AMD Driver issues, 14.2, 290x, desktop glitches.

I did all that, even DDU with 14.1 and it did not help. Every game (I was playing) crashed within 5 minutes. Reinstalled (with no fancy uninstall routine) 13.12 and no more crashes. With 14.2 I just did the AMD uninstall of 13.12 and no crashes like 14.1 had but they still seems somewhat unstable. The windows uninstall really should be enough. After all these years AMD can’t make an uninstall routine that simple removes any files/reg entries that could cause a problem? I have never seen the safe mode with various 3rd party utilities do anything. I’ll try it and let you know, this may be the first time it helps. I don't like stuff like DDU though, who knows what it's doing to your system. Is it really any different than AMD cleanup?

XFX original flavor.
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I had screen tearing when I set my memory past 1350 with MSI AB. I don't know if you run any OCs but you might try lowering your OC in 14.2. I found OCing can be very unstable with this driver, whereas 13.12 was rock solid for me.
I do use an OC preset but only when gaming, it also disables my second display as I’ve seen more than a few games run faster when only one display is on. I know crossfire is supposed to be transparent now vs. back in the day when you had to turn off all other displays but it still has issues. The screen corruption is seen on the desktop only so far.

Actually it kind of reminds me of all the under clock issue AMD used to have with multiple displays running the desktop and the lower 300Mhz or whatever it was, was not fast enough to run the desktop and you got screen corruption or flashing from time to time.

The CCC says the GPU is 300MHz and the memory is 150MHz when running the desktop.
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Looks similar to the artefacts I had on 14.1. These seem to have gone now with 14.2, and that was just with a standard uninstall/install.
If I set a OC preset in MSI Afterburner, sometimes the new Overdrive would start using it as the stock baseline and I couldn't even lower my speed lower than the MSI overclock setting. See if that is the culprit.
I just had a similar issue, a scattering of squares around some open browser windows. I closed the windows and reopened and they went away. Happened a couple of times so far in my first day with the driver. I used DDU, and am using 2 Sapphire 290s in Xfire with 3 screens in extended mode (2x DVI, 1x HDMI, showed artifacts on both connections). No overclock except for the CPU using Asus AI Suite II in Fast (non-extreme) mode.
I'm having this same issue. Had it with 13.12 and 14.1 and for a full day on 14.2. Just did a full format last night and we'll see how we fare with the 14.2 drivers straight from scratch.

So far, it's smooth sailing... But I've only been up for around 6 hours.
I'm having this same issue. Had it with 13.12 and 14.1 and for a full day on 14.2. Just did a full format last night and we'll see how we fare with the 14.2 drivers straight from scratch.

So far, it's smooth sailing... But I've only been up for around 6 hours.

You did a reformat and fresh windows install for beta drivers?
He had the issues with the previous 3 drivers, as well. Made him decide it likely wasn't a driver issue.
I have the same problems and I "think" I've solved the problem. The cause seems to be that the GFX card (R9 290) can't decide on what speeds it wants to run and when it having problems accelerating video/audio (flash/air apps) it crashes. Found a solution here: Overclockerforums UK

Basically using MSI AB and forcing the card to the speeds I want and disabling the powerplay feature.
So now I'm running 520 MHz on the GPU and 625 MHz on the RAM in 2D and 1040 / 1250 in 3D.

Sure it will run a bit hotter and draw a few more watts in 2D, but I prefer that. I have no problems what so ever running 3D apps and really trying to tax the card with prime95 and furmark.

