An idea to boost cooling


Aug 1, 2010
Would spraying liquid Co2, aka a can of duster upsidedown onto your radiator, would it be a good idea yes/no? if so why
For the short time it would last it would boost cooling performance of the radator. But youd constantly have to reapply it for any long term effect. Like LN and other disposible coolants, their not practical in the long term. Constantly having to respray/refill means it's ok for a short boost/suicide run, but probably not useful for everyday cooling.

Be aware you can't breathe CO2, and when it heats up it forms the gas variety. So you'd have to do it in a well ventilated spot/outside/wearing a scuba suit.

This is at volume % in the air.

Carbon dioxide content in fresh air (averaged between sea-level and 10 hPa level, i.e. about 30 km altitude) varies between 0.036% (360 ppm) and 0.039% (390 ppm), depending on the location

1% can cause drowsiness with prolonged exposure.
At 2% it is mildly narcotic and causes increased blood pressure and pulse rate, and causes reduced hearing.
At about 5% it causes stimulation of the respiratory center, dizziness, confusion and difficulty in breathing accompanied by headache and shortness of breath. Panic attacks may also occur at this concentration.
At about 8% it causes headache, sweating, dim vision, tremor and loss of consciousness after exposure for between five and ten minutes

Youd probably not want to do this with a canary in the room.
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Would it still be dangerous with say 10+ fans on your computer? and wouldn't that also mean just spraying a can of duster and being in the same room would be dangerous?
Would it still be dangerous with say 10+ fans on your computer? and wouldn't that also mean just spraying a can of duster and being in the same room would be dangerous?

in low quantity usage its fine.. for what your talking about you would pretty much have to use 3-4 cans on full spray all at the same time.. it would last long enough for you to maybe boot up into your bios screen for a suicide run but thats about it..
hmm so a quick 10 second spray would do me no good? darn...i was hoping i stumbled into a good idea
hmm so a quick 10 second spray would do me no good? darn...i was hoping i stumbled into a good idea

When you use the CO2 you don't normally use the whole can. The tempreture doesn't have much stability because theres not much mass to back it up. tempreture is the average energy of all the particles involved, and as there is a load of hot water, and very little coolant, as the heat transfers to the small amount of coolant it will heat up rather quickly. And fresh cold coolant will have to be repaced.

What you described is pretty much an "open air" phase changing system.

The compressor compresses a gas (or mixture of gases) which condenses it into a liquid. Then, the liquid is pumped up to the processor, where it passes through an expansion device, this can be from a simple capillary tube to a more elaborate thermal expansion valve. The liquid evaporates (changing phase), absorbing the heat from the processor as it draws extra energy from its environment to accommodate this change

Your just forgoing the loop element and most the elements and just spraying liquid coolant on the hot part. The changing to gas of the coolant is the phase change, but it doesn't return to liquid afterwards. Phase changing is instresting, but expensive, and needs lots of preparation. I don't think it would get to be a problem with this level of chilled water as the working parts of the computer (cpu/motherboard) probably wouldn't get to below ambient tempretures. But as soon as they do you get condensation problems, which is bad in the long term.

What the CO2 spray might be good for is if you overheated something and needed to cool it rapidly. But i'd avoid using it on a CPU or GPU, sudden changes in tempreture damages things. Which is why LN isn't a good idea. If you want the cheapest and easiest (non of these things are easy) I'd look into peltier coolers. They are the cheapest way to reach sub ambient tempretures and all you need is electricity, and it's own cooling.
Alright i just looked into peltier, and it seems to me its just a little pad with two wires correct? and then that would go under my heatsink above the cpu? Also would this work in conjunction with the h50?
Yes it's a little pad with 2 wires, usually connected to a 4 pin connector. It's not really a question of sticking it in and you're good to go.

Theres two sides to peltiers (a more common name is TEC), the hot side and the cold side. When you add current to it it increases the difference in tempreture between the sides, so one gets very cold, and the other gets very hot. If you plugged in a peltier in a normal room for a while youd come back and find ice on it. These sides are set, so you have to make sure you put the cold side on the CPU and the hot side on the outside. If this gets messed up, then so does the CPU. The peltier itself does need to be cooled, as if they get too hot they'll fall apart and cease to work. That is why they are usually liquid cooled. You use the peltier to cool the CPU and the cooling system to cool the peltier.

The next problem is that they need power to work, which comes off you're 12v rail which means that not all power supplies will be able to handle this and a graphics card, infact few will. Youll probably need to go for a dedicated peltier power supply.
Then tempreture. As I said before, as soon as you go sub ambient your going to get condensation. Condensation is distilled water, so itself is non conductive, but your motherboard has conductive stuff all over it, and the water will pick this up eventually and most likely short circuit something. So youll need to coat your motherboard in something like eraser or dragon skin (basically this is a latex coating that water proofs the board). Youll probably need some kind of insulation around the cooling elements as well for safety.

Now youll need a peltier that is usually twice the heat of your CPU/GPU whatever, so you'll need to workt hat out. It's a difficult setup first time for a peltier/TEC. If you're serious about it (you'd better be, their expensive) then make a thread in the Extreme Cooling thread. Be aware that although this will enable you to push your CPU to higher clocks, it would probably be cheaper to buy a better CPU.