Anyone else have a 6800LE?

Zap said:
Weren't the FX5900XT and the FX5700U priced similar, with the 5700U having higher core/RAM speeds yet the 5900XT outperforming it?

Truth be told, I wasn't paying attention at that time. It is only more recently that I've finally decided it's well past time for me to upgrade past this old peice of junk. Like I said though, it might be possible to market based on a higher clock rate alone. Heck, intel does it. Lol, my current CPU is running ~ 2.4GHz and it can run circles around my grandmother's 2.4GHz P4. Really it could BEFORE I overclocked it this much. But most of you won't be surprised by this, this is old news really. (Just making a point.)

There's one problem though. That was a high model of the better card. This is the low end model. I'm sure that a 6800 Ultra will beat the crap out of 6600GT, but this is the crippled version of the 6800. The only major advantage I could find just based on the numbers was the memory bus. The 6600GT has a higher clocked core and memory. WIthout knowing more about that core itself, it's impossible to say for sure just by these numbers. It is newer, but, it was explicitely made to be low end for the "mainstream" user as they put it. I do believe that the memory must be better on the 6800 GT with that higher bandwidth bus though. The 6600GT does have GDDR3 memory though, so that makes it even harder to say. Lol, I'm confused to be honest. Just how can you tell short of actual benchmarks and real game tests (NOT doom 3 darn it.) I just keep hoping we'll find someone who knows more specifically about these things who could tell us a bit more about what to expect when comparing the two.
Oh crap to which part? If that's a plain vanilla 6800, it's still far better than the 6600GT. The vanilla 6800 has a 12-pixel pipeline (> 6800LE & 6600GT's 8) as well as a pretty high core/memory clock anyway. And if you have the 6800LE, even if it turns out it is worse than the 6600GT, it won't be by THAT much. It's still better than quite a lot of cards out there. If it is the LE, would you mind telling us where you got it? d-:

BTW, I only just now noticed, but, this topic is now linked to on the website.

Oh, and I've read somewhere that issues can occur with the PCI-E -> AGP bridging. How much might this affect the actual quality of the 6600GT AGP? Anyone know more? I did notice it has to use an extra chip that apparently looks as if it has it's own heatsink usually. Kind of reminds me of the issues with northbridge chips when it comes to OCing a motherboard. Might this make a non-native card harder to overclock without extra cooling?
appears that they are all on the same pcb, as there is an outline for the gt HSF, as well as space for a 2nd dvi connection, if you removed the vga... i suppose one day, when these cards are worthless, i might try to solder on an 2nd dvi connection, but until then, i like my 250 dollar card the way it is... working..
Normally they do use the same PCB, but are smart enough to remove necessary electronics to ensure that the user can't just modify like you were suggesting there. Sometimes they forget, such as how early Radeon 9600 Pros had the place where you could solder in connectors and hook up a floppy power plug to safely and easily voltmod your video card for very easy higher overclocking. They fixed that in a hurry though. Still, usually with the big things (and that qualifies as BIG) they don't forget.

And quit worrying about OEM only people. A popular card will make it's way into the market somehow. Most likely we would see such a thing on newegg easily. If it sells enough, they will surely carry it. Heck, isn't the Athlon Mobile OEM only? Is there a retail version? Even if so, newegg is definitely selling the OEM and I didn't see a retail there. Just a matter of what sells. Who needs a retail Athlon Mobile? Anyway, there will always be SOMEONE selling it if it's popular enough.
All of this hype for a 6800LE is no good unless you can put your hands on one... which... I dont believe... anyone can, unless you get it pre-built into a system... I have looked all over the web for one of these (bout 20 min or so... usually plenty of time to find something) but it is not to be found for sale anywhere.

And since the 6600 is still paper AND it is going to be released as PCI-X only at first (will be another month before it comes in AGP flavor)... it is nothing but hype also...

Hell... I cant even find a BFG 5900XT anywhere right now!

it won't be released as pci-x, but rather pci-e :)

And I have a 6800 LE :) I'm guessing they will be out soon.

