Anyone have pics of Westinghouse 37" LCD??

After digging alittle more I've begun to shy away more from the 42". Unfortunately the 37" w3 is out of stock at crutchfield and now, and bestbuy doesn't show my zip code as available for deliver anymore either (and they upped the list price +$150).

I guess I will just sit on the idea and wait it out. Maybe I'll get a better deal in the long run.
LCDTVs.COM has the 37w3 in stock and at the same price as CF with a 3 yr in-home Repair Tech warranty for $129......out the door price of $1290+$129 shipped.

I just placed an order and will have the set delivered by next week :D :D and my problemtic Dell 24" is going back to Costco!


I wonder if the 37" is too small ;)
I was reading a few reviews of at

epinions reviews

and - reviews

I don't mean to smear a e-tailer especially since I haven't ever bought from them, and I know you can always find some bad reviews on any review page -- but for me a few of those reviews affected my confidence in ordering from a place I am not familiar with. They seemed like honest tales of bad experiences with items 'in stock' actually being out of stock, damaged returns credit problems, etc and other "run-arounds" lasting months. When I called them on the phone my first impression is that they seemed alittle curt/bothered also.

Has anyone bought from them before?
While I haven't bought from them or had any direct experience with them I did just buy the LVM-37W3 from for $1200 from an seller. If you don't live in CA then there is no tax. The shipping charge was $34... thats it. The store was consolution-tech . He has it in stock too by the way. 1233.98 shipped.
The price from consolution-tech has been raised to 1300, and that doesn't include shipping. Crutchfield remains sold out.
My W3 from should be here Monday. Check out this math

$1304 shipped - $135 off $1100 coupon (for using credit card) - $25 Fat Cash - $37 credit cashback at for using the CC (3% of the purchase back)

I also grabbed the $20 pricegrabber rebate.

Plus I signed up for three of those one month free trials they offer you after you make a purchase. For trying them I get $25 cash back, $20 gas card and $15 cash back.

Final cost: $1027 considering all the discounts. :D
Still lurking. Sorry for this long post but I'm stuck in indecision and thought I could get some feedback about it after laying out my position/options.

I can't decide whether or not to sell my 50" panasonic PT50LC13 and get the 37" westy w3. I have a high-quality lens blacklevel-filter mod on the panny so its still a very good picture with HD content, though its only 720p so I can't stand using it with computer content other than dvd playback.

To further confuse my decision I also do graphics work so the dell 3007 (30") lcd keeps coming to mind as an alternative since its higher resolution allows alot more workspace. However I also love gaming and watching movies which the westy would do much better than the 11ms response time, inferior contrast ratio, and very high native resolution of the dell 30". The dell 30" also costs two to three hundred more than the westy.

I scored an open box sony xbr 960 34" HD-crt for my upstairs living room a few months ago so losing the 50" panasonic for tv playback in my basement rec-room/computer room would not be entirely limiting if I got the dell 30". It would still be nice to be able to watch HD in the rec-room while on the pc though.

If I could afford it I would get the westy w3 and the dell30" lol... (I can't). In fact selling the panasonic 50" would cover the brunt of the westy or dell purchase or I probably wouldn't buy either after getting the xbr960, even though it was a steal.

** P.S. I saw an article about SED yesterday, and that Toshiba and sony who are making the technology has found a way to increase production alot. It also said that SED though at a premium cost would still remain marketable vs the LCD market. I think it said end of 2007 for US release (I know its been pushed back before). I mention this to temper my ideas of 'selling the farm' on monitors right now. *EDIT - found the link.*

Toshiba to build 55inch SED TVs
After I posted this morning I noticed that the Samsclub page was updated with the message "online item stock limited" or something similar. I decided to take the leap and order the set before it got sold out. The order is still being processed, which just means it hasn't shipped out yet apparently.

combined item(s) total $ 1,047.88
combined shipping $ 91.72
tax $ 99.72
combined order total $ 1,239.32

+ $40 membership = $1279.32

w/ my citibank platinum select card providing +1yr to the westinghouse 1yr warranty, and since I chose sams club I have the ability to return the set to the store itself. I'm pretty happy with the price with all the other considerations.
It appears that Sam's Club has me in limbo with my order stuck "in process". Their phone service sucks really bad too. After giving your account to the 'greeter' rep, they connect you to the dept regarding your order which means you end up on hold forever after which you are just dumped to voicemail. All that if you are lucky enough to get through their phone menu which has only a few options - none of which apply to online orders/customer reps outright. They haven't answered my inquiry via their webpage form that I left two days ago, and haven't returned any calls to the messages I have left.

