Anyone else notice the rediculous amounts of awesome games coming in November?


Nov 22, 2004
This is just a list of games i've been keeping my eyes on for the last couple of months, and are the ones I would personally get. It took me a while to make this list, but I think most of you can agree with me that November will be a huge month for gaming.

Obviously I couldn't afford all of these, but it'll be hard choosing which one to get.

The Orange Box 10/10/2007
Clive Barker's Jericho 10/23/2007
Hellgate London 10/31/2007
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 11/05/2007
Gears of War 11/06/2007
Crysis 11/16/2007

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction 10/30/2007
BlackSite: Area 51 11/05/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet 11/13/2007
Assassin's Creed 11/13/2007
Army of Two 11/15/2007
Haze 11/19/2007
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men 11/20/2007
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 11/20/2007

Xbox 360:
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation 10/23/2007

What is everyone else looking forward to?
It's called getting ready for xmas... lol although a lot of those are being released October :p... I just hope they do something with PS3's this season, cause man, I don't wanna pay that much money for it :'(... We'll see, god everyone pray... lol
I hope these PC games live up to the hype, especially Hellgate London. BioShock was a dud for me.

Other games I'm anticipating in 2007:

The Witcher
Kane & Lynch
Project Offset

For 2008:

Fallout 3
Far Cry 2
Alan Wake
One of the games I'm waiting for that seems will never release... FABLE 2 <3
ALL i want is a racing game as good as forza 2 for pc, is that too much to ask?
I'm really looking forward to Mass Effect. It's probably the only game I'm really itching to have right now.
This is just a list of games i've been keeping my eyes on for the last couple of months, and are the ones I would personally get. It took me a while to make this list, but I think most of you can agree with me that November will be a huge month for gaming.

Obviously I couldn't afford all of these, but it'll be hard choosing which one to get.

The Orange Box 10/10/2007
Clive Barker's Jericho 10/23/2007
Hellgate London 10/31/2007
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 11/05/2007
Gears of War 11/06/2007
Crysis 11/16/2007

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction 10/30/2007
BlackSite: Area 51 11/05/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet 11/13/2007
Assassin's Creed 11/13/2007
Army of Two 11/15/2007
Haze 11/19/2007
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men 11/20/2007
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 11/20/2007

Xbox 360:
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation 10/23/2007

What is everyone else looking forward to?

you should have included almost all of the above titles in the X360 list as well

i used to be a avid Steam game player, have a huge Steam account i cant use anymore because my PC i have now isnt for gaming, so its nice to see the Orange Box for 360
For PC:
Tabula Rasa 10/30/07
Guitar Hero 3 10/29/07
Flatout Head on 11/1/07
Need for Speed: Pro Street 11/13/07
UT3 11/19/07

All dates were from gamestop PC section
you should have included almost all of the above titles in the X360 list as well

i used to be a avid Steam game player, have a huge Steam account i cant use anymore because my PC i have now isnt for gaming, so its nice to see the Orange Box for 360

He probably doesn't own a 360 so didn't bother with a list.
The Orange Box
Hellgate London
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Gears of War

Xbox 360:
Mass Effect

That is what my list looks like.
He probably doesn't own a 360 so didn't bother with a list.

only reason i suggested it was because he added one 360 game to a long list of PC and PS3 games, when in actuality most all of the games on the PC and PS3 list will also be on 360, didnt want any noobs to get the impression that the 360 had only one decent game coming out soon, because truth is it has the lions share of good games coming out soon;)

i am personally looing forward to Dead Space for the 360 (also on PS3) sometime next looks like it will be as good as Gears/Bioshock, check out the multi page spread in the current GameInformer
This is just a list of games i've been keeping my eyes on for the last couple of months, and are the ones I would personally get. It took me a while to make this list, but I think most of you can agree with me that November will be a huge month for gaming.

Obviously I couldn't afford all of these, but it'll be hard choosing which one to get.

The Orange Box 10/10/2007
Clive Barker's Jericho 10/23/2007
Hellgate London 10/31/2007
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 11/05/2007
Gears of War 11/06/2007
Crysis 11/16/2007

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction 10/30/2007
BlackSite: Area 51 11/05/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet 11/13/2007
Assassin's Creed 11/13/2007
Army of Two 11/15/2007
Haze 11/19/2007
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men 11/20/2007
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 11/20/2007

Xbox 360:
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation 10/23/2007

What is everyone else looking forward to?

