Anyone see the stalker benchmarks

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Originally posted by @trapine
Wow your parents must be proud you can spell idolatries.Onya champ:p :D

Ahh come on man, you must have a better comeback than that. You didn't even attempt back up your point or refute mine. I'll give you another chance, try again. :)

Back to STALKER: I cannot wait for this game to come out, I am more excited about it than D3 and HL2.
Originally posted by fallguy
And so would a $200 9800NP. :duh:
Sell me one because CC sure can't. Comes down to this. The 9800 pro destroys all around but it is $250-$300 for it. The 5900NU, which is $184, destroys everything up to the 9700 pro which is sadly missing from this benchmark. All I am really trying to say is that the 9600XT is a crap card for the money. For $200 you are better off with a 5900NU or 9700 pro.

No real suprises in this benchmark, just more of the same. The prophets of this board saying the 9600XT will run better than the 5900NU in DX9 games still have yet for their revelations to come to existance.
You could say the same thing about the 5700 Ultra then, but you didnt. :eek:
Originally posted by fallguy
You could say the same thing about the 5700 Ultra then, but you didnt. :eek:
Well I don't see fanboys trying to convince me that the 5700 Ultra will one day beat the 5900NU pr 9700 pro. Infact, with the 5900SE performing almost as well as the 5900NU, I don't see a reason for the 5700U either. The 5900SE is in direct competition as far as price goes.
Originally posted by DocFaustus
Many insecure people need to re-affirm their faith in their purchases on a daily basis. It is a shame really because it dashes all hopes of having an intelligent conversation in this section.
The guy makes a great point and you feel the need to attack his intelligence. Keep on dodging. He can't have an intelligent conversion because you refuse to.
It's quite entertaining to see how the ATI groupies, posting in this thread, happen to conveniently overlook/disregard any posts about how the STALKER review/test is bogus.

Hmmm, make you wonder if it has anything to do with the 9800s rating on the top?

Originally posted by Badger_sly
It's quite entertaining to see how the ATI groupies, posting in this thread, happen to conveniently overlook/disregard any posts about how the STALKER review/test is bogus.

Hmmm, make you wonder if it has anything to do with the 9800s rating on the top?


Simply because if the test wasn't bogus, we "groupies" still know that the radeons will still do better, while you sit here talking to deaf ears implying that they won't.
Originally posted by SnakEyez187
Simply because if the test wasn't bogus, we "groupies" still know that the radeons will still do better, while you sit here talking to deaf ears implying that they won't.

But, its that kind of attitude that leads to fanboyism, and people getting pissed off. Its pretty hipocritical to say that nVidia fanboys are "just sad their $300 Graphics card won't play DX9" (they have learned their ways, first lesson of PR is CORRECT THE WRONGS), while ATi fanboys are the cool cats with the capable cards.

I hate nVidia. I hate ATi. I hate Volari if they can't improve their driver sets. BBL, gone to Intel Graphics Dept. :p
Again we see people who have bought ATI hardware think they're supreme becuase their hardware is faster, if i wanted the fasted hardware with no exceptions i would have bought ATI, its not some hard thing for me to say or accept that ATI run DX9 stuff faster.

Stop being so convinced of your personal importance because your hardware is faster in X many games, other people made choices to buy other hardware for more than one reason.

i DID NOT buy an Nvidia card because im an Nvidia fanboy, its the other way around, i love their hardware, i dont regret my decision in the slightest, please please please learn to understand this.

Its such an obvious snide attempt to start an argument by saying things like, "Nvidia users will be wanting to upgrade their graphics cards in 2 months time" yadda yadda yadda. We all know you're trolling theres absoloutly no proof or even sense behind statements like that, its just a load of crap, you know nothing of the person you're basically insulting, so best not assume and keep it shut.

You love your ATI cards, WE GET IT, but just because you think they're better in every concevable way, doesnt give you the right to tell other people whats best for them, if something suits you then GOOD, its a good thing YOU bought whatever it is you bought.

Yeah Nvidia have driver problems as everyone does, i wasnt denying that in the slightest, part of my buying decision was i wanted good drivers for what i need (good quality AF) and as little bugs as possible. Now you may say "ati drivers are better than they used to be" but that means nothing to me, untill they support their hardware like Nvidia does I dont care. You can argue about your 5-10-15 fps superiourity all you like, if that doesnt matter to me then you're wasting your breath.

