Anyone have pics of Westinghouse 37" LCD??

I've seen posts about ghosting issues over the component ins. Are you using the DVI and getting that effect? If so perhaps it is defective. That is a bummer. :(
I was using component for my DVD player and DVI for my computer, but i didn't notice any difference between component, dvi, or vga. All of the inputs were just as bad
Ouch. Let us know if the exchange fixes it or not. Luckily though my unit is not perfect major ghosting like that hasn't been an issue. That is one thing I couldn't tolerate. :(
yea ghosting is def. a deal breaker.. Being that i play a lot of FPS games, ghosting would kill me... My Westy has less ghosting than my 2005.. So its possible you got a defective
One thing I have noticed is that turning brightness down below 48 kills detail in dark areas significantly. FarCry carrier level is a good example. If I have brightness at less than 48 most of the dark corridors are completely without any detail and you can barely see your way around. I have to keep it at 48 or higher no matter what. The backlight setting has almost no effect on this, it's just the brightness level.
Well ive been wanting to do a nice upgrade from my viewsonic PF790. I think this westinghouse is gonna be it. I went and looked at them today, very nice picture it had IMO.

I am going to mount this on the wall so i can sit back far enough so it wont hurt my eyes.
Well, it appears that my Westy IS actually a dud.

Based on my ghosting and dead pixel problem, I was going to take it back to Best Buy.

A friend was going to help me take it back tomorrow, and I've been using it the past few days as a TV trying to decide if I wanted to buy another large screen HDTV.

Earlier today I went to turn it on and it wouldn't work. So I unplugged it, plugged it back in, and it worked fine. Just now I was using it to watch a TV show and it shut off. Now it won't turn back on at all.

It is likely my problems were just because of it being a bad unit, so if you were taking the ghosting problems I had into consideration I guess you can dismiss them.
C'mon folks ! post more pics :D

Pics of games, the monitor itself ! the crysp quality and etc :p
kaldaim said:
Well, it appears that my Westy IS actually a dud.

Based on my ghosting and dead pixel problem, I was going to take it back to Best Buy.

A friend was going to help me take it back tomorrow, and I've been using it the past few days as a TV trying to decide if I wanted to buy another large screen HDTV.

Earlier today I went to turn it on and it wouldn't work. So I unplugged it, plugged it back in, and it worked fine. Just now I was using it to watch a TV show and it shut off. Now it won't turn back on at all.

It is likely my problems were just because of it being a bad unit, so if you were taking the ghosting problems I had into consideration I guess you can dismiss them.


Do not dismiss a exchange for a new unit.. I really like mine, and i dont think you should give up on Westinghouse until you see it to its potential...
Deutch420 said:

Do not dismiss a exchange for a new unit.. I really like mine, and i dont think you should give up on Westinghouse until you see it to its potential...

I think you should dismiss before it breaks after the return period is up. :rolleyes:

kaldaim said:
Well, it appears that my Westy IS actually a dud.

Based on my ghosting and dead pixel problem, I was going to take it back to Best Buy.

A friend was going to help me take it back tomorrow, and I've been using it the past few days as a TV trying to decide if I wanted to buy another large screen HDTV.

Earlier today I went to turn it on and it wouldn't work. So I unplugged it, plugged it back in, and it worked fine. Just now I was using it to watch a TV show and it shut off. Now it won't turn back on at all.

It is likely my problems were just because of it being a bad unit, so if you were taking the ghosting problems I had into consideration I guess you can dismiss them.

A bigger TV is always nice. :)
well i got lukcy and the monitor went on sale for 1599 a day early.. so the 10% coupon also worked..

i ended up getting the 4 year plan after reading this thread so in the end i essentially got the unit + the 4 year warranty plan for 1680$..

