Anyone ever buy MMORPG Money from an auction site?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 10, 2000
I am considering it however I am somewhat afraid of getting my account banned. They say it is legal as there not actually selling the gold but there time and effort to farm the gold. I play WoW and I need alot of Thorium to complete a quest and it is just taking to dang long to get it. So I thought I could buy some Gold and then buy the thorium in the AH.
What are your thoughts on this? and have you ever done it or thought about it?
You're helping someone become a professional gamer. But really, why would you want to spend real money on something in a video game? It'll just cheapen the experience.
To be fair, Blizz says you can't do it in the EULA. To get around this, it is normally classified as free gold, with a mandatory donation to help with site costs.
I'm sure so many poeple have dint it and don't get caught, they don't really care. Once in awhile you might hear of a person getting banned, but it rarley happens
I wonder if the people that farm gold professionally ever make up the costs in the end... having multiple accounts, multiple PCs, buying equipment to link everything together, possibly writing code, and farming stuff for hours and hours, has got to be expencive. .
Ludic said:
You're helping someone become a professional gamer. But really, why would you want to spend real money on something in a video game? It'll just cheapen the experience.
Using the same logic, why would anyone want to spend real money on a video game that represents an imaginary world? Both the money and the game are represented by a bunch of ones and zeros. To some it might cheapen the experience, others realize they dont' have 6 hours every day to grind for gold/items/whatever so it's a worthwhile exchange.
peacetilence said:
I wonder if the people that farm gold professionally ever make up the costs in the end... having multiple accounts, multiple PCs, buying equipment to link everything together, possibly writing code, and farming stuff for hours and hours, has got to be expencive. .

Some people do that, but most dont bring in that much. Its usually a group of people, and at $15 a month they easily make it up. I saw a site a month or so ago that was buying gold from people, and they probably sold it higher on ebay. Also some people selling may just be casualy gamers. Most 60s if they try can make 100g a day pretty easily. Depending on their professions of course.
personally, i hate people that sell gold. and i hate people that buy gold. but that's just me.
If you can't afford it you're doing something wrong. I can pull in 1,000g+ per day if I work at it.
Devilpup said:
do that without an AH

Why would he, the AH is part of the game and is meant for people to make money on. Someone who is smart about prices could make 100g in 30 minutes of their time on the AH if they find low buy out prices and put it up for higher
m4rine said:
Why would he, the AH is part of the game and is meant for people to make money on. Someone who is smart about prices could make 100g in 30 minutes of their time on the AH if they find low buy out prices and put it up for higher

go play on a low pop area and you will understand just how difficult it is to make that kinda funds without an AH to rely on. it is ridiculously easy if you have a large population.

to illustrate, on Uther my human can cough that up without a problem. my tauren on the other hand, has significant difficulty.

therefore, when saying "i can make x gold in a hour/day/week" do so without counting any cash you may get using the AH, since that will vary by person, server, faction, and luck.

when i say that my mage (60) can pull 20g / hr i say that only counting coin drops plus vendor trash (i consider vendor trash a reasonable source of income since you can ALWAYS vendor trash, where you may or may not sell that elite wep on the AH).

*edit: i should say do it without selling crap to other players, since again that will vary with server/faction/etc.
Devilpup said:
do that without an AH
I rarely buy stuff off the AH to resell, but I do check certain items that newbs will usually flood the market with for really low prices that usually sell for a lot more. Also, I usually end up selling a majority of my stuff through tells.
Devilpup said:
go play on a low pop area and you will understand just how difficult it is to make that kinda funds without an AH to rely on. it is ridiculously easy if you have a large population.

to illustrate, on Uther my human can cough that up without a problem. my tauren on the other hand, has significant difficulty.

therefore, when saying "i can make x gold in a hour/day/week" do so without counting any cash you may get using the AH, since that will vary by person, server, faction, and luck.

when i say that my mage (60) can pull 20g / hr i say that only counting coin drops plus vendor trash (i consider vendor trash a reasonable source of income since you can ALWAYS vendor trash, where you may or may not sell that elite wep on the AH).
That's one of the reasons why I play on high population servers only. There's always more at the AH and more of a demand for what you're selling. In addition, it's a lot easier to group.
Glad Im totally out of the MMORPGs now. But as far as buying and selling shyte on ebay etc, thats totally ghey. If you want the stuff, EARN IT. Play the game and group. Get in a large guild and go on all the raids. I akin buying stuff from sites to cheating.