Robstar said:
it won't be released as pci-x, but rather pci-e :)

And I have a 6800 LE :) I'm guessing they will be out soon.


You are correct... PCI-E... I dont know where I got PCI-X... what was I thinking...

Where did you get it? Did you buy it? If not, I believe my point stands.

lordroy said:
You are correct... PCI-E... I dont know where I got PCI-X... what was I thinking...

Where did you get it? Did you buy it? If not, I believe my point stands.


Did you bother to read the first post in the thread?
amheck said:
Did you bother to read the first post in the thread?

My point exactly... did you read my post... what I said was that you cant buy it anywhere... you getting it as a replacement for something that broke was sort of fluke-ish... not the norm... ect... no one else can just go get this deal... ect... ect... ect... we cant buy one... so why worry about how much it might cost or how well it performs vs other cards (that we can purchase)... unless you get it pre-installed in a box (or in your case get lucky) NO ONE can lay their hands on it... which was my original point...

so there...


What the hell are you people getting so hung up on? The guy got it as a replacement for a borked 5900XT, the 6800LE is OEM only but that doesn't mean that you won't be able to get one off of Newegg. :rolleyes:
Just because the market isn't flooded with LE's yet is simple: OEMs are just getting it now.

Wait a few months and see if they show up, if they don't fine the price of a 6800 should have gone down by then. If it does show up then mostly likely it will go for around $199.

I don't see what you guys are arguing about. If you go by the logic that it's OEM only. hence you won't be able to find one, then how do you explain the fact that I can buy a Media Center Edition remote (which is "OEM only")?

I thought so. :rolleyes:

If you want one wait two/three months to see if they show up, if they don't then get either a 6800 or a 6600GT. It's that simple.
CrimandEvil said:
What the hell are you people getting so hung up on? The guy got it as a replacement for a borked 5900XT, the 6800LE is OEM only but that doesn't mean that you won't be able to get one off of Newegg. :rolleyes:
Just because the market isn't flooded with LE's yet is simple: OEMs are just getting it now.

Wait a few months and see if they show up, if they don't fine the price of a 6800 should have gone down by then. If it does show up then mostly likely it will go for around $199.

I don't see what you guys are arguing about. If you go by the logic that it's OEM only. hence you won't be able to find one, then how do you explain the fact that I can buy a Media Center Edition remote (which is "OEM only")?

I thought so. :rolleyes:

If you want one wait two/three months to see if they show up, If they don't then get either a 6800 or a 6600GT. It's that simple.

I dont think we are "hung up" on anything really. I think we were discussing something. I could be wrong.

My gripe is that, a 6800LE would be great... if it were available now, for $199. In a month, the 6600 (PCI-E) will be available for around $199, and a month from that the 6600 (AGP) should be available at the same price. If a 6XXX (AGP) were available now for around $200, I would buy it, but I dont see any. The title of this thread is "Anyone else have a 6800LE?" and that has seemed to be answered by the fact no-one but the original poster has had any contact with this board. My gripe is not with the poster, but with whoever made the 6800LE OEM (and unavailable to us, at least ATM) and I cant find a decent Nvidia board for under $200...

...and when was the last time you heard Nvidia putting out a chip that was OEM "only" anyway... its has been quite awhile I am sure...

The priority now is to get these cards to OEMs, once those orders begin to fill you'll see some LE's show up online, it just takes time. The 6800 and 6800U are just now showing up one shelves but you'll still have a hard time find/ getting one.

No way will a 6600 perform like a 6800LE. Anyways right now there are no good cards that around the $200 mark, you just have to wait alittle bit. If you want a card in the $200 range then your limited to the 9800 Pro which doesn't look as good as the 6800LE but it is available now, otherwise your just going to have to wait and see. I don't know how many more ways I can make that clear.

You want to know why this is going to be "OEM only"? Look at what happened with the 5700U and the 5900XT, NV just doesn't want to cannibalize their 6600 sales which is what happened with the 5700U. IMO it's a pretty smart move.
Smart move or not... it doesnt make the enthusists happy... and that is the bread-n-butter of Nvidia/AMD/VIA . Thats just my .02 ...

