tried it yet Frobozz?
I think I might be screwed on account of the R9-290 and a lack of a direct path to use the AMDGPU-PRO driver. However, I'm still working with it. Nvidia or proper AMDGPU-PRO supported GPUs may have a better go at it. Wine is kindofa crap shoot.

Edit: of course, your mileage may vary. Do let me know if you get further on similar hardware.
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And again, PC is gaming for all practical purposes is WINDOWS gaming. Yes, Windows is far superior to Linux in the regard. All the counter arguments have been how you and others don't care about anything beyond what Linux supports natively. Hell, people have been arguing here over buying Doom 2016, a great FPS, because not on Linux.
There is the part where you're in the linux subforum... So people would be arguing over running things in Linux.