And all i have to say is Wow.. this thing is amazing.. My brother and I have been playing COD2 all day..

i'll post some pics here in a minute, i am going to spend a bit tweaking the brightness and what not, it is pretty bright for normal computer use.

for the price it is well worth it.. time for the 2005FPW to go in the garbage :)
Deutch420 said:

i'm good with my 61" 1920x1080 Samsung DLP :rolleyes:

besides like a previous poster pointed out, who said my computer could handle it?
Ok here are some pictures.. i set my backlight at 30 and then ran through the Nvidia display calibration utility and i am very pleased with the color and brightness now..

the final settings on the TV are

Brightness 47
Contrast 50
Saturation 50
Hue 0
Backlight 30

here are some pictures , these are large res so 56kers beware (400k / picture)

Here are some on the on Desk, for scale the blue verticle ruler is 6" and the silver ruler on the desk is 12"

some are with or without the flash

This is the text close up, forgive me but my hands are not that steady..

Eve-online, its in windowed mode so you can see the title bar at the top

The new Empire at War Demo (loving this game).

and COD2, this shot turned out dark because of the dark level i am in, if you want more i'll post more.

Also i have found no dead pixels so far ..

here is the backlight test, i usually don't run these just because for me as long as it looks good and plays well i don't go "looking" for problems but someone might be interested, this is lights turned off with no flash.

Backlight 100%

Backlight 30% (my setting)

Backlight 0%

After a day of COD2 i can honestly say i didn't notice any ghosting during normal play, it seemed to play identical to my 2005FPW as far as quality of movement , but IMHO this monitor has better colors over my Dell

-- edit fixed the backlight 30% image link
rayman2k2 said:
i'm good with my 61" 1920x1080 Samsung DLP :rolleyes:

besides like a previous poster pointed out, who said my computer could handle it?

People! What's the number 1 rule for handling a troll?

H-street said:
Ok here are some pictures.. i set my backlight at 30 and then ran through the Nvidia display calibration utility and i am very pleased with the color and brightness now..

the final settings on the TV are

Brightness 47
Contrast 50
Saturation 50
Hue 0
Backlight 30

here are some pictures , these are large res so 56kers beware (400k / picture)

Here are some on the on Desk, for scale the blue verticle ruler is 6" and the silver ruler on the desk is 12"

some are with or without the flash

This is the text close up, forgive me but my hands are not that steady..

Eve-online, its in windowed mode so you can see the title bar at the top

The new Empire at War Demo (loving this game).

and COD2, this shot turned out dark because of the dark level i am in, if you want more i'll post more.

Also i have found no dead pixels so far ..

here is the backlight test, i usually don't run these just because for me as long as it looks good and plays well i don't go "looking" for problems but someone might be interested, this is lights turned off with no flash.

Backlight 100%

Backlight 30% (my setting)

Backlight 0%

After a day of COD2 i can honestly say i didn't notice any ghosting during normal play, it seemed to play identical to my 2005FPW as far as quality of movement , but IMHO this monitor has better colors over my Dell

-- edit fixed the backlight 30% image link

Man, you pictures are AMAZING !! Thanks ! :eek:

Deducting from the pics names, there be many others ! Post them all :D
Looks like H-Street's also has a smidgen of backlight bleed on the right side. Mine is about the same.
that is what i thought at first, but even with it set at 0% that "bleed" is there...

i am suspecting it maybe the LCD on/off light at the bottom right causing it to show up on the camera.. or maybe even causing the bleed..

that is assuming that 0% actually turns off the backlight.

to be honest though just watching a movie or even looking at the LCD with the lights off i cannot see it if it is a bleed.
0% does not turn off the backlight. If it did your screen would not have any picture at all. Regarding the blue LED causing it I have to say I doubt that seriously. It's bleed just like any other, due to cheap manufacturing.
Ordered a refurbished one from for $1577.03 total in California. Ordered it friday and they shipped it same day. Expecting it on monday.
S1N3R6Y said:
Ordered a refurbished one from for $1577.03 total in California. Ordered it friday and they shipped it same day. Expecting it on monday.

congrats and welcome.. let us know how it works out... dont forget to order a DVI cable if you dont already have one.
You know, I thought I had no ghosting, either, but whether it has just started or I just noticed it, my blacks do ghost a slight bit. I noticed it playing the new Raindow 6:Lockdown demo. Just the blacks, no other color ghosts at all, that I can see. The blacks do leave a trail in most cases, just slightly. Damn. I may have to try my luck with an exchange, as I don't want to regret that after my 30 days are up.

