AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

toddm27 said:
its still a gamble as I just got my dud ccbwe 0607upbw :(
just got that today? damn.......... is that a new code or the same as the others.
Was that an Retail or OEM, since i ordered last week and got an 0607 Retail and most have been saying that the OEM's were 0609 and 0610. When did you order?
Just to let everyone know i just got 15 165 from Monarch and they are all CCBBE and I'm getting some good speeds out of them right now this is it at 2.7 i have got it to 2.8. I'm prob going to try to sell the rest

Screen of 165 CCBBE
Ive got a 0609 stepping too - got it to 2925 stable 1.5 vcore, at around 44* load

edit: and I havent tried anything higher, but its obvious that temps will eventually limit the overclock. pwms get really hot too.

ccbbe 0610
zalman 9500 for the pwn.

Havent tested it yet. not stable in 1m superpi though. I just wanted to get to 3ghz, not going to keep it there. Ill go back to 2.8 @ stock :D
tvdang7 said:
damn tough luck. im sure they cant be that bad.
Both (2) of mine (ccbwe) BSOD @ stock volts/speed. Thats pretty bad if you ask me. RMA finally went through and they're going back to monarch tomorrow so hopefully I'll get a better stepping or at least some stable 165's next week!
tvdang7 said:
damn tough luck. im sure they cant be that bad.
didn't do any testing just stuck em up for sale, so hopefully they are good at stock at least
cre3d said:
Both (2) of mine (ccbwe) BSOD @ stock volts/speed. Thats pretty bad if you ask me. RMA finally went through and they're going back to monarch tomorrow so hopefully I'll get a better stepping or at least some stable 165's next week!

That sounds a little hard to believe. I think someone got shitty steppings and wants to have a reroll. just my 2 cents though. It is pretty difficult to recieve 2 cpus that are both defective.

EDIT - ccbwe's also are known to be bad overclockers, But they do run at stock speeds and that is what you paid for. I hate to see people taking advantage of Monarch's RMA.

i agree with the poster before me, seems mighty strange two new CPU's BSOD.....

i have handled hundreds, if not more, CPU's, never have i gotten two at the same time that were 'bad', i have had some that went belly up after a short time, and one that was DOA.

have you tried different CPU's in that MB to verify its stabilty????? the Expert board can be a bit dodgy until you get handle on all the settings, just read around................many have found nirvana with a bios update....... :cool:

baldy :)
I'm getting ready to put up a couple of Opterons on eBay and i'm wondering who the nimrod is thats selling 0610DPMW's advertised to overclock to 3.1GHz on air as if they could even boot at that speed let alone Prime. I hope he realizes its also illegal to export them outside of the US lol.

Oh and this one kills me..

It is stepping CCBWE 0551 UPMW!!! This is an awesome stepping!!! You cannot buy this stepping anywhere now!!! They have been known to do 3.0ghz easily with low voltage and low temperatures. It is even an earlier batch which typically indicates a better cpu.

I feel sorry for these guys cause they dont realize they're going to get hit with chargebacks if they sell the CPU to some guy who isn't satisfied with the CPU because of the way they advertised it.
I have had two other cpu's in this board, my current 165 and a 144. Both work flawlessly and run considerably cooler even when overclocked. I have tried various bios updates and settings, but these cpu's will not prime for more than 2 hours without a bsod. They are not for my own use so I could care less of their overclocking potentials, but I'm not selling unstable systems to my customers!
tvdang7 said:
it is? why is that?

I need to check into it more but i was under the impression it was illegal to ship certain electronic components like CPUs and video cards to other countries because thats what i was told by a couple of people on an auction forum and i know with places like Dell you have to agree not to export the order outside of the US when your placeing your order. I could be wrong though. I thought Monarch Computer included a piece of paper with your order that said you weren't suppost to export the items outside of the US but i just now went and looked at it and i guess its just a thing on fraudulent activity and getting scammed to forward items to other countries. But in any count, if you do ship outside of the US, Canada, and the UK, you shouldn't accept PayPal for those countries because you have no protection of any kind.
dang thanks for the 411.

now that i think about it. doesnt flicker down send internationally?
burningrave101 said:
I need to check into it more but i was under the impression it was illegal to ship certain electronic components like CPUs and video cards to other countries because thats what i was told by a couple of people on an auction forum and i know with places like Dell you have to agree not to export the order outside of the US when your placeing your order. I could be wrong though. I thought Monarch Computer included a piece of paper with your order that said you weren't suppost to export the items outside of the US but i just now went and looked at it and i guess its just a thing on fraudulent activity and getting scammed to forward items to other countries. But in any count, if you do ship outside of the US, Canada, and the UK, you shouldn't accept PayPal for those countries because you have no protection of any kind.

Usual reasons for limiting the export of certain hardware come down to the manufacturers/distributors attempting to limit the 'grey market' such that the price of the item can be better controlled in any given country. Naturally having goods enter a country priced lower than that set by the manu/distro is unhelpful to them.

There are (or at least were) laws in place barring some computer hardware from export to certain countries which were "originally introduced to prevent advanced technology falling into the hands of potential adversaries".
This has been significantly loosened in recent years as unsuprisingly it was pretty futile.

You're right regarding Monarch's shock-tastic warnings on their boxes.
These fall into neither of the above categories as explained on the separate page they enclose.
There they make it clear that one should not ship the goods to unknown persons from certain key countries who may have used fraudulent means to pay you for the service.

