AMD ATI Radeon Dongle and GSOD Issues Addressed @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
AMD ATI Radeon Dongle and GSOD Issues Addressed - While most ATI Radeon 5800 series video card owners are having great experiences, there are some people out there that have issues with the technology. This article will hopefully let you know a little more about the issues and what is being done to address DP to DVI dongle problems and GSODs.
At least they seem to be on the ball in getting these issues resolved.
I don't have any of these issues with my eyefinity xfire system. Call it luck, call it what you want.

But I am very happy to see AMD/ATI working hard to make things right.

I am happy with the 10.2 drivers and looks like I will be even more happy when 10.3 comes out, I hope they make sure and do lots of testing before the release, this Hot fix thing is getting a little old.

Thanks for keeping us updated Kyle
I have not had any GSOD issues on my 5870. The only issue I am experiencing is the problem where dual-monitor users who try to use Overdrive to overclock experience a lot of screen flickering on the 2nd display, once Overdrive is enabled. This seems to be from broken PowerPlay profile usage that drops the GPU and memory speeds too low to power both displays.

Kyle, I sent you an email on this today. Any chance of getting a word from ATI on this?
Thanks for the article Kyle. I'm glad HardOCP and AMD took this GSOD issue seriously and went that extra mile to help those of us experiencing it. I've got a lot of respect for HardOCP, as well as AMD, and the fact that Kyle himself as well as an actual AMD representative got in touch with me over this really means a lot. I was pulling my hair out in frustration. Thanks again!
I myself have a 5870 with 2x 2407 ultra sharp monitors, and while I have yet to pick up a third monitor for a true eyefinity setup, the bugs I have experienced are keeping me from jumping feet first into it. I have had GSOD and screen blinking issues, but the most odd, was one screen was in color, while the other was in black & white (booting up both were in color), however if I swapped from DVI to a Displayport cable, it worked fine. I tried updating drivers and reinstalling the current drivers to no avail. I finally just did a clean reload of the OS and that fixed the issue.

I am however, glad to see AMD is at least trying to work through these issues, once resolved i will be picking up a third monitor and run it either display port or get a working passive DP to DVI adapter :) Thank you for making this post, I haven't been through the forums lately and I'm glad to see that I am not alone with these issues.
I had that problem too with my 5770, but basically are random freezing screens after some artifacts are displayed only on 2D, just sometimes I had GSOD. I was almost going to return my vid card, but thing got complicated, I was traveling out of home, I unninstalled the card, so my family that also uses the computer could be problem free. So I do not know if this 10.2 catalyst will fix my problem, I hope it does.
GSODs have been confirmed to happen on 48XX series cards too so I don't know how they intend to fix it for everyone.
GSODs have been confirmed to happen on 48XX series cards too so I don't know how they intend to fix it for everyone.

Can you confirm the cause to be the same and what is that cause? :p

The true GSOD that was seen on the 5800s cannot happen on the 4800 series. Now is there a symptom that is close to the same? Dunno. AMD is aware of the issues and looking into them.
Great followup article.

What's the consensus at AMD: software or hardware problem ?
Why couldnt of ATI just put THREE DVI connectors on their card? Or just run a single custom connector with a cable with three heads (unless matrox has a patent on that)?

Displayport hasnt hit the big time yet so why punish early adopters with that extra expenditure?

Thats just me thinking.
I have built about 10 computes with 5870's and one 5850. All the users with the computers they are in are pretty happy and i have not heard of any issues. i did have a grey screen early on but it has not been an issue for a couple months.
***Displayport hasnt hit the big time yet***
so why punish ***early adopters*** with that extra expenditure?


Aren't early adopters exactly the ones who would have a display port capable monitor? :D

I ordered a 5850 the other day and should get it tomorrow. With my luck I'll be one who gets the gray screen.
I'm running Eyefinity on 3 x 28 inch monitors. I had very infrequent problems with the monitor connected to the displayport to DVI adapter that I purchased through Dell at the same time the 5870 first became available. No problems since 10.1 drivers. 10.2 drivers rock steady as well. Progress is being made.
Looks like they missed someone here ;):
I'm talking about ones that end up affecting everyone.

ATi broke sleep mode in 10.1+HF+H.F. Two hotfixes-chance to fix it, but didn't...

Also, never acknowledged that they knew it was broken...

