Anyone good with Java out of memory errors?


[H]F Junkie
Jul 9, 2002
I have an internal customer that runs a 32bit JVM app (VistaLinkPro Server) as a local admin on a server.
Previous server would get an out of memory error after a few weeks, I replaced the server and the new one gets the error after ~8hrs.
Vendor is looking into it, but Id like to help if I can.
Old server :> (physical) quad core E5620, 12gb ram, 2008 Server 32bit (hence limited to 4gb), 2x 146gb 10k sas
New server :> (vm) 8 cores E5 something, 10gb ram, 2012R2, 120gb VHD

app details :> Evertz - VistaLINK® IRM - Intelligent Resource Management (IRM) Software Solution
app runs from the folder entirely, folder was copied from the old physical server, placed in the same location on the new server, exclusions for AV on the folder, launches, runs much better, more responsive.
Task Manager shows only 241mb used for the app and underlying java.exe
Java SE Platform 6.232 I believe it is
The first thing that sticks out is the 32bit version. Why not 64bit? Is there a middleware tier involved?
the old server was 32bit since that was what the vendor suggested ~5yrs ago, vendor isnt aware of any other customer running it on a 64bit JVM at this time, 'suggested' we should be OK to unzip a new JVM and replace the old one, but I dont like there testing method lol

Im just shocked that the new server gets the error after 8 hrs and the old one went for a few weeks.(cpu usage is real low..1-2%)
Not sure why you would be shocked. New server introduces a whole lot of variables. Chances are a config setting somewhere is now different. Are you going to answer my other question?
java suffers from memory fragmentation if there is a lot of string processing. it is not supposed to but there you go. 64 bit should help, but it does not solve everything.

something like this may help

-XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:+UseSerialGC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:-ReduceInitialCardMarks
No middle tier involved, clients connect directly to this server, actually this is the backup, they connect to the primary and if it fails, they fall back to this one.
To test this new server, we fail over to it manually.

Jiminator...where would I run that?
they are jvm options. you can look to where the server runs, see if there is a bin folder and an option file inside of that.
Changed to the 64bit JVM, so far its been running as primary for 24hrs
Just unzipped the java files and replaced the 32bit ones in the \Application folder it all runs from (per vendors instructions)
Somewhere in the launcher files (batch files perhaps) there may be a setting for something like -xms 512 or something similar. Try changing that to xms 1500
So far its been stable, over 2 weeks with no crashes, old server would usually make it about 3 weeks before needing a reboot
So far its been stable, over 2 weeks with no crashes, old server would usually make it about 3 weeks before needing a reboot
only change is the switch to 64 bit or the settings above? Java always causes problems for me. I left java based coding for C# and now have entirely different problems at work. Nicer tools to work with at least.