Anyone see the stalker benchmarks

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People using the "rollseyes" smiley are basically insulting, as far as im concerend, although i do use it myself sometimes, i really shouldn't :)
You cannot compare rage3d to nvnews.. rage3d's userbase is huge(hint) compared to nvnews.

9 times out of 10 it is usually user error. Believe me. I am a system builder and have put at least 50 ati cards in the last year.

The driver thing is gone. Ati has surpassed nvidia's IQ hacking, half assed trilinear drivers by far.

Doesn't seem funny that there is only the same 4 or 5 people in here (nvidia employees maybe?) that defend nvidia like it's their mother. The other thousands of us are fanboys. lol. This is the funniest shit that I have ever seen.
Originally posted by fallguy
Grow up, thats all I can say.

Im done with you.

If you were a country music star, you would be walking away with the Flameworthy award.:rolleyes:

As to PFrosty, so you see it as an insult, those are your issues to deal with. Like I said, if I wanted to insult someone....I would.:rolleyes: ;)

As for this thread.....put the rulers away guys....its old.
Nvidias driver quality is the same as ATI's most sites agree that Nvidia have a slightly better AF and ATI have slight better AA. The trilinear thing causes no real loss in quality something discussed by many websites, and is sorted out with AF on anyways.

Im not prepared to argue about this, the point is I love the hardware i paid for, end of story.
Originally posted by Princess_Frosty

Im not prepared to argue about this, the point is I love the hardware i paid for, end of story.

That's something we can all agree to.

This has gotten old, everyone. Let's suspend arguing till the next generation, so we can come up with a new "best"

Till then... cheers.
Originally posted by creedAMD
You cannot compare rage3d to nvnews.. rage3d's userbase is huge(hint) compared to nvnews.

9 times out of 10 it is usually user error. Believe me. I am a system builder and have put at least 50 ati cards in the last year.

The driver thing is gone. Ati has surpassed nvidia's IQ hacking, half assed trilinear drivers by far.

Doesn't seem funny that there is only the same 4 or 5 people in here (nvidia employees maybe?) that defend nvidia like it's their mother. The other thousands of us are fanboys. lol. This is the funniest shit that I have ever seen.
What paints yourself as a fanboy is your seeming unwillingness to actually look past your nose when it comes to things like IQ hacking and trilinear filtering cheats. I suggest just as many ATI cards as I do NVIDIA cards to people (probably more ATI), but things like "IQ hacking" and "half-assed trilinear filtering" get blown out of proportion without looking at details by people like you. If you were to go read some actual IQ studies you would learn things like NVIDIA's IQ is on par with ATI's. You would learn things like NVIDIA's AF is better than ATI's and ATI's AA is better than NVIDIA's. You would learn that the "half-asses" trilinear filtering that NVIDIA uses produces no noticeable quality loss. But you don't look at these things, or if you do you gleefully chose to ignore them. I'm sorry, but people like you are the FOX news of the video card market.
Princess, all nvidia and ati discussion aside. May I ask how is it that you manage to stir up incredible controversy in every single thread you are a participant of??

You honestly think you are right ane everyone else is wrong? The fact that every SINGLE THREAD you post it turns into a flame war makes it obvious you are a TROLL!
Originally posted by lopoetve
That's something we can all agree to.

This has gotten old, everyone. Let's suspend arguing till the next generation, so we can come up with a new "best"

Till then... cheers.

Well said! I agree!!
I say, in almost any of my "opinionated" threads/posts that it is in fact my opinion, and should be read so.

I dont flame unless someone is specifically provoking me, which in these forums, like many, tends to be subtle. I say many thing which stick up for hardware of various companies, i know im very opinionated, and if you dont wish to read my opinions feel free to use the block feature most forums have.
Many review websites agree that Nvidias AF is slightly better than ATI's, same as AA vice versa.

Hard ocp have also stated that the trilinear filter has shown no negative impact in gameplay.

"Also keep in mind that the latest 52.16 drivers are forcing a lower level of Trilinear filtering and not giving you the option to truly let the game select the filtering level. So far we haven’t come across any games that give a negative impact of gameplay with this, but that doesn’t mean that differences don’t exist. However once you enable AF the differences between the cards default filtering become less of an issue"

The only "real" problem is that Nvidia limits the user with no option to turn it on/off. If it makes no difference that i can see then it makes no difference to me. Most other respectable websites agree with HardOCP, i dont see the problem, maybe someone can explain.
Originally posted by Tiny
me sees this one deadending soon.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this game no matter what card is "supposed" to be the "best" one to run it with.