And you can stop with all the trolling crap about how Nvidia users are making excuses with their hardware, its downright pathetic, IM HAPPY WITH MY HARDWARE GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS

Anyways as for STALKER, i have the alpha and it looks brilliant. Engine feels a lot like UT2003 i must say, very similar multiple use of the same static meshes to make scenes look richer, nice long range flowing landscape. I counted around 370,000 polys on the Escape map, getting close to the 500,000 i have in my Hackerz map (see sig)
I ran the demo in 1600 1200 (max) 32bpp, with max LOD settings for textures and geometry, and with all other settings at max. Frame rate averaged about 100fps in most areas in the Escape map which is bloody good i must say.

Even if the frame rate halfs (between now and release) its still easily playable on the highest settings on good hardware. At this stage benchmarks mean didely squat, as we've seen from HL2, Doom3 etc.

The whole idea of the game is very good, several other hackerz team members spotted this game a long way back and so i gained interest ages ago and have followed it ever since. Definatly a contender along side Doom3 and HL2. Especially for those of us who dont want to upgrade to the very best hardware just to play a game in half arsed video settings.
Frosty its quite the opposite:rolleyes: People are getting sick of hearing my 5900nu does 2000core 2000mem and apart from the 5900se the 5900nu is the same price now as the 9800np?

The fx cards keep getting proven time and time again that they are only capable of playing dx8.1 properly which is pathetic for a card that is MARKETED as a DX9 card:confused:

And as we are now just seeing the first DX9 games starting to trickle out it doesnt take a genius to work out that while yes the 5900's will play these games they will take quite a hit in performance.
Its kinda like a car manufacturer selling a car with the title fully 4wheel drive only for you to drive it down the road and find two wheels working:rolleyes: or the 4 wheels only working sometimes:p
Hence i brought a Radeon for Dx9 and it plays dx9.
Not a dx8.1 card posing as a dx9 card.
obs where i live australia there price for the 5900nu and the 5900se is :GeForceFX Albatron FX5900-PV 128meg 256bit DDR, 400mhz Engine and RAMDAC ViVo TV out, DVI Port, 8x AGP Direct
X 9 $479

GeForceFX LEADTEK A350 TD FX5900 My ViVo 128meg DDR $465

And they are the cheapest prices in australia ;)

now have a looksee at the 9600XT price

ATI RADEON 9600-XT GeXcube 128meg DDR memory, TV out, GC-R96XTG-C3 $259

;) and i conclude the bargin winner is:p 9600XT

Now secondly the price you keep quoting for the 5900 is the se model as the 5900nu has gone to $230 so the 9800np is $250 and is worth the $20 extra in my book Simply because of the fact it does what it claims it plays dx9 properly;)
I came to this forum a month ago to figure out what card I wanted to buy. I read reviews from numerous sites and made my choice. At the time I found it very interesting listening to everyone argue about this card vs that card but now its quite annoying. For every review saying one thing, there is another review saying something different. There's an old saying that someone who knows a little about statistics can make the numbers say anything they want, and its absolutely true. So why don't everyone quit trying to justify where they spent their money and go out and actually PLAY a game and enjoy their card.
Originally posted by Princess_Frosty
Now you may say "ati drivers are better than they used to be" but that means nothing to me, untill they support their hardware like Nvidia does I dont care.

And just how are they not supporting their hardware to the same extent as nVidia?
Originally posted by @trapine
Now secondly the price you keep quoting for the 5900 is the se model as the 5900nu has gone to $230 so the 9800np is $250 and is worth the $20 extra in my book Simply because of the fact it does what it claims it plays dx9 properly;)
I have that exact card sitting in my hands. It was the FULL retail box and it even has VIVO. BFG doesn't make a 5900SE version. And it costs $184, about $70 less than the 9800 pro. I didn't have the extra $70 or else I would have gotten the pro. Stop spreading lies.
Originally posted by nleg
And just how are they not supporting their hardware to the same extent as nVidia?
Try running an OS other than windows.
Originally posted by Nexu
I came to this forum a month ago to figure out what card I wanted to buy. I read reviews from numerous sites and made my choice. At the time I found it very interesting listening to everyone argue about this card vs that card but now its quite annoying. For every review saying one thing, there is another review saying something different. There's an old saying that someone who knows a little about statistics can make the numbers say anything they want, and its absolutely true. So why don't everyone quit trying to justify where they spent their money and go out and actually PLAY a game and enjoy their card.

Great Post, I agree.

