Any thoughts on ordering an E6600 from MemoryLabs?


Jul 19, 2006
I'm putting a lot of thought into just going out and preordering from MemoryLabs tonight, on the phone they said atleast they should have the E6600 tomorrow and be shipping it.

Anyone else order any of the Conroe chips from there or have dealt with them before?

I'm a little skeptical, just trying to find the fastest way I can get the E6600 just like everyone else, but I don't want to ridiculously overpay either. I know ZZF should have them Monday as well, maybe I should wait.

Neither should have them on Monday as they're being held till August 7th per Intel order.
GoldenTiger said:
Neither should have them on Monday as they're being held till August 7th per Intel order.

Assuming retailers actually follow that directive.
GoldenTiger said:
Neither should have them on Monday as they're being held till August 7th per Intel order.

conroe goes on sale, football preseason begins, and my gf goes back to school all on the 7th. my entire life revolves around the 7th now.
Then I probably just want to throw my name on a preorder list somewhere to be sure I get the chip. Memory Labs has a decent price and are already accepting preorders. Any reccomendation if I should try with them? Or has someone had a bad experience with them? Their website doesn't look all that professional so I don't know.

I wanted to order from ZipZoomFly, but who knows when they will actualy be accepting orders.

I have no idea how many E6600s a smaller place like memorylabs will get in.


monarch is taking pre-orders at a decent price and 8/14 delivery. i think i would trust them a little more. 99% of individual users will not be getting cpus before 8/10 or so.
GMoney42392 said:
conroe goes on sale, football preseason begins, and my gf goes back to school all on the 7th. my entire life revolves around the 7th now.

I'd buy lottery tickets or fear the apocalypse or something :eek: :D
Has anyone ever bought anything from Memory Labs before? Are they a reliable vendor?


I placed an order with Memorylabs on 20060801 for the following:

Intel E6600 Core 2 Duo Preorder = 335.00
GIGABYTE GA-965P-DQ6 = 245.00

They have apparently raised their 6600 prices by quite a bit since I ordered, but the DQ6 is still a good deal.

I've been on the phone with them every couple of days checking on the order, and they were always helpful. There phone support is excelent by the way: out of about 6 calls over two weeks, 5 out of 6 times I was talking to someone within 30 seconds. One time I got a busy signal. There is a menu but its only one level deep... all the options go to a person.

Anyway, I havent gotten the products yet but so far so good.
Personally, I would wait until it comes off pre-order if you're trying to get it asap. There is no guarantee that they will be shipping them out at that time or if they will even have enough to fulfill their pre-orders. Then, if they do have enough to fulfill their pre-orders, if they have extra you can just order it knowing it will be shipped.

If you're going to pre-order from anywhere, you might as well go the cheapest route and get it from (339.00) imo I mean, you still won't get a guaranteed ship date, but at least it will be the cheapest pre-order (not counting tax, maybe memory labs turns out differently in that regard or something)
My stuff shipped today and the guy called to tell me so, also they upgraded me from 2day to overnight for free...

Still so far so good...
Amexoiss said:
My stuff shipped today and the guy called to tell me so, also they upgraded me from 2day to overnight for free...

Still so far so good...
