Anyone besides me actually excited about seeing what the Revolution will be like?

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Well, what could you put in a revolution section other than just pictures of the system?
Naldo said:
Well, what could you put in a revolution section other than just pictures of the system?
the had a ps3 and a xbox360 section when they had a few scraps of data and some guesses
This info was linked from another thread, but I am just going to post it up to let you all start speculating.

Remember, "Nintendo ON" was the name of the console in the "fan video" a few days ago.
Oh and by the way. Let me tell you this. The Nintendo ON video IS fake. However, the concept has some truth to it. It really isn't hard to figure out with all of the information out there. If someone wants to make a post with all the info I gave you, go ahead. Basically, May 19/20 Nintendo will roll out something big
The Revolution they showed is only half of the system. It will be very close to the power of the PS3. It will use 3d visors similar to these:
The controller will have a gyroscope. The format will be DVD and it will be backwords compatible with every system they ever made. That is as much as I can tell for now. Oh, and Nintendo will blow everyone's minds at E3 on May 19th and 20th. I can guarantee all that information.
StinkyMojo said:
who are you?

Its been going around that come the 19th and 20th that Nintendo will be releasing something big. As in it will pwn us all. I cant wait, even if it doesnt come true I just want to know if it does or not. Damn it, I better not die today!
I am getting most of my info from an online friend. I didn't believe him at first, but he has been right on everything so far. He was exact on the XBOX360 and PS3. Also, he told me a long time ago that we would be "punk'ed" by Nintendo on May 17th. I am a firm believer now so I posted what he told me. I know a little bit more, but I can't reveal anything else. I may be able to post a pic of people wearing the 3d visors playing the Rev with a gyroscope controller behind the stage of the Rev.
Maybe the Nintendo On is actually real. The shots released recently are fakes? Hmmmm, wouldnt that be something.
Skrying said:
Maybe the Nintendo On is actually real. The shots released recently are fakes? Hmmmm, wouldnt that be something.
I hope its real.. the video was simply amazing.. everythign about it.. though it was retarded in the end.. mario looked all distorted and messed up lol
IGN have a new section...

The page isn't there but if you ping you should get a response.
Smiffy said:
IGN have a new section...

The page isn't there but if you ping you should get a response.

Hmm, what could RS stand for. Revolution System? Who knows.
Nintendo On was made by a fan. It is; however, VERY similar ot what Nintendo is packing. There are so many hints out there. I am shocked that more people haven't caught on yet. goes to ign. IGN is a new partner with NIntendo. They immediately said the video was a fake without any explanation. Aries' blog who told a lot about the Revolution was just deleted today. Nintendo's website had a small thing called Nintendo Now on its site. It went nowhere but if you fixed the link it went to some guy's site about VR and the Rev. They removed it a few hours ago. Someone on IGN posted the picture of the visors and gyroscope backstage that I was talking about above, but it got deleted almost immediately.There are tons more hints out there. It is so easy to figure out. I would have probably guessed this if the guy didn't tell me. And you are right about revolution system. The guy told me something about that earlier. I forgot about it.
Backwards compatible with the cube and you can download oldschool games? Hell yeah i'm looking forward to this!! About time they did something cooll.. Now if MS will finally decide if they will allow their new box to be backwards compatible or not will help me decide on it as well.... would be ghey otherwise hdtv ability alone won't help em push it... specially sense i don't know anyone with one :rolleyes:

Michael.R said:
Im a little confused how they claim its only 2-3 times more powerfull. I can bet they have atleast 512 ram, and a dual or triple core CPU much like the 360 so I would have thunk that it would be a bit more then 2-3. Thats just me becasue the gamecube is something like 400Mhz and the Revolution will probably be somewhere between 1.8 and 3.2 GHZ. (early rumors suggested 1.8 GHZx3 cores.) But now that Microsoft has officially announced their stats I would assume Nintendo is going to be 3.2 GHZ. unless the two CPU's and completly different and we have an AMD and Intel thing going on here.

maybe specs are as they are because nintendo has a bit of a different perspective than sony and microsoft. sony and microsoft are tech companies and in the tech world you hype up your spec like crazy to generate product interest. not saying that nintendo is outside the world of technology, but it's only in the tech world that specs are important: everyone else just cares if the device can do what it's supposed to do. i'm a whole lot less concerned with whether or not nintendo has a tri-core 3.2ghz cpu than if it has fun games that are memorable. as far as having the specs to create a "real world" environment, i don't think ultra realistic is important. one of the reasons i enjoy video games is because they can be so different from reality
The Revolution will not be weak. It will give the PS3 a run for its money and beat the XBOX360 by a small margin. It has dual r520's with 16mb Edram. And btw, all systems will be backwords compatibel with every system that company ever produced. That means XBOX2 with XBOX. PS3 with PS2 and PS1. I will probably get them all. ;)
Blinkme323 said:
The Revolution will not be weak. It will give the PS3 a run for its money and beat the XBOX360 by a small margin. It has dual r520's with 16mb Edram. And btw, all systems will be backwords compatibel with every system that company ever produced. That means XBOX2 with XBOX. PS3 with PS2 and PS1. I will probably get them all. ;)

i think this backwards compatible thing is a really good trend and it helps keep sales of old games going on. do the companies plan to emulate their old titles perfectly, or will they be enhanced by the power of the new consoles? will they gain the better sound quality of new hardware and be anti-aliased and such?
nah they will remain the same quality, just like the usual backward compatable systems.
Didnt MS annouce that the Xbox 360 will only support certain "popular" games for emulation. That kinda sucks because a lot of the games I would want are not the best sellers.

Oh well, I will finally get the chance to put my NES, SNES, and N64 up for safe keep so they wont get damaged now instead of having them in one of my entertainment shelves.
dualblade said:
i thought the ps2 enhanced ps1 games, no?

I didnt really notice it. If it did anything it could have only cut maybe the jaggies down a bit.
The PS2 added texture filtering to PS1 games. It's in the system configuration as an option, though hardly worth mentioning.
Only 1st party and big 3rd party games will be available by Nintendo, The PS3 and Xbox360 will be fully backwards compatible. They should remain the same mostly except for the Revoulution which I can't explain just yet. They will not display that video, but you will still go nuts when you see it at e3.
Blinkme323 said:
Only 1st party and big 3rd party games will be available by Nintendo, The PS3 and Xbox360 will be fully backwards compatible. They should remain the same mostly except for the Revoulution which I can't explain just yet. They will not display that video, but you will still go nuts when you see it at e3.
i thought the xbox360 was only backwards compatable for certain games.
ryanrule said:
i thought the xbox360 was only backwards compatable for certain games.

Yes, this is all I've been hearing to. Only the top sellers, and I've heard only recent top sellers to that. Didnt they officaily accounce that even?
Skrying said:
Yes, this is all I've been hearing to. Only the top sellers, and I've heard only recent top sellers to that. Didnt they officaily accounce that even?

It might just be halo 1 and halo 2 ;)
All first party games and the big 3rd party games for XBOX360. And there is some huge news about the Rev around the corner. They just made a bunch of patents and everyone is talking. I can't wait until tommorrow. I want to see some videos. There is a rumour that they will have playable vr demos.
I've actually been browsing thru that Broken Saints blog, I'm hoping that Aries is telling the truth, as he has been so far. I want to see Nintendo do something amazing.
Amazing can be reasonably subjective. I mean, a father witnessing his child's birth might be pretty amazed, but to anyone else, it's probably kinda icky, yeah?
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