Most of those will be on the 360 as well. Nice try, phanboy. And don't try to say this thread wasn't meant to be a flame war. You knew damn well someone would say something when you role out a list naming games for consoles and only add 1 to the 360 list. Especially since the 360 is kicking the PS3's ass.
I'm really looking forward to Mass Effect. It's probably the only game I'm really itching to have right now.

Yeah I wish this game would be for PC as well, as I don't own an xbox 360 and really want to play it :(

Timbowens: chill out dude
The fact that no one's mentioned my most anticipated November release, Super Mario Galaxy, makes me a sad panda. Unreal Tournament 3 isn't too far behind it though.
Most of those will be on the 360 as well. Nice try, phanboy. And don't try to say this thread wasn't meant to be a flame war. You knew damn well someone would say something when you role out a list naming games for consoles and only add 1 to the 360 list. Especially since the 360 is kicking the PS3's ass.

This is his list of what he's looking at for himself. He certainly didn't say it was the definite comprehensive cross platform list of all games coming out.. If I was planning to buy the PC version of a game, I certainly wouldn't be looking at the 360 version. So all his list really says is that he prefers the PS3 version over the 360 version. He didn't list any Wii games, but you don't hear any Wii fans whining about it. They are probably smart enough to realize he doesn't have a Wii and so he isn't looking at Wii titles.

You're the one who is defensive and angry. You're the one who sounds like a fanboy to me.
only reason i suggested it was because he added one 360 game to a long list of PC and PS3 games, when in actuality most all of the games on the PC and PS3 list will also be on 360, didnt want any noobs to get the impression that the 360 had only one decent game coming out soon, because truth is it has the lions share of good games coming out soon;)

i am personally looing forward to Dead Space for the 360 (also on PS3) sometime next looks like it will be as good as Gears/Bioshock, check out the multi page spread in the current GameInformer

I knew when I made that list that this would come up. I really wish people would read a post before commenting. I have all 3 consoles, so I can choose which game I buy for which system. That list was just the games I am looking forward to. Not ALL the games that are coming out for all systems coming out in November.

There are a lot of the PS3 games that are coming out for Xbox 360 also, but I didn't want to list all the games for both. As far as the reason I listed it like that, it's because I have about 15 Xbox 360 games, and have 4 Ps3 games. So i'd like to add a few on the list for the PS3. But still, if a game performs better on one console than the other, then that's the one I will buy it for. That's the problem with have more than one console. Not knowing which to buy a multi platform game for.

...just to avoid any confusion. ;)
Most of those will be on the 360 as well. Nice try, phanboy. And don't try to say this thread wasn't meant to be a flame war. You knew damn well someone would say something when you role out a list naming games for consoles and only add 1 to the 360 list. Especially since the 360 is kicking the PS3's ass.

Oh wow... look, it's Tim fucking bowens. Yet again another meaningless and stupid post. Read my above post.

I have all 3 consoles man. Do I have to explain now why I would buy a multi platform game for one system, and not the other too? Everytime you post something, it's bound to be meaningless. If you have some crazy notion in your head I prefer one over the other, then you're the "phanboy," b/c I don't give a shit which platform I buy it on. As long as it performs better on one than the other. I have a choice, and I suspect that you don't.
The fact that no one's mentioned my most anticipated November release, Super Mario Galaxy, makes me a sad panda. Unreal Tournament 3 isn't too far behind it though.

Yeah, I wish I had kept my Wii for that. But once more games come out that appeal to me, i'll defidently pick one up again. I miss Wii
So i'd like to add a few on the list for the PS3. But still, if a game performs better on one console than the other, then that's the one I will buy it for. That's the problem with have more than one console. Not knowing which to buy a multi platform game for.

