Anyone ever buy MMORPG Money from an auction site?

Xeero said:
so after all this debating, does any1's e-penis feel bigger?

If not for debating, what else are these boards for ? Its always either debating or circle jerking. Choose your evil.
But in all seriousness(spelling?) its no different then high lvl guildes giving lower lvls cash.
Trepidati0n said:
.... And no, 5287G from a toon would not effect the economy. The gold was already has just changed hands in a different way.


Technically the gold wasn't already there. I'm not familiar with WoW, but if it's like any other MMORPG, the farmers spend all day/night farming some type of mob which drops whatever and in turn they sell it to turn it into gold. Now, normal players aren't paid and work on shifts to farm a certain area 24/7. The farmers create a large amount of gold that otherwise isn't available in the game. The farmers themselves don't spend the gold but in turn sell it to other people to play the game. This is where the extra gold comes from that otherwise wouldn't be present.

This is where the auction house system fails. The people who are farming or hording the "really nice" items are selling them for gold. Now, the gold they make they sell on IGE. They know that if they raise the price of an item on the auction house, other players will in turn be forced to go buy even more gold online. It's one big nasty circle that unfortunately works.

These gold farmers will keep farming a certain area preventing people who don't buy gold online from getting the items that are needed for quests/misions/personal use/whatever.

This massive circle is what raises prices and causes inflation in a game and also causes grief for players who don't use online resources for obtaining game pocessions.
Xrave said:
Technically the gold wasn't already there. I'm not familiar with WoW, but if it's like any other MMORPG, the farmers spend all day/night farming some type of mob which drops whatever and in turn they sell it to turn it into gold. Now, normal players aren't paid and work on shifts to farm a certain area 24/7. The farmers create a large amount of gold that otherwise isn't available in the game. The farmers themselves don't spend the gold but in turn sell it to other people to play the game. This is where the extra gold comes from that otherwise wouldn't be present.

This is where the auction house system fails. The people who are farming or hording the "really nice" items are selling them for gold. Now, the gold they make they sell on IGE. They know that if they raise the price of an item on the auction house, other players will in turn be forced to go buy even more gold online. It's one big nasty circle that unfortunately works.

These gold farmers will keep farming a certain area preventing people who don't buy gold online from getting the items that are needed for quests/misions/personal use/whatever.

This massive circle is what raises prices and causes inflation in a game and also causes grief for players who don't use online resources for obtaining game pocessions.

If what you were saying was true...a stack of linen would be 5G+ by now :rolleyes: Don't apply a limited set to a global set. Please show me MMORPG's that have been devistated economy wise by this. If it truely was destroying a game to the point of where it caused loss of active accounts....i think they would do something about it.

Everything that I have seem across multiple MMORPG's based upon time is a general decrease in the cost for items and a better ratio of gold/plat to RL $$$. The reason this works is because a large majority of the players DO NOT BUY GOLD/PLAT. This in turn checks/balances the farmers and actually causes them to make less RL $$$ as the game matures. Your scenario only works if everybody does it.

When I quit EQ the cost of items was about 1/10 as when I started. The cost of Plat was about 1/10. So in period of 2 years I could get items for 1/100 the RL cash. The same happend with FF, Horizons, DAoC, D2, etc...add your MMORPG here

Trepidati0n said:
If what you were saying was true...a stack of linen would be 5G+ by now :rolleyes: Don't apply a limited set to a global set. Please show me MMORPG's that have been devistated economy wise by this. If it truely was destroying a game to the point of where it caused loss of active accounts....i think they would do something about it.

Everything that I have seem across multiple MMORPG's based upon time is a general decrease in the cost for items and a better ratio of gold/plat to RL $$$. The reason this works is because a large majority of the players DO NOT BUY GOLD/PLAT. This in turn checks/balances the farmers and actually causes them to make less RL $$$ as the game matures. Your scenario only works if everybody does it.

When I quit EQ the cost of items was about 1/10 as when I started. The cost of Plat was about 1/10. So in period of 2 years I could get items for 1/100 the RL cash. The same happend with FF, Horizons, DAoC, D2, etc...add your MMORPG here



As I said I haven't played WoW, so I'm not familiar with how their economy is, but in FFXI although the economy has gone to crap, it doesn't cause people to quit when you can buy gil in massive quantities for failry cheap since the servers are full of gil farmers.

I've been playing FFXI since the PC release and every item has gone up in value. Depending on the item you'll see a 25-1600% price increase (recalling the most extreme examples I can recall at the moment). There has not been one item that has gone down in price.

Maybe when WoW has been out for as long as some other games and the servers become saturated with gil farmers, the examples of what I illustrated in my previous post will become more apparent.