Anyone HAVE an Athlon64 X2 yet?

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Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 31, 2001
Wondering if you could post your thoughts over in this thread. I've posted a few threads like this on various forums, and have got a lot of opinions from people with 7800s and 2gb and ram and etc - but nobody with an X2.
I have a X2 4400+ system in progress specs are

Athlon X2 4400+
MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum SLI
2x BFG 7800GTX
2x 1gig Corsair XMS Pro
Audigy2 zs
74gig WD Raptor

At this point I'm just waiting on my case and power supply from Xoxide

Lian Li V1000b

They are scheduled for Thurday delivery so I should have it together by the weekend. I'll be sure to post numbers and all that good stuff. I'll also do some time tests with a few games and see how long my 3500+ takes vs the 4400+ when alt+tabing out of them since that seems to be a major point of your thread.
I've had my 4400+ since last Thursday. Unfortunately, my watercooling stuff isn't here yet, and I don't own an AMD64 heatsink. Damn you VoyeurMods!
I've got my X2 4800+ set up as well. See sig. Definitely faster than my Dual Xeon 3.0.
Just got my 4400+ and am in the process of testing as we speak!

So far... so good!
woah dissolute, if you dont mind me asking, how much did that rig run you? Thats some pretty sweet specs.
Little over $3,200 with all the shipping charges and the little extras (zalman 7000cu, arctic silver, side panel w/ window, etc)
dang dissolute.. thats a nice rig. i think i wanna switch out of my 3200+ venice for an X2 sometime this fall when supplies are slightly higher (hopefully) and prices slightly lower (hopefully).
i'm currently making a new rig as well..

is it worth it to go X2 now? i can afford the x2 4400 and here's the rest of the specs:

MEMORY: (2x 1gig)

is this system worth it right now? or should i just go w/ 3700 san diego?

I'd like to know if the X2 performs better on games. any info would be great.. thnx
Betauser said:
I'd like to know if the X2 performs better on games. any info would be great.. thnx
in gaming, and gaming only (no random stuff running in the background), here's how they stack up to eachother

4200+ <--> 3500+
4400+ <--> 3700+
4600+ <--> 3800+
4800+ <--> 4000+

the X2 seems to be a touch faster than their single core counterparts due to some random windows stuff being offloaded to the second core. the real advantage comes in when you run two things at once, each core will do one, effectively doubling the speed :D
The BFG 7800 rocks, definitely get it. I've got mine running at 485 / 1350 with no special cooling.
is my mobo ok? or should i go w/ Asus A8N-SLI Premium? w/ X2, i'm probably just going oclock it up to 2.4 if even possible..
rolo said:
The BFG 7800 rocks, definitely get it. I've got mine running at 485 / 1350 with no special cooling.
LOL - not BFG, no. Their support sucks. :p hehe
rolo said:
The BFG 7800 rocks, definitely get it. I've got mine running at 485 / 1350 with no special cooling.

That memory speed is impressive, as is, of course, the core. What are the idle/load temps on it at "stock" speed vs what you're running at?
11.64 Gpixel fillrate, heh.
BGF's support sucks????? what???

anyway, i cant wait until they realease lower speed/price x2s, that would be cool :cool:
Tigerdirect hasn't sent mine yet...been on the waiting list for almost 2 weeks now.

Voyeurmods is also slacking off in sending my watercooling stuff...

I also have yet to receive my PCP&P 510 SLI. And my Lian Li V2000.

I can get away with not having the case and the watercooling, maybe the PSU if I wanna chopshop my current rig, but my 4400+ is still MIA. :(
mpcamer1220 said:
BGF's support sucks????? what???

anyway, i cant wait until they realease lower speed/price x2s, that would be cool :cool:

If the pricing trend continues, expect a 2ghz 512kb per core part to cost about $400 at the minimum. A 1.8ghz 512kb per core would probably be about $350.

Ether said:
Tigerdirect hasn't sent mine yet...been on the waiting list for almost 2 weeks now.

Voyeurmods is also slacking off in sending my watercooling stuff...

I also have yet to receive my PCP&P 510 SLI. And my Lian Li V2000.

I can get away with not having the case and the watercooling, maybe the PSU if I wanna chopshop my current rig, but my 4400+ is still MIA. :(

That sucks. I'm still waiting for my stuff (but my X2 from Tiger has already shipped and is due on the 29th)
Yes, I got an X2. Here are the specs to the system I just ordered all the parts for.

