Anyone check this build?


Limp Gawd
Nov 17, 2009
Here's a build I'm working on. I hope to buy it sometime in the next 2 weeks.

1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc
2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included?
1300 tax and shipping included
3) Where do you live?
Tucson, AZ
4) What exact parts do you need for that budget? CPU, RAM, case, etc. Please be very specific.
All except input peripherals.
5) If reusing any parts, what parts will you be reusing? Please be especially specific about the power supply. List make and model.
No-name keyboard, G5 mouse, speakers, etc. Nothing that should have any problems with new parts though.
6) Will you be overclocking?
I'd like to overclock to the max safe range for whatever I have, but don't plan on any aggressive overclocking, since I want the computer to last for awhile.
7) What size monitor do you have and/or plan to have?
I'd like a 1080P monitor of at least 22"
8) When do you plan on building/buying the PC?
Within the next 2 weeks
9) What features do you need in a motherboard? RAID? Firewire? Crossfire or SLI support? etc.
None of those.
10) Do you already have a legit and reusable/transferable OS key/license?
Yeah, Win7 Pro x64

Here are the parts that I have found that seem to suit my needs:

Video Card (5850) - (may change due to unavailability)
Case -
Mobo ASRock P55 Extreme -
CPU (i5 750) -
RAM (4GB ripjaws) -
Hard Drive (640 GB caviar black) -
Monitor ASUS VW246H Black 24" -
Also, I was planning to get this HS:

Any help if any of these components aren't suited for each other, etc, would be welcome. Also, don't bother posting combo deals, as I know that I can save money on them, but I may not buy it in time to get those deals. I'll look over those once I have the money ready to spend. Thanks!
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Please answer the sticky, as we don't know what you'll be using this system for, whether or not you'll be OC'ing, what your budget is, etc. Also, please list part names along with links. ;) It helps us help you faster. Thanks.

Freezer 7 Pro isn't a good choice for an i5, as its old and past its prime. Go with the CM Hyper 212+ instead.

What made you choose that mobo?

The TX750 is overkill. All you need is a good 550W - 650W for your listed parts. Check out the TP New 650W or the TX650.
Is this the correct heatsink?
If it is, it seems like that one is never in stock. I somewhat wanted to just complete the entire order through newegg for convenience, but I may end up having to look elsewhere for the GPU and now that.

Oh, sorry about the stickied questions. I answered them in another post a month ago, and then money problems arose, so I had to can upgrading until this month. I'll answer those now. The 550W corsair is 90 dollars, so for that money saved, is it really worth losing the 200 watts, or is it due to power consumption that I would want lower watts?

EDIT: I chose the mobo solely based on the reviews :p That's one of the primary reasons I decided to post for help on here, actually.
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bump. Also, I most likely will be ordering this Friday. If the hyper 212 isn't in stock, I might just grab an arctic freezer since I am really itching to get this thing up and running.
The Hyper 212 Plus can be found at other retailers; some of them may even have specials and/or combo deals that you could take advantage of. Enginurd gave you a good reason why you should avoid the Freezer 7 Pro... listen to him.

ASRock is Asus's "budget" line, and most of those boards aren't capable of overclocking. Choose a different board, like the Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD3.

If you don't need the storage capacity, the new single-platter 500GB HDDs from Seagate (Barracuda 7200.12) and Samsung (Spinpoint F3) outperform the WD6401AALS. They're cheaper, too.

If the HD5850 is still unavailable by the time you place your order, two good alternatives are the HD4890 and the HD5770.

I second enginurd's PSU recommendations. You might be able to find them for (slightly) less at Provantage or ZipZoomFly.
Oh ok, I'll most likely get that Gigabyte mobo instead then. I'll look around for the hyper 212, but if I can't find one that will ship in a nice time range, are there others on newegg that are decent? I only plan to OC to 3 ghz or maybe 3.2, nowhere higher than that.

EDIT: If I order that off amazon, I have two questions. How much faster/slower will it take to get to me compared to newegg on average, and also, can I use the stock heatsink until it arrives easily, or does the hyper 212+ require removal of the motherboard.