With regards to accepting PayPal from outside the USA/Canada/UK, there will now be other countries whose credit card systems allow for members to have 'confirmed address' status.
Shipping to a confirmed address anywhere will then offer the seller a similar amount of PayPal protection as shipping within the US etc.
In any case it's probably not advisable to ship to non-confirmed addresses anywhere unless it's for a very low value item or you trust the buyer implicitly.
Bleh... After my cruddy Opteron 170 (CCBWE 0551)... I decided to order an Opteron 165 since everyone at the time was getting pretty decent production codes.

I ended up landing a CCBWE 0607...

That's it for me... :( I'm just going to order a hand-picked chip and pay the premium...
nightic said:
With regards to accepting PayPal from outside the USA/Canada/UK, there will now be other countries whose credit card systems allow for members to have 'confirmed address' status.
Shipping to a confirmed address anywhere will then offer the seller a similar amount of PayPal protection as shipping within the US etc.
In any case it's probably not advisable to ship to non-confirmed addresses anywhere unless it's for a very low value item or you trust the buyer implicitly.

Well thats the thing though, i'm not sure if the address just being confirmed or not would quality you for PayPal's SPP. It currently states only shipping within the United States, Canada, and the UK. I have heard a few people state their address has shown up as being confirmed in places like Australia and a few in Japan. I'm not sure what would happen though then someone files a INR or SNAD claim. PayPal can be a real pain if you dont follow their SPP to the letter.
burningrave101 said:
Well thats the thing though, i'm not sure if the address just being confirmed or not would quality you for PayPal's SPP. It currently states only shipping within the United States, Canada, and the UK. I have heard a few people state their address has shown up as being confirmed in places like Australia and a few in Japan. I'm not sure what would happen though then someone files a INR or SNAD claim. PayPal can be a real pain if you dont follow their SPP to the letter.

Right, there are a few other policies to be followed, can't recall them all off the top of my head but think one had to do with the shipping method being trackable, rather than just including a 'proof-of-postage' receipt.
ouminan said:
Bleh... After my cruddy Opteron 170 (CCBWE 0551)... I decided to order an Opteron 165 since everyone at the time was getting pretty decent production codes.

I ended up landing a CCBWE 0607...

That's it for me... :( I'm just going to order a hand-picked chip and pay the premium...
dang unlucky for you.... are u going to test it? im sure it cant be that bad.
jcll2002 said:
i can get up to 3.2ghz with 1.55v on my zalman 9500. Not prime stable though, obviously

wow, thats impressive. is it 1mb superpi stable?

may sell my 170 and go for a 165 :)

i think its time we added monarch to our christmas card mailing list :)
tvdang7 said:
dang unlucky for you.... are u going to test it? im sure it cant be that bad.
one of the chips I got yesterday won't even do 2.3 with stock voltage, so yes it can be that bad
Ordered a 165 on tuesday and it arrived today. CCB1E 0609FPMW

It's OK, failed at 2.7@stock after 15mins.. it's hot out though, maybe tonight it will do more. [email protected]@1.45 right now
repoman0 said:
Ordered a 165 on tuesday and it arrived today. CCB1E 0609FPMW

It's OK, failed at 2.7@stock after 15mins.. it's hot out though, maybe tonight it will do more. [email protected]@1.45 right now

its not first my cpu ran 2.8 at 1.45 fine for a few hours now it needs 1.5v.............i dont get it. good luck.
tvdang7 said:
its not first my cpu ran 2.8 at 1.45 fine for a few hours now it needs 1.5v.............i dont get it. good luck.

I'm still testing out this second CCBBE 0610DPMW i got. Its been primeing 2.8 at 1.4V since early this morning. It seems to start requireing a lot more voltage to be prime stable for a long period of time once you get up around 2.9 though. My previous 0610 was the same way. This one should be good for around 2850MHz at 1.4V though and thats probably what i will run it at 24/7. Its not hardly worth it to start pumping 1.475-1.55V through it to try and get 2.9-3GHz which is just a measly 100-150MHz more.
yea thats true. but thats jsut not [H] ! but yea... im not going to pump alot for more mhz. any way i cant as im limited by my mobo.
burningrave101 said:
I'm still testing out this second CCBBE 0610DPMW i got. Its been primeing 2.8 at 1.4V since early this morning. It seems to start requireing a lot more voltage to be prime stable for a long period of time once you get up around 2.9 though. My previous 0610 was the same way. This one should be good for around 2850MHz at 1.4V though and thats probably what i will run it at 24/7. Its not hardly worth it to start pumping 1.475-1.55V through it to try and get 2.9-3GHz which is just a measly 100-150MHz more.
Identical results with my CCBBE.
amd ati FO SHO said:
wow, thats impressive. is it 1mb superpi stable?

may sell my 170 and go for a 165 :)

i think its time we added monarch to our christmas card mailing list :)
nope, probably would have to go up to 1.6+ which i really dont want to do. Im going to stick at 2750 at stock voltage
nightic said:
Incidentally, when did that arrive?

It arrived on Wednesday, 5/3/06.

tvdang7 said:
dang unlucky for you.... are u going to test it? im sure it cant be that bad.

I guess I might as well. Just because its a bad production date and controller code doesn't mean that its a bad processor for sure.

I'm just afraid that the results will be so depressing that I'd end up feeding the chip to my dog. :p