...just to avoid any confusion. ;)

it's pretty easy to see the 360 is the better platform to buy games for, if for absolutely no other reason, the acheviements/'s free and isnt included in other versions, and the 360 has proven itself again and again it is the better choice when it comes to multiplatform games (excluding PC), but that is a whole different crowd altogether
it's pretty easy to see the 360 is the better platform to buy games for, if for absolutely no other reason, the acheviements/'s free and isnt included in other versions, and the 360 has proven itself again and again it is the better choice when it comes to multiplatform games (excluding PC), but that is a whole different crowd altogether

I don't care about achievements, or gamerscores. To me that's just useless. It's not like I go bragging to anyone what my scores are and stuff. It adds nothing to the game for me. The 360 has proven itself that it provides excellent online play, and a great selection of games. But on the hardware end, i'm on my 3rd 360, and that sucks.

This again is all personal opinion. For instance, when I heard Splinter Cell Double Agent was coming out for all consoles, I was excited to get it for PS3 b/c I only had 2 PS3 games at the time, and maybe 13 Xbox 360 games. So, I wanted to add to my PS3 collection a little bit, so I was planning on getting Double Agent for PS3. My friend bought it without renting it first (on PS3), and I played it, and it played like shit. The graphics were nice, but the FPS just seemed to decrease frequently. So, I went to Blockbuster, and rented it for 360, and it played great. So, the next day I bought it for 360. That's it.

Whichever platform gives me the superior experience (as far as performance goes), is what i'm buying it for.
The fact that no one's mentioned my most anticipated November release, Super Mario Galaxy, makes me a sad panda. Unreal Tournament 3 isn't too far behind it though.

I'm excited about Mario Galaxy, probably will pick it up as soon as I see it. I'm also watching Empire Earth 3 though, it looks good from what I've seen so the only question I have is if it will play as good as the first, if it does then it's as good as mine.

Those two games should hold off my excitement for Brawl for a bit hopefully.
I would, but I don't have a wii so I doubt I'll play anyway.

I can't say I'm looking forward to the same games. There are games from that list that I'm interested in.
I would, but I don't have a wii so I doubt I'll play anyway.

I can't say I'm looking forward to the same games. There are games from that list that I'm interested in.

This is why you fail.

so fucking hard

Long live mario shitfucks!
The fact that no one's mentioned my most anticipated November release, Super Mario Galaxy, makes me a sad panda. Unreal Tournament 3 isn't too far behind it though.

HECK yeah... can't wait for it personally :D.

My list for the PC/Wii looks like this:

Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Unreal Tournament 3
Hellgate London
The Orange Box
Gears of War (possibly)
Need For Speed: Pro Street (possibly)

My list:

Hellgate: London
Unreal Tournament 3
Call of Duty 4
Gears of War
Orange Box
Ratchet and Clank
Mario Galaxy

All these games coming out basically within (at most) a month of each other still blows my mind.. Some insanely huge titles.. I'm going to go broke, and for once it's going to be on software, not hardware!!! IT MAKES ME HAPPY :)
i can careless about the games that will come out before xmas.
as long as UNREAL TOUNAMENT 3 is out by the 2nd week of nov :)
go watch top ten stupidest mario games on gametrailers :rolleyes: Just cuz its mario, it doesn't mean its good.

Rofl I've seen that and I liked every title they listed as stupid. Who the fuck is gametrailers to question the almight god that is nintendo?
Is the Pc version still on schedule?
not sure, most websites are showing Nov 12th but gamespot is showing q1 2008, And there is nothing on Epic forums saying it is delayed so yea, i think it is still in schedule :)
I guess it's time for a multiplatform & exclusive list for all 3 consoles & PC

Other then the obvious, I'm looking forward to Galactic Civilizations II & Space Ace HD (if anyone is old enough to remember this game)
This is just a list of games i've been keeping my eyes on for the last couple of months, and are the ones I would personally get. It took me a while to make this list, but I think most of you can agree with me that November will be a huge month for gaming.

Obviously I couldn't afford all of these, but it'll be hard choosing which one to get.

The Orange Box 10/10/2007
Clive Barker's Jericho 10/23/2007
Hellgate London 10/31/2007
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 11/05/2007
Gears of War 11/06/2007
Crysis 11/16/2007

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction 10/30/2007
BlackSite: Area 51 11/05/2007
Need for Speed ProStreet 11/13/2007
Assassin's Creed 11/13/2007
Army of Two 11/15/2007
Haze 11/19/2007
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men 11/20/2007
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 11/20/2007

Xbox 360:
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation 10/23/2007

What is everyone else looking forward to?

you can yank hellgate off. The game is meh at best. :(