Also, I ordered a dual-link DVI cable, to replace the one I was using from my 2005fp. I have read several people getting better IQ by using either a dual link or one from a 2405fp.

Rhinohelix said:
You know, I thought I had no ghosting, either, but whether it has just started or I just noticed it, my blacks do ghost a slight bit. I noticed it playing the new Raindow 6:Lockdown demo. Just the blacks, no other color ghosts at all, that I can see. The blacks do leave a trail in most cases, just slightly. Damn. I may have to try my luck with an exchange, as I don't want to regret that after my 30 days are up.

Also, I ordered a dual-link DVI cable, to replace the one I was using from my 2005fp. I have read several people getting better IQ by using either a dual link or one from a 2405fp.


OMFG ! Post if you see some diference :(
Rhinohelix said:
You know, I thought I had no ghosting, either, but whether it has just started or I just noticed it, my blacks do ghost a slight bit. I noticed it playing the new Raindow 6:Lockdown demo. Just the blacks, no other color ghosts at all, that I can see. The blacks do leave a trail in most cases, just slightly. Damn. I may have to try my luck with an exchange, as I don't want to regret that after my 30 days are up.

Also, I ordered a dual-link DVI cable, to replace the one I was using from my 2005fp. I have read several people getting better IQ by using either a dual link or one from a 2405fp.


your 2005 came with DVI cable?? My 2005 only came with VGA.. hope you dont have your tv hooked up with VGA... I thought only the 2405 came with DVI??
yea my 2005FPW didn't come with a DVI cable...

so far i've only run into 1 game having a problem with this monitor..

Eve-online for some reason when playing in Full screen @ 1920x1080 or 1600x900 the the screen "shimmers" like the frequency isn't correct, I mainly play in window mode so its not really an issue and i would guess its more to do with the Nvidia drivers, i believe i read in the past that Nvidia drivers had issues with widescreen + SLI but i never saw it on my 2005FPW..

could this be because of the DVI cable i'm using? i never had an issue @ 1680x1050 on my 2005FPW with my DVI cable and i don't experience this in any of the other games i've tried.

So far i've tried with no problems which leads me to think its not the DVI cable..


its just Eve that exhibits this shimmering effect where you can see the white boarder line at the top (and you can see it jump up and down a pixel row)
I had been using the DVI cable that my 2005FPW came with til I got my dual-link DVI cable. I don't really have time to game much nowadays, but there were no noticeable image quality differences just from normal 2D usage. Honestly dual-link cable isn't really required, but it just looks damn cool being twice the diameter of the single link cable :p
I have $1500 ready to spend on a monitor. What would be the best monitor for this money?

I have seriously been considering the Samsun 244T or the Westinghouse 37".

What would you do?

Thanks for your help.
morfinx said:
I had been using the DVI cable that my 2005FPW came with til I got my dual-link DVI cable. I don't really have time to game much nowadays, but there were no noticeable image quality differences just from normal 2D usage. Honestly dual-link cable isn't really required, but it just looks damn cool being twice the diameter of the single link cable :p

A dual-link DVI cable will have an extra group of pins in the middle that a non dual-link cable won’t have. They are both part of the same DVI standard. If a device needs more bandwidth the product manufacture can get it buy stepping up to dual-link DVI. If you look at the DVI connection on the display it will or should have all the pin holes for both and the blade if the display uses dual-link or not. Most cables that are around thus far will only have the single-link set of pins with the blade. You can use a dual-link cable on a display that is not dual-link capable but the extra pins are just ignored.