You got two choices, stay at home and play 24/7 to hopefully become ubah l337 while checking out the cute dark elf chicks (that are really guys) or have a life and get a suntan and check out the real girls.
Kibbles said:
Buying virtual items with real money..lame...selling an account...priceless :D

aren't you buying a virual item to begin with when you buy a game?
Devilpup said:
aren't you buying a virual item to begin with when you buy a game?
No, you're only buying the opportunity to get the virtual item ;)

IMHO, if you're resorting to buying gold/items outside of the game, you're missing the point of the game. Why stop at thorium? Why not buy a whole character with uber gear and 1k in the bank?

Don't underestimate how much you can make from the cash/vendor drops. The trash weapons at 50+ usually fetch 1gp+.

Also, i'm assuming you're in the higher level zones looking for thorium? un'goro seems to be a good place for it, check the mountain in the middle.
I sold 1 million plat in Everquest back when I retired for over 1500$ US to a reseller, and that was after the platinum market crash (could have had a lot more had I sold when I first accumulated the money). Didn't really take long, and it was more or less a by-product of leveling.

Technically you could make double the minimum wage at least if you are playing a popular game with strong trade potential. I know of a couple of people who made their living from selling, and have bought themselves a Porshe among other things.
Firebot said:
I sold 1 million plat in Everquest back when I retired for over 1500$ US to a reseller, and that was after the platinum market crash (could have had a lot more had I sold when I first accumulated the money). Didn't really take long, and it was more or less a by-product of leveling.

Technically you could make double the minimum wage at least if you are playing a popular game with strong trade potential. I know of a couple of people who made their living from selling, and have bought themselves a Porshe among other things.

Well I can see them buying a Porshe, as this must be a cheap knock off of a real Porsche. :p

I almost believed you, untill the ... I know a couple of people, well they are my aunts uncles, sister ....... BS.
Your last little bit, reminded me way too much of Billy Madison ... "That Veronica Vaughn is one fine piece of ace".
Rune75 said:
Glad Im totally out of the MMORPGs now. But as far as buying and selling shyte on ebay etc, thats totally ghey. If you want the stuff, EARN IT. Play the game and group. Get in a large guild and go on all the raids. I akin buying stuff from sites to cheating.

You got two choices, stay at home and play 24/7 to hopefully become ubah l337 while checking out the cute dark elf chicks (that are really guys) or have a life and get a suntan and check out the real girls.

Trolling are we?

Ok so your tell us to go out and get a sun tan... k already done. Now I go out and check out the ladies, ....k thats done, in fact im getting engaded in july (shush its a secret ;) ) Now thats all fine and dandy, but what of the person who plays 2 or 3 times a week, would that be wrong if if bought 100g for 15 bucks to save him some time? Not saying that I did, my brother did actually and it was pretty sucessful so I thought about it, but honestly I didn't really need it yet, I have my mount and im doing pretty good selling stuff.

You tell us to do 2 conflicting things. A) Don't buy gold and to Earn it by playing 24/7 B) Stop playing and get out and see the ladies.
bonkrowave said:
Well I can see them buying a Porshe, as this must be a cheap knock off of a real Porsche. :p

Oh your talking about the Porsche Boxter. The poor man's Porsche

Just has to comment on that,
pistola said:
Oh your talking about the Porsche Boxter. The poor man's Porsche

Just has to comment on that,

The Porsche 944 is the poor mans Porsche, I have one.
Althought the soon to be released Porsche Cayman is going to be one hell of a nice cheap Porsche.
I don't understand gold buying in WoW, as this game is relatively easy to make money in. I'm only 37, but I can easily net 5g an hour by fighting elite ogres in Alterac. Between the cloth drops, the coin itself, green/blue items to go on AH, and grey drops (IMO where the easiest vendor cash is in the game), it's easy to make money. Unlike FFXI where Japanese teams would camp a mob with a 24 hr pop constantly and actually sell it for millions of gil.
MemoryInAGarden said:
I don't understand gold buying in WoW, as this game is relatively easy to make money in. I'm only 37, but I can easily net 5g an hour by fighting elite ogres in Alterac. Between the cloth drops, the coin itself, green/blue items to go on AH, and grey drops (IMO where the easiest vendor cash is in the game), it's easy to make money. Unlike FFXI where Japanese teams would camp a mob with a 24 hr pop constantly and actually sell it for millions of gil.