I hope this will help people. I'll report back when I have more data.
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Follow up,
Using the lower clocks (625MHz) on memory got me a blue screen. So I reset my settings to 1250MHz on the RAM. (Will default to that anyway when running two screens, go figure)
So far no issues, but haven't played any serious games yet, working to much. Just some benchmarking and replays. Tried disabling the ULPS but no difference.
The problem is easily reproduced, at least for me. Just put the card on no profiles and no MSI AB. Then just open firefox and play youtube and scroll the bookmarks window.
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I have an ASUS 290 (non x) on water and upgraded to the latest mantle driver. I got strange dots and "noise" around the top of web browsing windows. The top bar (that's normally translucent) was a bright cyan color with the dots (the dots were not confined to the bar, but spread out around it a few inches). Rebooted and they haven't come back. The only thing i've seen wonky with these latest drivers.
Interesting, I haven't had a single issue since I've been running 14.2. 14.1 on the other hand gave me quite a few crashes and instability.

If you all are able to consistently reproduce this make sure and report it to AMD here:

That would be of great help. The more reports the better ;)

In addition, when ready and have been able to reproduce it, shoot me a PM here and I'll pass it along to colleagues at Customer Service and the Driver Team.

PS. I kindly ask you to keep in mind this is a Beta driver. Issues/bugs are expected, and as mentioned, reporting these is welcomed. Thank you!
That would be of great help. The more reports the better ;)

In addition, when ready and have been able to reproduce it, shoot me a PM here and I'll pass it along to colleagues at Customer Service and the Driver Team.

PS. I kindly ask you to keep in mind this is a Beta driver. Issues/bugs are expected, and as mentioned, reporting these is welcomed. Thank you!

Posted the report. The card is rock solid with the "fix".
That would be of great help. The more reports the better ;)

In addition, when ready and have been able to reproduce it, shoot me a PM here and I'll pass it along to colleagues at Customer Service and the Driver Team.

PS. I kindly ask you to keep in mind this is a Beta driver. Issues/bugs are expected, and as mentioned, reporting these is welcomed. Thank you!

I have some videos with the problem, recorded.
Even when i demonstrate the problem it's masked by furmark (if it's running).

Today i did a fresh windows install and with the beta driver i have some flashes in league of legends. The 2D problems are gone, i think. :)

And i've sent an report to amd 2 hours ago. I hope in the next driver the problem it will be gone for good. :)
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Just moved from 1 7970 to 2 290 xfx cards.

Having all kinds of issues with the beta drivers 14.2, 2 and 3.

Sometimes I get glitches in the browser bar. Mine are little blocks. They go away if I minimize the window.

Had the titanfall bug until I forced v-synch. Ive had a few crashes that deleted my eyefinity config while playing BF4. The whole display group corrupts and goes away. This happens at unexpected times so not sure what is causing it yet.

In Guild wars 2, had a few lockups if I enable super sampling. If I dont use super sampling everything is fine.

Most of the stability issues involve eyefinity. Maybe because im at 7680 ?

Im about to give up on eyefinity for a while.
Just moved from 1 7970 to 2 290 xfx cards.

Having all kinds of issues with the beta drivers 14.2, 2 and 3.

Sometimes I get glitches in the browser bar. Mine are little blocks. They go away if I minimize the window.

Had the titanfall bug until I forced v-synch. Ive had a few crashes that deleted my eyefinity config while playing BF4. The whole display group corrupts and goes away. This happens at unexpected times so not sure what is causing it yet.

In Guild wars 2, had a few lockups if I enable super sampling. If I dont use super sampling everything is fine.

Most of the stability issues involve eyefinity. Maybe because im at 7680 ?

Im about to give up on eyefinity for a while.

If you are O/C'ing you might find that you have to reduce clocks a bit with these drivers. Apparently they are pushing the GPU's a bit harder (increased efficiency) and making them unstable at clocks older drivers could run.
No overclocking yet. :(

I have a corsair AX 850 psu and am thinking of upgrading that even though it should be more than adequate.

Also seriously thinking about waterblocks. My top card runs up to about 94 and stays there. I know that they can supposedly do this but it makes me wonder how much some of the problems might be related to the constant heat.
14.3 still had them. 14.4 don't have the little black boxes but I get the random flash of a line or two on the screen, always the main screen. Normally only when web browsing on the second screen.