Why the quotation marks? Cause IT IS ALL SUBJECTIVE!:eek:
Come on people, EVERYONE has a different set of eyes. Meaning EVERYONE has a different idea of what looks good to them.

While I use a 9500, and love it with every game I play, my brother uses a GeForce2, and he loves it for every game he plays, and he plays many the same as I.

There are so many varibles as to what makes a game look good to one person to the next, that it is useless and pathetic to get into an argument over what card someone else should own. Might as well pull out the rulers and start measuring.:rolleyes:

For fallguy since he/she doesn't seem to like to read every post in a thread.
Explain then why ATI leads the whql-ranking?
And that the biggest driver bug comparison have nVidia having twice as much bug on their FX series than ATI on their Radeon serie?

I have own both and I can without hesitation say that my current ATI drivers are more stable and bugfree than my previous nVidia drivers ever where even though I didn´t have big problems with them before.

And what do you expect? ATI encourages people to list bugs on their forum to help with their drivers.

Of course in technical forums you are bound to see people having problem with their video cards. It´s more strange when there aren´t any really.

I see no problem getting either a nVidia or ATI today. If you don´t care about nVidias optimization scheme that is.

Since ATI and nVidia is quite equal in size in the standalone video card market no big game developer can afford totally rule one video card maker out at expense of the other.

Matrox I feel sorry for...
Originally posted by creedAMD
Doesn't seem funny that there is only the same 4 or 5 people in here (nvidia employees maybe?) that defend nvidia like it's their mother. B]

I defend neither, Ive had some really bad experiences with ATi in the past (hardware..had nothing to do with moot point) and dealing with them left a very bad taste in my mouth, itll be a very long time before I deal with them again..if i date no Nvidia card has given me shit. Im not interested in the IQ shit since when I read the reviews..the screenies I see are (to me) to me..Ill stay where im at thank you.

Originally posted by oqvist
I see no problem getting either a nVidia or ATI today. If you don´t care about nVidias optimization scheme that is.

either card is fine (depending on the person) and as for any "optimazations" if it doesnt impact my game (I.E. 32bit -> 16 colors) and I cant see any difference..then I dont care.
I wish sometimes that these threads could be civil and not a ATi vs. Nvidia flamewar within the first page and a half. Have fun guys :)
Originally posted by Killa|3yte
Princess, all nvidia and ati discussion aside. May I ask how is it that you manage to stir up incredible controversy in every single thread you are a participant of??

You honestly think you are right ane everyone else is wrong? The fact that every SINGLE THREAD you post it turns into a flame war makes it obvious you are a TROLL!

And here I thought I was the only one that felt that way.
One thing that we should keep in mind if comparing driver complaints between ATI and nV is that people who own a card with an nv GPU do not contact nV for support. They would contact the IHV who made their card. Most users would not even know that, for example, ASUS does not make the GPU on the cards they sell. While the same is true for ATI cards, it is only recently that they started (2 years?) to sell their GPU's to other IHVs. I think this also helps explain the popularity of RAGE3D compared to nVNEWS, especially in light of the disparity in the installed user base of the respective hardware.
You honestly think you are right ane everyone else is wrong?

I state my opinion, opinion is neither right or wrong, if you have a problem with my opinion feel free to not read what i put, its your right as a poster here. But please dont whine about it, thanks.
No idea how you got that an opinion cant be wrong. They can. It used to be the opinion of most people that the world was flat...
Opinions are neither right or wrong, if you don't know that then go back and redo english at school.

It was CLAIMED as fact that the world was flat because they thought it was (ie they thought they proved it), obviously it wasn't fact because they were wrong.

Everyone has a right to their opinions.

o·pin·ion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-pnyn)
A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof:

fact ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fkt)
Knowledge or information based on real occurrences
Well it's kinda like nvidia said the fx range of cards would be the fastest in the world and they were wrong:p all that clock speed and all that memory and they still only just compete lmao:D
Originally posted by @trapine
Well it's kinda like nvidia said the fx range of cards would be the fastest in the world and they were wrong:p all that clock speed and all that memory and they still only just compete lmao:D
EVERYONE says their product is the fastest in the world. Hell Apple claims the G5 is the fastest PC.
Originally posted by obs
EVERYONE says their product is the fastest in the world. Hell Apple claims the G5 is the fastest PC.

