Any Benefit to a Complete Dragon Platform?


Aug 30, 2008
I recently built an X4 955 system with its AMD 790FX motherboard. I currently have a GTX 260 (216) I brought over from my old PC. Once the next gen cards come out will there be any benefit to having a complete AMD system vs. an Nvidia card? I know no one has a crystal ball as to which new GPUs will perform better. Guess I'm asking an "in general" question as to whether a complete Dragon platform would perform better (if even slightly) vs. a "hodge podge" system from different sources. All other things being equal that is.
Of course not. "In general" a system built with the best parts regardless of manufacturer, or as you call it a "hodge podge" system, will outperform one that blindly sticks to one manufacturer. All other, meaning non-platform/GPU, things being equal of course.
Of course not. "In general" a system built with the best parts regardless of manufacturer, or as you call it a "hodge podge" system, will outperform one that blindly sticks to one manufacturer. All other, meaning non-platform/GPU, things being equal of course.

QFT. Competition is good, but marketing strats which boost sales across the board are also good.

that said, the premium Cypress package, 1600 SPs for $300, sounds like a pretty effin good deal for me. If you want a new graphics card, wait till sept 10 until the drool inducing ATI product rumors are confirmed, and sept 22 until general availabillity.
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Thanks. I doubt my system will hold back any of the new cards, regardless with GPU family ends up being faster or the better deal.
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There is only ONE benefit to a complete dragon platform and its a small one. It is only a benefit depending on how you look at it.

Driver Packages. You only download one file that includes drivers for the chipsets and graphics cards. Catalyst Driver packages include the Chipset, AHCI, RAID, HDMI audio (Realtek chip), and Graphics drivers. Then again, this isn't inherent to a "Dragon" platform, just an all AMD platform. The Catalyst uninstall utility is kind of useful too, because you can pick and choose which drivers to remove. Example, uninstall just graphics drivers, but leave rest of system alone. If you have an AMD motherboard, but an Nvidia Graphics card, Catalyst driver package will install everything necessary except graphics drivers.
There is only ONE benefit to a complete dragon platform and its a small one. It is only a benefit depending on how you look at it.

Driver Packages. You only download one file that includes drivers for the chipsets and graphics cards. Catalyst Driver packages include the Chipset, AHCI, RAID, HDMI audio (Realtek chip), and Graphics drivers. Then again, this isn't inherent to a "Dragon" platform, just an all AMD platform. The Catalyst uninstall utility is kind of useful too, because you can pick and choose which drivers to remove. Example, uninstall just graphics drivers, but leave rest of system alone. If you have an AMD motherboard, but an Nvidia Graphics card, Catalyst driver package will install everything necessary except graphics drivers.

this plus AMD over drive. and some cost savings that i5 might be kicking out the door
Well, a benefit would be that you can overclock everything using one software that AMD provides. It's supposedly the shit... Very customizable and easy to use.
Well, a benefit would be that you can overclock everything using one software that AMD provides. It's supposedly the shit... Very customizable and easy to use.

when it works its awesome, nothing else touches it. please note that I had quantify that statement