As long as you have a monitor attached to the card (100% of users), you were affected...

ATi's QA is... incompetent, at best...
Thanks Kyle. I know it's probably not possible for you to answer, but any idea when we might see a real fix for the GSOD problem? It is SERIOUSLY frustrating when three of the four games that I want to play are rendered unplayable because of an issue with the video card.

Borderlands - Lasts anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes
Mass Effect 2 - Lasts between 1 minute and 5 minutes
Left 4 Dead 2 - Lasts between 5 minutes and 30 minutes
Dragon Age: Origins - Works perfectly unless I alt-tab... returning to the game results in grey stripes.
Thanks Kyle for looking into this for us. I haven't had any problems yet, but my fingers are crossed regardless.
Looks like they missed someone here ;):

In regards to the sleep issue. I found that the problem ultimately with the sleep issue was in my BIOS. There one an option called REPOST on wake that was disabled and it broke sleep mode tho where it would wake up, but NOT play 3d games. After I enabled that setting, sleep mode worked fine...
I had tons of GSOD problems with my 5770 cards until I modified the default minimum voltage settings in the Catalyst ini file. Details can be found here:

That fix didn't work for some people, but it has worked great for me since early January. Now, they just need to fix the dual-screen flickering with Overdrive and I'll be a happy camper.
I am very irritated that AMD did not release the dongle as promised. I am pretty upset about being required to purchase a $100 adapter to get Eyefinity working. I understand it was my decision to purchase non-DP LCDs, but there is little choice when it comes to IPS panels. Eyefinity in Portrait is great, and that also limits the selection of LCDs.

AMD should send out a displayport adapter for all those who have problems. It may not do me any good now, but at least they'll have helped heal some wounds with the dongle issue. I held out for as long as possible, but with the supply issues and inflated prices, it was difficult enough trying to get a XFX 5850 for $300. Stinking nVidia.

I was initially holding out for Samsung's thin bezels which were a very appealing promise at 3 for $1000. I feel like Samsung is trying to take advantage of enthusiasts and AMD has let down users by leading us to believe there would be such an option.

It is not right for AMD to announce Samsung's thin bezel solution for $1k and then not uphold that. I cannot believe you are suggesting Dell's 2010H panels for $210 when the 2209wa ips is available for nearly the same price.
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I mentioned it in the other thread, but I feel I should reiterate here. I had GSOD issues. I however was able to fix them by replacing the incompatible RAM I had. Apparently, at least for me, it wasn't the card at all but simply a symptom of unstable memory. It kind of threw me as well, but that's what happened.
People running gigabyte motherboards should also update their BIOS!

if you have any issues that is, i loan away a PHII 940 GA790FX-DQ6 system to a friend, he recently bought a sapphire 5770 vapor-x card, and he had issues with HUGE pixelation in youtube, and a huge ass mice pointer.

Bios update fixed it all!

to find the fix i google'd around and everyone who had this issue were using gigabyte motherboards, x58, p55, 790FX, was all kinds of gigabyte boards!

may solve the problem for one or two users i hope.

Me myself havnt had any issues with ati except a dead fan on a 3870x2, they gave me a 4870 so i didnt complain
I'm glad that they are taking the GSOD issue seriously. I was very disappointed to finally make the jump over ATI after so many years only to be greeted with some of the most unstable drivers i've ever seen. I've had this new rig now for about a week, and only been able to play about 2-3 hours of actual games on it because of the issues. Sometimes I can play a full round of BCBF2, other times I load in, see flashing white squares then boom, gray screen, repeating sound and complete system lockup.

My only hope is that they solve it fairly quickly with the communities support. I don't mind cutting down on my gaming for a couple weeks, but it's going to get old really fast with all the new games coming out this year if they don't fix this in a timely fashion.
Why couldnt of ATI just put THREE DVI connectors on their card? Or just run a single custom connector with a cable with three heads (unless matrox has a patent on that)?

Displayport hasnt hit the big time yet so why punish early adopters with that extra expenditure?

Thats just me thinking.

because either you put 3 DVI outputs.. and get rid of the HDMI.. or you put in 2 with HDMI and display port.. do the math and the cost of having to add the 3rd dvi port.. its why even nvidia wont do it..
So the GSOD that I constantly see on my 4890, which looks and behaves EXACTLY the same as all the images and reports I've read on the 5 series, is not a true GSOD? Well that's a relief. I mean, that fixes everything. I wonder what it is then? You said it was a memory training issue on the 5 series. Great, so they've supposedly identified the problem on their latest cards. Now how about those of us who have had the problem (or one that that results in exactly the same behaviour) since before the 5 series even came out?