Monster cables and others that are high priced are a rip-off. Especially for digital connections and especially for runs less than ten feet. My favorite Monster cables are the ones with the little directional arrows on them indicating that the electrons will flow better one way than the other.
Tanquen said:
A dual-link DVI cable will have an extra group of pins in the middle that a non dual-link cable won’t have. They are both part of the same DVI standard. If a device needs more bandwidth the product manufacture can get it buy stepping up to dual-link DVI. If you look at the DVI connection on the display it will or should have all the pin holes for both and the blade if the display uses dual-link or not. Most cables that are around thus far will only have the single-link set of pins with the blade. You can use a dual-link cable on a display that is not dual-link capable but the extra pins are just ignored.

Thank you for clarifying for everyone else. I am well aware of the differences but probably came across as otherwise in my post :p 1920 x1080 does NOT need a dual-link cable, I only got it because it uses thicker gauge signal wires (24 AWG) than single-link cables. Otherwise, it woud have been pointless since my video card only has a single-link DVI out.
Got my refurbished westinghouse 37 today. When UPS showed up there was a huge hole on the box that looks like someone jammed a stick through it. There are scratches on the back plastic part of the lcd, but everything else was ok.

Turned on the lcd to play some project gotham 3 and there were two red pixels in the middle of the lcd, but they went away and turned normal in about 20 minutes. The game looked ok but aliasing is very noticable. Anyone else notice jaggies?

I'm using the componet cables and running on 1080i. On the "display info" it showed that my resolution was at 1280*5xx (forgot the number). Haven't got my dvi cable from the mail yet so couldn't test it out on my computer.

Do you guys know if a single link dvi cable makes any difference over the dual for the westinghouse 37?
Just a question regarding the resolution.

I know it's native rez is 1920x1080, but how does it perform with resolutions that are non-native?

With my HD Projection TV, I attempted to set it up as a computer display, but anything outside of 1920x1080 resolution would not come up at all, I'd just get a black screen. And with my current LCD monitor, anything that isn't the monitor's native resolution looks like crap due to the scaling it does.

How does the Westinghouse fare? Alot of games out there don't support 1920x1080, the closest match would be 1280x1024, so how does it look on the Westy?

Also, does anybody know of an external television tuner that could be hooked up to it for antenna or cable TV? Preferrably one with an IR remote.
HL2, BF2, COD UO, COD2 ALL support 1920x1080... If you cant figure it out, PM me.. Just make sure in the game options u put the aspect ratio to 16:9 and it will give u a whole new list of gaming resolutions...

Plus there are little hacks for other games... like modifying the target... extremly easy, and effective..
it actually scales fairly well from what i tried, ofcourse I normally turn on scaling to be handled by the video card as i've always like that better than the monitors scalings i've had..

i played BF2 for 2 hours yesterday @ 1280x1024 and it looked great..

but, as with any LCD, native resolution is always the best

one thing to keep in mind is that @ 37" any aliasing or "blurring" from scaling is going to magnify itself just from the size.. if you are really irritated from any aliasing or blurring you may not be happy.

its sortof like gaming on an LCD projecter, on my 130" projector screen @ 1024x768 the aliasing can get very prominant but at that resolution i can crank AA/AF up quite a bit but the sheer size is a very good tradeoff IMHO.
ben johnson said:
I have $1500 ready to spend on a monitor. What would be the best monitor for this money?

I have seriously been considering the Samsun 244T or the Westinghouse 37".

What would you do?

Thanks for your help.

Asking that question in here is like asking "What's your favorite soft drink" in an "I love Pepsi" thread. What do you plan to do with your monitor? If you're a gamer or play a lot of movies on your PC, the Westinghouse is a great choice.
Huggles said:
Hehe I wouldn't know, never used it as a TV yet....


Need to take more pictures, but I left my 20D's battery charger at my last photoshoot...

porn must looks so good on that :D
also if you are looking for top notch image quality etc then maybe the 37in westy or an LCD for that matter isn't for you. but do know this, the image quality on this thing is no 2405fpw (which uses the samsung panel for those that didn't know). the westy is impressive for an lcd its size, but don't expect the best