- 700 watt 35A x2 12V rail power supply
- Coolermaster Pianoblack Wavemaster aluminum atx case
- 2 Plextor PX-716AL black slot-loading superdrives
- Zalman copper-blue LED cpu heatsink

- AMD 64 X2 Dual Core 4800+ processor
- Abit nForce4 Fatality 939 Raid Sli Motherboard
- 2gb (4 dimms x 512) Corsair 2-2-2-5 Pro Ram with Led Activity meters
- 2x BFG 7800 256mb OverClocked in SLI Connfiguration
- 2x WesternDigital 74gb 10,000 8mb buffer hdd's in RAID 0 configuration
- 3x Hitachi 500gb hdd's for storage
- Soundblaster Audigy 2 Gamer Limited Gold 24-bit 7.1

Cost $4500.00

MONITOR/SPEAKERS I already have:
- Klipche THX 500watt 5.1 surround
- Philips 30" LCDTV 1280x768 native

I am a gameaholic with some tricky money skilz

- 700 watt 35A x2 12V rail power supply
- Coolermaster Pianoblack Wavemaster aluminum atx case
- 2 Plextor PX-716AL black slot-loading superdrives
- Zalman copper-blue LED cpu heatsink

- AMD 64 X2 Dual Core 4800+ processor
- Abit nForce4 Fatality 939 Raid Sli Motherboard
- 2gb (4 dimms x 512) Corsair 2-2-2-5 Pro Ram with Led Activity meters
- 2x BFG 7800 256mb OverClocked in SLI Connfiguration
- 2x WesternDigital 74gb 10,000 8mb buffer hdd's in RAID 0 configuration
- 3x Hitachi 500gb hdd's for storage
- Soundblaster Audigy 2 Gamer Limited Gold 24-bit 7.1

soul + 1st born for that one ?
and no, it didn't cost me my soul. This will be the 3rd comp I've built, I've never bought a preassembled computer and I don't believe in it. 1st one I built was a P II 450mhz. At the time the 550mhz was the fastest thing around. 2nd one I built was for freshmen year college and it was a 2.26ghz P4 with an ati 9700pro. Ran doom III at low res pretty well but with windows64 and all the advances it's time for a new build. This is the first time I''ve been able to buy all the top top components for one though, business has been good what can I say.
after initial assembly and setup there are some mods I want to do:
1) swap a red led out for the blue one in the zalman cpu heatsink to match the red color of the fatality motherboard
2) install a clear window showing the mobo, ram leds and sli config. Put in a red light of some kind
3)replace the power and hdd access leds on the case with superbright red leds.
the idea is a totally black and red system. Inspired by love of star wars and those are the wicked colors. With the slot loaders and the raid it should be pretty slick.
Can't wait to check out the 3dmark05 score. Will post up when its built
I have my gear already as can be seen in my sig. Had it for just over a week now.

Good times.
After much searching and waiting I finally got my X2 4800 in yesterday and finished building my comp last night. specs below:

A8N-SLI Premium
X2 4800
2gb Corsair
2x BFG 7800GTX
2x WD Raptor 74GB
Deskstar 400gb sata
Plextor 716 sata
SB Audigy 4 Pro

all i can say is this rig is running circles around my old PC... if you do some serious multitasking the X2 really shines.
(cf)Eclipse said:
in gaming, and gaming only (no random stuff running in the background), here's how they stack up to eachother

4200+ <--> 3500+
4400+ <--> 3700+
4600+ <--> 3800+
4800+ <--> 4000+

the X2 seems to be a touch faster than their single core counterparts due to some random windows stuff being offloaded to the second core. the real advantage comes in when you run two things at once, each core will do one, effectively doubling the speed :D

Cool, Thanks for that bit of info Eclipse that's exactly the information I was looking for in regards to using my pc for gaming and burning/ripping/coverting my cd's, dvd's collection primarily. doing both at same time definately will be easier with an X2 4400 that I was looking at.
robberbaron said:
Crucial doesn't make TwinX. That's Corsair.
i hate it when people get the two companies mixed up..

i <3 one.. i </3 the other. guess which is which ;)
Mine is the exact same setup as Danks from the video card up....Going sata later on i think...And just have my trusty ol' audigy 2 atm (once i get it running again.. :) )
its all about the 2-2-2-5 ram though. with the sli 7800's the bottleneck is always the cpu/ram.
Betauser said:
i'm currently making a new rig as well..

is it worth it to go X2 now? i can afford the x2 4400 and here's the rest of the specs:

MEMORY: (2x 1gig)

is this system worth it right now? or should i just go w/ 3700 san diego?

I'd like to know if the X2 performs better on games. any info would be great.. thnx
Don't buy from Newegg. They are really ripping buyer off by jacking up x2 prices. You can get the same or similar system setup at much lower price from Monarch ( by selecting OEM combo deal.
Link said:
Don't buy from Newegg. They are really ripping buyer off by jacking up x2 prices. You can get the same or similar system setup at much lower price from Monarch ( by selecting OEM combo deal.

Does monarch charge tax for california customers? I ask because most businesses charge tax if you are in california, even if the business itself isn't in CA.
sakurakana1003 said:
Does monarch charge tax for california customers? I ask because most businesses charge tax if you are in california, even if the business itself isn't in CA.

Nope. They are my tax haven.
i agree, monarch is better priced than newegg and just as efficient. They speak english and give plenty of confirmation emails. They even called me to confirm a change of shipping address at the last minute. Recommend. Got my amd x2 4800, corsair ram, raptor hdd's and one of my bfg7800's off them. The 7800's are a rip from them right now, get those from somewhere else (ebay: $550 buy it now vs. $599 retail).

(anyone had this experience, the lowest price on pricewatch is some chinese joint in new york where no one speaks proper english and they are hard to contact, etc.?)
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