I finally got through to a customer service rep that actually tried to help out. He said he'd send a ticket up to the held order department to get my order out of being held. Then I informed him that according to the webpage the item I ordered is now out of stock. I asked how long it would usually take to receive that email confirmation and he said "48 to 72 hours". I asked if I would be able to cancel my order if they are indeed out of stock and he said he did not have the authority to cancel orders past one hour after the order time, but that I could take it up with a manager after the order isn't in the 'held' state anymore.

I ordered 10/8 it is now 10/11 and I may not get my 'unheld' confirmation until 10/13 if they send it at all. So basically they are trying to hold my order hostage while they are out of stock. I did not sign up to be on a waiting list -- when I ordered they were in stock. I will wait for the 'unheld' confirmation for a day or so. If they will not cancel my order with it not being shipped/out of stock - I am going to contact my credit card company to see if I can put a pre-emptive hold on any charges from samsclub. After which I will contact the better business bureau about this incident, and the attorney general of NY.
Not to be rude, but reporting this issue to the BBB is just a waste of time. The BBB is so full of holes and they really don't seem to care anymore. Its sad. I hope your problem works out in the end.
I can understand that, but like posting bad experience with a vendor on this site and especially other epinion type sites and the BBB it does provide feedback regarding the vendor's practices which hopefully will help other people choose who they buy from more wisely. I'll call the attn. gen. if I can't get my order canceled at all. All of this is only if they are indeed out of stock and holding my order hostage, which it seems like the way it is so far.

If they are out of stock I want my order canceled so I can order from somewhere else like lcdtvs.

Thanks for the well wishes on this problem.

I've had some trouble with bestbuy regarding my "old" lcd tv with some repair issues even though I had the 4-yr warranty. I had a flawed high-end laptop last year that I had a hell of a time returning to an online vendor (after they replaced a bad part with another bad part) too. I can't believe I am having problems with sams club already at the order stage!

Can someone post a picture of this running at 1024x768? 1:1 with the bars on the side. Just curious what it would look like if you had a problematic game or some such. Thanks!
UPDATE --- I loaded the "IN PROCESS" order status page before being on hold with samsclub for 8mins just now. When the svc person finally checked my order they said " that order is shipped sir..?". I refreshed the webpage and it was indeed shipped! Phewwwww...

So I may have seemed alittle overzealous in my anxiety about the order but I have a history of companies screwing up with orders, returns and refunds. I had a large item sit in a warehouse lost for several weeks once, after which they investigated and found it left somewhere in the warehouse damaged (or so the company said). There are several other incidents where things didn't get moving until you called to check up on them. The point being you have to call and check on an order or return processes repeatedly, which I've learned from experience.
if you guys were able to get the dell 3007wfp and the lvm-37w3 for the same price, and you were primarily using it for pc gaming and for an overall feel of immersion, which one would you choose? the extra 7 inches of real estate, or the super duper resolution?
I would choose the westy 37w3 for gaming without a doubt. The only thing that made me consider the dell 3007 was that I also do graphics work and could benefit from the extra screen real-estate. I chose the 37w3 though. I could always use dual-monitor mode to keep my graphic app's toolboxes on a separate monitor anyway.. ;)

For gaming 1920 x 1080 is a good resolution point. You have to go crazy on hardware to run the dell 3007 native resolution of 2500x1600, and still have to turn down some of the "bells and whistles" graphically including turning off any anti-aliasing (granted AA is not as necessary at that rez). Furthermore the westy display will always have use as a tv once monitor tech gets better a few years from now (SED?).

Further points are that the dell response time is listed as 18ms or 14ms depending where you look, contrast ratio is 700:1, and has very limited inputs while the westinghouse has alot of inputs, much lower response time, 1000:1 contrast ratio, and has PiP.