The people who are going to buy gold, are the same people, who dont have time to farm gold in alterac at a rate of 5g and hour.
A guy I knew in Anarchy Online bought some. It was one of his best investments ever. Plus he let me borrow money to buy my first Yalm... So yeah .. I'd go for it if its at a resonable price and you want it. Now Selling Complete Characters to me gets a bit I dunno "WtF?" I personally like to BUILD My Character, even if he's a gimp and looks stupid.. least its still mine and how I worked.
pistola said:
Trolling are we?
You tell us to do 2 conflicting things. A) Don't buy gold and to Earn it by playing 24/7 B) Stop playing and get out and see the ladies.

Its called a *choice* for a reason. :rolleyes: A choice being 2 or more divergent paths that help to make the story of your life. So... as I said imo, to buy stuff (money, items, and especially characters) from sites is wrong from *this* former players perspective. As I said, if you want to have an ubah l33t toon then put in the time and earn it. If you are a casual player that wants to *twink* themselves out, thats lame.
bonkrowave said:
Well I can see them buying a Porshe, as this must be a cheap knock off of a real Porsche. :p

I almost believed you, untill the ... I know a couple of people, well they are my aunts uncles, sister ....... BS.
Your last little bit, reminded me way too much of Billy Madison ... "That Veronica Vaughn is one fine piece of ace".

Heh you don't have to believe me. Bought most of my last comp parts from that money:p. It's a multi million dollar industry, and one that has changed game dynamics so much, that Sony actually went and facilitated the selling of items in EQ2 and even devoted a section of their site for it. Think they would do that if there was only pocket money involved?

Couple of people as in guildmates, and acquaintances (several of which I despise). Usually the ones who ebay'd did it at the expense of a guild or server reputation, and used the most cutthroat tactics imaginable to earn their wage. Everyone knew the infamous groups that ran the 'black market' economy on the server, and there were even some anti-ebay crusades that happened attempting to stop the ebaying. Some worked and got ran out of business, others were too powerful. Each server in EQ had their own 'evil ebayer' stories to share.

The same is being done in all other popular MMORPG's. I don't like the current trend, but if people are stupid enough to buy, why not take advantage of it? It's all about supply and demand, and the demand is huge.
Firebot said:
Heh you don't have to believe me. Bought most of my last comp parts from that money:p. It's a multi million dollar industry, and one that has changed game dynamics so much, that Sony actually went and facilitated the selling of items in EQ2 and even devoted a section of their site for it. Think they would do that if there was only pocket money involved?

In my experience, a Porsche Is a tad bit more expensive then some computer parts.
Legal or not it basically comes down to this simple equation.

Time = Money

Some of us have all the time in the world to grind and farm for gold.
Some of us are not fortunate enough to have the time to do that.
(Work, family, classes, etc) or have other things more important to do.
So instead of exchanging time for gold,
they exchange money for gold.

Now I am by no means a supporter of this practice,
but over time I realized that it isn't going anywhere.

The people most outspoken against it are the players
who devote many many hours into the game, and are
upset to see their exploits watered down due to this.
But by playing the game how it was intended.. you
learn all about the little quirks and tricks that you
otherwise would have overlooked if you just bought your
way in.
Speaking of Porsches I will have to post pics of my Mom 2005 Porsche Cayanne Turbo. 450HP Twin Turbo. I will post em some time.
bonkrowave said:
The Porsche 944 is the poor mans Porsche, I have one.
Althought the soon to be released Porsche Cayman is going to be one hell of a nice cheap Porsche.
Actually I think the 914 was the cheapest porsche of all time, taking inflation into account. But that really isn't the point. The point the guy was making was that the person he quoted spelled the name wrong :)

I really dont know if I want to do it or not. Here is the deal, I am a lvl 53 Pally, I have my Blacksmithing up to 280. I have been farming Thorium for a while to get the plans for the Imperial Plate Set. I have all but the Chest. I cant learn 3 of the plans I have cause my blacksmithing is to low, I need it to be 295 for 2 of them and 300 for the others. I still need 60 thorium to get the plans for the Chestplate, and I still need tons of it to get my blacksmithing up to 300. and then even more to get the Imperial plate made! That is a shit load of Thorium! I farmed in Burning Steeps and in Un'goro and it is just taking way to long. I have all but given up on getting the set and just started leveling my charactor, thing is now I have the plans I cant learn and at this rate by the time I get the thorium I will be making runs in the better instances and will be getting better armour than what I can make. I never been really good at thinking ahead in these type of games, I just go with what is good at the time. I use to play about 30 hours a week, now I am down to less than 10, mostly due to being unsure of what to do and it just isn't as much fun as it use to be and its starting to get really tuff to survive without the uber equipment.