Is this the phrase your looking for?: There are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics.
Originally posted by obs
Try running an OS other than windows.
If I am not mistaken about 80% of games today (for the PC) use D3D. This precludes any real discussion about using non Windows platforms from this discussion.
Originally posted by nleg
If I am not mistaken about 80% of games today (for the PC) use D3D. This precludes any real discussion about using non Windows platforms from this discussion.
True, but some people still like using OS' like Linux. In general, I just prefer giving my money to companies that actively support Linux/BSD. And it's not like there aren't good games that run on Linux. Q3, Enemy-territory, and NWN are my favorites. Doom3 will also run on it. It's a good tie breaker for me when an NVIDIA and ATI are close in price/performance.
Originally posted by obs
It's a good tie breaker for me when an NVIDIA and ATI are close in price/performance.
I've been watching but not posting and I wanted to say that is really is a good point to consider for somone who uses or is supportive of Linux/BSD on the desktop.

Not that I am or anything. For me Linux is a server OS. I gave up on the desktop thing a long time ago but this is still a valid point.
Originally posted by Visable-assassin
and YES me having a grudge will stop me from buying from them....even if they threw in a free blow job with that HL2 coupon...i still wouldnt buy it

Originally posted by fallguy
I see Frosty upset that his card isnt doing well again :(

FYI, go read the nvnews forums. Every card has some problems in games. Time to retire the old "ATi has bad drivers" argument. Its as silly as saying AMD's run hotter than the sun. ATi's drivers are great now, and AMD's run much cooler.

But I guess when you have nothing else to hold onto...

I guess people will drop the old "ATI has bad drivers" argument when Rage3D isn't full of people bitching thread after thread about problems with their drivers. I'm not saying all of them are valid, but like clockwork after each new Catalyst release Rage3D is full of threads with people having problems with the newest release.

NVnews I have noticed doesn't have the same volume of threads with people bitching about driver problems.

Face it ATI will never shake the bad driver wrap as long as people keep having problems with their drivers.

What's getting old is people calling other people Nvidia fanboys because they have problems with ATI drivers or have a complaint about anything dealing with ATI. It's pretty silly if somebody loves ATI that much that they get annoyed when somebody they don't know on a forum is having a problem with their ATI card.

Obvioulsy Rage3D is an ATI fan site so common sense would be for people having problems with their ATI drivers to go there for help. So saying well of course you'll see compliants on Rage3d because it's an ATI fan site is a BS point. Where else should I go look to guage who's having problems and the amount of problems with ATI drivers,

Being I own a 5900nu and a 9800Pro I can say I like both cards. But I will say i'm not happy with any Catalyst set after 3.7 at this point. Minor little bugs that bother me enough to not keep a driver installed.
Originally posted by number69
I guess people will drop the old "ATI has bad drivers" argument when Rage3D isn't full of people bitching thread after thread about problems with their drivers. I'm not saying all of them are valid, but like clockwork after each new Catalyst release Rage3D is full of threads with people having problems with the newest release.

NVnews I have noticed doesn't have the same volume of threads with people bitching about driver problems.

Face it ATI will never shake the bad driver wrap as long as people keep having problems with their drivers.

What's getting old is people calling other people Nvidia fanboys because they have problems with ATI drivers or have a complaint about anything dealing with ATI. It's pretty silly if somebody loves ATI that much that they get annoyed when somebody they don't know on a forum is having a problem with their ATI card.

Obvioulsy Rage3D is an ATI fan site so common sense would be for people having problems with their ATI drivers to go there for help. So saying well of course you'll see compliants on Rage3d because it's an ATI fan site is a BS point. Where else should I go look to guage who's having problems and the amount of problems with ATI drivers,

Being I own a 5900nu and a 9800Pro I can say I like both cards. But I will say i'm not happy with any Catalyst set after 3.7 at this point. Minor little bugs that bother me enough to not keep a driver installed.
I've also noted a lot more people with ATI problems on this board than NVIDIA problems.
Originally posted by SnakEyez187
And why are you comparing it to one site? Try going into the guru3d forums, nvnews is a horrible example, the boards arent even about driver problems anymore

Read the fallguy statement I quoted and then figure out why I used NVnews.

Yes and i posted previous some people here are assuming that what THEY paid for is some ultimate universal constant or something, people want different things from different cards.

I GOT what I paid for because i realised what i was buying at the time, im not disapointed in the slightest, i have great performance, AF image quality is totaly awesome, I hardly use AA at all, and i feel confident that when a new game comes out i wont have to wait for the latest Nvidia drivers to stop the shadows flickering or whatever.

