Anyone besides me actually excited about seeing what the Revolution will be like?

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steviep said:
It looks leagues better than the other 2 systems. Interesting that Nintendo hasn't said anything about a hard drive, but they did say that it has 512mb of FLASH MEMORY inside, with the option of sticking in SD cards for additional storage.

The best part, they said that the system will launch with Smash Brothers ONLINE! (and we can assume another Mario of course)

I would be disapointed if it didnt come with a hard drive. I dont even need a big one just 5GB is enough. If I am able to download N64 games and stuff, I wont want to have to delete them off my 512mb flash card to make room for more. Im sure downloadable content will be a huge thing this generation for all companies and I dont think Nintendo wants to be left out. Hopefully they will put in a hard drive. Dont know where they are going to find the room though. The console looks very nice by the way. Im happy to see it so small.

Im interested in the flash card also. I wonder how developers are going to use it. Will it just be for game saves or can it help with preloading levels?

Edit: Ok I just found out you can expand the memory in the console. I think I will put in 2GB's then if the come down in price. Then hard drive wont really matter to me Because I will be able to have one stick for my game saves and downloadable content and another for my N64 NES ans SNES games.

Also excited to learn that the system is developer friendly for indies. I would love to see some free games come out for these systems that I can download over the internet. I already have a couple for my PSP.
at some person said that its gonna have a 15 gig HD... but i dunno.. no one knows lol.. but it WILL have a HD, I read in a mag somewhere nintendo is planning on one. besides, where would you save the downloadable games?
"This is a console where big ideas can prevail over big budgets," he said, reiterating a similar point which he made during his keynote presentation to the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco earlier this year.

That is the best news I have heard in a long time. It means EA wont be able to tell the little guys no and not fund their game because they are taking to much of a "risk".

EA's version of risk pisses me off. How many great games have large companies said would not work only for them to go on to be huge sellers.

Ultima Online comes to mind first. Richard had to beg EA to let him make that game.
Just what is this feature that makes development more friendly to the risk takes? That's damned good news, but it sounds really ambiguous. I mean, I can say I am easy to develop software for, but are you going to take my word for it, though I am not a computer?

Damned good idea, but I am intensely curious just what it entails.
I think for once, Nintendo's console seems much more mature looking, still have to see what the controller looks like though. I'm thinking something about the controller has to do with their 'revolution' since it wasn't revealed along with the console. I know I've heard something about gyros.... Lets just hope for a change in direction
It IS their controller, they had said so in their presentation this morning, I do not believe they are showing us at E3 tomorrow, Iwata said that it would "change the way we play games" or something like that. I'm excited for it! :D
To tell the truth I havent looked a Nintendo made system since SNES for games from other companys. I buy Nintendo systems for Nintendo games really. I could care less what EA or even SqaureEnix put on it to be honest. The Mario's, Zelda's, F-Zero's and Metroids are what I really look for on Nintendo systems and I bet the same goes for alot of Nintendo fans. That said I am not really excited about the Revolution because I know what to expect. I know many of its games will be updates of classics and unique titles which I have no problem with. Its really a damn shame there so under appreciated much like Sega these days by people who got into gaming with XBox. A Nintendo console will always be next to my TV. ;)
Also, as for the "power" of the console, keep in mind that Nintendo usually speaks in terms of real-world gameplay, not the theoretical numbers limits that the other two are spouting. So 2 - 3 times as powerfull as GC may well surpass 360's 15x more powerful than Xbox. Aside from not wanting to play that game, if they did, they would have to reveal more about the inner workings of their console than they want to at the moment. Ninitendo has always been very close lipped about the technical data on their hardware.

retardedchicken said:
It IS their controller, they had said so in their presentation this morning, I do not believe they are showing us at E3 tomorrow, Iwata said that it would "change the way we play games" or something like that. I'm excited for it! :D
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but it is likely something very simple in design. Take analoge control for example. Nintedo made it work, and it proves to be the standard in all 3D action games. It didn't change much of anything, but it did make whole genres of games possible. Maybe it'll be a bigger deal than just a simple interface function, but think along those lines, so you aren't disappointed. Hopefully they will have some tech to demonstrate WHY it will change the way we play games, because A) The DS doesn't really demonstrate much, and B) analoge was one of those deal you had to try for yourself before you could really understand.

