AMD: EPYC "Genoa-X" CPUs With 1.1GB of L3 Cache Now Available


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Pretty darn EPYC

"Alongside today’s EPYC 97x4 “Bergamo” announcement, AMD’s other big CPU announcement of the morning is that their large cache capacity “Genoa-X” EPYC processors are shipping now. First revealed by AMD back in June of last year, Genoa-X is AMD’s now obligatory V-cache equipped EPYC server CPU, augmenting the L3 cache capacity of AMD’s core complex dies by stacking a 64MB L3 V-cache die on top of each CCD. With this additional cache, a fully-equipped Genoa-X CPU can offer up to 1152MB of total L3 cache.

Genoa-X is the successor to AMD’s first-generation V-cache part, Milan-X. Like its predecessor, AMD is using cache die stacking to add further L3 cache to otherwise regular Genoa Zen 4 CCDs, giving AMD a novel way to produce a high-cache chip design without having to actually lay out an fab a complete separate die. In this case, with 12 CCDs on a Genoa/Genoa-X chip, this allows AMD to add 768MB of additional L3 cache to the chip."


VRchat is said to be veryy CPU intensive.
Ohh I can't wait to see what the community can do with this. Hopefully for a start is adding more players to worlds.