The G5 cost $4000 so it must be fast.:D ;)

Your argument is a strange one because you're basically asserting that you recognize your own failure to base your opinions on substantiating evidence/proof. So where do you then get your opinions? You pull them out of thin air?
Originally posted by obs
What paints yourself as a fanboy is your seeming unwillingness to actually look past your nose .............................................I'm sorry, but people like you are the FOX news of the video card market.

Hey hey hey now! Don't put down Fox News like that! :mad:

Try to keep politics out of a vid card thread too. I fear the masses of tree-huggers grow thick in this forum :p no need to stir them up.
Originally posted by Badger_sly
Hey hey hey now! Don't put down Fox News like that! :mad:

Try to keep politics out of a vid card thread too. I fear the masses of tree-huggers grow thick in this forum :p no need to stir them up.

It's ok, he doesn't bother me, people are just too quick to start calling people fanboy instead of facing the fact that Ati is kicking Nvidias ass right now. If he would go through my posts he will see that I have always gone to whomever had the best hardware at the time. I don't give a shit whose name is on it or what it looks like, it's going to be in a case gathering dust.

Funny though, if you look through is posts every one is pro nvidia, anti ati. Kettle black?
Hey hey hey now! Don't put down Fox News like that!

Try to keep politics out of a vid card thread too. I fear the masses of tree-huggers grow thick in this forum no need to stir them up.

:p :p :p frostys bear hugging her tree lmao:D
Originally posted by Princess_Frosty
Opinions are neither right or wrong, if you don't know that then go back and redo english at school.

It was CLAIMED as fact that the world was flat because they thought it was (ie they thought they proved it), obviously it wasn't fact because they were wrong.

Everyone has a right to their opinions.

o·pin·ion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-pnyn)
A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof:

Heh I can't believe i logged in to respond to this twaddle. Listen, whether you have proof of your opinions or not is irrelevant. They can still be wrong or right. In fact logically this couldn't be any other way.
So it is fine for you to hold as many unfounded or founded opinions as you would like. The veracity of those opinions is a seperate issue.

As an example, you might hold the unfounded/founded opinion that you can breathe underwater. This is empirically testable (and im sure some here would like to see you test it :). Upon testing your opinion you will find to your dismay that it was indeed incorrect.
Do ANY of you actually know what an opinion IS?


My opinions are NOT fact, OBVIOUSLY, they are simply what i THINK, thats what opinions are, OMG if you dont know that then just...i dunno im amazed that anyone couldnt know that. Opinions can obviously be based of fact but thats not what they are.

People can have different opinions on different things, one person may say "cabbage is disgusting" THAT is an opinion because another person may like cabbage. It is an opinion but it stated like fact (which is wrong). it should be stated as "in my opinion cabbage is disgusting"

Some people may say ATI's AA is better (which is stated as fact) but some people (who maybe dont have very good eyesight) might say there seems to be no difference between ATI's AA and Nvidias.
It can only be a FACT if its proved to be so, IE first you define what "better" AA is, and then prove that one card is closer to that description than the other.

Im Astonished, i really am, my english is VERY bad but i still can differentiate between fact and opinion.

let me ask you something, when review sites like HardOCP say things like "in our OPINION blah blah blah" what did you actually think they were saying.

all i can say is OMG
You ignored the whole point. You said an opinion cant be wrong, which it can be.

Just admit you were wrong, and move on..
So it is fine for you to hold as many unfounded or founded opinions as you would like


And as put with my post, they are my opinions, which implies they are not fact.

So whats the problem?

As i siad if you dont like my opinions then ignore me, i wont take offence.
You ignored the whole point. You said an opinion cant be wrong, which it can be.

No i said Opinions are neither right or wrong...which is 100% correct.

If you state something as fact then you're liable to be right or wrong, opinions are NOT fact, so they cannot be right or wrong.

I am not wrong, i do not need to move on from it, for heavens sake get some education.
You know you're wrong, i dont see this as an opertunity to be right or better, im simply explaining my actions, since you obviously do not know the difference between fact and opinion, it maybe a founding problem when reading other peoples posts.

Think about it.
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