
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Bioware's newest game Anthem seems to be a buggy mess as it has been accused of crashing PlayStation 4 gaming consoles to the point where Sony is issuing refunds for the game's purchase. Some are reporting that their PlayStation 4 consoles no longer work after Anthem crashes the console. Luckily someone figured out how to force the console to boot into safe mode and then choose "Rebuild Database" to repair the damage. Anthem also crashes Xbox One gaming consoles.

Today, a new bug was discovered that makes the level one starting rifle the best gun in the game. Bioware Technical Design Director Brenon Holmes joined the Reddit thread to tell players that the Anthem team needs to investigate it as "scaling systems are supposed to allow low level players to play with high level players to be effective against high level enemies. This is not intended, something ain't right there..." Community Manager UNTDrew "confirmed with the team that this is in fact a bug related specifically to the default items on a loadout in combination with higher level gear you have equipped. It's not functioning as intended and the team is working on it for an upcoming fix." Maybe old Bioware has become a distant memory?

Like the PS4 crash, my crashes on Xbox didn't just restart the console, they act like someone yanked the cord out of the wall completely. My Xbox is usually on "sleep" mode as in, when it's off, it's not really off as you can boot it quickly to get back to what you were playing. But both times when Anthem crashed during a mission and shut off the console, it was off off, as in the entire console had to restart from scratch.
A sony rep point blank stated no console has been bricked by the game. They did mention that some people have been issued refunds but they were ordered to stop issuing them except in special cases with high dollar customers.

Not an excuse for bugs mind you but the false elements should be corrected.
ANTHEM is a mess but its the only game I've been playing since its release. That being said, I do hope there is a sequel.
In all likelihood this will be the end of Bioware.
Why do you think that? They have enough budget for multiple titles at once. A single failure(or even multiple) is not a bankruptcy situation. It will only "be the end" if they fail to sort their house out.
Why do you think that? They have enough budget for multiple titles at once. A single failure(or even multiple) is not a bankruptcy situation. It will only "be the end" if they fail to sort their house out.

The bodies keep piling up.


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A sony rep point blank stated no console has been bricked by the game. They did mention that some people have been issued refunds but they were ordered to stop issuing them except in special cases with high dollar customers.

Not an excuse for bugs mind you but the false elements should be corrected.
I just went by the articles. It is in the Kotaku article at the very end how to reset the PS4.
hahahahha come the fuck on. Bioware is such a joke, how can this just slide threw Q&A.......Pathetic.
hahahahha come the fuck on. Bioware is such a joke, how can this just slide threw Q&A.......Pathetic.
I know right? Early impressions make or kill a game. Most people don't go back and give a game another chance. If they really want to push their bs gaming as a service shit then the first thing they need to release a competent and complete game. Other wise it will be doomed to fail.
I’m not seeing any of those issues on the PC version and my friend with a physical copy on his PS4 has also not had any of those issues. I have experienced a couple bugs, but aside from having to restart the game because the sound cut out (happened twice so far) I haven’t come across anything even remotely close to game breaking. Tough break for the console crowd, I’m not your typical PC elitest zealot and do play on consoles as well so I can synpstheize with their frustrations. Had I bought this on console it most likely would have been a digital copy on PS4.
Why do you think that? They have enough budget for multiple titles at once. A single failure(or even multiple) is not a bankruptcy situation. It will only "be the end" if they fail to sort their house out.

Because none of that really matters: it's EA that calls the shots and they have axed development studios for lesser failures, or even for not being successful enough (according to EAs standards, to boot).
Considering all the bolster issues in SWTOR I can't say I'm surprised that anthem would have the same problems.
Why do you think that? They have enough budget for multiple titles at once. A single failure(or even multiple) is not a bankruptcy situation. It will only "be the end" if they fail to sort their house out.
The problem isn't BioWare, it is EA. EA has notoriously closed down nearly every single company they have purchased during the last 20 years. What's worse, is often EA is the very reason those companies don't meet the expectations in the first place, either by making impossible requirements or by adding additional requirements. If you are unaware of this, just search out Ian Bell (owner of Slightly Mad Studios) and his experience with EA. Slightly Mad Studios was in charge development of the Need for Speed: Shift 1&2 games and EA royally screwed them. The owners had to finance their own way into buying their company back just to survive. After a couple years, they came back and made the amazing Project CARS games.