But for the record... I am pumped too. :D

uzor said:
Ninitendo has always been very close lipped about the technical data on their hardware.
And their games, for that matter. I thought it was very uncharacteristic of Nintendo to show off such a dramatic gameplay/plot device as they have in the new Zelda game. For anyone who hasn't seen it, I'll spare you the spoilers, because I felt a little bummed that I didn't get to experience it in game first. If you don't mind, check out the new trailer. Whacky stuff. Has me mighty interested, but like I said, I think this is something better reserved to find out in game.
Im a little confused how they claim its only 2-3 times more powerfull. I can bet they have atleast 512 ram, and a dual or triple core CPU much like the 360 so I would have thunk that it would be a bit more then 2-3. Thats just me becasue the gamecube is something like 400Mhz and the Revolution will probably be somewhere between 1.8 and 3.2 GHZ. (early rumors suggested 1.8 GHZx3 cores.) But now that Microsoft has officially announced their stats I would assume Nintendo is going to be 3.2 GHZ. unless the two CPU's and completly different and we have an AMD and Intel thing going on here.
I just want the Revolution to have an online game database of old games... NES, SNES, Etc... that I can buy each game via download for 1.99 or someting and play it where it will be stored on a local Hard drive.

That will make me get one hands down.
Unfortunately, the sound was out on my webcast when the IBM and ATI logos popped up with the revo stuffs. I need to go check the other thread for the cached version so I can re-watch that part.

Michael.R said:
Im a little confused how they claim its only 2-3 times more powerfull. I can bet they have atleast 512 ram, and a dual or triple core CPU much like the 360 so I would have thunk that it would be a bit more then 2-3. Thats just me becasue the gamecube is something like 400Mhz and the Revolution will probably be somewhere between 1.8 and 3.2 GHZ. (early rumors suggested 1.8 GHZx3 cores.) But now that Microsoft has officially announced their stats I would assume Nintendo is going to be 3.2 GHZ. unless the two CPU's and completly different and we have an AMD and Intel thing going on here.
Nintendo been very modest with their hardware claims lately. Everyone was under the impression Gamecube was effectually on par with the PS2 until some time after it's release, when infact it was comperable (in many instances) to the Xbox. Not entirely, mind you, but the playing field was fair, let us say.

I believe something similar is occuring here. Sony and MS are again claming ten+ times more powerful, while Nintendo is more modest. "Mah, it's about 3 times better... maybe more". Again, while Sony and MS are throwing out all sorts of technical specs, have we even heard deffinites regarind Revolution? Short of the system size, and drive media, we're pretty much in the dark.

I believe it is safe to assume whatever MS and Sony throw out, Nintendo WILL release something that is by all means comperable. Might not (most deffinitely) won't be the best, but I don't think Nintendo wants to get mixed in with the crowd. Kind of a peculiar stance, but it makes sense, if you ask me. Can't lose if you don't compete. Expect most of N's rhetoric be about the "revolution", opposed to "power". We'll probably see some numbers and specs within a day or two, now that Sony and MS have pinned their's for the world to see.
USMC2Hard4U said:
I just want the Revolution to have an online game database of old games... NES, SNES, Etc... that I can buy each game via download for 1.99 or someting and play it where it will be stored on a local Hard drive.

That will make me get one hands down.
they did announce that. ?? im not sure if its free or not.
FYI, the "15 times more powerful" that Sony and MS are spouting is complete BS, the tech is only 2 or 3 times more powerful REAL WorLD then the Xbox and PS2, 15 times more powerful and it would be real world, this isnt real world (not even pixar style) at least Nintendo are telling the truth.

I to am interested in the controller, the Gamecube IMO had the most comfortable controllers
USMC2Hard4U said:
I thought I heard something about that, But I heard it was a rumor.
no its true. looks like ill have to beat mario 64 again. and super mario rpg.
Sigh... IGN STILL doesnt have a revolution section...

nintendo hating bastards...
And Super Metroid. Don't ever forget Super Metroid. :mad: :)

Anyone get the idea that Nintendo plans on this console being the their last effort? I am pretty sure they wouldn't go the route of complete backwards compatability if they intended to make another console down the road. At least not for a substantial period of time. Don't mean to say this is N's Dreamcast, and they'll jump ship if plans fall through, but rather, Nintendo is planning on sticking it out with this machine.
I think this will be Nintendo's Last ditch effort.

I think it will be urber sweet too. Complete Backwards compataility is awesome. I <3 NES and SNES. There is so many games I will buy for it. Thats primarily what I will use it for. Plus Im sure it will come out with some new cool games too. All they have to do is make the price right and it will sell and keep them afloat.

Hopefully it will be no more than 150 USD upon launch.
Kiggles said:
And Super Metroid. Don't ever forget Super Metroid. :mad: :)

Anyone get the idea that Nintendo plans on this console being the their last effort? I am pretty sure they wouldn't go the route of complete backwards compatability if they intended to make another console down the road. At least not for a substantial period of time. Don't mean to say this is N's Dreamcast, and they'll jump ship if plans fall through, but rather, Nintendo is planning on sticking it out with this machine.