Actually the "bread and butter" are the OEM market. There simple isn't enough "enthusists" (cough...people with too much money...cough) to justify marketing something like this too.

Companies make these products to serve as their "flag ship product" which are the cards that go out to get reviewed and benchmarked just so that one can be declared a winner but the real money is the OEM market.
CrimandEvil said:
Actually the "bread and butter" are the OEM market. There simple isn't enough "enthusists" (cough...people with too much money...cough) to justify marketing something like this too.
I wish I'm an enthusiast with too much money, unfortunately I can't comfortably afford a high-end video card, thus we're talking about the lowest-end version of the flagship card.

In any case, I'll just be happy with my FX5900XT and Ti4200 cards for now. Heck, played Doom3 multiplayer for a few minutes on my Ti4200, worked fine and looked fine to me. I came, I saw, I fragged (what is that in Latin, veni, vidi fraggi or something). Don't see what the hubbub is about... oh yeah, benchmark numbers.
Supposely Doom 3 can be played with a 1.4GHz P4 (or 1400+ Athlon according to them) with a Geforce 3 Ti card.

Anyway, people, please, stop worying so much about the OEM thing. Newegg carries OEM stuff. The end. Just accept it. They aren't the only ones either.

Anyway, it is true that enthusiasts are not the bread and butter. I mean, how many people truly upgrade their video card every time a new one comes out? A few do, yes, but, most of us just can't afford that, so we get something decent and use it until it's intolerable, then upgrade. Such a thing won't exactly sustain a company very well. For one thing, it's too sporadic. On the OEM front, however, the manufacturers just buy a whole bunch of something and place it in their product. If they like it, they buy even more. In other words, volume. THIS is what a company needs. Therfore, yes, they would consider OEM more important. Let's also not forget the fact that with each video card, other manufacturers create their own variants. I can't imagine they wouldn't do this for an OEM card as well when it looks like it has good potential like this thing. And it is unlikely that all of these others will make theirs OEM only...

Anyway, from what people are saying, it sounds like it won't be OEM only for long anyway, making the whole issue unimportant.

Anywho, I'm off to utilize my OEM only CPU some more with games and anime.

Really late edit:
In case anyone reads this in the near future, I've just recently read that the NV43 is basically just a crippled NV40. If this is true, despite the higher clockrate, the GPU should be better on the 6800LE than the 6600GT. The thing is, if it's not enough better, I should think that the fact that the 6600GT has GDDR3 memory with a higher clock rate than the 6800LE's DDR1 (the only one in the series with DDR1 I believe) might just push the 6600GT over the 6800LE after all. However, the smaller bus bandwidth of the 6600GT throws this back off again. I don't know just how much effect the memory difference would make, but, memory is still quite important to a video card. Oh well, looks like there still won't be any definitive answers until both are out to directly compare.
interesting thread here - since y'all seem very smart about all this - from what I could tell from most reviews the 6800 (non GT non Ultra) is faster than the x800pro even if it only has half the ram. I can get the BFG 6800 OC (350/700) off the shelf at Best Buy with free Far Cry for 299 or the x800 pro for 330.00 (both plus tax).

Seems like a no brainer (other than I cannot see spending the extra 100 for the GT since I don't game THAT much).

so is that pretty much correct? the 6800 is faster than the x800pro?
No thread hijacking please :)

You do realize we are not talking about the (completely misnamed) "6800 NU", but rather the 6800Le which is an 8 pipe part, right?

Maybe if you had replied six months ago your post would have been of interest... check the date next time :rolleyes:
Redefined said:
still its a fricken 6800LE. 8 pipes, woopdee do. i betcha a 9800pro is the same. :rolleyes:

How much would you like to bet? Because, you're wrong. 8 pipelines on a MUCH more powerful processor. Look around at some benchmarks before such commentary because it's a proven fact. What's more, some people have unlocked more pipelines on their 6800LEs and gotten the GPU and memory up to speeds close to that of a NU even on occasion close to a GT. Oh, and on a similar note, the 6600GT also can run circles around a 9800 Pro.

