Antec Sonata Mod Worklog




Well that's the shell finished... you can see some obvious flaws in my paintjob... I'm not sure if this is due to my sanding before painting, or uneven coats of paint, or a combination... I don't know, but I'm not very happy with it :( Good news is most of it will be covered up by other stuff, so as long as it is black it will look good when the case is put back together...

Ah well... Now I have to paint the left panel and the rest of the stuff... If it rains in the next couple days I will probably work on finishing up the duct...
Thankfully it isn't as obvious in real life...

And if you look at it at the right angle (a very specific angle which is kinda upside down with no direct light...), you can't even tell it's messed up!!! :-P
shutup you! :p

had you painted it for me we wouldn't have this problem ;)

Actually... I was also painting outside and there was a lot of wind which was annoying as crap... I had to hold the spray can closer than I would have liked or else the paint was just airborn and did nothing... So I'll be moving operations into the garage :p
I was also painting outside and there was a lot of wind which was annoying as crap... I had to hold the spray can closer than I would have liked or else the paint was just airborn and did nothing... So I'll be moving operations into the garage
Yeah thats what it looks like. You'd should have waited for a day when it wasn't windy, <shrug> It was your first time right? It still looks pretty good then my first time if that makes you feel better :).
You might want to sand it and give it another try but if so find a place to do it. Some place well vental..ventail..(damn it) some place with open air like a garage (neigbor's, friend's, yours).
every day is windy... :(

But I'll be painting in the garage from now on... Maybe I'll redo the shell, I haven't decided yet... I know I don't want to though :p
Hey Kurtis.

Nice work you got there. I am also in San Antonio. I have an idea that would look freaking cool IMO. If you went to a hobby shop and bought a model plane cone and glued it to the fan that would rock. I am contemplating doing that same to my case but I will need to find a tunnel thats clear or grey to match my current rig, Antec Super Lanboy. Also, I like the layout of you site. Keep up the work!


Thanks. Yeah, Bill from MNPCTech does little cones on his fans usually, not sure if he steals plane model's nose cones or how he does it, but the effect is pretty sweet :)
painting the left panel and inside of the case (part I yanked out) in the garage now... damn it's hot in there! :p
i'm getting the same problem as with the shell on the rest of the stuff I paint too, even though I am doing it in the garage... And I didn't sand the other stuff like I did the shell... Wonder if it is this semi-flat krylon paint that is the problem? Perhaps a glossier one would go on smoother? I don't want a glossy look though... =\
Monoman: "Also, I like the layout of you site."

Thanks. It took quite some time to get it where it is now :-P

EDIT: BTW, what area of SA are you in?
Originally posted by ErrOnReq
Monoman: "Also, I like the layout of you site."

Thanks. It took quite some time to get it where it is now :-P

EDIT: BTW, what area of SA are you in?

I'm in the Air Force stationed at Brooks. I run a LAN Party business on the side. Our site took a while to get developed but it was a great adventure.
Originally posted by Kurtis
LAN party business? How big are your facilities etc?

well, we are still insearch for the "one" but as of now they can hold 200+ occupants. the one we are working on now can hold in the upwards of 500 guests. wow, what a LAN that would make!
damnit.... it's raining today, really heavy too... so much for doing anything that has anything to do with painting today... :(
Originally posted by Kurtis
damnit.... it's raining today, really heavy too... so much for doing anything that has anything to do with painting today... :(

you own a G35 in a nice sunny place with occasional rain.. Im living in a frozen over hell hole with -40 8months the year driving a focus...

I dont want to hear it... :D

EDIT: Ohh and the case is looking snazy.
lmao, I don't own the G35, my mom does :p although I do get to drive it :D

i just wanna finish my mod... stupid texas weather is crazy...
You live in Texas? Yah I feel sorry for you too... cept not too bad since I live in Oklahoma. :)
Originally posted by Shinare
You live in Texas? Yah I feel sorry for you too... cept not too bad since I live in Oklahoma. :)
I grew up in Oklahoma! Hot as hell there now I live in Colorado and it's a bitch during winter. Weird things is is that I have a phobia about ice. :( LOL
lol :D
Ice as in the stuff that you can slip on then again you live in Texas so you might not be to familiar with the stuff. lol:D
what kinda of CC is in that thing? ive been wanting to to that to mine too! hehe
in the psu there is just a UV led fan..

to light up the antec lettering i am using two blue meteor lights from

this damn rain needs to go away so i can finish my mod!!! :(
nice looking case. keep us posted (like you weren't going to already...) as for painting, the garage works good. just make sure you close the door after you finish painting, so dirt doesn't blow on to the case. it sucks when that happens:(

good luck.
Originally posted by rogue_jedi
nice looking case. keep us posted (like you weren't going to already...) as for painting, the garage works good. just make sure you close the door after you finish painting, so dirt doesn't blow on to the case. it sucks when that happens:(

good luck.

thanks... i've been using the garage to paint everything but the shell, which is already done... unfortunately it's raining a lot last few days, so it's been too humid to paint :(
hey kurtis, i feel ya on the weather today man, im in San Antonio as well. nice job on the sonata so far!
hopefully the weather doesn't suck this weekend... all I need to do is clear coats on the innards of the case now... And then I can bring it back inside, wire her up, etc etc... :)

I love TX but damnit the weather is so random :D
Originally posted by Kurtis
hopefully the weather doesn't suck this weekend... all I need to do is clear coats on the innards of the case now... And then I can bring it back inside, wire her up, etc etc... :)

I love TX but damnit the weather is so random :D

hahaha.........screw mother the end of last month it was day it was 65 or day it snowed again......gotta love this lake effect............oh yea, still lovin the mods........i gotta get off my ass and do something to my sonata!
k today i did a quick clear coat on the innards...

Next step is going to be making the front panel look nice with the fan duct installed (using automotive filler similar to bondo... then vinyl dye spray i guess...)

Good thing about the inside paint job is that it doesn't have to be perfect for my purposes. Especially considering I have no window in my case, and don't want one :p As long as it is black it should look really nice. I just hope its durable and doesn't all get accidentally scraped off during normal hardware installation etc :p
remember not to make the inside coat too thick, otherwise you will scrape it off when putting stuff in.
its not that thick, i just did a quick double-pass criss cross style on all the innards with the clear
on that site i was looking at that desert camo comp mod, and i would like to know if you did that work?

if so, how did u make that vent on the side by the drive bays, it looks really nice and i might want to do something like that. (make a vent)
Originally posted by 133
on that site i was looking at that desert camo comp mod, and i would like to know if you did that work?

if so, how did u make that vent on the side by the drive bays, it looks really nice and i might want to do something like that. (make a vent)

no no no, that is Bill Owen's work. That is just where I got the handles. You can get fan ducts from him, modders mesh, handles, some switches... Or you can just tell him what you want and give him money to mod for you :p