I'm waiting for AMD to finish "looking into it" on the 4xxx series, declare something along the lines of it's not a problem they can replicate, and come up with the solution "buy a new card." Ironically, I will be buying a new card... an nVidia one. I'd rather stab myself in the face than go through this rubbish with AMD again. It's great that nobody at [H] has had the issue... I wouldn't wish it on you... but for those of us who have had it for months and months and months and months, AMD finally acknowledging the problem (after a LONG period of deafening silence on the issue) and telling us they are "looking into it" is far too little, far too late. I for one have been waiting so long just for the acknowledgement of a problem that they lost me months ago. The only reason I'm still using it is because Fermi isn't out yet. I'm not about to waste more money on AMD when the 5 series has problems that still aren't fixed that result in the same GSOD. Besides which, I spent over $500 on my 4890. Why should I then have to spend any more just to get a working system? The supposed fix in the 10.2 drivers ending up being no fix whatsoever was the final nail in the coffin.

The way I feel right now is that I got completely ripped off and wasted my hard earned cash buying an AMD/ATi card (in my case a 4890). I can't even RMA the card as the shop I bought it from tries gaming for 2 minutes and tells me there's no problem with it. Awesome.

so dont go to the shop.. go to the source.. who ever the manufacture was that made the card.. i mean seriously.. other then retailers that do no hassle returns, its friggin pointless trying to return crap back to the retail stores..
So the GSOD that I constantly see on my 4890, which looks and behaves EXACTLY the same as all the images and reports I've read on the 5 series, is not a true GSOD? Well that's a relief. I mean, that fixes everything. I wonder what it is then? You said it was a memory training issue on the 5 series. Great, so they've supposedly identified the problem on their latest cards. Now how about those of us who have had the problem (or one that that results in exactly the same behaviour) since before the 5 series even came out?

I'm waiting for AMD to finish "looking into it" on the 4xxx series, declare something along the lines of it's not a problem they can replicate, and come up with the solution "buy a new card." Ironically, I will be buying a new card... an nVidia one. I'd rather stab myself in the face than go through this rubbish with AMD again. It's great that nobody at [H] has had the issue... I wouldn't wish it on you... but for those of us who have had it for months and months and months and months, AMD finally acknowledging the problem (after a LONG period of deafening silence on the issue) and telling us they are "looking into it" is far too little, far too late. I for one have been waiting so long just for the acknowledgement of a problem that they lost me months ago. The only reason I'm still using it is because Fermi isn't out yet. I'm not about to waste more money on AMD when the 5 series has problems that still aren't fixed that result in the same GSOD. Besides which, I spent over $500 on my 4890. Why should I then have to spend any more just to get a working system? The supposed fix in the 10.2 drivers ending up being no fix whatsoever was the final nail in the coffin.

The way I feel right now is that I got completely ripped off and wasted my hard earned cash buying an AMD/ATi card (in my case a 4890). I can't even RMA the card as the shop I bought it from tries gaming for 2 minutes and tells me there's no problem with it. Awesome.

Listen to what I am saying. Your symptom might be the same, but is it NOT related to the GSOD issue that was found to be caused by the memory training issue with 5800. I am simply pointing out that they are not the same issue. 10.2 solved the memory training issue, but obviously there are other causes of the GSOD, hence 10.2 not fixing it.

What has Support had to say from the company that made your card? NOT where you purchased.

I will bring AMD's attention to this post.

And for the record, I had a 4890 in my personal machine for a long time without any issues.
Maybe he bought the system from the shop instead of just the card?
Good to see AMD is paying attention to the issues here -- especially since I'm experiencing both the dongle and GSOD issues and have been troubleshooting since October.

I installed 10.2 on Saturday and haven't seen a GSOD since (knock on wood). Now, I've just gotta get this dongle problem fixed.

Thanks to [H] for collating the issues/solutions and following up on this -- will save some people from having to page through quite a few unhelpful forum pages.
The only grey screens I ever encountered were when the monitor would fail to power down with the newer cats prior to 10.2. After 10.2, the screen powers down successfully. I haven't run into any issues while gaming.