EDIT2: Amazon says it will ship after Christmas, and I need to get the computer running by the 18th for a LAN party, so I may look elsewhere.
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The Cooler Master V8 and the Xigmatek Dark Knight are two (relatively) inexpensive alternatives. However, the Hyper 212 Plus is cheaper than either of them.

Again, consider buying the Hyper 212 Plus somewhere else. You should also look for additional savings from the site that you end up buying it from, and add a couple of more items to the shopping cart to mitigate some of the costs of shipping.
Amazon could take anywhere from 1 day to 1 week to ship if you use their super saver shipping, so if you need it sooner, shop elsewhere unless you have amz prime.

I've actually found the cuda.12 series to be slower overall than the Samsung F1/F3 and caviar 333GB-platter drives (640GB/1TB), so go with those instead.
Do the v8 and xigmatek support i5? According to their newegg pages they are only for i7 sockets. Also, what thermal paste is the best for these coolers? EDIT: The mounting bracket for the dark knight is out of stock as well but the v8's mounting bracket is in stock. Is arctic 5 thermal paste a decent choice?
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Yes, they support Socket 1156, but I don't know whether Cooler Master included the mounting bracket with the V8.

Why are you so against getting the Hyper 212 Plus from somewhere else?
Well if anyone knows a place that I would be most likely to get it delivered on the 17th or earlier (I'm ordering this Friday) then I will look there.
Shipping throughout most of the online retailers takes about the same time; it's the time that each retailer takes to "process" the order that ultimately determines when it ships out.

If you were to order parts from, say, Amazon today -- parts that you know you're going to pursue, like, say, the Hyper 212 Plus -- they should reach you before the 17th.
Well, I won't have the money in my account until this Friday, since it's a grant check that's supposed to arrive Thursday.
I followed enginurd's good advice about the CPU cooler and got the CM Hyper 212+. It cools the i5 750 nicely and is a bargain.

As far as finding one at Newegg, back in October, they were going in and out of stock every few days. If you simply get on the auto-notify list, you should get one pretty quickly.
I'll probably get the 212 since it seems to be the best choice. Right now it's in stock on Newegg, but I have absolutely no money at the moment hehe. Hopefully it will be in stock Friday and if not, I'll just order it elsewhere.

EDIT: Also, whenever I buy the 5850, are there any manufacturers to avoid? Since they tend to fluctuate between which are available quite fast, I'd like to know in advance so I can just buy it the second it comes into stock.
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Also, whenever I buy the 5850, are there any manufacturers to avoid? Since they tend to fluctuate between which are available quite fast, I'd like to know in advance so I can just buy it the second it comes into stock.

Lots of folks like XFX due to their double lifetime warranty (you + a subsequent owner). I've used EVGA and MSI cards in the past with no problems at all.

Good luck on the 5850 anytime soon unless you want to pay a premium for it.

When I ordered my stuff back in late October, there were no 5850's to be found at the resellers. I ended up having to pick up an MSI 4870 as an economical ($145) stop-gap until I can maybe someday get the XFX 5850 I ordered from Amazon back on Oct. 29 (expected now late Jan-early Feb 2010):(.
I'll most likely take the premium costs, since I want this computer to last for at least a good year or two without any other upgrades (not necessarily running everything on highest, since I realize 1080p is a large resolution) and I probably won't want to have to swap out my card for DX11 down the road if I got a 4890 or something for now. As far as Asus mobo's go, how do they compare to gigabyte ones? I haven't built a computer for around 5 years now, so I'm really out of the loop as far as certain parts go. I could maybe grab an Asus sabertooth, though that is kind of tempting my budgetary limits.
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Asus and Gigabyte are both top tier mobo manufacturers, and you can't really go wrong with either one.
Hmm, seeing as the 5850 is so low in stock, do you think it would be a wiser idea to get the 4890 now, and upgrade to an i7 system? Would there be added complications to that? Because I could get the 4890 now for quite a bit cheaper, and then get a DX11 card in 6 months or so, and that may extend the life of the computer quite a nice bit, and also, there aren't many DX11 game offerings out yet anyways. Any opinions?