Proved by other people here ATI still have problems with their drivers, its true take a look through any hardware fourm for video card problems and most of them are ATI problems. You CANT use the old dodge "well more people have ati cards" thats not true at all, the LARGEST slice of the video card pie is the midrange cards not the top range cards (like some of you seem to believe) the average buyer still has several year old cards and back then Nvidia was the favorite.

No ATI still dont have good Linux support.

Anyways like it or not ATI still have far more problems, and as i said before thats something that i cant personally stand. I buy something and i want it to work, it's just my personal preference. After running through a long decision i got an Nvidia card because the better history and current drivers for me outweights the small difference in speed (frame rate).

And it is realistically a small gap, even in most DX9 games so far.

You can't blart out that Nvidia users do not know anything about ATI bugs, because all the new reviews are adding Image quality as part of their reviews, and if you check the same websites reviews across different driver versions you'll see them telling you the same old bugs exist in ATI drivers.

I just flashed the BIOS of my 5900 Ultra to a 5950Ultra which increases internal voltages allowing a greater overclock, i now run at 560/950 which may not mean much to you, but its a 110Mhz GPU and 100Mhz Memory overclock, which boost performance of the card by a lot. Obviously this is a bonus now, but even at the time of buying i knew the overclocking capabilities of the 5900Ultra and it was part of the decision.

I do sympathise with some people though, people buying cards which are top of the range (expensive) for the latest DX9 games and find another card performs better (albeit it not by much) it must be really annoying. But because a card doesnt run as fast as the competiton does not rule it out as a DX9 card. It passes all DX9 specs and it plays all DX9 games fine.
Originally posted by Princess_Frosty

I GOT what I paid for because i realised what i was buying at the time, im not disapointed in the slightest, i have great performance, AF image quality is totaly awesome, I hardly use AA at all, and i feel confident that when a new game comes out i wont have to wait for the latest Nvidia drivers to stop the shadows flickering or whatever.

Because nVidia didnt have a HUGE flickering problem before, right?
I'm still curious as to how P_F goes around bragging about having every leaked alpha under the sun (illegal in every country, btw) and doesn't get banned. I thought we stood for something here?
The flicker problem was solved as soon as it was realised to be a problem, in fact if you look in the nvnews forums you'll see a thread by an Nvidia PR guy asking anyone in the bay area to take a trip to Nvidia with their rig to help them reproduce the problem, as the first reply said NOW THATS SUPPORT.

I acutally noticed recently my PSU is still buzzing and im asking for some info on nvnews, although unless its causing hardware damage its no problem at all.

Anyways it was only very slight, before i realised there was a problem there was already a fix out.

As i siad before i am not denying that Nvidia have problems from time to time, because thats stupid, but they have less than ATI. I also know about the rolling lines problem ATI users had, so, there we go.

Some of you may consider the difference in problems/support only relativly small, but thats how i consider the frame rate. As i said you like your hardware, its good you bought it, but i love mine, and i dont regret buying it in any way.
Now that most everyone has had there rulers out and there milk bottles warmed for them, can we put this crap to bed yet?
Yes it was fixed, but it was a huge problem for a while. I just found it ironic that you said, "i feel confident that when a new game comes out i wont have to wait for the latest Nvidia drivers to stop the shadows flickering or whatever". When in fact you did have to wait for new drivers to fix the problem.

Tiny, dont like the thread? Dont click it. Its not hard to solve that problem.
I dont brag, i simply state.

I dont think its against the rules to talk about a subject with reference to leaked material, providing you dont give out links to it. I will however check and delete the relevent part of my post if it is :)



You will not discuss, suggest, engage, or encourage any illegal activity. Links provided to locations that deal with any such activity are also expressly forbidden.

As i did not discuss the activity of aquiring the alpha it doesn't seem to break forum rules, however if a moderator does see this as a breech of the rules, please let me know. Im not here to cause trouble.
Originally posted by fallguy
Tiny, dont like the thread? Dont click it. Its not hard to solve that problem.

my last post was in referance to my first post in this thread.....sheesh....some people just don't learn.:rolleyes:
And how is everyone supposed to know that? Its simple, dont click a thread if you dont want to read it.

Nice mature tude with all the :rolleyes:'s and trying to insult people btw.
Originally posted by fallguy
And how is everyone supposed to know that? Its simple, dont click a thread if you dont want to read it.

Its called reading the entire amount of posts (thats 1-end, in case you need help) and then responding. Got it?

Originally posted by fallguy
Nice mature tude with all the :rolleyes:'s and trying to insult people btw.

I don't know what you are rambling about trying to insult someone. If I wanted to insult someone I would. Sheesh.:rolleyes:
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