EA milks every franchise and intellectual property they get their hands on. If the Development Studio makes a few games that fail to meet their expectations, they face a threat of shut down. BioWare has Dragon Age: Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda, and now Anthem. While they still have a lot of life in them and have brought EA numerous great games, the threat is all too real. I however don't think they are done. EA only has DICE and BioWare left. Although DICE makes the amazing Frostbite engine, they can barely make a Battlefield game anymore. If they shut down BioWare, they would have almost no game library left to sell.

I think what will be more likely is the senior management of BioWare might get the axe.
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There's a gem in here. I picked it up and honestly enjoy the in-game parts a lot. I love the mobility based shootybang, it's a blast.
But man, they really did ship it too early. There's just so much which needs more time in the oven. I assume this is EA killing the studio, intentionally or not. 2 months more, and they could have fixed almost all the glaring problems. For a game 6 years in development, that's a damn shame.

I still hit the dailies for some fun, because I really do love my little whirling ball of death in yoga pants (Interceptor).
Glad I waited for the reviews on this one, I just say NO to grindy games anymore. Not fun...
Even if you like the game , why is anyone trying white knight or defend this trainwreck for a AAA release "years in development" ?

This isn't a two man indie development put out early to pay the mortgage.

It's a rush launch of a game they supposedly spent 48+ months developing. By a 20+ billion dollar company.

Enough of the shit.

Bethesda and Bioware should be lambasted for this shit state they think it's ok to do a retail launch of.

Zero excuses.

And for folks who defend it because they happen it like it , no more bitching in any form about how other tech companies launch overpriced video cards or buggy games because you're part of the problem.

They know you'll take it.
Wow! Can't say I've ever heard of such a thing with a game and different consoles at the same time. Granted though, I've heard that both are running slightly different flavored OS on top of Linux or something so I guess it's not surprising this game would manage to create the same problem on both. Either way this is an epic fail.
I don't understand why people keep accepting such poor quality software.

maybe because they have been conditioned to accept crappy quality products and then convincie themselves it's good stuff.

Like paying $10 at McDonalds for a 1/4 pounder fake burger with fried (that NEVER turn moldy) and a soda.
kind of not surprised anthem is a buggy mess. it had waaay too much hype.

plus all software these days is released half baked. execs love to lay off all the expensive folks that knew what they're doing and replace them all with cheaper college grads. and they don't bother to QC because they figure they'll just release a patch. smh.
There's a gem in here. I picked it up and honestly enjoy the in-game parts a lot. I love the mobility based shootybang, it's a blast.
But man, they really did ship it too early. There's just so much which needs more time in the oven. I assume this is EA killing the studio, intentionally or not. 2 months more, and they could have fixed almost all the glaring problems. For a game 6 years in development, that's a damn shame.

I still hit the dailies for some fun, because I really do love my little whirling ball of death in yoga pants (Interceptor).
Yeah the ass on the Interceptor is disturbingly nice... WTF right.
Granted though, I've heard that both are running slightly different flavored OS on top of Linux or something so I guess it's not surprising this game would manage to create the same problem on both. Either way this is an epic fail.
The Xbox One is running a stripped down copy of win10 (well a hypervisor that switches between games and windows), the PS4 is running a stripped down version of FreeBSD.
They've have to provide some source code if running Linux, which ain't happening :)
Why do you think that? They have enough budget for multiple titles at once. A single failure(or even multiple) is not a bankruptcy situation. It will only "be the end" if they fail to sort their house out.

Single Failure?????? I don't know if you have been paying attention after ME2 Nothing they made was a critical success let alone a financial one. The house is gone Bioware only exists in name, the talent left or retired.
Single Failure?????? I don't know if you have been paying attention after ME2 Nothing they made was a critical success let alone a financial one. The house is gone Bioware only exists in name, the talent left or retired.

I would have to disagree. ME3 was still a good game. And do not forget how good Dragon Age is!

But Bioware has brought out 2 fucking shit games in a row. 3 overall shit games if you include SWTOR......I think Biowares time has passed.
Even if you like the game , why is anyone trying white knight or defend this trainwreck for a AAA release "years in development" ?

This isn't a two man indie development put out early to pay the mortgage.

It's a rush launch of a game they supposedly spent 48+ months developing. By a 20+ billion dollar company.

