Any 480 Early adopters feel ripped off too?

I actually bought my 480s just over 3 months ago. They were the best video cards I had ever owned and I replaced 2 5870s when I bought these.

What upsets me is how much these cards have lost value in such that short time. I'm trying to sell mine for under $400 and no one wants them.

I usually keep top end cards by buying new and selling the old. Typically they drop in value. But when they drop a lot it's usually because of such a long time between card releases. This doesn't feel long enough to have lost so much value.

Also, for what I consider to have been the best card I ever owned, everyone else considers them to be some type of a terrible card. They seem to have that reputation.

EVGA won't Step up either as I'm slightly beyond their 90 day time line.

So this time around I'm going to end up spending a great deal for the upgrade to GTX580.
They have been making step up extensions for people beyond the limit, I have seen as much as two weeks.

Also you bought mid cycle, if you have been buying high end for a while you should know you need to jump on right after they're released in order to maximize your use before the 6-9 month refresh.
I was an early adopter and bought a Pentium II 100Mhz 14 years ago and now they come out with a Core i7 3.6Ghz already?!! I feel ripped off too man! I shouldn't have bought the PII on launch and should have waited for the Core i7 you know?
This thread is pathetic. You really expect the tech industry to stop innovation because you spend way to much money on a graphics card that is already out of date? Maybe if you made better buying decisions. It's not a big surprise. This happens every 6-12months...
6 months has been the norm except for a couple of time periods. Doubling card performance has also been the norm, so the 20% increase really.... sucks. Although the thermals and noise do compensate. So yeah, i'd say you were less burned than other people in the past have been. on the positive side, imagine if you had bought an iphone a month before their latest announcement....

When has double the card performance every 6 months ever been the norm?
When has double the card performance every 6 months ever been the norm?

Maybe back in the Geforce 256 / Geforce 3 days, when Nvidia was tearing it up on a 6 month release schedule. Don't think those were double performance increases though, more like 50%. It's been a while.