The other conisderation for most of us outside of your hypothetical situation is the price point. You can get a westinghouse for $1000 to $1250 after shipping and taxes, while Dell3007's generally on deals are $1500 to $1600 list price before other considerations. You could get a westy and an xbox360 for the price of the dell3007 according to most prices, or you could save the $300 - $400 towards a G80 video card when they come out.
Get the westy 37in becuase 1920x1080 is already an insanely high resolution. The dell 30in resolution is going to make you need to replace your video card even more often becuase of how high that res is. Plus the westy gives you tons more HD ports for like xbox 360 or hd dvd.. and since its a 1080p native display you won't have the huge black bars when watching high def video.The dell 30in will have the big black bars. you dont need any higher then 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 when gaming.
Anyone bought one of these through Newegg? I tried last week but the box came with 3 holes in it (one being on the face) and a bashed in corner. So I refused shipment (since newegg wont take it back if you accept shipment) I have a preffered account through them and was going to order another once I get my refund but I'm a little worried about them getting me one in good condition! And I hate how they wont back it up once you open it, and westinghouse kind of sucks as far as the warrenty goes.
I should be getting mine today by newegg and hope I do not have the same problem. :mad: If it is damaged I will never have anything shipped ups again. Too many problems with them lately.
ok guys what monitor should i get? BenQ FP241W or Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37"?
i will be sitting 2.5'- 3' away, im going to be gaming alot, websurfing, general windows work etc.
Kherozene said:
ok guys what monitor should i get? BenQ FP241W or Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37"?
i will be sitting 2.5'- 3' away, im going to be gaming alot, websurfing, general windows work etc.

I have a 24" Dell and a 37" Westy and I use the Westy as my main monitor so you know what my vote is. The Westy is vastly superior for gaming.
please get the westy. ive been researching both of those monitors since june.. if u look at the official benq thread, i started it. I just today received my westy and im only sitting about 2.5 feet away and I can't believe that it isn't too close to sit. It's quite comfortable. The screen is huge and has very crisp text through dvi. It's amazing. Definitely get it over the benq becuase this display also tons more inputs for HD and std def hardware
have you used a benq fp241w screen yet? are you comparing it to that or are you just saying its an awesome screen?
i havent used the benq but i got the westy for 1047 from and the benq is like what 800 or so? u get a much larger screen for not much more cost, and this screen has a higher contrast ratio as well as tons of HD inputs and the screen seems to scale any image really well. xbox 360 through component and vga look amazing.
madness, now all i need to do is find a store which will ship this to Australia, anyone know someone who can do that?
Kherozene said:
madness, now all i need to do is find a store which will ship this to Australia, anyone know someone who can do that?

I'm looking for someone that'll ship this to me in Germany (via APO). Ugh I want this monitor so bad!!!
My Westy was delivered today... got it hooked up and took some shots :)






Thats a 19" Widescreen in the corner near it :)

I'm going to make a wallpaper with teeth on the top and bottom edges and use it as my background, then I'll take pics of me FEEDING my westy various other monitors whole :D
holy crap...and I thought my 20.1" was big. LOL that Westinghouse would break my desk and my eyes for that matter :D

Nice monitor...but I think I'll stick with mine for now lol
Ryom said:
Thats a 19" Widescreen in the corner near it :)

I'm going to make a wallpaper with teeth on the top and bottom edges and use it as my background, then I'll take pics of me FEEDING my westy various other monitors whole :D it!
Ryom said:
Thats a 19" Widescreen in the corner near it :)

I'm going to make a wallpaper with teeth on the top and bottom edges and use it as my background, then I'll take pics of me FEEDING my westy various other monitors whole :D

i would like to see this also XD
I run it at 1920x1080 at max quality and my rig is:

Manufacturer: OverdrivePC
CPU: Intel P4 2.4c
Ram: 3GB Dual Channel pc3200 DDR
Disk: Dual 120GB WD 7200RPM in RAID-0
Video: BFG 6800GT OC 256MB
Sound: Audigy2 ZS Platinum
Speakers: Zalman 5.1 Surround Headphones

Playing HL2 on this is phenomenal... the immersion is simply increadible. Money WELL spent!