Anyone know if John Carmack's keynote was recorded?

@56:30 "So, what did you think of Duke Nukem Forever?"

the QA was kinda funny here and there
During his keynote, around the 39:30 mark, I love how he mentions a new project like it's some sort of dirty little secret.

I love it when John Carmack talks dirty.

But seriously, his comments regarding this exponential curve in amount of time it takes for game development are great. We are fast approaching this point in time where games will take 10+ years to develop. And that's just not good for the industry as a whole.

A large majority of the time goes into making extremely high poly assets. This won't change at all next gen because they will be building similar quality assets but just won't scale them down as much. In fact, I'd go as far to say that time and budgets will decrease next gen, at least at the beginning, because they won't have to spend all of the time trying to eek every bit of performance from 2005 hardware.

pulled that straight out of your ass did you? Wii U will have a modified version of a RV770 aka 4870 and that litterally wipes the floor with the 360 and PS3........want to try again?

Pull THAT straight out of your ass did you? No hardware has been confirmed for the WiiU. The GPU is believed to be an R700 derivative, not R770. So that could be anything from a 43xx to a 48xx, at least performance wise as it obviously won't be off the shelf parts. I truly hope that it is a beast of a machine, at least compared to current consoles so that maybe it will force MS and sony to play their hand. Alas, this is nintendo we're talking about, and with the recent price slash of the 3DS, I'm expecting a $249 machine that is probably similar to the performance of a "regular" console if it were released in 2008.

Also, for the record, Nintendo, change the name to Wii Tu, and also fire your marketing department.
Really disappointed to hear there's no plans at the moment for another Quake. :mad:
Pull THAT straight out of your ass did you? No hardware has been confirmed for the WiiU. The GPU is believed to be an R700 derivative, not R770. So that could be anything from a 43xx to a 48xx, at least performance wise as it obviously won't be off the shelf parts. I truly hope that it is a beast of a machine, at least compared to current consoles so that maybe it will force MS and sony to play their hand. Alas, this is nintendo we're talking about, and with the recent price slash of the 3DS, I'm expecting a $249 machine that is probably similar to the performance of a "regular" console if it were released in 2008.

Also, for the record, Nintendo, change the name to Wii Tu, and also fire your marketing department.

wait what? a modified RV770 is a RV770 derivative.........nice try though.....
wait what? a modified RV770 is a RV770 derivative.........nice try though.....

I don't think you quite understand. RV770 is in the R700 architecture family, but not all R700 parts are RV770. You see, they NEVER confirmed that the Wii U would be using RV770, in fact, it's only a rumor that it will be using an R700 derivative. The R700 architecture covers everything from a 43xx to the 48xx. So yea, you did pull that out of your ass. Any further questions can be directed to this Wikipedia page. Nice try though