Nothing personal against the 9800 Pro, it's amazing stuff, just getting outdated.
This thread is meaningless now, and just grab a 6800nu and be happy
Redefined said:
lol yup, 6800LE's suck.

Yes, but you resurected a dead thread, look at the date of the last post before yours.... 08-18-2004 Back then they were not available, and we did not know at what price point to expect them.

Redefined said:
thats not the point, they still sucked back then anyways. :rolleyes:

Back then there were no 6600's and we thought they might cost $150-$200, and at that price point, without 6600's they would have been a good option.

Now that 6600's are available, and also given that they cost over $200, yes they suck for that pricepoint.

why the hell hasnt anyone talked about unlocking the extra pipes and shaders?

If it is based on the same core as the rest of the 68xx series why not try to unlock all the extra software diabled pipes???
Redefined said:
thats not the point, they still sucked back then anyways. :rolleyes:

Your 9700Pro sucks right now.

Some people have unlocked the extra pipes and shaders on the LE to make it 16/6 but it's rare.
why the hell hasnt anyone talked about unlocking the extra pipes and shaders?

If it is based on the same core as the rest of the 68xx series why not try to unlock all the extra software diabled pipes???

Because, just like the 6800NU, not all of them unlock successfully. Why take the risk of trying to unlock 8 pipes when you can just get a 6800nu which has 12 and is overall the better performer
Why do you keep saying the 6800LE sucks? It's faster than a 9800 Pro in most things despite it's limitations and can run circles around a 9700 Pro (seriously, why do you keep claiming the 9700 Pro is better? It's majorly outdated... I guess you're one of those people who automatically say ati rules and nvidia sucks irregardless of the actual truth of the matter, which is the simple fact that each has it's ups and downs and neither sucks.) And, btw, while it's rare indeed that you unlock all 16/6 pipes, often a LE will unlock 12/5, giving you essentially a NU. Mind you, I'm not for a moment saying that a real NU isn't better, just, for the pricerange, the 6600GT and 6800LE ARE the best cards on the market at this time. (Again, I emphasise, for that pricerange, not for those above.) But, please, don't take my word for it. Look at ALL of the benchmarks out there that prove my point... The only thing a 9800 Pro is better at is FSAA because ATI has always had some kind of better algorithm for that. Mind you, if the LE is anywhere NEARLY as good as this card, that doesn't matter, because I'm able to enable a high enough FSAA in addition to running a high enough resolution that the only game I see stair-stepping in is Halo (and this due to the fact ms screwed up something that makes FSAA not work on nvidia cards with halo. I guess something related to the fact that the X-Box uses a mere GF3 -- albiet a high powered one -- and probably just counts on the TV to smooth out the lines enough so that it won't need FSAA slowing it down -- in theory...)

Little tip. The LE uses a 1.1V core even in 3D mode unless I misunderstood. Upping it to 1.2 MIGHT get you a little more overclock out of that core. Perhaps 1.3 as well, though I'd suspect you will need pretty decent cooling or you risk ruining that GPU. Do not run past 1.3V! I'm not sure even of the safety of 1.3, but, 1.4V will fry most cards below the Ultra. Even the GT is at risk. There are some success stories, but, it's not worth the risk at all. It'd cost you much less to buy an ultra in the long run than to fry your gpu and have to buy a new card. Just call that a disclaimer and do what you want without blaming me. ^_^ I will say that I personally saw a large jump by raising the voltage on mine (temporarily) to 1.4. I was able to get 450 stable in things like 3dMark05 and most games, though it crashed in Doom 3 until I stepped down to 425, then was rock stable. I haven't found a way to get a NU bios modded to 1.3V in a manner I trust, and I don't really want to jump to a LE bios just yet (though I am seriously considering it,) but, I suspect I'd see a pretty good jump in the core like that. You may get similar results with a LE, and a LE bios can go to 1.3V. You probably want a NV Silencer on there for that.