Enough of the shit.

Bethesda and Bioware should be lambasted for this shit state they think it's ok to do a retail launch of.

Zero excuses.

And for folks who defend it because they happen it like it , no more bitching in any form about how other tech companies launch overpriced video cards or buggy games because you're part of the problem.

They know you'll take it.
Havent played it yet, but know people who are. They like it but have told me its buggy.

That said, have you worked in the industry? Tested or dev? Unless you have these comments mean nothing. Zero. It's near impossible to find and fix all the bugs on a game of this type of scale and producers are paying for "shelf space" on a release date. Have you ever worked in management or went to school? Sometimes it's due. I get a kick of all the people whining constantly in these forums.

They arent in the business of pleasing internet kiddies, they are in the business of making money. Anthem is buggy, but from what I've been told it's fun. Spend a few months working in the industry and get back to me when you learn how it works.
I know right? Early impressions make or kill a game. Most people don't go back and give a game another chance. If they really want to push their bs gaming as a service shit then the first thing they need to release a competent and complete game. Other wise it will be doomed to fail.
This is not true anymore, look at the division or sea of thieves they had rough starts but managed to recover. I do think it's much much more difficult now for the game to be an ultimate success but not impossible, particularly if they you know... Fix it.
If you got a free copy with your overpriced RTX card, now you know why...
Space invaders was not enough ;)

But in all honesty some of the bugs on Anthem PC are annoying as well. Sound when set to surround sometimes breaks and you have no sound.
I think they fixed quick play it ported you to often to dead instances. Now it seems to work fine.

I think you will be hard pressed to find any of the triple A games without bugs at launch. If you only wrote/hear about those it be really quiet :).
This is why I don't buy games at release anymore. In addition to review embargos, the price drops really fast afterwards and it's a better deal to get complete or definitive editions. And my massive backlog. But I just don't do it anymore and I'm much better off for it.
ANTHEM is a mess but its the only game I've been playing since its release. That being said, I do hope there is a sequel.

Anthem 2: The brickining (Brick harder, faster, stronger)

Wow! Can't say I've ever heard of such a thing with a game and different consoles at the same time. Granted though, I've heard that both are running slightly different flavored OS on top of Linux or something so I guess it's not surprising this game would manage to create the same problem on both. Either way this is an epic fail.

No, like somebody else said the Xbox runs on a special version of the windows kernel. Actually has 3 OSs. At the base is a hypervisor OS that switches between the other two, then you have the windows kernel running the dash board and apps. Then you have a 3rd OS that the games run in which again is a windows based system. Which actually should allow a game to crash and freeze and it just drop you back to the main OS. Just like every other game out there. For this to cause some type of system panic where the entire device shuts down that is some crazy issue for sure that is worse than your normal bugs. Its almost like some command or route it tries to execute is bad enough that it just can't handle processing anything else and off it goes. Which I guess would point more to a basic game feature than a system specific feature for it to effect both the same.
I really like Anthem on PC, and frankly I haven't gotten a lot of bugs and certainly nothing actually game crashing, even on the first weekend it was available for premier.

That said, I'm not grinding through it but give myself time.
The next iteration of patch has like a 300 small things addressed, and loot is going to get better this month, but not retroactively.

So yeah not feeling like grinding for loot when in 2 weeks or so I'll get better rolls on new loot only.

Nice game, but I have to concur that its razor thin, like EA said cut some stuff out we can sell later thin.
Mass Effect Andromeda had a lot more play hours.
And yes vastly different games, but its EA/Bioware advertising your story/our world n stuff.
So the "your" is rather thin, meaning the story.
I can easily see them adding more content, but for 60 bucks it's too thin and the loot part not exciting enough.
Hell just the fact that there are so little weapon models ingame.
No one thought a throwback with adding Mass Effect guns would be fun?
They have the models and the license, no?

Why do you think that? They have enough budget for multiple titles at once. A single failure(or even multiple) is not a bankruptcy situation. It will only "be the end" if they fail to sort their house out.

EA is very critical when it comes to its expectations on how a game has done in revenue.
And its stigma for closing Studios down if it is disappointed is well earned.

I'm sure my memory is off since it does not concern me overly much, but wasn't it CoD that EA was disappointed in because it didn't sell for 500 million$ in its first release week?