...I doubt it

Despite popular beliefe, nintendo is currently very succesful, In europe and Japan, in fact, they are the only company (Sony/MS/Nintendo) who ARN'T in debt.
Hate_Bot said:
...I doubt it

Despite popular beliefe, nintendo is currently very succesful, In europe and Japan, in fact, they are the only company (Sony/MS/Nintendo) who ARN'T in debt.
I dont know what crack you are smoking...

But Sony and Microsoft are not in debt.... they are some rich ass companies..

Maybe their playstation and xbox department.... but not the companies.... They are some of the richest accually
USMC2Hard4U said:
I dont know what crack you are smoking...

But Sony and Microsoft are not in debt.... they are some rich ass companies..

Maybe their playstation and xbox department.... but not the companies.... They are some of the richest accually

Well ya, I speak of the gaming areas, technically its a fair comparison, since both companies have big gaming branches, and Nintendo is JUST a gaming branches

They are in debt to hardware manufacturers, as well as Marketing companies
Hate_Bot said:
...I doubt it

Despite popular beliefe, nintendo is currently very succesful, In europe and Japan, in fact, they are the only company (Sony/MS/Nintendo) who ARN'T in debt.
No no, don't mis-understand. I didn't mean to say that "this will be their last" in a sort of doomsday sense. Try to think for a second that you don't need any better technology. Hard to imagine, but seriously. Think about your oven. Microwaves, etc, they all exist, but you still don't NEED more than an oven. I just wonder if I am the only person with the notion that computer tech (as far as interactive entertainment is concerned) doesn't really need to be any better than it is to experience all of the thrills we could with the kind of hardware we can think of right now.

HDTVs are becoming standard. How long has it taken for display devices to reach this point? Essentially, all forms of video entertainment have caught up. PS3 supports dual HDTVs but who the fuck will have that kind of setup? I'm just saying that for perhaps a decade, until some new display tech is developed, why will we need any bigger and better hardware? Things can always get better, but will it be worth another 400 bucks, to the average consumer (not a dedicated gamer)?
Nintendo has something huge up their sleeves. We are being punk'ed. Everything will be revealed on the 19th. Trust me. I have insider sources who have been accurate on EVERYTHING thus far.
Blinkme323 said:
Nintendo has something huge up their sleeves. We are being punk'ed. Everything will be revealed on the 19th. Trust me. I have insider sources who have been accurate on EVERYTHING thus far.

Everyone has those's called rumors via Google :p

Nintendo sure as hell better have something more than what they've shown. Aside from the full backwards-compatibility, I've yet to see anything that stands out as innovative (Nintendogs is just Tamagotchi on steroids).
I am dead serious about this. I have an online friend who was right about everything in excruciating detail. He said last week that the REV's first showing will be pitiful. Then Nintendo will show something amazing on the 19th. I hope he is right. I don't know how he got everything else right.
There's something left. Its Nintendo people: they dont just give details out freely.
No kidding. As I said earlier, complete and utter bias. Sure, we know more about the other 2 systems... but they DID show enough information to at least make a quick site.
Nintendo got the wrong image for themselves. I think it started with the extreme sucess with Pokemon.

Honestly, I love Nintendo and I think they make the most wonderful games ever.
Blinkme323 said:
I am dead serious about this. I have an online friend who was right about everything in excruciating detail. He said last week that the REV's first showing will be pitiful. Then Nintendo will show something amazing on the 19th. I hope he is right. I don't know how he got everything else right.

Are you talking about Aries because that is exactly what he said.
Blinkme323 said:
I am dead serious about this. I have an online friend who was right about everything in excruciating detail. He said last week that the REV's first showing will be pitiful. Then Nintendo will show something amazing on the 19th. I hope he is right. I don't know how he got everything else right.

Post bookmarked.

Cuz if your wrong Im calling you on it ;)
Yes, he's referring to Aries... just trying to make it seem like he knows Aries personally. Though, interestingly enough, a good deal of "Aries"' predictions HAVE come true.
steviep said:
Yes, he's referring to Aries... just trying to make it seem like he knows Aries personally. Though, interestingly enough, a good deal of "Aries"' predictions HAVE come true.

What in the world is Aries?
Aries is/was a mysterious poster, claiming to be a former N employee and a current 3rd party developer, that posted in the weblog debunking the "3D Stereoscopic" theory that Brooke posted all over the news. He also revealed a shit load more about the N-Revolution, other than the revolution itself, and has actually been right on many counts. If you can stomach reading a thousand pages, you can read it here:

If you want a summary of what he said... well, I'm sure someone else can post a link to that.

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