Nice article Kyle, thanks for the update.
sorry if this has been addressed in other posts but I didn't see it....

Most of the 5 series cards I have looked at have dual DVI, DP and HDMI. Can you use the two dvi and the HDMI port for the third monitor? I believe my 4870 disables a dvi when you use the hdmi, but I wasn't sure if that was because it only has 2 outputs. if the 5 series disables a dvi when you use hdmi, can you use a DP to hdmi adapter without issues? or does this have the same problem as using a dp to dvi? If you can use a dp to hdmi does it have to be a "Validated" one or can you use a cheapo one...monoprice has dp to hdmi adapters for $9.50.

When I initially got my XFX 5850, I had all types of issues in Win Vista Ultimate. Then finally one day I said let me upgrade, and I switched to Win 7 Pro. I had no real problems playing Aion afterward, but I did notice that some of the text in game would be corrupt. I just ignored it as I was more than happy with the speed increase from my old card. I figured it was immature drivers, and heck I have a lifetime warranty so I'll live :). This was using the 9's drivers.

Then I installed the 10.1 cats. Most evil drivers ever! When you click "Play Now" button on the launcher for Aion, it flashes to a grey screen, then a static pic, then grey screen, and then login screen. Well that's what it USED to do. After 10.1 it went Launcher- grey and dead.

I couldn't play at in my TV/monitor's native resolution 1920x1080 using the HDMI cable. I discovered that if I went to a crappy widescreen resolution like 1360x768 then I could miraculously login and play. I discovered this because that's the game "default settings" without Anti-Aliasing after I had held the power button on my comp 3 or 4 times in a row to try to get the game to start. I thought the whole PC had locked up as you cannot CTRL-ALT-DEL out of it.

After I finally got the game to start, I was chatting to my buddy, and he commented it sounded more like drivers. Since I got the monitor in January, I hadn't really paid much attention to it other than to set the colors and play Aion. For the heck of it, I flipped through the HDMI sources and discovered that my PC isn't actually locked up; but the HDMI signal seems to have died and GSOD. Flipping through the 3 inputs and coming back to Input 1 brings up Aion and I can play.

So my question to ATI is what causes it? The 10.1's were atrocious. The 10.2's are kinda funny at times; the same Aion loading screen now takes 3x as much time as the screen flickers grey. It's like the drivers are trying to page the videocard, but the videocard is like FU. Remember my Aion goes "Play Now"- grey- static pic- grey- login. With 10.2's I get "Play Now"- grey seizures- 30% chance at static after long ass wait - grey death. When I get the GSOD, I flip through the HDMI inputs and play the game with the corrupted text.

If you'll think that RMA'ing the videocard will fix the problem then I'm all for it. Just hope it's quick as I'm co-GM of the largest legion on a server. But at this point, I just hope my remote's batteries never die, as I may never be able to play Aion again lol.

TV/monitor is a VIZIO VL320M. Acer in my sig was sold long ago...

No other installed games as I live in the boonies and it took me 4 days to download Aion again.

AMD is finally taking this problem seriously. THANK GOD!

And FINALLY Kyle is willing to talk about it and address it. If this was Nvidia with the problem, they would be plastered all over the place for it.
And FINALLY Kyle is willing to talk about it and address it. If this was Nvidia with the problem, they would be plastered all over the place for it.
Kyle stated he and none @ [H]ardOCP suffered the problem. It took AMD awhile to even see it. I know it isn't fun for those with the problem, but the number of affected cards must be small and they are trying to fix the problem.
Just registered to post that 10.2 did not solve my issues - rather made it worse, if any: now my 5870 does not "recover" itself like it did before.
And FINALLY Kyle is willing to talk about it and address it. If this was Nvidia with the problem, they would be plastered all over the place for it.

This comment made me nearly piss my pants with laughter.

Kyle and the [H] are one of the few sites out there now that I believe is truly 100% unbiased. They don't give a shit who the manufacturer is as long as it's the fastest and they play favorites to no one.

Thanks for the update Kyle. Good to know AMD isn't letting this fall on deaf ears. Hopefully they learn from some of the snafu's leading to these issues and don't let them happen again in the future.
These solutions are being targeted at the sub-$30 e-tail/retail market and will be for "single-link" DVI displays

so this would be all i need for a 1920x1200 monitor?