EDIT: an i7 920 system with 6 gigs OCZ ram/mobo/4890 is only 50 dollars more than the i5 system with 4 gigs ram and a 5850. To me it seems like the i7 920 would be somewhat a better choice at the moment, and then I could grab a fermi or a MSRP 5870 or something in 6 months.
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Yeah Video cards do depreciate the fastest out of any PC part. So your Core i7 route sound fine to me.

However do note that the RAM should be a max of 1.65V but preferably less. OCZ RAM tends to be rated far past the maximum 1.65V recommended by Intel for Core i5/i7 CPUs. So keep an eye on that.
I was looking at this set: which apparently is 1.65 on the dot. Think that will be fine?

Probably. But I personally wouldn't get that RAM due to the marketing bullshit it has. The "Low Voltage" part. Total lie and that makes me not want to recommend that RAM to anyone. I'd recommend this RAM instead:
$155 - Corsair CMX6GX3M3A1600C9 3 x 2GB DDR3 1600 RAM

$25 cheaper and you won't notice an iota of difference between the two.
I'd go with this significantly faster drive:
$55 - Samsung Spinpoint F3 HD502HJ 500GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive

Other than the case (waay too cramped for the price you're paying for it), looks good to me.
Well, I want the case that I get to have decent fans, plus that one has free shipping which saves 40 dollars. If you know of a less cramped one for that price or less, then I'll get it instead. I would like it to not be completely ugly though :)

$60 - Cooler Master RC-690-KKN1-GP ATX Case with Free Shipping.
Seems like I'm really pushing the budget, but oh well :p The total shipped is around 1450 dollars, but I don't want to ditch 150 dollars and get crappy parts, since I want this to last for awhile.
I just ordered the whole thing at the moment! I can get the list in a bit, but I'm somewhat busy at the moment hehe. Thanks everyone for their help. I'll report back here once I get it up and running! I'm really way too excited about the whole thing at the moment, seeing as my current computer is an AMD 64 3000+, 1GB DDR1 RAM, and 8800GTS 320MB.

EDIT (eh, I'm not too busy I can't list the items :p)

CPU: i7 920
RAM: Corsair XMS3 6GB
Mobo: ASUS P6X58D Premium
Case: Azza Helios 910
GPU: Sapphire 4890 1GB
PSU: Corsair 750TX (it was only 5 dollars more than the 650 Watt (due to 70 dollars instant saving), and I like the extra wattage for comfort and if I ever do want to SLI maybe.
HDD: Samsung Spinpoint 500GB
Monitor: Asus 24"
Also, got MX2 thermal paste

Seems like this will be a nice rig for me for awhile, and whenever DX11 games start coming out, I'll up the GPU.
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Yeah, I'll post pics once it all is set up, but I won't be posting pics of the unboxing since I won't have a camera then. Yeah, the mobo is expensive, but I wanted to get one that would last and be reliable for everything I need, and that one looked nice and had great reviews everywhere I looked.
$60 - Cooler Master RC-690-KKN1-GP ATX Case with Free Shipping.

I'll second Danny's choice here.

I have a RC690 and love it to death. Plenty of fans, and looks amazing. Build quality is top notch too.

If it wern't for UPS kicking in the side of the box (And completely denting the back side panel) I'd have nothing but good things to say.

CM Sells all the parts to this case on their site still, and for cheap!
Got the build up and running. Does anyone know how to fine tune the RAM in my settings? I set the CAS latency and got the timings correct I believe, but there is stuff like RAS to CAS and a ton that I have on auto at the moment.
The main timings are the ones listed in the specs, CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS. The rest you can leave at AUTO. There are minimal performance benefits to tweaking the other timings.
Ah ok thanks, I set all those earlier, so I guess I'm good to go! Man, coming from my old computer, this new computer is amazing... Reminds me why I love PC gaming :p